Californians Upset Over Lack Of Doctors Under Obamacare

Washington Free Beacon

Californians are expressing their dissatisfaction with California’s health insurance exchange, CoveredCalifornia.
This surprises anyone? :eusa_whistle:

Read more @ Californians Upset Over Lack Of Doctors Under Obamacare | Washington Free Beacon

I'm sorry to say but we're going to see a lot more of this all across the country. :eusa_hand:

Wow. What a nightmare. A total nightmare! This nation is swirling down the tubes. Something has got to change.

We (Conservatives) have GOT to find away to wake the people up. Of course, Obama's numerous faux pas certainly help our cause but there's still so many uninformed or downright ignorant people in the USA who believe that a Welfare State is the answer to all of their woes. They will soon find out that even their lives will get worse. The more money the Obamas of the world steal from the American people the less money there is for truly charitable organizations that do a lot more to help the sick, aged, poor, and needy than the Federal Government could ever hope to do.

In the meantime, the Obama-types and their rich shysters will continue to get richer as the rest of us get poorer. The middle class is rapidly disappearing and I hold Obama and other lackeys like him totally responsible.

Well ... more responsible than Obama and friends are the Americans who sat blindly by and allowed it to happen. Time to open up those eyes and take a look at reality.
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The Echo Chamber is once again in hysterical mode.

Q. Are the people above as stupid as their posts suggest?

A. More than stupid, this set, part of the echo chamber, have been brainwashed when only a light rinse was necessary.
The Echo Chamber is once again in hysterical mode.

Q. Are the people above as stupid as their posts suggest?

A. More than stupid, this set, part of the echo chamber, have been brainwashed when only a light rinse was necessary.

Do you have a counter argument to the 1st post or are you just going to act like you already know it all and put the blinders on?

Do you seriously think all the hospitals that were available before Obamacare are all still available (without paying an out of network premium)? :cuckoo:
The Echo Chamber is once again in hysterical mode.

Q. Are the people above as stupid as their posts suggest?

A. More than stupid, this set, part of the echo chamber, have been brainwashed when only a light rinse was necessary.

Californians Upset Over Lack Of Doctors Under Obamacare

The system will quickly adjust.
The Echo Chamber is once again in hysterical mode.

Q. Are the people above as stupid as their posts suggest?

A. More than stupid, this set, part of the echo chamber, have been brainwashed when only a light rinse was necessary.

Echo chamber? Really Wry?

You are not affected by the ACA. The taxpayers of California are already filling your retirement coffers. Your bargaining unit, bargained for your retirement insurance benefits.

Don't like the truth of the 'little people' Wry?
Guess what, too bad. Deal with it!!

Californians Upset Over Lack Of Doctors Under Obamacare

The system will quickly adjust.

Jake, that's a big NO for California.

For those of us that live in California and work in the healthcare industry, we know better.
Maybe it's just because I live on the west side but it looks like most of the doctors have gone to concierge.
Washington Free Beacon

Californians are expressing their dissatisfaction with California’s health insurance exchange, CoveredCalifornia.

This surprises anyone? :eusa_whistle:

Read more @ Californians Upset Over Lack Of Doctors Under Obamacare | Washington Free Beacon

I'm sorry to say but we're going to see a lot more of this all across the country. :eusa_hand:

Millions being added onto Medicaid--where doctors who accept Medicaid patients are few. It's definitely going to be a mess across this country.

A recent study lays out some reasons why many physicians are so reluctant to see such patients.

It starts with low reimbursement rates. Medicaid pays about 61% of what Medicare pays, nationally, for outpatient physician services. The payment rate varies from state to state, of course. But if 61% is average, you can imagine how terrible the situation is in some locations. Physicians interviewed in the study explained that they felt it was their duty to see some amount of Medicaid patients in their practice. They recognized the moral need to provide care for this population. But they did not want to commit career suicide — they did not want good deeds to bankrupt their clinical practices.

But reimbursement rates were not the only story. Many physicians talk about unacceptable waiting times to receive reimbursement from their state Medicaid programs. To make matters worse, these low reimbursements came on top of increasingly complex paperwork that their office staff are forced to fill out. Less money and a month late too. Not a recipe for happiness.

In addition to getting less money after a longer wait, most physicians were also reluctant to take on many Medicaid patients in their practices because these patients often required much more time and attention than the average patient. In their experience, many physicians felt that the social and behavioral needs of Medicaid patients required a disproportionate share of their time, and of their support staff.
Why physicians are hesitant to take Medicaid patients


Just one more thing that Democrats didn't think about before they signed off on Obamacare.
The Echo Chamber is once again in hysterical mode.

Q. Are the people above as stupid as their posts suggest?

A. More than stupid, this set, part of the echo chamber, have been brainwashed when only a light rinse was necessary.

Do you have a counter argument to the 1st post or are you just going to act like you already know it all and put the blinders on?

Do you seriously think all the hospitals that were available before Obamacare are all still available (without paying an out of network premium)? :cuckoo:

I seriously think that those opposed to the PPACA make things up (or parrot lies of others without a fact check). If those contributors had something germane to offer on the issue of health reform in America they would provide evidence of the problems and offer solutions on specific aspects of the PPACA; as it stands they mostly echo the bullshit of Boehner/McConnell and other Republicans whose sole purpose is power, not the health or well being of the average American Citizen.

The evidence of my last statement is obvious every time an elected member of the GOP speaks to the media, their entire statement can be summed up by, "ain't it awful" and their only solution is to argue for more tax cuts, less government and a return to a broken policy which made the suffering of many citizens worse.

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