California Tea Party Files Class Action Lawsuit Against IRS

Doing their job, I'm sure, would include a red flag over tax forms using the key words like "MoveOn", "Occupy WallStreet", "Americans United", and "GLAD", right?

Of course, unless those promote social justice / social outreach (like Occupy Wall Street, GLAD and MoveOn). Double smack.

You know as well as I do that CPACs are using a vague loophole that should't even be there. The tea party is strictly a political slush fund. No tax exemption should be allowed for any political slush funds. And all donors should be made public.

MoveOn is not a political slush fund for Democrats? :lol::lol::lol: Thanks for the laugh. I hope you weren't trying to be serious.
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It's silly to pretend there's any difference between right-wing 501c4s and left-wing 501c4s.
They were required to fill out a questionaire. Can't wait to see their damages

Could be.......HUNDREDS $$$$$

They were denied tax-exempt status for an extended period of time, costing the group millions in uncollected donations. It's a solid premise, one used by the IRS to calculate taxes due on disallowed deductions.

No Tea Party groups were prevented from collecting donations while they waited for approval.

Sure they were. If they couldn't tell their donors that contributions would be tax deductible and they would remain anonymous, then a lot of donors would refrain from contributing.

It really doesn't matter. The purpose of the lawsuit is to force the IRS to turn over incriminating documents and to force IRS employees to testify under oath.

The truth will come out now.
Doing their job, I'm sure, would include a red flag over tax forms using the key words like "MoveOn", "Occupy WallStreet", "Americans United", and "GLAD", right?

Of course, unless those promote social justice / social outreach (like Occupy Wall Street, GLAD and MoveOn). Double smack.

You know as well as I do that CPACs are using a vague loophole that should't even be there. The tea party is strictly a political slush fund. No tax exemption should be allowed for any political slush funds. And all donors should be made public.

What you think the law should be is irrelevant. all that matters is how the law stands now. The IRS broke the law. End of story.
MoveOn started as an anti-war movement, as I remember:


"What is MoveOn™?
MoveOn is a community of more than 8 million Americans from all walks of life who are using the most innovative technology to lead, participate in, and win campaigns for progressive change.

For over 14 years, the MoveOn family of organizations have used online tools to lower the barriers to participation in our democracy, so real Americans have a voice in a political process where big money and corporate lobbyists wield far too much influence. Increasingly, MoveOn members and progressives are stepping up as the leaders of their own campaigns for social change, using MoveOn's cutting-edge technology, such as our petition tool, to tap into our collective people power by enlisting other MoveOn members' support.

The MoveOn family of organizations is not-for-profit and funded entirely by small dollar donations from our 7 million members -- no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way.

Our MoveOn family is made up of a couple of different pieces. Civic Action, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, focuses on education and advocacy, as well as on building the progressive movement by encouraging and supporting the development of more grassroots leaders. Political Action, a federal PAC, is focused on demonstrating MoveOn members' power at the ballot box and electing candidates who reflect our members' values."

See that bolded up there? That "civic action"? The tea party is no "civic action". It is a political slush fund of CPACs and nothing else. Their goal is to get people elected, nothing else. They do not have a "civic action" arm as well as their PAC.
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What law did they break? I have yet to get confirmation of illegality.

Thanks for your calm, clear reply.
Doing their job, I'm sure, would include a red flag over tax forms using the key words like "MoveOn", "Occupy WallStreet", "Americans United", and "GLAD", right?

Of course, unless those promote social justice / social outreach (like Occupy Wall Street, GLAD and MoveOn). Double smack.

You know as well as I do that CPACs are using a vague loophole that should't even be there. The tea party is strictly a political slush fund. No tax exemption should be allowed for any political slush funds. And all donors should be made public.

MoveOn is not a political slush fund for Democrats? :lol::lol::lol: Thanks for the laugh. I hope you weren't trying to be serious.

I love watching these hypocrites getting all over the TEA Party while they defend all their scumbag propaganda outlets.
What you think the law should be is irrelevant. all that matters is how the law stands now. The IRS broke the law. End of story.

No, actually, they didn't. They were doing exactly what they should have done. End of story.
They were denied tax-exempt status for an extended period of time, costing the group millions in uncollected donations. It's a solid premise, one used by the IRS to calculate taxes due on disallowed deductions.

No Tea Party groups were prevented from collecting donations while they waited for approval.

Sure they were. If they couldn't tell their donors that contributions would be tax deductible and they would remain anonymous, then a lot of donors would refrain from contributing.
Donations to 501c4 organizations are not tax-deductible, and there's no reason that the donations would not remain anonymous.

It really doesn't matter. The purpose of the lawsuit is to force the IRS to turn over incriminating documents and to force IRS employees to testify under oath.

The truth will come out now.

I wouldn't keep your hopes up.
They were required to fill out a questionaire. Can't wait to see their damages

Could be.......HUNDREDS $$$$$

They were denied tax-exempt status for an extended period of time, costing the group millions in uncollected donations. It's a solid premise, one used by the IRS to calculate taxes due on disallowed deductions.

No Tea Party groups were prevented from collecting donations while they waited for approval.

They could not represent themselves as nonprofits which hampered their abilities to collect donations. One does not "donate" to a for-profit corporation.

That's why MoveOn is tax exempt, it's why Media Matters is tax exempt.
Nutters suddenly love to have people testify under oath! What legal beagles they have morphed into!
They were denied tax-exempt status for an extended period of time, costing the group millions in uncollected donations. It's a solid premise, one used by the IRS to calculate taxes due on disallowed deductions.

No Tea Party groups were prevented from collecting donations while they waited for approval.

They could not represent themselves as nonprofits which hampered their abilities to collect donations. One does not "donate" to a for-profit corporation.

For 501c4 organizations, that is not true. As soon as you incorporate, you can operate as a non-profit, you don't have to wait for approval.

That's why MoveOn is tax exempt, it's why Media Matters is tax exempt.

MoveOn is a 501c4. MediaMatters is a 501c3. They are not the same thing.
MoveOn started as an anti-war movement, as I remember:


"What is MoveOn™?
MoveOn is a community of more than 8 million Americans from all walks of life who are using the most innovative technology to lead, participate in, and win campaigns for progressive change.

For over 14 years, the MoveOn family of organizations have used online tools to lower the barriers to participation in our democracy, so real Americans have a voice in a political process where big money and corporate lobbyists wield far too much influence. Increasingly, MoveOn members and progressives are stepping up as the leaders of their own campaigns for social change, using MoveOn's cutting-edge technology, such as our petition tool, to tap into our collective people power by enlisting other MoveOn members' support.

The MoveOn family of organizations is not-for-profit and funded entirely by small dollar donations from our 7 million members -- no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way.

Our MoveOn family is made up of a couple of different pieces. Civic Action, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, focuses on education and advocacy, as well as on building the progressive movement by encouraging and supporting the development of more grassroots leaders. Political Action, a federal PAC, is focused on demonstrating MoveOn members' power at the ballot box and electing candidates who reflect our members' values."

See that bolded up there? That "civic action"? The tea party is no "civic action". It is a political slush fund of CPACs and nothing else. Their goal is to get people elected, nothing else. They do not have a "civic action" arm as well as their PAC.

"Civic action" is a liberal euphemism meaning "left-wing propaganda." There's nothing inherent in the term "social welfare" that requires blather about "civic action." The ultimate goal of is to get democrats elected. Anyone who denies it is either a moron or a liar.

The excuse liberals are using to excuse this IRS persecution is the fact that right-wing 501(c) 4 aren't willing to swallow the liberal Kool-Aid.
In fact, you don't even need to apply at all - you can just declare your corporation a 501c4, and you can operate as one. Getting the IRS letter isn't required, it just makes things easier.
No Tea Party groups were prevented from collecting donations while they waited for approval.

They could not represent themselves as nonprofits which hampered their abilities to collect donations. One does not "donate" to a for-profit corporation.

For 501c4 organizations, that is not true. As soon as you incorporate, you can operate as a non-profit, you don't have to wait for approval.

That's why MoveOn is tax exempt, it's why Media Matters is tax exempt.

MoveOn is a 501c4. MediaMatters is a 501c3. They are not the same thing.

While true that they are different, they are both tax exempt.

Please show me the IRS rule that states one can operate as a nonprofit before actually being approved to be nonprofit.
It's silly to pretend there's any difference between right-wing 501c4s and left-wing 501c4s.

Actually there is.

A couple of hot girls walk up to a night club and encounter the bouncer. One is dressed in red, the other in blue. They both show their ID and prove they're over 21. He lets the girl in the blue proceed, but he stops the girl in the red. He proceeds to scrutinize her. He asks, "how tall are you?"

"What?" She replies. "Answer or you don't get in" he explains. "5 foot 6 inches, sir; but what does the have to do with my getting in? You didn't ask the other girl--"

"Just answer a few more questions and I'll let you in" he retorted. The girl in red sighs but ultimately consents. "What is your shirt size?" "A 6, sir" she answered. "But what does the have to do with anything? I just want to have a good time like the rest of those people in there!"

The bouncer proceeds to further scrutinize her, "What shoe size are you?" The girl by now has been standing there for 15 minutes, thinking to herself "This isn't fair!"

"A 7, sir but I--" The Bouncer interrupts once more. "A couple more questions. What High School did you graduate from?" The girl by now is a bit distraught, but she answers "Gallant River High."

"Okay, last question, young lady. What color panties are you wearing?" Shocked and appalled by this question she rips the Bouncer. "That is none of your business! This has nothing to do with me getting into the club! The girl in blue was never asked any of these questions, why was I stopped?"

"Orders from the top, ma'am. The owner of this establishment's favorite color is blue, he asked me to question anyone who isn't dressed in the same color." "THAT'S DISCRIMINATION!" She protests. The girl in red ultimately storms off back to her car, to wait for her companion's return.

All of this scrutiny, because she wore a different color to the party.
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The ultimate goal of is to get democrats elected. Anyone who denies it is either a moron or a liar.

No it isn't. Most people you label as "leftists" are registered independents. I don't even know any Democrats. Democrats are corporatists too, you know - just a little less obvious about it.

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