California passes transgender student law

In yet another case of the world being upside down in the liberal mind Gov. Brown claims that confused kids can use the bathrooms of the opposite sex in order to curb bullying. Is he freaking nuts? Not only will bulling be more intensified once they start sharing bathrooms but it will probably result in tragic incidents. The girls can get pretty tough in the Golden State. Does anybody in their right mind think they will be willing to share makeup tips standing next to a guy in a dress? What do you think the boys are going to do when a short haired babe sits in the urinal next to them? Are the laws concerning public exposure suspended in schools? Sometimes you kind of think the (former) pot head signs bills into law just to piss people off.
Except they aren't pretending. Where is it written that a girl can't play on a boys sports team?

If it's not written that a girl can't play on a boys sport (or vice versa) then why did they make it a law?

The whole bathroom thing? Use the bathroom of what physical gender you are. I have no problem with an already existing bathroom (say the nurses office) being offered to those with gender issues. But to let them use whatever they desire? Bullshit.

This is just ANOTHER small, small minority screaming and demanding that the vast majority bend to their wishes. I'm sick and and tired of this shit.

Because transgendered students aren't doing it to play sports. They are transgendered and still want to participate in sports. Not the same thing. They will be using the facilities of the gender they associate with, that's all.

I guess I am transgender then. I demand to use the girl’s locker room. I don’t care if the girls do not want to change in front of a man that dress like a woman – I have the RIGHT to be in their private space because I can’t seem to come to grips with having a penis.

When you start legislating that people ignore reality then you have really gone off the deep end. This is some of the most obviously idiotic bullshit that I have seen in a looong time. There is not even a decent defense to support this asshattery.
If it's not written that a girl can't play on a boys sport (or vice versa) then why did they make it a law?

The whole bathroom thing? Use the bathroom of what physical gender you are. I have no problem with an already existing bathroom (say the nurses office) being offered to those with gender issues. But to let them use whatever they desire? Bullshit.

This is just ANOTHER small, small minority screaming and demanding that the vast majority bend to their wishes. I'm sick and and tired of this shit.

Because transgendered students aren't doing it to play sports. They are transgendered and still want to participate in sports. Not the same thing. They will be using the facilities of the gender they associate with, that's all.

I guess I am transgender then. I demand to use the girl’s locker room. I don’t care if the girls do not want to change in front of a man that dress like a woman – I have the RIGHT to be in their private space because I can’t seem to come to grips with having a penis.

When you start legislating that people ignore reality then you have really gone off the deep end. This is some of the most obviously idiotic bullshit that I have seen in a looong time. There is not even a decent defense to support this asshattery.

What do you mean "start"? you act like they haven't already been doing that for the last several decades.
Except they aren't pretending. Where is it written that a girl can't play on a boys sports team?

If it's not written that a girl can't play on a boys sport (or vice versa) then why did they make it a law?

The whole bathroom thing? Use the bathroom of what physical gender you are. I have no problem with an already existing bathroom (say the nurses office) being offered to those with gender issues. But to let them use whatever they desire? Bullshit.

This is just ANOTHER small, small minority screaming and demanding that the vast majority bend to their wishes. I'm sick and and tired of this shit.

Because transgendered students aren't doing it to play sports. They are transgendered and still want to participate in sports. Not the same thing. They will be using the facilities of the gender they associate with, that's all.

And what of the vast majority of kids who have no gender issue? It's ok to put them out, have them be uncomfortable ... rather than have the gender issued kid be the one to find a different solution (like use the nurses office for changing)?

Again, small minority shoving their wants in the face of the vast majority is bullshit. Just like a classroom not having a Halloween party because one kid doesn't celebrate or peanut butter not allowed in the school because three kids are allergic or a contest being yanked and replaced with 'everyone gets a cookie' because one kid whined when he didn't win first place.

It's all bullshit and the left feeds it on a daily basis.
You're a bigot if you don't want children to learn to strip in front of adults. You're really a bigot if you retain some concept of shame.

This is all about oversexualizing children at the very youngest ages.
Because transgendered students aren't doing it to play sports. They are transgendered and still want to participate in sports. Not the same thing. They will be using the facilities of the gender they associate with, that's all.

So the girls who are uncomfortable with a guy using thier restroom can basically go pound sand...

If you got junk, you are a guy, and you use the mens room. case closed.

Transgendered individuals do not identify with the gender they were born into. Despite having "junk", they do not identify as boys. They should use the facilities of the gender they identify with. Cases still pending...

If they don't identify with being human will the commies allow them to not be educated? No. This is a rouse. And frankly, this is why education should be privatized. So, that parents and children are not subjected to the social engineering of an elite few.
There's nothing funnier to me than how terrified of penises in the ladies room you guys are.

I'm trying to be considerate of others who may have an issue with it. The women's room is for women, again once the surgery is done and the plumbing matches the front door then its hunky dory.
Boys or girls sports? I'm sorry, boys can play netball, you know, and girls can play football. Enough with the sexism!

Anyone that thinks a teenage girl, even if she is pretending to be a boy, can play defensive line on a high school team, and then shower with the boys, is an idiot. Unless the law also lets them skip the drug tests.
Boys or girls sports? I'm sorry, boys can play netball, you know, and girls can play football. Enough with the sexism!

Except the law does nothing for sexism or sexist separation – just allows those that are pretending to access the facilities. Now, a girl that wants to be a boy can play those sports but a girl that is actually facing the reality that she is a girl cannot.

Except they aren't pretending. Where is it written that a girl can't play on a boys sports team?

Except they are pretending.

By the way, your story is about a stunt, not a real player. She took three snaps during the entire game, which is not my definition of playing the game.
Except they aren't pretending. Where is it written that a girl can't play on a boys sports team?

If it's not written that a girl can't play on a boys sport (or vice versa) then why did they make it a law?

The whole bathroom thing? Use the bathroom of what physical gender you are. I have no problem with an already existing bathroom (say the nurses office) being offered to those with gender issues. But to let them use whatever they desire? Bullshit.

This is just ANOTHER small, small minority screaming and demanding that the vast majority bend to their wishes. I'm sick and and tired of this shit.

Because transgendered students aren't doing it to play sports. They are transgendered and still want to participate in sports. Not the same thing. They will be using the facilities of the gender they associate with, that's all.

Teenage boys want to shower with teenage girls?

Say it ain't so.
There's nothing funnier to me than how terrified of penises in the ladies room you guys are.

I'm trying to be considerate of others who may have an issue with it. The women's room is for women, again once the surgery is done and the plumbing matches the front door then its hunky dory.

I'm guessing you're male, right?
BBC News - California law protects rights of transgender students

Well done, the people of California should be proud.

They’re making a good faith effort to comply with the Constitution’s requirement that the states respect the privacy rights of all residents, and to protect the right of the individual to personal liberty and self-determination as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment.
Because transgendered students aren't doing it to play sports. They are transgendered and still want to participate in sports. Not the same thing. They will be using the facilities of the gender they associate with, that's all.

So the girls who are uncomfortable with a guy using thier restroom can basically go pound sand...

If you got junk, you are a guy, and you use the mens room. case closed.

Transgendered individuals do not identify with the gender they were born into. Despite having "junk", they do not identify as boys. They should use the facilities of the gender they identify with. Cases still pending...

You do understand that, even if a teenage boy legitimately has a sincere belief that he is a girl, he not only has a penis, he is still capable of fucking girls and getting them pregnant? Being transgendered does not make you gay, it just makes you deluded.
Transgendered individuals do not identify with the gender they were born into. Despite having "junk", they do not identify as boys. They should use the facilities of the gender they identify with. Cases still pending...

No, they shouldnt. So basically if you have a mental issue regarding your sex status, that trumps the right of everyone else to be comfortable in thier bathroom usage?

Life isnt fair sometimes, and this involves so few individuals that the rights of others to be comfortable takes precedent.

Go use the damned nurses bathroom if its such an issue for ya.

In CA and a few other states they will be using the facilities of the gender they identify with. Your discomfort doesn't take away their right in those states, to use the facilities of the gender they identify with. In order to transition, those wishing to reassign their gender, must live for a period of time as the gender they wish to transition to.

You left out two words in your little defense of their right to be delusional, as adults. Pretending you are a female when you are under 18 should not be an option because, even if the adults in your life want to pretend you are, you are not legally capable of making a decision like that.
In CA and a few other states they will be using the facilities of the gender they identify with. Your discomfort doesn't take away their right in those states, to use the facilities of the gender they identify with. In order to transition, those wishing to reassign their gender, must live for a period of time as the gender they wish to transition to.

So thier discomfort over having to use the bathroom of thier actual gender trumps the uncomfortableness of people OF that actual gender having to share it with someone of the opposite gender?

All animals are equal, some are more equal than others I guess.

This is all about being uncomfortable, so evidently the transgendered persons uncomfortableness is more important than everyone else's.

Got it.

It's about living as the gender you identify with, period. To live as the gender you identify with, you can't keep going back and forth or keep being separated out.

Not according to Amnesty International, which believes that segregated bathrooms are the right of every girl in the world. Why should that girl have to give up her right not to share the bathroom with a boy because the boy has you convinced that self identifying as a girl makes a difference?

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