California passes transgender student law

Nothing wrong with the sentence are just not keeping up with the new definitions of traditional relationships,
Except they aren't pretending. Where is it written that a girl can't play on a boys sports team?

If it's not written that a girl can't play on a boys sport (or vice versa) then why did they make it a law?

The whole bathroom thing? Use the bathroom of what physical gender you are. I have no problem with an already existing bathroom (say the nurses office) being offered to those with gender issues. But to let them use whatever they desire? Bullshit.

This is just ANOTHER small, small minority screaming and demanding that the vast majority bend to their wishes. I'm sick and and tired of this shit.

Because transgendered students aren't doing it to play sports. They are transgendered and still want to participate in sports. Not the same thing. They will be using the facilities of the gender they associate with, that's all.

I don't think thats what the ruling says....

A new law requires public schools to allow pupils from kindergarten to the 12th grade to access male or female toilets according to their preference.

As in;

In June, a civil rights panel in Colorado ruled that a school had discriminated against a six-year-old transgender girl by barring her from using the girls' toilets.


Opponents of the legislation said allowing pupils of one gender to use facilities intended for the other could invade the others students' privacy or violate their rights.
"Will transgender students make some other children uncomfortable? Perhaps," said the bill's author, Democratic Assemblyman Tom Ammiano.

"I don't want to minimise that, but new experiences are often uncomfortable. That can't be an excuse for prejudice."

So, its 'prejudice' to expect someone who has ‘ changed' to another sex to use that’s sexes’ bathroom? :eusa_eh:
Except they aren't pretending. Where is it written that a girl can't play on a boys sports team?

If it's not written that a girl can't play on a boys sport (or vice versa) then why did they make it a law?

The whole bathroom thing? Use the bathroom of what physical gender you are. I have no problem with an already existing bathroom (say the nurses office) being offered to those with gender issues. But to let them use whatever they desire? Bullshit.

This is just ANOTHER small, small minority screaming and demanding that the vast majority bend to their wishes. I'm sick and and tired of this shit.

Because transgendered students aren't doing it to play sports. They are transgendered and still want to participate in sports. Not the same thing. They will be using the facilities of the gender they associate with, that's all.

so you are saying they want to play BOYS football... but want to shower in the girls locker room.... (what boy doesn't)

agreed ...sports are a very different thing.... boys who want to be girls should be barred from GIRLS sports.
I'm guessing you're male, right?

You guessed right.

It's funny, I've been involved in countless conversations about transgendered people, and 99 times out a 100 it's been men complaining for the sake of unnamed "others" who might have a problem with it.

Rarely have I heard a woman express the same fears that you guys seem to have.

Its funny, I have found that it is usually men that defend the absurd notion that teenage boys should be able to pretend that they are girls. Does that mean you are full of shit, or just that you are full of shit?
Girls can play football with boys, up to a point. Then the boys get bigger and heavier. The way to solve that is to only have football teams of small slender boys until they grow up.
Boys or girls sports? I'm sorry, boys can play netball, you know, and girls can play football. Enough with the sexism!

Anyone that thinks a teenage girl, even if she is pretending to be a boy, can play defensive line on a high school team, and then shower with the boys, is an idiot. Unless the law also lets them skip the drug tests.

why would a girl shower with the boys? this isnt even the argument being made.
Its amazing how you constantly make things up in order to have some point.

Damn, that was incredibly ignorant. Then again, that is typically the way you argue anyway, so you should be used to it. This law specifically allows anyone to use the locker room of the sex they identify as, and applies only to public schools from K-12. In case you skipped gym classes in school, locker rooms have showers.
Except they aren't pretending. Where is it written that a girl can't play on a boys sports team?

Except they are pretending.

By the way, your story is about a stunt, not a real player. She took three snaps during the entire game, which is not my definition of playing the game.

your definition is irrelevant

I forgot, you come from a generation where everyone wins because no one keeps score.
i dont people need to get a life.

You don't care that teenage boys are going to be showering with teenage girls? And you think I need a life?

no, im not worried about a transgendered wanting to shower with girls.
They are not throwing all the guys and girls into one shower like you are trying to pull off.

They use the same locker room, but have separate showers? Can you prove that, or am I just supposed to believe you because you are a transformer?
The people of California have joined together to block laws by voting them out in the past.

And the courts keep legislating from the bench against the will of the people.

I'm sick of courts making laws. It's not their function, and they pay nothing when they do a stupid that costs into the billions of dollars of breadwinners giving up food off their tables so the courts can lavish pet rock luxury on anybody they want to.
It would be absolutely appropriate for a group of boys to completely take over a girls team and then compete against other girl teams.
What will they do with the gender fluids who are one gender one day and another the next? The football player can show up the day of the big game announcing that he's a cheerleader instead.
Anyone that thinks a teenage girl, even if she is pretending to be a boy, can play defensive line on a high school team, and then shower with the boys, is an idiot. Unless the law also lets them skip the drug tests.

why would a girl shower with the boys? this isnt even the argument being made.
Its amazing how you constantly make things up in order to have some point.

Damn, that was incredibly ignorant. Then again, that is typically the way you argue anyway, so you should be used to it. This law specifically allows anyone to use the locker room of the sex they identify as, and applies only to public schools from K-12. In case you skipped gym classes in school, locker rooms have showers.

yeah its not going to be that liberal...good luck with that argument.

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