California has a lot of water, as always.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
To hear the Democrats cry and moan, you would think we are dying of thirst here in California. But the fact is that the "crisis" is literally created by the Democrat Politicians.

The Politicians for the last 5 years or more, have been reducing the amount of water delivered to the farmers, under the guise to save the Delta Smelt, using false studies and classifying the Smelt as some sort of special Delta Smelt to protect it, thus giving them an excuse to stop delivering water to the Farmers. So they then allowed the Farmers to draw water from the aquifers. Now, after years the aquifers are getting low, as the politicians planned, and now the Democrats are screaming drought (in a desert?).

The Politicians are created the problem so they can say they are right about global warming.

It is no different than the Democrats using all the Oil to manufacture millions of Wind Turbines, and millions upon millions of Solar Panels, the Democrats are trying to use all our Fossil Fuel simply so they can say they were right about peak oil.

The Democrats have forced the Farmers to use the water from the Aquifers, now they can claim there is a problem.

What else have the Democrats done to squander water?

Building and installing millions of Solar Panels has squandered water, do the Democrats acknowledge this?

Building Wind Farms squanders more water, do the Democrats acknowledge this?

Do the Demorats build desalinization plants? No, they do everything in their power to prevent this.

The Democrats simply create problems and blame Global Warming, why?

Because it will take over $46 Trillion Dollars to fix the problem they create in which they will blame on Capitalism.

You see, it is only Socialism (Marxism) that works, and Democrats are the only ones smart enough to be the ones in charge of implementing the solution.
California IS suffering from a drought. The progs aren't responsible for that. The snow pack IS 25% of "average". There is no doubt of that. The progs, through misuse of legislation have caused the problem to be worse than it is.

You can't blame the drought on them. You can blame the idiotic actions they are taking for making it worse however.
California IS suffering from a drought. The progs aren't responsible for that. The snow pack IS 25% of "average". There is no doubt of that. The progs, through misuse of legislation have caused the problem to be worse than it is.

You can't blame the drought on them. You can blame the idiotic actions they are taking for making it worse however.

California is always in a drought, its the Desert!

You can not deny the Democrats diverted water to building Solar and Wind Farms, that takes millions upon millions of gallons of water, unaccounted or admitted to.

You can not deny that the Democrats forced the farmers to draw from the aquifers by restricting the water delivered to them from the Delta.

This is not the worst "drought" I have seen, we got another 4 years to go before we reach that point.

Who cares about the Snow Pack, it is not the first time, nor will it be the last time we have a light snow pack. Further its a bit premature to declare the Rain Season as over. But either way, it is the Democrats that are using the Water at an extreme rate, to give us Solar and Wind Farms, which do nothing to solve our energy problem, at the same time they increase our water use.

California is a desert, where we grow the food, the Central Valley, is always dry, it is man which turned the desert of the Central Valley into farmland, not nature.

Its called aqueducts and reservoirs.

The Democrats let all the water run to the Ocean for years, now they claim it was nature that caused the problem. It is not that the Democrats made a problem worst, it is that the Democrats are the problem.

Still, given how sure you are of yourself in your post, I am surprised you did not bring up the Democrats solution to the crisis (sarcasm intended).

I doubt you even knew that they have a $50 Billion Twin Tunnel project as the solution, but first they got to sell it to the gullible, by telling you, that we only have a drop of water left.

First the Democrats divert all the water they can, use all the water they can, and then scream and cry drought in a climate that is by definition always in the state of drought.

California's Central Valley, is desert. The misuse of words advances Socialism.

Frequently Asked Questions Stop the Tunnels

4. Who would pay for these tunnels?
The construction, financing, operation and environmental mitigation of these tunnels is estimated to cost over $50 billion. The Governor’s figure of $14 billion is a low estimate for solely the cost of construction. It is estimated that water ratepayers in southern California would be responsible for paying 25 to 75 percent of the construction and operation costs of the tunnels. Ratepayers in Los Angeles alone could see their water bills skyrocket to pay $1.6 to $6 billion toward the tunnels, despite the fact that Los Angeles will import less water from the Bay Delta.
Corporate agriculture interests would also pay, but at a much cheaper rate. Southern California ratepayers and California taxpayers already subsidize water for Westlands and Kern, and these tunnels would make that subsidy much larger. Finally, California taxpayers could be on the hook for $3 to 5 billion of environmental cleanup and mitigation costs.
California IS suffering from a drought. The progs aren't responsible for that. The snow pack IS 25% of "average". There is no doubt of that. The progs, through misuse of legislation have caused the problem to be worse than it is.

You can't blame the drought on them. You can blame the idiotic actions they are taking for making it worse however.
25%? How about 31%, no sense in making things seem worst than they are, huh.

25%, that was back in January.

Good thing they are predicting rain this coming week. I just hope the next 5 months of the Rainy Season is not as dry as the Democrats are praying for.
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Ban agriculture in the state of California. There's plenty of food to go around. That's why we export it by the millions of tons on a monthly basis.

Oh- and that 58 million acres of corn that is grown exclusively for ethanol? :lol:

But let's not forget... God made an Ass Fucking Farmer.
California IS suffering from a drought. The progs aren't responsible for that. The snow pack IS 25% of "average". There is no doubt of that. The progs, through misuse of legislation have caused the problem to be worse than it is.

You can't blame the drought on them. You can blame the idiotic actions they are taking for making it worse however.

California is always in a drought, its the Desert!

You can not deny the Democrats diverted water to building Solar and Wind Farms, that takes millions upon millions of gallons of water, unaccounted or admitted to.

You can not deny that the Democrats forced the farmers to draw from the aquifers by restricting the water delivered to them from the Delta.

This is not the worst "drought" I have seen, we got another 4 years to go before we reach that point.

Who cares about the Snow Pack, it is not the first time, nor will it be the last time we have a light snow pack. Further its a bit premature to declare the Rain Season as over. But either way, it is the Democrats that are using the Water at an extreme rate, to give us Solar and Wind Farms, which do nothing to solve our energy problem, at the same time they increase our water use.

California is a desert, where we grow the food, the Central Valley, is always dry, it is man which turned the desert of the Central Valley into farmland, not nature.

Its called aqueducts and reservoirs.

The Democrats let all the water run to the Ocean for years, now they claim it was nature that caused the problem. It is not that the Democrats made a problem worst, it is that the Democrats are the problem.

Still, given how sure you are of yourself in your post, I am surprised you did not bring up the Democrats solution to the crisis (sarcasm intended).

I doubt you even knew that they have a $50 Billion Twin Tunnel project as the solution, but first they got to sell it to the gullible, by telling you, that we only have a drop of water left.

First the Democrats divert all the water they can, use all the water they can, and then scream and cry drought in a climate that is by definition always in the state of drought.

California's Central Valley, is desert. The misuse of words advances Socialism.

Frequently Asked Questions Stop the Tunnels

4. Who would pay for these tunnels?
The construction, financing, operation and environmental mitigation of these tunnels is estimated to cost over $50 billion. The Governor’s figure of $14 billion is a low estimate for solely the cost of construction. It is estimated that water ratepayers in southern California would be responsible for paying 25 to 75 percent of the construction and operation costs of the tunnels. Ratepayers in Los Angeles alone could see their water bills skyrocket to pay $1.6 to $6 billion toward the tunnels, despite the fact that Los Angeles will import less water from the Bay Delta.
Corporate agriculture interests would also pay, but at a much cheaper rate. Southern California ratepayers and California taxpayers already subsidize water for Westlands and Kern, and these tunnels would make that subsidy much larger. Finally, California taxpayers could be on the hook for $3 to 5 billion of environmental cleanup and mitigation costs.

No, SOUTHERN California is a desert. Northern California is temperate. How the hell do you think those Giant Sequoia's grew there? The Central Valley is desert up to about Fresno. North of that the rainfall increases. Further the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains, while desert, DO generate orographic precipitation so are probably no longer arid enough to be considered desert. I just haven't bothered to check.
California IS suffering from a drought. The progs aren't responsible for that. The snow pack IS 25% of "average". There is no doubt of that. The progs, through misuse of legislation have caused the problem to be worse than it is.

You can't blame the drought on them. You can blame the idiotic actions they are taking for making it worse however.
25%? How about 31%, no sense in making things seem worst than they are, huh.

25%, that was back in January.

Good thing they are predicting rain this coming week. I just hope the next 5 months of the Rainy Season is not as dry as the Democrats are praying for.

Try again. Normally you and I are in agreement but you're way off base here....

March 3, 2015
Doug Carlson, Information Officer

(916) 653-5114
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Elizabeth Scott, Information Officer

(916) 712-3904
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Ted Thomas, Information Officer

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Nature’s Mountain Snowpack “Reservoir” Still Lacking;
Third Manual Survey Confirms Shrinking Water Content

The Sierra Nevada snowpack, which Californians rely on heavily during the dry
summer months for their water needs, continues to disappoint this winter. Despite the snowfall in the
Sierra Nevada Range over the weekend that gladdened ski and snowboard enthusiasts, it was not
enough to offset weeks with no snow at all.
Today’s manual survey by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) at the Phillips snow course in the mountains 90 miles east of Sacramento found 0.9 inches of water content in the snow, just 5 percent of the March 3 historical average for that site. Electronic readings by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) today indicate the water content of the northern Sierra snowpack is 4.4 inches, 16 percent of average for the date. The central and southern Sierra readings were 5.5 inches (20 percent of average) and 5 inches (22 percent) respectively.
California IS suffering from a drought. The progs aren't responsible for that. The snow pack IS 25% of "average". There is no doubt of that. The progs, through misuse of legislation have caused the problem to be worse than it is.

You can't blame the drought on them. You can blame the idiotic actions they are taking for making it worse however.

California is always in a drought, its the Desert!

You can not deny the Democrats diverted water to building Solar and Wind Farms, that takes millions upon millions of gallons of water, unaccounted or admitted to.

You can not deny that the Democrats forced the farmers to draw from the aquifers by restricting the water delivered to them from the Delta.

This is not the worst "drought" I have seen, we got another 4 years to go before we reach that point.

Who cares about the Snow Pack, it is not the first time, nor will it be the last time we have a light snow pack. Further its a bit premature to declare the Rain Season as over. But either way, it is the Democrats that are using the Water at an extreme rate, to give us Solar and Wind Farms, which do nothing to solve our energy problem, at the same time they increase our water use.

California is a desert, where we grow the food, the Central Valley, is always dry, it is man which turned the desert of the Central Valley into farmland, not nature.

Its called aqueducts and reservoirs.

The Democrats let all the water run to the Ocean for years, now they claim it was nature that caused the problem. It is not that the Democrats made a problem worst, it is that the Democrats are the problem.

Still, given how sure you are of yourself in your post, I am surprised you did not bring up the Democrats solution to the crisis (sarcasm intended).

I doubt you even knew that they have a $50 Billion Twin Tunnel project as the solution, but first they got to sell it to the gullible, by telling you, that we only have a drop of water left.

First the Democrats divert all the water they can, use all the water they can, and then scream and cry drought in a climate that is by definition always in the state of drought.

California's Central Valley, is desert. The misuse of words advances Socialism.

Frequently Asked Questions Stop the Tunnels

4. Who would pay for these tunnels?
The construction, financing, operation and environmental mitigation of these tunnels is estimated to cost over $50 billion. The Governor’s figure of $14 billion is a low estimate for solely the cost of construction. It is estimated that water ratepayers in southern California would be responsible for paying 25 to 75 percent of the construction and operation costs of the tunnels. Ratepayers in Los Angeles alone could see their water bills skyrocket to pay $1.6 to $6 billion toward the tunnels, despite the fact that Los Angeles will import less water from the Bay Delta.
Corporate agriculture interests would also pay, but at a much cheaper rate. Southern California ratepayers and California taxpayers already subsidize water for Westlands and Kern, and these tunnels would make that subsidy much larger. Finally, California taxpayers could be on the hook for $3 to 5 billion of environmental cleanup and mitigation costs.

No, SOUTHERN California is a desert. Northern California is temperate. How the hell do you think those Giant Sequoia's grew there? The Central Valley is desert up to about Fresno. North of that the rainfall increases. Further the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains, while desert, DO generate orographic precipitation so are probably no longer arid enough to be considered desert. I just haven't bothered to check.
So maybe California won't be broken off by an earthquake and drift out to sea.

Instead it'll just turn to dust and be blown out to sea.

OK, now where's the downside for the rest of the country in that?
The central valley has zero Seqouias?
So maybe California won't be broken off by an earthquake and drift out to sea.

Instead it'll just turn to dust and be blown out to sea.

OK, now where's the downside for the rest of the country in that?
California was in the sea before it collided with the north american plate, the San Gabriel mountains grow 2 inches taller a year. In a million years, theories will change a 100 times.
I bet you are just watering the hell out of your lawn, taking long assed showers, letting the hose run while washing your car, elektra. Amirite?
The central valley has zero Seqouias?
So maybe California won't be broken off by an earthquake and drift out to sea.

Instead it'll just turn to dust and be blown out to sea.

OK, now where's the downside for the rest of the country in that?
California was in the sea before it collided with the north american plate, the San Gabriel mountains grow 2 inches taller a year. In a million years, theories will change a 100 times.

Those big, funny mountains to the east of the Central Valley have sequoia's. They are 35 miles as the crow flies from the central valley. Parts of Cali are rising even faster, the area between Ventura and Carpinteria is some of the most rapidly rising real estate in the world at over 7 inches per year.

Current theory says that the western section of Cali (that part west of the San Andreas Fault system) will be accreted to the south coast of Alaska in about 5 million years.
Current theory says that the western section of Cali (that part west of the San Andreas Fault system) will be accreted to the south coast of Alaska in about 5 million years.

And you can bet your ass Californians will be demanding Alaska pay for all the new highway signs.

Screw that. The UN is going to demand Cali pay reparations to the Juan De Fuca Plate!
No, SOUTHERN California is a desert. Northern California is temperate. How the hell do you think those Giant Sequoia's grew there? The Central Valley is desert up to about Fresno. North of that the rainfall increases. Further the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains, while desert, DO generate orographic precipitation so are probably no longer arid enough to be considered desert. I just haven't bothered to check.
I am way off base, with what, be specific.

Westwall, you used January's figure for the Snow Pack, not March. That is way off base.

Westwall, you describe the Central Valley as ending in Fresno, it continues up to Redding, all dry desert, with the Delta as
as maybe the exception.

central valley california.jpg

Westwall, I guess you want to play, "Go Fish", with Google. I guess you side with the Progs in Government, and accept what they dictate, either way its 31% of average in the middle of the Rainy season. Further my Squaw Valley quote of 32" of snow certainly makes your post seem very biased.
When taking into account California's 103 automated stations, only 1991 had a lower early-March statewide mountain snow water content (18 percent of average) than what was measured Tuesday (19 percent of average). In early March 2014, the snow water content was 31 percent of average.

Winter Storm Thor brought over a foot of snow to the Sierra this past weekend. Squaw Valley tallied 32 inches of new snow

Westwall, that is 3 strikes. And I will go on, the snowpack is kind of a partial truth, what if it snowed and that snow has melted, as it has. Is that water wasted? Not at all we have a system in place to transfer that snow pack that has melted to reservoirs as well as to the farms, but are we doing that? I don't think so, we are protecting the non-endangered smelt that we will call the endangered Delta Smelt.

The Government is hardly a source to be trusted, not when their $100k plus a year jobs are on the line, not when they have $46 Trillion in Renewable Energy favors to hand out, I bet banks will actually donate money to the campaigns of politicians. What about the $50 Billion dollar Twin Tunnels project, why is there literally zero news reported? Why is that not part of your post.

I specifically asked you Westwall, if you had heard of the Twin Tunnels and if so, why is not part of your post.

Yes, somebody is way off base here, using the Sequoias and Fresno to make a point is hardly on base, being off on the snowpack and not acknowledging that we have had run off from the Sierras is way off base.

Everything I posted is fact, not exaggerated. I could dig up the city that historically has the most rainfall in the USA, just about every year, that city is in California.

I could point out (and just did) the three years of record Grape Harvests, or I could go take pictures of Southern California sod farms and hayfields being watered.

I could also mention the incredible waste of water developing solar and wind farms.

The Central Valley is only sufferings politics. California will only run out of water because the Democrats turned off the water.

We have plenty of water to fill our reservoirs, its a matter of choice, a political choice, nothing more.
I bet you are just watering the hell out of your lawn, taking long assed showers, letting the hose run while washing your car, elektra. Amirite?
I aint got a lawn, I live at 34900 Benton rd, hemet California, google map it. I am at about 3100 ft, on the eastern side of the San Jacinto moutains, or Santa Rosa mountains, Red Mountain specifically. This picture was taken just before Christmas, the snow only stuck around for two days, last year we had no snow, not because of no rain but because the cold days did not match up with the rainy days.

Those are Oak trees, they are just around the creek, in the foreground are Eucalyptus trees. They are doing great, on top of my leech field for my septic tank.

I am on a well. I watered the Oak trees last summer and in the fall, they got dry. But that is how it has always been, that is why we have the lone General Sherman in Temecula. My truck, I have not washed in months, the dealer did wash it when I took it in for service. I flush when I shit, not when I piss. My family of four flushes only when we shit.

Bigots stereotype people, were you joking or are you a bigot.
hemet ca.jpg
Bigot? Because I was born and raised in Bakersfield, fondly called BAKES? That I now live on the central coast and today it was 85 fucking degrees for the past 2 months and we are on water watch, nor can anyone buy land here to build a home because it won't pass the permit due to WATER shortage and all homes need PLUMBING?
Sure it snowed a bit this winter. BUT NOT ENOUGH for a good melt to fill damns, rivers, lakes.
Are you an idiot?
Those big, funny mountains to the east of the Central Valley have sequoia's. They are 35 miles as the crow flies from the central valley. Parts of Cali are rising even faster, the area between Ventura and Carpinteria is some of the most rapidly rising real estate in the world at over 7 inches per year.

Current theory says that the western section of Cali (that part west of the San Andreas Fault system) will be accreted to the south coast of Alaska in about 5 million years.
That is right, East of, not in, last I checked they are all fine or are you arguing they are dying from drought or do you think they grow the pistachios next to them?

How about the Sequoias on the Coast? In northern California? We call those Redwoods but technically, they are Sequoias.

The half life of scientific theories is about 50 years. Just 50 years ago there was no theory of Plate Tectonics, will the theory be the same for a million years? You could read John McPhee's Annals of a Former World or Assembling California.

Go Fish!

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