California’s New Feudalism Benefits a Few at the Expense of the Multitude

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
People's Republic of Kalifornia. They really have entered the last stage of capitalism as described by Marx.

As late as the 80s, California was democratic in a fundamental sense, a place for outsiders and, increasingly, immigrants—roughly 60 percent of the population was considered middle class. Now, instead of a land of opportunity, California has become increasingly feudal. According to recent census estimates, the state suffers some of the highest levels of inequality in the country. By some estimates, the state’s level of inequality compares with that of such global models as the Dominican Republic, Gambia, and the Republic of the Congo.

At the same time, the Golden State now suffers the highest level of poverty in the country—23.5 percent compared to 16 percent nationally—worse than long-term hard luck cases like Mississippi. It is also now home to roughly one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients, almost three times its proportion of the nation’s population.

Like medieval serfs, increasing numbers of Californians are downwardly mobile, and doing worse than their parents: native born Latinos actually have shorter lifespans than their parents, according to one recent report. Nor are things expected to get better any time soon. According to a recent Hoover Institution survey, most Californians expect their incomes to stagnate in the coming six months, a sense widely shared among the young, whites, Latinos, females, and the less educated.

California?s New Feudalism Benefits a Few at the Expense of the Multitude - The Daily Beast
You can't create feudalism through equality. It's the exploitation of the masses to generate income for the rich that creates feudalism.
You can't create feudalism through equality. It's the exploitation of the masses to generate income for the rich that creates feudalism.

yes you can. and that is what is happening. Equality outside of the legal equality does not exist - and if you want to impose it artificially - you are ending up in feudalism, or, even worse - in a labor camp behind the barbed wire.
When immigrants, who come here for the benefits, outnumber Americans who work to provide those benefits, this is what it looks like. This is the end result of capitalism, when the capitalists withdraw.
nope. Heaven has nothing to do with human utopian societies.
When immigrants, who come here for the benefits, outnumber Americans who work to provide those benefits, this is what it looks like. This is the end result of capitalism, when the capitalists withdraw.

I would say that they are chased away
capitalism died sept.2008.

capitalism implies that there is an exchange, and part of that exchange is the right to win or lose....there is no losing now if you are a member of certain group or vocation at a higher level and Dodd Frank has enshrined that..........its like religion with no hell;)
People's Republic of Kalifornia. They really have entered the last stage of capitalism as described by Marx.

As late as the 80s, California was democratic in a fundamental sense, a place for outsiders and, increasingly, immigrants—roughly 60 percent of the population was considered middle class. Now, instead of a land of opportunity, California has become increasingly feudal. According to recent census estimates, the state suffers some of the highest levels of inequality in the country. By some estimates, the state’s level of inequality compares with that of such global models as the Dominican Republic, Gambia, and the Republic of the Congo.

At the same time, the Golden State now suffers the highest level of poverty in the country—23.5 percent compared to 16 percent nationally—worse than long-term hard luck cases like Mississippi. It is also now home to roughly one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients, almost three times its proportion of the nation’s population.

Like medieval serfs, increasing numbers of Californians are downwardly mobile, and doing worse than their parents: native born Latinos actually have shorter lifespans than their parents, according to one recent report. Nor are things expected to get better any time soon. According to a recent Hoover Institution survey, most Californians expect their incomes to stagnate in the coming six months, a sense widely shared among the young, whites, Latinos, females, and the less educated.

California?s New Feudalism Benefits a Few at the Expense of the Multitude - The Daily Beast


CA has a high proportion of immigrants, many of whom cannot speak/read English or are barely literate in English and The Congress refuses to take on immigration reform. CA has a moderate climate along the Pacific Coast and homeless - by choice of circumstance - can survive with only minimal shelter.

Of course there is poverty in America - and the poor are not all lazy or deadbeats as many would have us believe, and it will get worse unless the callous disregard by so many doing so well changes. Policies which make the rich richer and harm the poor and working poor is evil.
You can't create feudalism through equality. It's the exploitation of the masses to generate income for the rich that creates feudalism.

Liberals have CONTROLLED that state since the 1990's. As usual you are incorrect.
Capitalism creates a feudal caste system for the rich.

Capitalism is what destroyed the feudal system in the first place, as the means of wealth and power were seprated from the land (which was controlled by the nobility) towards money, and investment (which was controlled by a rising class of non-nobles).
Capitalism creates a feudal caste system for the rich.

Capitalism is what destroyed the feudal system in the first place, as the means of wealth and power were seprated from the land (which was controlled by the nobility) towards money, and investment (which was controlled by a rising class of non-nobles).

meh, you require too much basic knowledge from the parrots of the talking points :D
Capitalism creates a feudal caste system for the rich.

Capitalism is what destroyed the feudal system in the first place, as the means of wealth and power were seprated from the land (which was controlled by the nobility) towards money, and investment (which was controlled by a rising class of non-nobles).

meh, you require too much basic knowledge from the parrots of the talking points :D

Telling them over and over is the only way they learn, and if not at least a passerby gets the real deal and not the progressive vision of what is "supposed" to be.

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