California suffering through SEVERE climate change

Link, silly ass Billy Boob, link. Because you have repeated that lie numerous times.

First of all Old Fraud, i have shown you the data over and over again but you simply like to call people liars when it doesn't fit your liberal control agenda. SO lets show old fraud as the liar he is projecting...

First since 2002 we have been cooling:

Now on to the prediction:
Scientists and Studies predict ‘imminent global COOLING’ ahead – Drop in global temps ‘almost a slam dunk’

Growing number of scientists are predicting global cooling: Russia’s Pulkovo Observatory: ‘We could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years’
Danish Solar Scientist Svensmark declares ‘global warming has stopped and a cooling is beginning…enjoy global warming while it lasts’

New paper by Russian solar physicist by Habibullo Abdussamatov predicts another Little Ice Age within the next 30 years

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on declining global temps: ‘Has the Obama administration, the EPA or anyone that can read a chart actually looked at what global temperatures are now doing?’

Climate Scientist Prof. Anastasios Tsonis at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Predicts: ‘I would assume something like another 15 years of leveling off or cooling’

Prominent geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook warns ‘global COOLING is almost a slam dunk’ for up to 30 years or more

Australian Astronomical Society warns of global COOLING as Sun’s activity ‘significantly diminishes’

Old Fraud should look pretty stupid right about now..
Climatologist Who Predicted California Drought 10 Years Ago Says It May Soon Be Even More Dire ThinkProgress

First, though, as I’ve reported, scientists a decade ago not only predicted the loss of Arctic ice would dry out California, they also precisely predicted the specific, unprecedented change in the jet stream that has in fact caused the unprecedented nature of the California drought. Study co-author, Prof. Lisa Sloan, told me last week that, “I think the actual situation in the next few decades could be even more dire that our study suggested.”

Back in 2004, Sloan, professor of Earth sciences at UC Santa Cruz, and her graduate student Jacob Sewall published, “Disappearing Arctic sea ice reduces available water in the American west” (subs. req’d). They used powerful computers “to simulate the effects of reduced Arctic sea ice,” and “their most striking finding was a significant reduction in rain and snowfall in the American West.”

That may as well have been a palm reader. Anyone can "predict" a vague scenario as being "imminent" and end up being "proven" correct on a ten year timescale. Predicting a drought in the American west isn't exactly the kind of thing that requires much more than a 7th grade education.

The Farmers Almanac sure hit it on the head and they use long established natural cycles.
U.S. Drought Monitor

U.S. Drought Monitor U.S. Drought Portal

Take a good look at this map. Not only the crops in California, but the crops in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Wheat, potatos, and onions, plus beef. You are going to pay more for them in the coming months, more than the increases that you have already seen. If a drought also develops in the Dakatos, then the world's food supply is going to be seriously affected.

BTW.......those red areas on the map?

They're called @#%&$@ DESERTS!!!!!!
U.S. Drought Monitor

U.S. Drought Monitor U.S. Drought Portal

Take a good look at this map. Not only the crops in California, but the crops in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Wheat, potatos, and onions, plus beef. You are going to pay more for them in the coming months, more than the increases that you have already seen. If a drought also develops in the Dakatos, then the world's food supply is going to be seriously affected.

BTW.......those red areas on the map?

They're called @#%&$@ DESERTS!!!!!!
Dumb ass, Northern California is not a desert. Nor is Grant County, Oregon.
No part of the Earth can support limitless numbers of human beings or any other organism.
Not according to supply siders (Repub voters) who think "capitalism" is a form of government :eusa_doh:
U.S. Drought Monitor

U.S. Drought Monitor U.S. Drought Portal

Take a good look at this map. Not only the crops in California, but the crops in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Wheat, potatos, and onions, plus beef. You are going to pay more for them in the coming months, more than the increases that you have already seen. If a drought also develops in the Dakatos, then the world's food supply is going to be seriously affected.

BTW.......those red areas on the map?

They're called @#%&$@ DESERTS!!!!!!
Dumb ass, Northern California is not a desert. Nor is Grant County, Oregon. Oregon, around that area is a Desert called the Great Sandy Desert. Desert areas stretch intermittently all the way up through Yakama Washington.
My relatives have been living there since the 60s. It's dry and arid. I've been there dozens of times to visit them.

So STFU Dork!!!
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And my great-grandfather prospected and established a ranch in Grant County with the proceeds from that endevour in the 1860's. From the Strawberry Mountains, Aldrichs, and Ochoco Mountains south is high desert. But from there north is ponderosa pine forests and farming and ranching country. Not a desert at all. In fact, there is even a remnnant stand of Alaska Cedar in the Aldrichs. Those trees definately don't grow in a desert.

Bet you missed this part...

“If people don’t have water it’ll just turn into a desert again,” said Allen, 52, as he surveyed a field of baked, barren earth on his farm, 10 miles outside Mendota. “That’s what this was before they built the whole system.”

Yes the drought is bad, but growing water intensive crops in a desert is pretty stupid don't ya think?
Get ready for round 5 Cali thanks to our good friends in the big oil & big agri lobbies.

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