California suffering through SEVERE climate change

from my above link:
Los Angeles (AFP) - California announced sweeping state-wide water restrictions for the first time in history Wednesday in order to combat the region's devastating drought, the worst since records began

Governor Jerry Brown issued the declaration at a press conference in a parched, brown slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains that would normally be covered by deep snow

happy now deniers? Uncensored2008 must be going through hell :( :rofl:
from my above link:
Los Angeles (AFP) - California announced sweeping state-wide water restrictions for the first time in history Wednesday in order to combat the region's devastating drought, the worst since records began

Governor Jerry Brown issued the declaration at a press conference in a parched, brown slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains that would normally be covered by deep snow

happy now deniers? Uncensored2008 must be going through hell :( :rofl:

Poor, poor dottie. No one wants CA to suffer from a drought. But the simple fact is, it is as natural as the sun rising in the east, and setting in the west. Mankind has never had the ability to cause droughts, and probably never will. If we could, just imagine how powerful a weapon that would be.
California is in a drought period - something that has happened repeatedly throughout history. It's why we should have built additional reservoirs and canals to store water during wet years. Instead, the leftwing moonbats who run the state have destroyed storage capacity while the population doubled.

This is what is known as Bad Management (or Bad Luck, in the Heinlein sense).
Poor, poor dottie. No one wants CA to suffer from a drought. But the simple fact is, it is as natural as the sun rising in the east, and setting in the west. Mankind has never had the ability to cause droughts, and probably never will. If we could, just imagine how powerful a weapon that would be.

We have also had a reasonably good rain season this year. Not what I had hoped for, but we got some solid rain and good snow pack.
Poor, poor dottie. No one wants CA to suffer from a drought. But the simple fact is, it is as natural as the sun rising in the east, and setting in the west. Mankind has never had the ability to cause droughts, and probably never will. If we could, just imagine how powerful a weapon that would be.

We have also had a reasonably good rain season this year. Not what I had hoped for, but we got some solid rain and good snow pack.

Weeeellll....I'm looking out my window at the snow pack is the lowest I've seen it in 30ish years. I think the water equivalent is around 13 inches of water throughout the whole Sierra. That's very, very low.

Lake Tahoe has still not reached it's most recent low level record....I think it has another nearly two feet to get that low....but it is low...

See how drought has lowered Lake Tahoe
Poor, poor dottie. No one wants CA to suffer from a drought. But the simple fact is, it is as natural as the sun rising in the east, and setting in the west. Mankind has never had the ability to cause droughts, and probably never will. If we could, just imagine how powerful a weapon that would be.

We have also had a reasonably good rain season this year. Not what I had hoped for, but we got some solid rain and good snow pack.
good snow pack? Not according to what I've read not to mention the 2nd paragraph of my source:

Governor Jerry Brown issued the declaration at a press conference in a parched, brown slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains that would normally be covered by deep snow..
Poor, poor dottie. No one wants CA to suffer from a drought. But the simple fact is, it is as natural as the sun rising in the east, and setting in the west. Mankind has never had the ability to cause droughts, and probably never will. If we could, just imagine how powerful a weapon that would be.

We have also had a reasonably good rain season this year. Not what I had hoped for, but we got some solid rain and good snow pack.

Weeeellll....I'm looking out my window at the snow pack is the lowest I've seen it in 30ish years. I think the water equivalent is around 13 inches of water throughout the whole Sierra. That's very, very low.

Lake Tahoe has still not reached it's most recent low level record....I think it has another nearly two feet to get that low....but it is low...

See how drought has lowered Lake Tahoe

Oh, we have a drought...but it's due to lack of a strong El Nino rather than AGW nonsense.
Weeeellll....I'm looking out my window at the snow pack is the lowest I've seen it in 30ish years. I think the water equivalent is around 13 inches of water throughout the whole Sierra. That's very, very low.

Lake Tahoe has still not reached it's most recent low level record....I think it has another nearly two feet to get that low....but it is low...

See how drought has lowered Lake Tahoe

The rain wasn't enough to make up for the last 4 years of drought, but as a single season, it was not too bad. I was hoping that the November, December trend would continue, but it didn't.
Poor, poor dottie. No one wants CA to suffer from a drought. But the simple fact is, it is as natural as the sun rising in the east, and setting in the west. Mankind has never had the ability to cause droughts, and probably never will. If we could, just imagine how powerful a weapon that would be.

We have also had a reasonably good rain season this year. Not what I had hoped for, but we got some solid rain and good snow pack.

Weeeellll....I'm looking out my window at the snow pack is the lowest I've seen it in 30ish years. I think the water equivalent is around 13 inches of water throughout the whole Sierra. That's very, very low.

Lake Tahoe has still not reached it's most recent low level record....I think it has another nearly two feet to get that low....but it is low...

See how drought has lowered Lake Tahoe

Oh, we have a drought...but it's due to lack of a strong El Nino rather than AGW nonsense.

That much is very clear. dottie and company have never let a thing like facts interrupt their hysteria though.
leave it to deniers to attack me for not using facts when I'm the only one here providing sourcing. :eusa_think: deniers :rofl:
leave it to deniers to attack me for not using facts when I'm the only one here providing sourcing. :eusa_think: deniers :rofl:

What "facts" would those be dottie? The ones I posted that show drought to be natural? The links that show man has zero influence on the frequency and severity of Drought period? Those facts? That you run away from at every opportunity?

We call you names because you are an unethical, lying, piece of crap. True story.
As dottie lurves the gubmint, here's a gubmint source on El Ninos for the past few decades. Strong El Ninos mean lots of rain; weak, not so much.


United States El Ni o Impacts NOAA
NOW deniers come out w/ "stuff" besides their opinions. Got to have their backs against the wall to do it once they run out of ad homs that is. 'twas ever thus.
NOW deniers come out w/ "stuff" besides their opinions. Got to have their backs against the wall to do it once they run out of ad homs that is. 'twas ever thus.

Ahhhh, yes. The little dot projects as well. When you make claims that are unfounded you are going to get bitch slapped. I see you are staying away from the FZ as well. Got too hot in there for you too I see. Here's the deal little dot....stop lying. Every bit of evidence that we have posted that refutes the drivel you post is peer reviewed and most comes from the government.

That means the only denier in this you.
leave it to deniers to attack me for not using facts when I'm the only one here providing sourcing. :eusa_think: deniers :rofl:
Huh? Are you saying California is not in a drought region? Because that's what they're saying and that's a fact! Sorry missed your point somewhere along your rant
I'm saying this as a climate change supporter.. I'm fairly certain cali gets droughts, like, on a regular.
Hey dimwit, no body is denying the earths climate hasn't been in a warming trend for centuries, only that the earth is a living organism that is in constantly changing and evolving. Droughts and wet cycles are normal, however, for some its a inconvenience that is outside their control and accept it, others feel superior to nature and seek absolute dominance, and yet others see an economic advantage to be gained by running around selling bogus solutions like carbon credits....So what will these fools sell when the world reverts to a cooling trend, wind powered space heaters?
Hey dimwit, no body is denying the earths climate hasn't been in a warming trend for centuries, only that the earth is a living organism that is in constantly changing and evolving. Droughts and wet cycles are normal, however, for some its a inconvenience that is outside their control and accept it, others feel superior to nature and seek absolute dominance, and yet others see an economic advantage to be gained by running around selling bogus solutions like carbon credits....So what will these fools sell when the world reverts to a cooling trend, wind powered space heaters?

IF the solar physicists I am acquainted with are correct, were about to enter a very steep cooling period. we have already dropped 0.2 deg C in the last 16 years, the approximate length of surface heat reserve the oceans can store and exhausted it. They predict that within 2 years the rapid cooling will become undeniably evident. I am inclined to agree with them, watching the six atmospheric circulations, their strength levels, size and depth changing. As this current EL Nada winds down its going to begin cooling in earnest.

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