California wants taxpayers to subsidize unions.

Great news for union business agents, organizers and the Italian Clubs that they patronize.

Unions will undoubtably raise dues to cover the difference.
i guess Big Labor is backing away from their long term claim that "union membership pays"?

I knew it wasn't true in the early 1980's when I was briefly a member of UFCW earning 15 cents more than minimum wage in a grocery store- the dues were more than 15 cents an hour, finding ANY non-union job was the key to advancement for me. (the unemployment rate in Youngstown was north of 20% at the time, I had to take the union job)
Had a union job once. Made 2 bucks more an hr in 1990. Today I make 7.50 more than the union boys. Times have changed.
Unions own the Democrat party. The railroad unions are the most recent example, as well as teacher's unions. The moment they snap their fingers, Biden and the Democrats bend the knee.

Bunch of panzees.

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