California suffering through SEVERE climate change

Hey dimwit, no body is denying the earths climate hasn't been in a warming trend for centuries, only that the earth is a living organism that is in constantly changing and evolving. Droughts and wet cycles are normal, however, for some its a inconvenience that is outside their control and accept it, others feel superior to nature and seek absolute dominance, and yet others see an economic advantage to be gained by running around selling bogus solutions like carbon credits....So what will these fools sell when the world reverts to a cooling trend, wind powered space heaters?

IF the solar physicists I am acquainted with are correct, were about to enter a very steep cooling period. we have already dropped 0.2 deg C in the last 16 years, the approximate length of surface heat reserve the oceans can store and exhausted it. They predict that within 2 years the rapid cooling will become undeniably evident. I am inclined to agree with them, watching the six atmospheric circulations, their strength levels, size and depth changing. As this current EL Nada winds down its going to begin cooling in earnest.

It will only be a cooling period until the data is adjusted to show warming.

On a serious note, "period" is much to vague a term for this issue, most of the time. Winter is a "cooling period." The past couple years have been a cooling period. The past 2 million years have been a "cooling period."
Climatologist Who Predicted California Drought 10 Years Ago Says It May Soon Be Even More Dire ThinkProgress

First, though, as I’ve reported, scientists a decade ago not only predicted the loss of Arctic ice would dry out California, they also precisely predicted the specific, unprecedented change in the jet stream that has in fact caused the unprecedented nature of the California drought. Study co-author, Prof. Lisa Sloan, told me last week that, “I think the actual situation in the next few decades could be even more dire that our study suggested.”

Back in 2004, Sloan, professor of Earth sciences at UC Santa Cruz, and her graduate student Jacob Sewall published, “Disappearing Arctic sea ice reduces available water in the American west” (subs. req’d). They used powerful computers “to simulate the effects of reduced Arctic sea ice,” and “their most striking finding was a significant reduction in rain and snowfall in the American West.”
California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.

Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:

Gee, I don't know, maybe the same reason some years we get slammed with tornadoes and hurricanes and other years it's fairly quiet. Maybe why some years there are severe snow storms and some years it's mild. Maybe why some years we have unusual heat waves and then other years we wonder when summer is coming.

Maybe for the same reason there have been massive droughts in parts of the world throughout human history and some years there has been massive flooding.

Why listen to scientists when we have so many maybeologists?
Climatologist Who Predicted California Drought 10 Years Ago Says It May Soon Be Even More Dire ThinkProgress

First, though, as I’ve reported, scientists a decade ago not only predicted the loss of Arctic ice would dry out California, they also precisely predicted the specific, unprecedented change in the jet stream that has in fact caused the unprecedented nature of the California drought. Study co-author, Prof. Lisa Sloan, told me last week that, “I think the actual situation in the next few decades could be even more dire that our study suggested.”

Back in 2004, Sloan, professor of Earth sciences at UC Santa Cruz, and her graduate student Jacob Sewall published, “Disappearing Arctic sea ice reduces available water in the American west” (subs. req’d). They used powerful computers “to simulate the effects of reduced Arctic sea ice,” and “their most striking finding was a significant reduction in rain and snowfall in the American West.”

That may as well have been a palm reader. Anyone can "predict" a vague scenario as being "imminent" and end up being "proven" correct on a ten year timescale. Predicting a drought in the American west isn't exactly the kind of thing that requires much more than a 7th grade education.
That may as well have been a palm reader. Anyone can "predict" a vague scenario as being "imminent" and end up being "proven" correct on a ten year timescale. Predicting a drought in the American west isn't exactly the kind of thing that requires much more than a 7th grade education.

I hope this quote doesnt go on a record somewhere where future generations can witness how we view science as being akin to palm readers
That may as well have been a palm reader. Anyone can "predict" a vague scenario as being "imminent" and end up being "proven" correct on a ten year timescale. Predicting a drought in the American west isn't exactly the kind of thing that requires much more than a 7th grade education.

I hope this quote doesnt go on a record somewhere where future generations can witness how we view science as being akin to palm readers

You say "science" like it is something magical. As if, anything tangentially touching the very concept of "science" is instantly inerrant. Not all science is correct. In fact, a great multitude of science ends up being incorrect.
That may as well have been a palm reader. Anyone can "predict" a vague scenario as being "imminent" and end up being "proven" correct on a ten year timescale. Predicting a drought in the American west isn't exactly the kind of thing that requires much more than a 7th grade education.

I hope this quote doesnt go on a record somewhere where future generations can witness how we view science as being akin to palm readers

You say "science" like it is something magical. As if, anything tangentially touching the very concept of "science" is instantly inerrant. Not all science is correct. In fact, a great multitude of science ends up being incorrect.

You say "science" like it is something magical.

LMAO!!! Stop it your killing me
California Facing Worst Drought on Record | NOAA
The most populated state in the country is facing what may be its worst drought in a century of record-keeping. On January 20, the governor of California declared a state of emergency, urging everyone to begin conserving water. Water levels in all but a few reservoirs in the state are less than 50% of capacity, mountains are nearly bare of snow except at the highest elevations, and the fire risk is extreme. In Nevada, the situation is much the same.

Wonder why that could be :eusa_think:

Gee, I don't know, maybe the same reason some years we get slammed with tornadoes and hurricanes and other years it's fairly quiet. Maybe why some years there are severe snow storms and some years it's mild. Maybe why some years we have unusual heat waves and then other years we wonder when summer is coming.

Maybe for the same reason there have been massive droughts in parts of the world throughout human history and some years there has been massive flooding.

Why listen to scientists when we have so many maybeologists?
Most better than them there fake experts friend. Anytime fool.
That may as well have been a palm reader. Anyone can "predict" a vague scenario as being "imminent" and end up being "proven" correct on a ten year timescale. Predicting a drought in the American west isn't exactly the kind of thing that requires much more than a 7th grade education.

I hope this quote doesnt go on a record somewhere where future generations can witness how we view science as being akin to palm readers
exactly!!!!!!!you finally understand!
California Drought Tests History of Endless Growth

just like the failure of capitalism build, build, build, grow, grow, grow. Its unsustainable.

“If this gets out of control, I’ll probably end up leaving,” Mr. Smith said. “This has been a problem for as long as I’ve been alive.”

“I’ve watched this state get trampled by developers,” he added. “They keep building homes, but where’s the water going to come from?”
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The only thing california is suffering through is extreme irresponsibility with their natural resources....and liberal politicians.
I find it interesting that several people here want to blame liberal politicians for causing California's water shortage because they failed to build enough dams and reservoirs.

I think we can very easily go back just a little further and find a far more fundamental cause. More people moved to California than the environment could ever support. Who is to blame for that? Land developers, real estate moguls, investors... in short, businessmen looking to make a profit.

Environmentally conscientious citizens and politicians realizing that raping the water supply from the coast to the San Joaquin mountains to support a thin strip of wealthy beach-goers was not a scheme that would work out for anyone. Think of it as some of the earliest water rationing.

But humans are absurdly slow to learn. Be that as it may, this drought looks to last long enough that a sufficient number might actually get the message and move.

And this will be just another one of those drastic climatic changes that just happen to coincide with increased global warming. We fully expect you all to deny any connection whatsoever. It's just normal. It's just a natural cycle. It's what always happens. Right?
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California Drought Tests History of Endless Growth

just like the failure of capitalism build, build, build, grow, grow, grow. Its unsustainable.

“If this gets out of control, I’ll probably end up leaving,” Mr. Smith said. “This has been a problem for as long as I’ve been alive.”

“I’ve watched this state get trampled by developers,” he added. “They keep building homes, but where’s the water going to come from?”

This is the first accurate thing you have said in this thread.
I find it interesting that several people here want to blame liberal politicians for causing California's water shortage because they failed to build enough dams and reservoirs.

I think we can very easily go back just a little further and find a far more fundamental cause. More people moved to California than the environment could ever support. Who is to blame for that? Land developers, real estate moguls, investors... in short, businessmen looking to make a profit.

Environmentally conscientious citizens and politicians realizing that raping the water supply from the coast to the San Joaquin mountains to support a thin strip of wealthy beach-goers was not a scheme that would work out for anyone. Think of it as some of the earliest water rationing.

But humans are absurdly slow to learn. Be that as it may, this drought looks to last long enough that a sufficient number might actually get the message and move.

And this will be just another one of those drastic climatic changes that just happen to coincide with increased global warming.

80% of the water usage in CA is agriculture nimrod. Get the farmers to start planting drought resistant crops (that means idiots like you have to accept the GMO's aren't "evil") and a huuuge part of the problem disappears.

Here's some folks in Wyoming enjoying a healthy dose of global warming right now! 10 inches of snow in a day. Wish we had got it instead!

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80% of the water usage in CA is agriculture nimrod.

And how does that change the issue? How much of that agriculture is based on artificial irrigation?

Get the farmers to start planting drought resistant crops (that means idiots like you have to accept the GMO's aren't "evil") and a huuuge part of the problem disappears.

Hey, fuckface, I've supported GMOs since they were invented.

What drought resistant crops would you have them plant and how much of their current water consumption do you think that will save?

Here's some folks in Wyoming...

...That you think to use to make us think the west isn't really suffering a drought or that the world isn't really getting warmer. Sorry, but you fail.
80% of the water usage in CA is agriculture nimrod.

And how does that change the issue? How much of that agriculture is based on artificial irrigation?

Get the farmers to start planting drought resistant crops (that means idiots like you have to accept the GMO's aren't "evil") and a huuuge part of the problem disappears.

Hey, fuckface, I've supported GMOs since they were invented.

What drought resistant crops would you have them plant and how much of their current water consumption do you think that will save?

Here's some folks in Wyoming...

...That you think to use to make us think the west isn't really suffering a drought or that the world isn't really getting warmer. Sorry, but you fail.

Wrong nimrod, I have been talking about the drought we are in for a couple of years. What I have been saying is the drought California is enjoying is normal. They happen all the time. What is stupid is you clowns claiming it is due to global warming which is patently ridiculous.
I haven't made such a claim. I have said, that the world's climate scientists have said, that the odds of weather extremes taking place have increased with increasing temperatures.

What drought resistant crops would you have them plant and how much of their current water consumption do you believe they can save?

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