California passes transgender student law

So the girls who are uncomfortable with a guy using thier restroom can basically go pound sand...

If you got junk, you are a guy, and you use the mens room. case closed.

Transgendered individuals do not identify with the gender they were born into. Despite having "junk", they do not identify as boys. They should use the facilities of the gender they identify with. Cases still pending...

No, they shouldnt. So basically if you have a mental issue regarding your sex status, that trumps the right of everyone else to be comfortable in thier bathroom usage?

Life isnt fair sometimes, and this involves so few individuals that the rights of others to be comfortable takes precedent.

Go use the damned nurses bathroom if its such an issue for ya.

In CA and a few other states they will be using the facilities of the gender they identify with. Your discomfort doesn't take away their right in those states, to use the facilities of the gender they identify with. In order to transition, those wishing to reassign their gender, must live for a period of time as the gender they wish to transition to.
Boys or girls sports? I'm sorry, boys can play netball, you know, and girls can play football. Enough with the sexism!

What happens when a girl gets killed playing football?

Just a theory: Her parents will sue the school district for not providing "adequate protection" for her and it'll start a whole raging debate in California how contact sports should be banned in K-12..... It's the left wing solution to problems; if one person isn't happy then NOBODY should be happy (well except the ruling "elite" and the monied interests that control them of course, they get to play by whatever rules they want).

The same thing would happen if a boy were killed.
Transgendered individuals do not identify with the gender they were born into. Despite having "junk", they do not identify as boys. They should use the facilities of the gender they identify with. Cases still pending...

No, they shouldnt. So basically if you have a mental issue regarding your sex status, that trumps the right of everyone else to be comfortable in thier bathroom usage?

Life isnt fair sometimes, and this involves so few individuals that the rights of others to be comfortable takes precedent.

Go use the damned nurses bathroom if its such an issue for ya.

In CA and a few other states they will be using the facilities of the gender they identify with. Your discomfort doesn't take away their right in those states, to use the facilities of the gender they identify with. In order to transition, those wishing to reassign their gender, must live for a period of time as the gender they wish to transition to.

So thier discomfort over having to use the bathroom of thier actual gender trumps the uncomfortableness of people OF that actual gender having to share it with someone of the opposite gender?

All animals are equal, some are more equal than others I guess.

This is all about being uncomfortable, so evidently the transgendered persons uncomfortableness is more important than everyone else's.

Got it.
What happens when a girl gets killed playing football?

Just a theory: Her parents will sue the school district for not providing "adequate protection" for her and it'll start a whole raging debate in California how contact sports should be banned in K-12..... It's the left wing solution to problems; if one person isn't happy then NOBODY should be happy (well except the ruling "elite" and the monied interests that control them of course, they get to play by whatever rules they want).

The same thing would happen if a boy were killed.

Of course you're correct, the "somebody ELSE is responsible for the consequences of MY choices" mentality knows no boundaries among government worshipers.
No, they shouldnt. So basically if you have a mental issue regarding your sex status, that trumps the right of everyone else to be comfortable in thier bathroom usage?

Life isnt fair sometimes, and this involves so few individuals that the rights of others to be comfortable takes precedent.

Go use the damned nurses bathroom if its such an issue for ya.

In CA and a few other states they will be using the facilities of the gender they identify with. Your discomfort doesn't take away their right in those states, to use the facilities of the gender they identify with. In order to transition, those wishing to reassign their gender, must live for a period of time as the gender they wish to transition to.

So thier discomfort over having to use the bathroom of thier actual gender trumps the uncomfortableness of people OF that actual gender having to share it with someone of the opposite gender?

All animals are equal, some are more equal than others I guess.

This is all about being uncomfortable, so evidently the transgendered persons uncomfortableness is more important than everyone else's.

Got it.

It's about living as the gender you identify with, period. To live as the gender you identify with, you can't keep going back and forth or keep being separated out.
If libqueers cater to every delusion why not say there is no rape because I thought she consented. Libs accept that argument for their deviants
In CA and a few other states they will be using the facilities of the gender they identify with. Your discomfort doesn't take away their right in those states, to use the facilities of the gender they identify with. In order to transition, those wishing to reassign their gender, must live for a period of time as the gender they wish to transition to.

So thier discomfort over having to use the bathroom of thier actual gender trumps the uncomfortableness of people OF that actual gender having to share it with someone of the opposite gender?

All animals are equal, some are more equal than others I guess.

This is all about being uncomfortable, so evidently the transgendered persons uncomfortableness is more important than everyone else's.

Got it.

It's about living as the gender you identify with, period. To live as the gender you identify with, you can't keep going back and forth or keep being separated out.

Until the plumbing matches the porch, you get to use the bathroom for the equipment you have. Anything else trumps the rights of one person over the rights of multiple others, over a matter that is as simple as having to use a gender neutral bathroom.

I would be far more supportive of a requirement for a gender neutral bathroom be provided than forcing women to use one with what is bioligcally a man, or vice versa.
There are so many children, and so few whose parents might be looking for attention and claim their child is transgendered, entire affected schools might not have a single TG student. But the restrooms will still be unisexed. The result will be beaten up little girls who better get used to being raped in high school if not junior high school.

One of the underlying, liberal, reasons for these insane rules is to start early removing all inhibitions against public exposure of genitalia. It is to get children used to pulling down their pants in front of others as part of the general perversion of the culture.
For those of you who are terrified about what's going on in the next stall - my bet is that transgender people have been using the bathroom of their choice for years and years and years and you didn't know about it.
Do little girls get PTSD compensation when they see a hairy degenerate in a dress waving his wang in the girl's bathroom?
Extreme hyperbole aside, I agree that this makes little sense. It is using an argument of discrimination to allow students to use the inherently discriminatory bathroom of their choice.

Look, if separate gender bathrooms are ok to have, there must be a reason for it. Define that reason, then let's see if allowing gender self-identification to be the criteria for which bathroom one uses fits within the reason(s) for allowing separate bathrooms.

It's just pretty ridiculous to say you are trying to stop discrimination so that transgender students can use the discriminatory facilities they want to.

As an aside, does the text of the bill provide any guidelines or qualifications, or can any student decide at any time that they want to use the opposite-gender (physically) bathroom?
California Gov. Brown signs transgender-student bill | Fox News

So when the straight guys starting raping the girls in the bathrooms then what BROWN.. Oh yeah LAW SUITS out of the wazoo. why not make ONE bathroom unisex that way anyone an use it ..

You will have to keep track and let us know when that happens...and how many times it does.

yea because people wont take advantage of that, right?
and people that are mentally ill wont be fuckin with kids, right? LOL loser

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