California refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud

time to pull some more federal funds for those assholes in California!!:boobies::boobies::coffee:. God.....what a disgrace that state is........I tell people all the time better go visit there now because in a few years, the level of snake pit will be close to Mad Max conditions.:bye1:
The symbol of the Republican party needs to be changed from the elephant to this:


Fallacy of the Excluded Middle, retard. I am not a Clinton supporter.

My apologies, ya all look alike.
The symbol of the Republican party needs to be changed from the elephant to this:


Fallacy of the Excluded Middle, retard. I am not a Clinton supporter.

My apologies, ya all look alike.

I'm a conservative Republican since birth.

The GOP has been hijacked by parroting pseudocon tards.

Terrific, who cares...tell it to your shrink.
time to pull some more federal funds for those assholes in California!!:boobies::boobies::coffee:. God.....what a disgrace that state is........I tell people all the time better go visit there now because in a few years, the level of snake pit will be close to Mad Max conditions.:bye1:
So you support pulling federal funds from all the states which refuse to go along with Trump's bullshit, yes?
Are they worried we'll find enough illegals, dead people and other fraud to account for the popular vote?


California's top elections officer to Trump's voting fraud panel: No

President Trump's voter fraud commission will not be getting the names and addresses of California's registered voters. The panel's request was denied on Thursday by Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who said it would only "legitimize" false claims of massive election cheating last fall.

Many states will refuse.
The symbol of the Republican party needs to be changed from the elephant to this:


Fallacy of the Excluded Middle, retard. I am not a Clinton supporter.

My apologies, ya all look alike.

I'm a conservative Republican since birth.

The GOP has been hijacked by parroting pseudocon tards.

Terrific, who cares...tell it to your shrink.

You obviously care. You took the time to make a fool of yourself instead of sticking to the topic, after all.
Quit lying. The fact is that some of the information is not. readily available. You cannot get any part of a person's social security number. It is also against the law for the government to retain records of a person's party affiliation according to the Privacy Act of 1974.
What I find amusing is the left is all against state's rights, except now when they are defying a Republican. Now if the situation was reversed, the left would be crying rivers of tears over this.

You don't seem to GET that each and every state is in charge of their own electoral/election process. They have their own regulations and requirements and the Secretary of each State is in charge of that. If there is no evidence of election fraud then there will be NO investigation.

It is very clear by these Red & Blue states telling Trump to fuck off--that they don't believe that there was massive voter fraud in this country, and they are not going to release very private information on their citizens, (social security numbers, birthdays, address's) that were requested of them, to do with that information as the ass clown wishes.

Could you possibly imagine state liability -- if that information got into the wrong hands?

I get it, it's a state's rights issue, pretty simple. The states have the prerogative to turn it over but again if this was reversed, you lefty nutters would go crazy.

Just the way it is, partisan hypocrisy. Thanks for proving it.

I think you know that I am not a lefty. Every state has a Secretary of State that is charge of the election process--and it is incumbent upon them to investigate voter fraud. Could you possibly imagine the liability to the STATES to release personal private secure information of the citizens of that state to Trump's fraud committee and Russians hacked into it--and obtained those lists--with dates of birth, address's, social security numbers, etc.?

That has nothing to do with my point. The states have every right to not turnover the voter rolls, it is a state's rights issue. If they situation were reversed the opinions would reverse.

They aren't private information, in fact, the states sell that information to the political parties..this is nothing more than posturing by left wing nut jobs...

Hey dipshit. Stop parroting what you are told to parrot. You look like an idiot.

At least HALF the states have refused to play along with Trump's delusional bullshit.

Take a look at what the Republican Secretary of State from Mississippi has said: Press Release

They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi is a great state to launch from.

Mississippi residents should celebrate Independence Day and our State’s right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes.
They will get released the records are public
I see the point sailed a mile above your head. I'd like to pretend I'm surprised, but really, who would believe I was?
A judge will tell them they are public records. I missed no point, I made one
No, you missed the point that both red and blue states are standing up for their states' rights and pushing back on the morbidly obese naked Emperor's power grab.
Nope understood and am telling you they are public records no matter what they said, again a judge will remind them

They are not public records. Social security numbers are not public records. The judge will remind them that they will be breaking the law by demanding party affiliation which is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974.
A judge will tell them they are public records. I missed no point, I made one

The last four digits of someones SS no is NOT public information. It's often used to verify someones identity, along with date of birth, address. and full name.
They will get released the records are public
I see the point sailed a mile above your head. I'd like to pretend I'm surprised, but really, who would believe I was?
A judge will tell them they are public records. I missed no point, I made one
No, you missed the point that both red and blue states are standing up for their states' rights and pushing back on the morbidly obese naked Emperor's power grab.
Nope understood and am telling you they are public records no matter what they said, again a judge will remind them
So sad you are wrong again. The information the Man Baby is trying to coerce is not publicly available.

More than half the states refusing to provide voter data to Trump election panel

Even a member of the Kobach commission said her state would not comply. Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson (R), the president of the National Association of Secretaries of State, announced in a statement that her state wouldn’t release certain information requested by Kobach.

“Indiana law doesn’t permit the Secretary of State to provide the personal information requested by Secretary Kobach,” Lawson said. “Under Indiana public records laws, certain voter info is available to the public, the media and any other person who requested the information for non-commercial purposes. The information publicly available is name, address and congressional district ass

That is not the most embarrassing revelation. Kris Kobach who made the request says Kansas cannot provide certain information that he is requesting. This shows what a joke this is.
Quit lying. The fact is that some of the information is not. readily available. You cannot get any part of a person's social security number. It is also against the law for the government to retain records of a person's party affiliation according to the Privacy Act of 1974.
Social Security Number Validation and ID Verification.

If you do not have a full social security number you can submit only the first and last name plus the last 4 digits of the ssn to obtain the full record
What I learned from a suspicious call from my bank | Taking Charge

Guard the last 4 digits of your Social Security number – they’re all ID thieves need
He pointed me to a study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University that showed that predicting the first five digits of a person’s Social Security number is fairly easy. Before 2011, Social Security number assignments were based on where and when people were born. So, for example, the Social of someone born in Virginia begins with 225. Guessing the second two digits takes a bit more research, but it can be done if you know the person’s date of birth.

f a fraudster knows your state and date of birth and the last four of your Social, he’s in business.

Online Account Registration - Verify Identity

To verify your identity: Complete these fields:

J.P. Morgan Commercial Card Number
Enter your 16-digit account number.

Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number or Social Insurance Number
Enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number, Social Insurance Number, or Tax Identification Number.
This is one of the few times that I agree with California. I do not want my personal information being bandied about by a political huckster. What will they do with these names? Anyone who has a foreign sounding name will be suspect? This committee is a fraud.
Nazi Germany collected data on private citizens to determine who was Jewish.

yes...socialists do that...they also murdered 12 million Europeans, unarmed Europeans.

The information Trump wants is sold by the states to whatever political party wants them...but nice of you to be a shit stain and make a comparison to socialists...nice lie....
So do authoritarians like Trump.

How is Trump an Authoritarian.....? Please name specific actions he has taken.........

Did he disobey the courts? Has he ignored the congress? Please...enlighten us.....

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