California Voters Reject Ballot Measures to Lower Taxes


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
Californians passed up two chances to lower taxes, voting to keep higher gasoline taxes and reject a proposed tax break for older homeowners in moves that experts said could highlight a greater tolerance for taxes even as many state residents bemoan the high cost of living.

That is the property tax law in MI, when you buy a new home you pay 1/2 of the assessed value= taxable value.

That law should not of been changed. I agree with:
Rep. David Chiu (D-17) said he opposed the initiative:[16]

“ It doesn’t add housing, and it is going to make it harder for cities and counties to pay for schools, infrastructure and public safety to the tune of $2 billion per year. We’re in the midst of the most intense housing crisis our state has ever experienced, and this proposal does nothing to address it.[8]
Laura Clark, executive director of YIMBY Action, criticized the measure, saying:[16]

“ We’re talking about, once again, another tax giveaway to people who are wealthy.[8]
That is the property tax law in MI, when you buy a new home you pay 1/2 of the assessed value= taxable value.

That law should not of been changed. I agree with:
Rep. David Chiu (D-17) said he opposed the initiative:[16]

“ It doesn’t add housing, and it is going to make it harder for cities and counties to pay for schools, infrastructure and public safety to the tune of $2 billion per year. We’re in the midst of the most intense housing crisis our state has ever experienced, and this proposal does nothing to address it.[8]
Laura Clark, executive director of YIMBY Action, criticized the measure, saying:[16]

“ We’re talking about, once again, another tax giveaway to people who are wealthy.[8]
No wonder everyone is living outside on the street in California. It is not only the Homeless that are pooping on the streets.

California Voters Reject Ballot Measures To Lower Taxes | Stanford Law School

New bill would let homeless Cuesta College students sleep in their cars on campus
It was not presented as a tax issue so much as it was as a bad alternative----sure you can cut taxes.....if you want the front end of your car ripped off by potholes under bridges about to collapse on top of you.
It was not presented as a tax issue so much as it was as a bad alternative----sure you can cut taxes.....if you want the front end of your car ripped off by potholes under bridges about to collapse on top of you.
Such a false choice here. Nice straw man....either raise taxes or bridges will collapse right on top of you.
That is the property tax law in MI, when you buy a new home you pay 1/2 of the assessed value= taxable value.

That law should not of been changed. I agree with:
Rep. David Chiu (D-17) said he opposed the initiative:[16]

“ It doesn’t add housing, and it is going to make it harder for cities and counties to pay for schools, infrastructure and public safety to the tune of $2 billion per year. We’re in the midst of the most intense housing crisis our state has ever experienced, and this proposal does nothing to address it.[8]
Laura Clark, executive director of YIMBY Action, criticized the measure, saying:[16]

“ We’re talking about, once again, another tax giveaway to people who are wealthy.[8]
No wonder everyone is living outside on the street in California. It is not only the Homeless that are pooping on the streets.

California Voters Reject Ballot Measures To Lower Taxes | Stanford Law School

New bill would let homeless Cuesta College students sleep in their cars on campus
Assembly Bill 302, sponsored by Assemblyman Marc Berman, D-Palo Alto, would require the California Community College system to make their college parking system accessible overnight to any enrolled student in good standing. State law already requires that community colleges provide homeless students with access to shower facilities on campus.

Under Cuesta’s current ordinance, overnight parking is not allowed on campus. While Cuesta doesn’t have immediate statistics, there have been a handful of reports of students sleeping in cars over the past couple years, according to Cuesta College officials.
Read more here: New bill would let homeless Cuesta College students sleep in their cars on campus

As compared to parents who have the means to pay for room and board??
It was not presented as a tax issue so much as it was as a bad alternative----sure you can cut taxes.....if you want the front end of your car ripped off by potholes under bridges about to collapse on top of you.
Such a false choice here. Nice straw man....either raise taxes or bridges will collapse right on top of you.

There is no raise in taxes as I can see, just not cuts.
It was not presented as a tax issue so much as it was as a bad alternative----sure you can cut taxes.....if you want the front end of your car ripped off by potholes under bridges about to collapse on top of you.
Such a false choice here. Nice straw man....either raise taxes or bridges will collapse right on top of you.

Technically they just voted not to cut taxes. They didn't vote to raise them.
There is no raise in taxes as I can see, just not cuts.
That's technically correct. The tax hikes will be coming soon enough.
Why should ideologues in Sacramento conserve money or spend it more wisely when the dumbfounded electorate
will sit there and take the criminal mismanagement of tax money, like a dumb field animal?

It's not the Golden State any more. It's the Golden Goose and one state rule slaughtered it. I'm so happy to be out.
dumbasses !!!!
there should be no new taxes--they should go DOWN

There are no new taxes.
they are always raising taxes--YES

Thiessen: Green Deal means higher taxes — for everyone – The Mercury News

Hawaii and California have enacted legislation to hit a 100 percent clean or renewable electricity target by 2045, while Washington, D.C., is aiming for 2032. And already this year, 10 more states have followed suit, introducing their own legislation to reach a clean electricity standard by 2050 or earlier.
Cities and states are modeling what a Green New Deal could look like

Many people are moving from California to Texas

Don't just sit there wondering......TAX EM......good and hard.

What I don't understand....why let the people of California keep any money at all? The state should simply take every penny, then require each resident to petition the state for an allowance.....they should have to prove they need the money they earn, not just get the money, then give it back to the state....what a waste of time.....if every resident has to petition for their allowance, that gives the state all the power to grant money to people based on a "Just" scale......

I am shocked they haven't done this yet....since the morons in California seem up to this madness....
The politicians have had great success in telling the people that the rich have all the money rightfully belonging to the poor. Don't complain when the state takes excessive taxes. The state will cut you in for a share. The rich never will.

This is what happens when there is no middle class.
It was not presented as a tax issue so much as it was as a bad alternative----sure you can cut taxes.....if you want the front end of your car ripped off by potholes under bridges about to collapse on top of you.
Such a false choice here. Nice straw man....either raise taxes or bridges will collapse right on top of you.

There is no raise in taxes as I can see, just not cuts.
Kinda like when government says it's cutting the budget.
Instead of the usual 10% increase, they are increasing only by 7% and calling it a 3 percent cut.
California is on a collision course with destiny, from my viewpoint not a pretty picture. The great opportunity and dream has been squandered by their own illusions of grandeur which prohibits them from recognizing the consequences of the failed policies which were overwhelmingly embraced.

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