California Noticed That The Second Amendment Provides No Right To Ammunition

The far left wants abortion....wants no compromise.

The far right wants total gun access....wants no compromise.

I love listening to the two of them squeal at each other about how wrong they are on each issue.

When, in many ways, it's really the same issue.

Perceived rights.

Except the right to bear arms has it's own Constitutional Amendment.
Nowhere in the Constitution is there specific language for abortion.

I get your point though, and I've mentioned it myself many times.
The left goes nuts when there's any call for restrictions to abortion.
We on the right in turn get very nervous when calls for gun restrictions are made.
The air tasers I own fire many many tiny bits that identify the owner. Seems like we could do something similar with ammo.

Law abiding gun owners want to keep guns away from criminals, terrorists, crazies and illegals.

Gun nutters don't.
Gun registration is totally constitutional . In the flip side , you couldn't ban ammunition . That would violate the 2nd .

Looks like the left is learning from the right and their bogus laws designed to eliminate abortion in Texas .

The fucking left never learns a damn thing. This won't stick and anyone with an ounce of sense knows it

How do u figure?

Compare it to voting laws that require registration And specific state ID to vote . Republicans are really big on that .
Some sort of 'Ammo License' is likely coming. I hate to say it, but it is. And the rest of the proposals are absurd.
The far left wants abortion....wants no compromise.

The far right wants total gun access....wants no compromise.

I love listening to the two of them squeal at each other about how wrong they are on each issue.

When, in many ways, it's really the same issue.

Perceived rights.

Except the right to bear arms has it's own Constitutional Amendment.
Nowhere in the Constitution is there specific language for abortion.

I get your point though, and I've mentioned it myself many times.
The left goes nuts when there's any call for restrictions to abortion.
We on the right in turn get very nervous when calls for gun restrictions are made.

There should never ever be "restrictions" on the ownership and control of one's own body but if the right actually believed in the value of fetuses, they would not fight against feeding children or saving their lives.
Gun registration is totally constitutional . In the flip side , you couldn't ban ammunition . That would violate the 2nd .

Looks like the left is learning from the right and their bogus laws designed to eliminate abortion in Texas .

They're not proposing banning ammunition. They're proposing requiring background checks to purchase it. And i think that is where we're headed.

Glad I don't buy ammo, I make my own

The Second Amendment only guarantees a right to what was in existence when it was written.

Some sort of 'Ammo License' is likely coming. I hate to say it, but it is. And the rest of the proposals are absurd.

Some sort of 'Ammo License' is likely coming. I hate to say it, but it is. And the rest of the proposals are absurd.

It's a violation of the 2nd Amendment. I realize the Nazi gun control fanatics are going to pursue it, but it remains to be seen whether they will succeed.
The Second Amendment says nothing about guns or firearms - just "bear arms"...

That is dumber than hell. Right to unfettered access to ammo is inherent in the second amendment. Otherwise it would be meaningless. That's like saying you have a right to an abortion but all forceps are now illegal.

Leftists exhibit a special kind of stupid sometimes.

Or you have a right to speech but you can't have access to electronic devices, paper or pens........
Gun registration is totally constitutional . In the flip side , you couldn't ban ammunition . That would violate the 2nd .

Looks like the left is learning from the right and their bogus laws designed to eliminate abortion in Texas .

No, gun registratin is not constitutional....see Haynes v. Untied States.....that will nullify any attempt at gun registration except if the court ignores reality.
That is dumber than hell. Right to unfettered access to ammo is inherent in the second amendment. Otherwise it would be meaningless. That's like saying you have a right to an abortion but all forceps are now illegal.

Leftists exhibit a special kind of stupid sometimes.

Or you have a right to speech but you can't have access to electronic devices, paper or pens........

Speech is still speech. "Bear Arms" ain't the same.
Background checks for Ammo purchases, is a realistic option. Many States will likely require it in the future. You'll probably have to provide proof you're legally able to purchase the ammunition. You'll have an 'Ammo License' of some sort. The rest of the proposals are a big NO-GO for me.

and how will that do one thing to stop gun crime or mass is not a realistic is a joke.......aimed at our Rights.
That is dumber than hell. Right to unfettered access to ammo is inherent in the second amendment. Otherwise it would be meaningless. That's like saying you have a right to an abortion but all forceps are now illegal.

Leftists exhibit a special kind of stupid sometimes.

Or you have a right to speech but you can't have access to electronic devices, paper or pens........

U can't blare your free speech in the middle of a neighborhood at 2am.
That is dumber than hell. Right to unfettered access to ammo is inherent in the second amendment. Otherwise it would be meaningless. That's like saying you have a right to an abortion but all forceps are now illegal.

Leftists exhibit a special kind of stupid sometimes.

Or you have a right to speech but you can't have access to electronic devices, paper or pens........

Speech is still speech. "Bear Arms" ain't the same. guys are never consitant......

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