California refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud

This is one of the few times that I agree with California. I do not want my personal information being bandied about by a political huckster. What will they do with these names? Anyone who has a foreign sounding name will be suspect? This committee is a fraud.
Nazi Germany collected data on private citizens to determine who was Jewish.

yes...socialists do that...they also murdered 12 million Europeans, unarmed Europeans.

The information Trump wants is sold by the states to whatever political party wants them...but nice of you to be a shit stain and make a comparison to socialists...nice lie....
So do authoritarians like Trump.
What I find amusing is the left is all against state's rights, except now when they are defying a Republican. Now if the situation was reversed, the left would be crying rivers of tears over this.

You don't seem to GET that each and every state is in charge of their own electoral/election process. They have their own regulations and requirements and the Secretary of each State is in charge of that. If there is no evidence of election fraud then there will be NO investigation.

It is very clear by these Red & Blue states telling Trump to fuck off--that they don't believe that there was massive voter fraud in this country, and they are not going to release very private information on their citizens, (social security numbers, birthdays, address's) that were requested of them, to do with that information as the ass clown wishes.

Could you possibly imagine state liability -- if that information got into the wrong hands?

I get it, it's a state's rights issue, pretty simple. The states have the prerogative to turn it over but again if this was reversed, you lefty nutters would go crazy.

Just the way it is, partisan hypocrisy. Thanks for proving it.

I think you know that I am not a lefty. Every state has a Secretary of State that is charge of the election process--and it is incumbent upon them to investigate voter fraud. Could you possibly imagine the liability to the STATES to release personal private secure information of the citizens of that state to Trump's fraud committee and Russians hacked into it--and obtained those lists--with dates of birth, address's, social security numbers, etc.?

That has nothing to do with my point. The states have every right to not turnover the voter rolls, it is a state's rights issue. If they situation were reversed the opinions would reverse.

They aren't private information, in fact, the states sell that information to the political parties..this is nothing more than posturing by left wing nut jobs...
Moron, red states are telling Trump to go fuck himself.
What I find amusing is the left is all against state's rights, except now when they are defying a Republican. Now if the situation was reversed, the left would be crying rivers of tears over this.

You don't seem to GET that each and every state is in charge of their own electoral/election process. They have their own regulations and requirements and the Secretary of each State is in charge of that. If there is no evidence of election fraud then there will be NO investigation.

It is very clear by these Red & Blue states telling Trump to fuck off--that they don't believe that there was massive voter fraud in this country, and they are not going to release very private information on their citizens, (social security numbers, birthdays, address's) that were requested of them, to do with that information as the ass clown wishes.

Could you possibly imagine state liability -- if that information got into the wrong hands?

I get it, it's a state's rights issue, pretty simple. The states have the prerogative to turn it over but again if this was reversed, you lefty nutters would go crazy.

Just the way it is, partisan hypocrisy. Thanks for proving it.

I think you know that I am not a lefty. Every state has a Secretary of State that is charge of the election process--and it is incumbent upon them to investigate voter fraud. Could you possibly imagine the liability to the STATES to release personal private secure information of the citizens of that state to Trump's fraud committee and Russians hacked into it--and obtained those lists--with dates of birth, address's, social security numbers, etc.?

That has nothing to do with my point. The states have every right to not turnover the voter rolls, it is a state's rights issue. If they situation were reversed the opinions would reverse.

Now mine would not be reversed--as we see there are many RED states (ones that are run by Republicans) that are refusing to give this information to Trump's voter fraud commission. There's over 20 right now, and this number is going to grow to all 50 states.

When you have the Secretary of State of Mississippi telling Trump to f off they're not going to do it, it's not just a left wing ONLY issue.
Backlash at Trump commission request for 'confidential' voter data

What is your point? I'm not understanding. The states don't give them the voter rolls, so what? It's a state's rights issue. The states should be allowed to withhold the voter rolls.
He is back to his trolling.
What kind of argument is that? We need to go the thread where the right wing blames the left for having nothing but emotional fallacies instead of reason.

You have no reason, only an unsubstantiated opinion. Methinks, You don't want to Compete. Want to get Boss and Ding involved.

Who is Boss and Ding? What do they have to do with you trolling. The left only has dishonesty.

So has Trump sycophants like you.

I didn't vote for Trump, and not thrilled with him so far. Better than expect.

So you say.

Yep, I went third party, done it in two of the last three Presidential elections. I'm not tied to any party, when you the voters crap, don't expect me to vote for them.
What I find amusing is the left is all against state's rights, except now when they are defying a Republican. Now if the situation was reversed, the left would be crying rivers of tears over this.

Republicans supposedly believe in states' rights. Republicans went crazy when the Obama Administration suggested state election systems should be declared critical infrastructure.

And if the situation reversed, the party's would be choosing the other side. Nothing I stated is untrue.
Right wingers use the same dictionary that everyone else uses.
Liberals never have seen a dictionary they invent fake shit
Special pleading is all the right wing has; they are just, so special.
You should stick to your made up talking points
I have more than, just repeal; that is why y'all have a problem with it.
You got government on the brain
Having nothing but repeal, is worth-less not worth-more.
In your mind. LOL

He doesn't have valid arguments he has cliches and thinks those are an argument. He just trolls.
Just projecting, again, right winger. How, customary and habitual, and moral of you.
Old boring talking points
Just the right wing, having nothing but repeal, like usual.
Or let it die works for me. Get government out of insurance
We had worse coverage before, and emergency medical care is one of the most expensive options. The democrats came up with more than, just repeal after eight years.
What I find amusing is the left is all against state's rights, except now when they are defying a Republican. Now if the situation was reversed, the left would be crying rivers of tears over this.
The left is not against States' rights. The right is just, clueless and Causeless. End the States' rights' infringing Drug War on Your Watch, right wingers. This is the Time, to have No Thing, but repeal.
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What I find amusing is the left is all against state's rights, except now when they are defying a Republican. Now if the situation was reversed, the left would be crying rivers of tears over this.

You don't seem to GET that each and every state is in charge of their own electoral/election process. They have their own regulations and requirements and the Secretary of each State is in charge of that. If there is no evidence of election fraud then there will be NO investigation.

It is very clear by these Red & Blue states telling Trump to fuck off--that they don't believe that there was massive voter fraud in this country, and they are not going to release very private information on their citizens, (social security numbers, birthdays, address's) that were requested of them, to do with that information as the ass clown wishes.

Could you possibly imagine state liability -- if that information got into the wrong hands?

I get it, it's a state's rights issue, pretty simple. The states have the prerogative to turn it over but again if this was reversed, you lefty nutters would go crazy.

Just the way it is, partisan hypocrisy. Thanks for proving it.
End the States' rights Infringing Drug War, right wingers; y'all just prove the left right about your socialism on a national basis, if you don't.
This is one of the few times that I agree with California. I do not want my personal information being bandied about by a political huckster. What will they do with these names? Anyone who has a foreign sounding name will be suspect? This committee is a fraud.
Nazi Germany collected data on private citizens to determine who was Jewish.

yes...socialists do that...they also murdered 12 million Europeans, unarmed Europeans.

The information Trump wants is sold by the states to whatever political party wants them...but nice of you to be a shit stain and make a comparison to socialists...nice lie....
Socialists also have, States' rights Infringing, Wars on drugs. Just the right wing, not even having, no Thing but repeal for the Drug War, only repeal of social benefits for the poor.
What I find amusing is the left is all against state's rights, except now when they are defying a Republican. Now if the situation was reversed, the left would be crying rivers of tears over this.

You don't seem to GET that each and every state is in charge of their own electoral/election process. They have their own regulations and requirements and the Secretary of each State is in charge of that. If there is no evidence of election fraud then there will be NO investigation.

It is very clear by these Red & Blue states telling Trump to fuck off--that they don't believe that there was massive voter fraud in this country, and they are not going to release very private information on their citizens, (social security numbers, birthdays, address's) that were requested of them, to do with that information as the ass clown wishes.

Could you possibly imagine state liability -- if that information got into the wrong hands?

I get it, it's a state's rights issue, pretty simple. The states have the prerogative to turn it over but again if this was reversed, you lefty nutters would go crazy.

Just the way it is, partisan hypocrisy. Thanks for proving it.

I think you know that I am not a lefty. Every state has a Secretary of State that is charge of the election process--and it is incumbent upon them to investigate voter fraud. Could you possibly imagine the liability to the STATES to release personal private secure information of the citizens of that state to Trump's fraud committee and Russians hacked into it--and obtained those lists--with dates of birth, address's, social security numbers, etc.?

"I think you know that I am not a lefty."

You're serious?

One has to ask. How did Trump make a claim right after the election that 5 million people voted illegally if he didn't have the returns? He knowingly made a false claim. And now he's on a fishing trip to find 3 people that voted illegally so he can claim 'he was close'.

What an absolute piece of shit. What adult could watch this orange-spittoon lie every day and still support him? He lost his mind and went absolutely batshit on tweeting today to masterbate himself to another woman 'bleeding from wherever'.
Close to 3 mll illegal votes would be needed for Trump to be right. go check out Stone kettle station blog, best view out there on that subJECT
Because it is none of their business. There is no need to know here.

The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.

I love how you're triggered...
If you dont have anything to hide....

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.
I believe those records are the property of the government and not you. you volunteer your information for the right to vote. you have no privacy.
Excuse me, I do not give up my right to privacy.
Liberals never have seen a dictionary they invent fake shit
Special pleading is all the right wing has; they are just, so special.
You should stick to your made up talking points
I have more than, just repeal; that is why y'all have a problem with it.
You got government on the brain
Having nothing but repeal, is worth-less not worth-more.
Repeal this illegal government interference
The hell it's not!

The HELL IT IS YOU NAZI PIG. They have no right to my information. There is a thing that exists called privacy. Prove something illegal is going on and get a warrant. Otherwise get your stinking hands off my information.

They can hold that guy in contempt and he could do serious time for what he's doing.

For protecting people's right to privacy? This is the United States of America not Nazi Germany. I applaud him for what he is doing.

I love how you're triggered...
If you dont have anything to hide....

That is your only argument? You claim to be a American but you have no idea what makes America great. The fact that the government cannot pry into matters that they have no business in. If you believe a crime has been committed then get a warrant. You might have heard about the 4th amendment which requires the federal government to get a warrant. You do not have to be guilty of anything to demand this. It proves that you are a fake conservative.
I believe those records are the property of the government and not you. you volunteer your information for the right to vote. you have no privacy.
Excuse me, I do not give up my right to privacy.
It isn't yours, it's the states and it is public
He doesn't have valid arguments he has cliches and thinks those are an argument. He just trolls.
Just projecting, again, right winger. How, customary and habitual, and moral of you.
Old boring talking points
Just the right wing, having nothing but repeal, like usual.
Or let it die works for me. Get government out of insurance
We had worse coverage before, and emergency medical care is one of the most expensive options. The democrats came up with more than, just repeal after eight years.
Lefturd speak. Hahahaha
Are they worried we'll find enough illegals, dead people and other fraud to account for the popular vote?


California's top elections officer to Trump's voting fraud panel: No

President Trump's voter fraud commission will not be getting the names and addresses of California's registered voters. The panel's request was denied on Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who said it would only "legitimize" false claims of massive election cheating last fall.
Hey dipshit. Stop parroting what you are told to parrot. You look like an idiot.

At least HALF the states have refused to play along with Trump's delusional bullshit.

Take a look at what the Republican Secretary of State from Mississippi has said: Press Release

They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi is a great state to launch from.

Mississippi residents should celebrate Independence Day and our State’s right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes.

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