California passes transgender student law

I am not sure how this is really going to work from a practical standpoint remembering that we are speaking of elementary and high school kids.

so it appears they are leaving up to the kids themselves, if a boy who is now female wants to use a female restroom, he just ....uses it, if he/she wants to sick with a boys room...he/she can?

and same for sports, is the boy now girl wants to play girls soccer for example, he/she can?
For those of you who are terrified about what's going on in the next stall - my bet is that transgender people have been using the bathroom of their choice for years and years and years and you didn't know about it.

For those who are not smart enough to be idiots the issue here is that this is happening in schools, and that the law requires all schools to let boys use the same locker room as the girls. That is not the same thing as me walking into a women's bathroom because the men's room is out of order.
If it's not written that a girl can't play on a boys sport (or vice versa) then why did they make it a law?

The whole bathroom thing? Use the bathroom of what physical gender you are. I have no problem with an already existing bathroom (say the nurses office) being offered to those with gender issues. But to let them use whatever they desire? Bullshit.

This is just ANOTHER small, small minority screaming and demanding that the vast majority bend to their wishes. I'm sick and and tired of this shit.

Because transgendered students aren't doing it to play sports. They are transgendered and still want to participate in sports. Not the same thing. They will be using the facilities of the gender they associate with, that's all.

I guess I am transgender then. I demand to use the girl’s locker room. I don’t care if the girls do not want to change in front of a man that dress like a woman – I have the RIGHT to be in their private space because I can’t seem to come to grips with having a penis.

When you start legislating that people ignore reality then you have really gone off the deep end. This is some of the most obviously idiotic bullshit that I have seen in a looong time. There is not even a decent defense to support this asshattery.

This is coming from one of the most vocal libertarians on the board, yet the idiots are going to dismiss him as a right wing loon or a homophobe simply because he won't bow down to the idiocy.
There's nothing funnier to me than how terrified of penises in the ladies room you guys are.

I thought you said you were intelligent. This is not about penises in the ladies room, it is about penisies in the locker room of the high school girl's soccer team.

Adults can carry a gun, and shoot the asswipe if he tries to share the shower with them, and no court in the country will convict them. You made it illegal for girls in school to do that because schools are a self defense free zone.
BBC News - California law protects rights of transgender students
Well done, the people of California should be proud.

They’re making a good faith effort to comply with the Constitution’s requirement that the states respect the privacy rights of all residents, and to protect the right of the individual to personal liberty and self-determination as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment.

Care to lay money on whether or not the courts will uphold this when a lawsuit is filed? Because, I can garauntee you, that it will fall apart under any interpretation of the COTUS you can think up.
BBC News - California law protects rights of transgender students

Well done, the people of California should be proud.

They’re making a good faith effort to comply with the Constitution’s requirement that the states respect the privacy rights of all residents, and to protect the right of the individual to personal liberty and self-determination as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment.

So the privacy of the other women in question doesn't count?
California Gov. Brown signs transgender-student bill | Fox News

So when the straight guys starting raping the girls in the bathrooms then what BROWN.. Oh yeah LAW SUITS out of the wazoo. why not make ONE bathroom unisex that way anyone an use it ..

You will have to keep track and let us know when that happens...and how many times it does.

Once will be way too often, in my opinion. How many times will it take before you say that rape is bad?
BBC News - California law protects rights of transgender students

Well done, the people of California should be proud.

They’re making a good faith effort to comply with the Constitution’s requirement that the states respect the privacy rights of all residents, and to protect the right of the individual to personal liberty and self-determination as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment.

So the privacy of the other women in question doesn't count?

Nope, only the transgendered.

Whacked, isn't it?
I foresee a bunch of High School boys discovering they are transgender so they can use the girls shower in gym class. Not only transgender but lesbian as well so it will be ok to hit on the girls. Try to dispute the claim of transgender lesbian and the aclu will sue the crap out of you. Think some boys wont do it? You never been a 16yr old male with hormones controlling thought. I've heard of them being pulled out of out houses trying to get a peek. Next to that claiming to be transgender will smell pretty good top them.
I'm trying to be considerate of others who may have an issue with it. The women's room is for women, again once the surgery is done and the plumbing matches the front door then its hunky dory.

I'm guessing you're male, right?

You guessed right.

It's funny, I've been involved in countless conversations about transgendered people, and 99 times out a 100 it's been men complaining for the sake of unnamed "others" who might have a problem with it.

Rarely have I heard a woman express the same fears that you guys seem to have.
Boys or girls sports? I'm sorry, boys can play netball, you know, and girls can play football. Enough with the sexism!

Anyone that thinks a teenage girl, even if she is pretending to be a boy, can play defensive line on a high school team, and then shower with the boys, is an idiot. Unless the law also lets them skip the drug tests.

why would a girl shower with the boys? this isnt even the argument being made.
Its amazing how you constantly make things up in order to have some point.
Except the law does nothing for sexism or sexist separation – just allows those that are pretending to access the facilities. Now, a girl that wants to be a boy can play those sports but a girl that is actually facing the reality that she is a girl cannot.

Except they aren't pretending. Where is it written that a girl can't play on a boys sports team?

Except they are pretending.

By the way, your story is about a stunt, not a real player. She took three snaps during the entire game, which is not my definition of playing the game.

your definition is irrelevant
If a student can think he is a girl with a dick can he also think that he is the principals husband and nail him I the ass during recess?
There's nothing funnier to me than how terrified of penises in the ladies room you guys are.

I thought you said you were intelligent. This is not about penises in the ladies room, it is about penisies in the locker room of the high school girl's soccer team.

Adults can carry a gun, and shoot the asswipe if he tries to share the shower with them, and no court in the country will convict them. You made it illegal for girls in school to do that because schools are a self defense free zone.

talks about delusional

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