California Governor Gavin Newsom is launching a new fund to help women that need to travel here for reproductive care

True but in a state with the nation’s largest homeless population, you’d think the governor would do something about that first.

Many homeless choose to be. Many others it comes down to health care again. An inability to access proper mental health care.
Many homeless choose to be. Many others it comes down to health care again. An inability to access proper mental health care.
Agreed and you’d think the governor would do something to help these people, before helping those from out-of-state.
I never said anything about starving so I will dismiss that. Many can not get the proper care a pregnant woman should get.

Yes, when she is about to give birth all women can get immediate care but that is not what we were discussing. We were discussing proper pre-natal care.

Did you even read the OP? It's not about "pre-natal care", "reproductive care", or "women's health."

It's about the state of California helping women to murder their unborn children.
Did you even read the OP? It's not about "pre-natal care", "reproductive care", or "women's health."

I didn't say it was but the comments I replied to most certainly were.

It's about the state of California helping women to murder their unborn children.

So is refusing to address the health care needs of pregnant women. It's why many choose to abort.
I didn't say it was but the comments I replied to most certainly were.

So is refusing to address the health care needs of pregnant women. It's why many choose to abort.

Refusing to address the health care need of herself and the baby she's carrying is not a valid choice. It's murder.

Nobody is being refused medical care in this country.
Got their number?
They are smarter. More intellectual. We were told this over and over. And yet the poverty persists. Those screwed over by them will watch areas become destroyed. Crops will not grow, and blight will affect the hinterlands with the ignorant and arrogant from those regions who destroy men and women. Just like the urban areas. Anyone experiencing it knows. The government law and political systems have set it up to bring the worst to themselves eventually. The money will decrease at some point.
They are smarter. More intellectual. We were told this over and over. And yet the poverty persists. Those screwed over by them will watch areas become destroyed. Crops will not grow, and blight will affect the hinterlands with the ignorant and arrogant from those regions who destroy men and women. Just like the urban areas. Anyone experiencing it knows. The government law and political systems have set it up to bring the worst to themselves eventually. The money will decrease at some point.
It always does yet that has not a damn thing to do with abortion access.
$20 Million isn't very much, how many dames will they be able to fly in from Oklahoma or Ohio and put up in a hotel for a week with that paultry amount? I suppose it might provide some jobs in their growing Abortion Industry, but not really that many.

Newsome could really do something if they guaranteed every knocked up broad an opportunity to come to California for this.

The state might save money too, a lot of the gals are likely to want to say and live in California permanently.
So your complaint is that he isn't helping enough...

Ever consider the people wqho caused the problem
So your complaint is that he isn't helping enough...

Ever consider the people wqho caused the problem

Is there a "problem" here? This is about boosting California's Abortion Industry and to get the state's abortion mills operating 3 shifts a day.
California has PLENTY of money to throw away on this nonsense. There is always more when they raise taxes.
True but in a state with the nation’s largest homeless population, you’d think the governor would do something about that first.
He should just make it illegal to homeless, that is what they did in Florida...

Hey Presto, No annoying homeless to deal with...
That's good. Women need "reproductive care" when they're going to give birth to a baby. A pregnant woman should be closely monitored for her safety, as well as the safety of the baby. She should consult with nutrition experts too, in order to maintain her health, as well as the development of her child.

Oh wait... This isn't about "reproductive care", is it? It's about murdering the baby.
Reproductive care = "Don't want children? Use birth control".

Any woman stupid enough to believe that "reproductive care" means anything but the above is an insult to womanhood. Those are the ones who only have the intellect required to make sammiches and babies.
While Republican leaders across the nation strip away women’s freedom, California is here to help.

Bravo to Governor Newsom.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I hope a lot of women come here to California to abort.

With each abortion, that means one less possible robber or sucker puncher or looter or rapist or murderer may be born.

And one less traumatized victim.
While Republican leaders across the nation strip away women’s freedom, California is here to help.

No woman's freedom has been stripped away from them.

No person in our country has ever had the right to kill another.
I never said anything about starving so I will dismiss that. Many can not get the proper care a pregnant woman should get.

Yes, when she is about to give birth all women can get immediate care but that is not what we were discussing. We were discussing proper pre-natal care.
No woman is being denied pre-natal care.

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