California Noticed That The Second Amendment Provides No Right To Ammunition

This petty effort is dead in the water.
Libs propose unconstitutional gun control laws...guns and ammo sales skyrocket

Libs pass unconstitutional gun control laws...guns and ammo sales skyrocket

SCOTUS strikes down unconstitutional gun control laws...repeat ^^^
Gun control advocates are launching a new regulatory push in California to impose first-in-the-nation instant background checks for ammunition sales, a move that comes as gun violence surfaces as a lightning rod issue in the 2016 presidential race.

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democratic candidate for governor in 2018, joined with the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence in announcing the initiative last week.

The November 2016 ballot initiative, which already is being slammed by the National Rifle Association and other gun rights groups, would make changes on several fronts.

It would require owners to turn in "large-capacity" magazines -- those holding 11 rounds or more -- and report when their weapons are stolen. Perhaps the most controversial provision would handle ammo sales like gun sales by requiring "point-of-sale background checks" for ammunition purchases; dealers also would need a license similar to those required to sell firearms.

As New York has backed off a similar initiative, California would be the first state to enact such background checks, if the initiative is successful. Four states -- Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts and New Jersey -- require ammunition purchasers to obtain permits ahead of time, according to the initiative's supporters.

The proposal comes in the wake of high-profile killings nationwide and three in the San Francisco Bay Area that were tied to stolen guns.

"Stuff doesn't just have to happen," Newsom said last week, responding to comments by Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush about a recent mass shooting on an Oregon college campus. "We have the ability to step in with some common sense. We have the ability to protect our families."

But the National Rifle Association said Newsom's effort would chip away at Second Amendment rights.

Top California official pushes ammo background checks

So, since the Second Amendment says nothing about a right to ammunition or large-capacity magazines, it looks like California may be on to something. We shall see...

You idiots will try anything. That's like saying you can buy a car but not gasoline.
The far left wants abortion....wants no compromise.

The far right wants total gun access....wants no compromise.

I love listening to the two of them squeal at each other about how wrong they are on each issue.

When, in many ways, it's really the same issue.

Perceived rights.

The difference being is one is guaranteed in the Constitution, the other is not.

So is it really the same issue?
Gun registration is totally constitutional .

If it was, you ninnies would have required it decades, even centuries ago and wouldn't have to still be doing your incrementalist "camels nose under the tent" schtick. Hell, it took the NRA to get lots of people to submit to defacto registration in exchange for government permission to carry a concealed firearm.
Lakkoka is still smarting the white man had repeating rifles

The Indians at the Little Bighorn were better armed than the US soldiers were.

Learn some history.

You mention one battle without looking at the overall picture. While the Indians won that battle, they lost overall or they wouldn't be whining about the white man taking their land.
Some sort of 'Ammo License' is likely coming. I hate to say it, but it is. And the rest of the proposals are absurd.

Some sort of 'Ammo License' is likely coming. I hate to say it, but it is. And the rest of the proposals are absurd.

It's a violation of the 2nd Amendment. I realize the Nazi gun control fanatics are going to pursue it, but it remains to be seen whether they will succeed.

They got background checks for firearms, they'll get it for ammo too.
Make CA a sanctuary state.. then we just send all the beaners there and let the fun begin... watch the whole thing just implode.

A gun is not arms. A loaded gun is. We don't have a constitutional right to bear paperweights.

Newsom is pandering to the radical left in his bid to become dictator of California. This idiocy would last about 5 minutes in court. No one seriously thinks they can get away with it, it's just raw meat to the snarling Communists who will pack behind Gavin Tse Tung.
Background checks for Ammo purchases, is a realistic option. Many States will likely require it in the future. You'll probably have to provide proof you're legally able to purchase the ammunition. You'll have an 'Ammo License' of some sort. The rest of the proposals are a big NO-GO for me.

and how will that do one thing to stop gun crime or mass is not a realistic is a joke.......aimed at our Rights.

I'm just saying many States are gonna implement the checks. It is gonna happen. They did it with firearms, they'll do it with ammo.
Make CA a sanctuary state.. then we just send all the beaners there and let the fun begin... watch the whole thing just implode.

Better yet, give California back to those it was stolen from.

CA wasn't stolen from anyone dumbass... it was obtained for $15,000,000 pursuant to the
Make CA a sanctuary state.. then we just send all the beaners there and let the fun begin... watch the whole thing just implode.

Better yet, give California back to those it was stolen from.

CA was obtained for $15,000,000 pursuant to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the Mexican-American War.

Nobody stole anything..

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