California: Progressive Paradise

"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,


even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091

Is your point that Liberal leadership in NYC is as insane and anti-civilization as the Liberal leadership in California???

Well, duhhhhh.....stop the presses!!!!
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091

Have you seen Bed Stuy today? After Mayors Rudy and Mike, it's a case study in a neighborhood coming back from the dead. No needles, feces or homeless tent city there
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091

Have you seen Bed Stuy today? After Mayors Rudy and Mike, it's a case study in a neighborhood coming back from the dead. No needles, feces or homeless tent city there

Have you ever been to Bed Stuy or San Francisco?

9 Reasons Not to Live in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091
What I cant see is why these liars protect california.
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091

Have you seen Bed Stuy today? After Mayors Rudy and Mike, it's a case study in a neighborhood coming back from the dead. No needles, feces or homeless tent city there

Have you ever been to Bed Stuy or San Francisco?

9 Reasons Not to Live in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn
Thanks for posting what some media talking head thinks.
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091
What I cant see is why these liars protect california.

'Cause they're, Liberals????

Can you imagine them admitting all of the things we on the Right have warned them about, predicted, and turned our to be correct on????

"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091

Have you seen Bed Stuy today? After Mayors Rudy and Mike, it's a case study in a neighborhood coming back from the dead. No needles, feces or homeless tent city there

Have you ever been to Bed Stuy or San Francisco?

9 Reasons Not to Live in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn
5 year old article from a Whiner who had to wait for his soy latte vs. Streets littered with human feces, discarded hypodermics and homeless tent cities?
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091
What I cant see is why these liars protect california.

What I see is people like you attacking California, and SF in particular. What's clear to me is y'all are envious. I don't mean to demean other people in other states, but I would never choose to live anywhere else

It's no wonder that many citizens have left their place of birth and moved to California. We don't face annual hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, NorEasters, freezing rain, hail and snow storms. We have forest fires and earthquakes, but not annually as have many other US States.

How many of you can surf in the morning, and snow ski in the evening?
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091
What I cant see is why these liars protect california.

What I see is people like you attacking California, and SF in particular. What's clear to me is y'all are envious. I don't mean to demean other people in other states, but I would never choose to live anywhere else

It's no wonder that many citizens have left their place of birth and moved to California. We don't face annual hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, NorEasters, freezing rain, hail and snow storms. We have forest fires and earthquakes, but not annually as have many other US States.

How many of you can surf in the morning, and snow ski in the evening?

Not 'attacking'......'revealing.'

But it's good you consider the truth an attack.'re a Liberal, huh?
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091
What I cant see is why these liars protect california.

What I see is people like you attacking California, and SF in particular. What's clear to me is y'all are envious. I don't mean to demean other people in other states, but I would never choose to live anywhere else

It's no wonder that many citizens have left their place of birth and moved to California. We don't face annual hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, NorEasters, freezing rain, hail and snow storms. We have forest fires and earthquakes, but not annually as have many other US States.

How many of you can surf in the morning, and snow ski in the evening?
You're spot on again man. I'm damn envious of not having few homeless, super high taxes, outrageous housing costs, more illegal mexicans than you can count, collapsing infrastructure, massive regulation, and human shit in the streetsI You nailed me bro. Happy surfing.
Last edited:
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091
What I cant see is why these liars protect california.

What I see is people like you attacking California, and SF in particular. What's clear to me is y'all are envious. I don't mean to demean other people in other states, but I would never choose to live anywhere else

It's no wonder that many citizens have left their place of birth and moved to California. We don't face annual hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, NorEasters, freezing rain, hail and snow storms. We have forest fires and earthquakes, but not annually as have many other US States.

How many of you can surf in the morning, and snow ski in the evening?

Not 'attacking'......'revealing.'

But it's good you consider the truth an attack.'re a Liberal, huh?
California is the canary in the coal mine.

"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091
What I cant see is why these liars protect california.

What I see is people like you attacking California, and SF in particular. What's clear to me is y'all are envious. I don't mean to demean other people in other states, but I would never choose to live anywhere else

It's no wonder that many citizens have left their place of birth and moved to California. We don't face annual hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, NorEasters, freezing rain, hail and snow storms. We have forest fires and earthquakes, but not annually as have many other US States.

How many of you can surf in the morning, and snow ski in the evening?
You're spot on again man. I'm damn envious of having few homeless, super high taxes, outrageous housing costs, more illegal mexicans than you can count, collapsing infrastructure, massive regulation, and human shit in the streetsI You nailed me bro. Happy surfing.
You can always tell when you are communicating with someone who...

A) Is a spoiled trust fund college student who majors in "the arts" since they will never need to have any sort of real job.

B) Someone who has never understood what it is to raise a family.

C) Someone who has never had to meet payroll and be responsible for employees, who all have lives and families.

You are communicating with someone that has no clue. When they are 4 years old, it is cute and fun.

When they are older than 20, it is fucking too frustrating and a waste of time.
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091

Have you seen Bed Stuy today? After Mayors Rudy and Mike, it's a case study in a neighborhood coming back from the dead. No needles, feces or homeless tent city there

Have you ever been to Bed Stuy or San Francisco?

9 Reasons Not to Live in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn

5 year old article from a Whiner who had to wait for his soy latte vs. Streets littered with human feces, discarded hypodermics and homeless tent cities?

With a little more work, you could maybe, possibly win the Bulwer Lytton Fiction Contest;

well, maybe not. You'd be better off writing the longest idiot-gram; a genre in which you've established a forte built upon years of posting idiot-grams.

Get your copy and study for the next contest beginning with this:

"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091
What I cant see is why these liars protect california.

What I see is people like you attacking California, and SF in particular. What's clear to me is y'all are envious. I don't mean to demean other people in other states, but I would never choose to live anywhere else

It's no wonder that many citizens have left their place of birth and moved to California. We don't face annual hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, NorEasters, freezing rain, hail and snow storms. We have forest fires and earthquakes, but not annually as have many other US States.

How many of you can surf in the morning, and snow ski in the evening?

Not 'attacking'......'revealing.'

But it's good you consider the truth an attack.'re a Liberal, huh?
California is the canary in the coal mine.

Hoo Hoo?
"California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You
California has morphed from paradise into a garbage state run by garbage people for their own garbage benefit and amusement. The “garbage” part is literal – once the Sierra Nevada mountains symbolized the state; now, towering heaps of trash and human waste do. Welcome to what the Democrats want for all of America. Just watch your step. Literally.

Where once people flocked to make their dreams come true, you now pay multiples more for a U-Haul heading out than heading in. The great California middle class, made up of the Normal people whose hard work and ingenuity made it the Golden State (even though Hollywood types got the publicity), is fleeing to places where they can afford to live, and where the government doesn’t hate them.

... petty crime has been effectively legalized. Crooks get a free pass on the first $950 a day they steal. The casual larceny and other offenses that make life unbearable are becoming more and more common as liberal laws release criminals to victimize regular citizens. This is known as “justice,” as if someone who steals from a hardworking businessman is being cruelly put out by being arrested for it.

Caring means letting lunatics and addicts wallow in the elements enslaved by their insanity and/or sickness. Shame on you for wanting your kids to be able to play outside. Hypodermic needles and piles of human waste on the sidewalk are just part of the price you must pay to dwell in the sun.

...the liberal elite wants the same thing for the rest of America. To our ruling class, California is not a cautionary example. It’s the goal for our whole country."
California Is The Future The Liberal Elite Wants For You

LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091
What I cant see is why these liars protect california.

What I see is people like you attacking California, and SF in particular. What's clear to me is y'all are envious. I don't mean to demean other people in other states, but I would never choose to live anywhere else

It's no wonder that many citizens have left their place of birth and moved to California. We don't face annual hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, NorEasters, freezing rain, hail and snow storms. We have forest fires and earthquakes, but not annually as have many other US States.

How many of you can surf in the morning, and snow ski in the evening?
You're spot on again man. I'm damn envious of having few homeless, super high taxes, outrageous housing costs, more illegal mexicans than you can count, collapsing infrastructure, massive regulation, and human shit in the streetsI You nailed me bro. Happy surfing.
You can always tell when you are communicating with someone who...

A) Is a spoiled trust fund college student who majors in "the arts" since they will never need to have any sort of real job.

B) Someone who has never understood what it is to raise a family.

C) Someone who has never had to meet payroll and be responsible for employees, who all have lives and families.

You are communicating with someone that has no clue. When they are 4 years old, it is cute and fun.

When they are older than 20, it is fucking too frustrating and a waste of time.

You seem to be describing a Republican? It's difficult to tell since the object of your post is missing,

[Traditional grammar defines the object in a sentence as the entity that is acted upon by the subject. There is thus a primary distinction between subjects and objects that is understood in terms of the action expressed by the verb]

But I digress. If this is targeted to me, you've missed the mark on all three of you bullet points.
LOL, Petty (theft) with a prior can be, and is for chronic thieves, filed as a felony by the CA penal code; Homeless is a problem in The City, but not so much as people like you want others to believe.

Nearly 20 years ago I attended a DV Conference in Brooklyn, and stayed in a hotel directly across the street from the Supreme Court Building, where we watched the proceedings of the Domestic Violence Court.

I went early, and caught the Red Eye (no PC, that's not a commie plane) so I could explore NYC. After walking Manhattan on Friday and Saturday - really a great experience - I arose Sunday morning and decided to explore Brooklyn (I'd eaten dinner on Friday night in Brooklyn Heights - really cool too with the names of famous people on the front of buildings they once live in).

So I left the hotel at 7 am and walked east, not knowing I was walking into Bed-Stuy; being a City Boy I kept my eyes open and soon noticed some red flags: Bars on windows, garbage strewn in the streets, graffiti and homeless derelicts sleeping on the sidewalk.

No one walking their dogs in an early morning routine, in fact no one out walking at all. I had never seen anything like this before,

View attachment 264089

even though I worked in Parts of San Francisco, the SE and Western Addition, in my first job in Law Enforcement.

So, get off your mule, the graffiti in San Francisco is far and away better quality than that in your borough.

View attachment 264091
What I cant see is why these liars protect california.

What I see is people like you attacking California, and SF in particular. What's clear to me is y'all are envious. I don't mean to demean other people in other states, but I would never choose to live anywhere else

It's no wonder that many citizens have left their place of birth and moved to California. We don't face annual hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, NorEasters, freezing rain, hail and snow storms. We have forest fires and earthquakes, but not annually as have many other US States.

How many of you can surf in the morning, and snow ski in the evening?
You're spot on again man. I'm damn envious of having few homeless, super high taxes, outrageous housing costs, more illegal mexicans than you can count, collapsing infrastructure, massive regulation, and human shit in the streetsI You nailed me bro. Happy surfing.
You can always tell when you are communicating with someone who...

A) Is a spoiled trust fund college student who majors in "the arts" since they will never need to have any sort of real job.

B) Someone who has never understood what it is to raise a family.

C) Someone who has never had to meet payroll and be responsible for employees, who all have lives and families.

You are communicating with someone that has no clue. When they are 4 years old, it is cute and fun.

When they are older than 20, it is fucking too frustrating and a waste of time.

You seem to be describing a Republican? It's difficult to tell since the object of your post is missing,

[Traditional grammar defines the object in a sentence as the entity that is acted upon by the subject. There is thus a primary distinction between subjects and objects that is understood in terms of the action expressed by the verb]

But I digress. If this is targeted to me, you've missed the mark on all three of you bullet points.
No turd, he's describing you.

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