California short on housing for the low income illegal aliens


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A lot of money is going into this. Of course, the tax payers in California will foot the bill. They are short of affordable housing, mainly because of the fact that they are a sanctuary state. They seem to admit that the 'diverse' population is the reason for the lack of cheap housing. The illegals go there and work on farms for way less than minimum wage. If they were able to demand higher wages, there wouldn't be the need for so much cheap housing. But, the liberals want it both ways. Higher wages for citizens and keep the cheap wages for illegal aliens. What they are doing is justifying the low wages because it keeps the cost of produce down. Of course, in exchange for cheaper fruits and veggies, the tax payers get to subsidize the illegal aliens to the tune of trillions of dollars for food, housing and medical. Great trade off, huh? That is a liberal's idea of fixing things. Upholding immigration laws would mean everyone is a citizen or here legally and could fight for better wages and benefits. It would mean the price going up on produce. It would be cheaper to pay a little more for a head of lettuce than to pay for millions of illegals to have more anchor babies and get increasing amounts in welfare.

This goes on the ballot and the people will vote on it. If history of California elections shows us anything, it's that some liberal judge will overturn the results if the people don't agree with the liberals running the state. Californians, be prepared to pay even more in taxes soon.

The politicians behind this are basically telling people to get used to a diverse population, which means be prepared to pay more to have illegals invade the state.

"Also included in the deal, according to Cap Radio, is San Francisco Sen. Scott Wiener’s SB 35, a bill that would, in effect, force some cities to build more housing by temporarily hobbling much of their ability to say no to new development and laying aside local restrictions unless they keep up with state expectations on their own.

The bill has riled tempers in Marin County, where locals like columnists Dick Spotswood and Niccolo Caldararo accuse Wiener and the rest of the Sacramento set of putting the burden of larger city’s housing woes on neighboring communities.

“If San Franciscans want to point fingers, they should look closer to home,” Caldararo wrote on Monday.
Nevertheless, Wiener (who started pushing SB 35 almost from the moment of his swearing in) has insisted for months that the housing crisis demands more aggressive policy everywhere.

This morning, Wiener’s office put out a press release touting support for the bill from the likes of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, among others, an attempt to undermine the perception that Sacramento is bullying unwilling municipal governments.

Lee called the measure “a reasonable streamlining bill,” while Schaaf argued that it’s time for California cities to accept the reality of “diverse populations and more dense development.”

Gov. Brown and legislature push housing deal
You know that the excuse of "produce prices" as a reason to put up with criminal aliens is a phony right? It's not true. Where are the illegals? They are in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego. I live in Los Angeles, nary a lettuce field in sight. San Francisco has shit all over the sidewalks but not grapes. Yet, BOTH are up to the eyebrows in illegals. Los Angeles had a brilliant idea to "help" criminal aliens. Force homeowners to take them in. The city will put tiny houses in backyards, upkeep and utilities paid for by the homeowner, of course. That didn't go over very well.
A lot of money is going into this. Of course, the tax payers in California will foot the bill. They are short of affordable housing, mainly because of the fact that they are a sanctuary state. They seem to admit that the 'diverse' population is the reason for the lack of cheap housing. The illegals go there and work on farms for way less than minimum wage. If they were able to demand higher wages, there wouldn't be the need for so much cheap housing. But, the liberals want it both ways. Higher wages for citizens and keep the cheap wages for illegal aliens. What they are doing is justifying the low wages because it keeps the cost of produce down. Of course, in exchange for cheaper fruits and veggies, the tax payers get to subsidize the illegal aliens to the tune of trillions of dollars for food, housing and medical. Great trade off, huh? That is a liberal's idea of fixing things. Upholding immigration laws would mean everyone is a citizen or here legally and could fight for better wages and benefits. It would mean the price going up on produce. It would be cheaper to pay a little more for a head of lettuce than to pay for millions of illegals to have more anchor babies and get increasing amounts in welfare.

This goes on the ballot and the people will vote on it. If history of California elections shows us anything, it's that some liberal judge will overturn the results if the people don't agree with the liberals running the state. Californians, be prepared to pay even more in taxes soon.

The politicians behind this are basically telling people to get used to a diverse population, which means be prepared to pay more to have illegals invade the state.

"Also included in the deal, according to Cap Radio, is San Francisco Sen. Scott Wiener’s SB 35, a bill that would, in effect, force some cities to build more housing by temporarily hobbling much of their ability to say no to new development and laying aside local restrictions unless they keep up with state expectations on their own.

The bill has riled tempers in Marin County, where locals like columnists Dick Spotswood and Niccolo Caldararo accuse Wiener and the rest of the Sacramento set of putting the burden of larger city’s housing woes on neighboring communities.

“If San Franciscans want to point fingers, they should look closer to home,” Caldararo wrote on Monday.
Nevertheless, Wiener (who started pushing SB 35 almost from the moment of his swearing in) has insisted for months that the housing crisis demands more aggressive policy everywhere.

This morning, Wiener’s office put out a press release touting support for the bill from the likes of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, among others, an attempt to undermine the perception that Sacramento is bullying unwilling municipal governments.

Lee called the measure “a reasonable streamlining bill,” while Schaaf argued that it’s time for California cities to accept the reality of “diverse populations and more dense development.”

Gov. Brown and legislature push housing deal
Average home price in San Fran for a 900 sq ft condo is $1.5M
A lot of money is going into this. Of course, the tax payers in California will foot the bill. They are short of affordable housing, mainly because of the fact that they are a sanctuary state. They seem to admit that the 'diverse' population is the reason for the lack of cheap housing. The illegals go there and work on farms for way less than minimum wage. If they were able to demand higher wages, there wouldn't be the need for so much cheap housing. But, the liberals want it both ways. Higher wages for citizens and keep the cheap wages for illegal aliens. What they are doing is justifying the low wages because it keeps the cost of produce down. Of course, in exchange for cheaper fruits and veggies, the tax payers get to subsidize the illegal aliens to the tune of trillions of dollars for food, housing and medical. Great trade off, huh? That is a liberal's idea of fixing things. Upholding immigration laws would mean everyone is a citizen or here legally and could fight for better wages and benefits. It would mean the price going up on produce. It would be cheaper to pay a little more for a head of lettuce than to pay for millions of illegals to have more anchor babies and get increasing amounts in welfare.

This goes on the ballot and the people will vote on it. If history of California elections shows us anything, it's that some liberal judge will overturn the results if the people don't agree with the liberals running the state. Californians, be prepared to pay even more in taxes soon.

The politicians behind this are basically telling people to get used to a diverse population, which means be prepared to pay more to have illegals invade the state.

"Also included in the deal, according to Cap Radio, is San Francisco Sen. Scott Wiener’s SB 35, a bill that would, in effect, force some cities to build more housing by temporarily hobbling much of their ability to say no to new development and laying aside local restrictions unless they keep up with state expectations on their own.

The bill has riled tempers in Marin County, where locals like columnists Dick Spotswood and Niccolo Caldararo accuse Wiener and the rest of the Sacramento set of putting the burden of larger city’s housing woes on neighboring communities.

“If San Franciscans want to point fingers, they should look closer to home,” Caldararo wrote on Monday.
Nevertheless, Wiener (who started pushing SB 35 almost from the moment of his swearing in) has insisted for months that the housing crisis demands more aggressive policy everywhere.

This morning, Wiener’s office put out a press release touting support for the bill from the likes of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, among others, an attempt to undermine the perception that Sacramento is bullying unwilling municipal governments.

Lee called the measure “a reasonable streamlining bill,” while Schaaf argued that it’s time for California cities to accept the reality of “diverse populations and more dense development.”

Gov. Brown and legislature push housing deal
Average home price in San Fran for a 900 sq ft condo is $1.5M

It's because there aren't a lot of places and that makes the price go up. Maybe if they didn't have millions of illegals, there wouldn't be a problem.
Where is justice? where is Sessions? California is the most crooked state in the union.

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