California's Brown Signs Bill Permitting Non-Physician Abortions

abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

It sounds like nothing so much in here as "AND IF I'M NOT GETTING ANY, THEN BY GOD NOBODY IS GETTING ANY!"


Yes, after about the 50th time she found a way to interject her musings about MY sex life (into a wide variety of threads about a wide variety of topis) it started getting just a little creepy.

Boop spends, and has since her early days, an inordinate amount of time thinking about whether or not I'm getting any, and with whom.
And yes, it's true...contraception isn't 100 percent effective.

So people choosing to have sex should consider the fact that not all contraceptive is 100 percent effective, before they actually have sex. There is no method of birth control, aside from abstinence, that is 100 percent effective.

That's a part of the "choice" you make.

abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

So a child is a problem? Right then, keep the legs closed during a one night stand and that would help in getting rid of unwanted problems too. Oh well, guess self restraint isn't taught anymore these days.

Nope, a fetus isn't a "child".

Can we kind of get that straight?

Never heard a woman who was getting an abortion call it a "child" or a "baby". It was always, "that problem I need to take care of!"

And all the preaching and pictures of medical waste and screaming at people isn't going to change the reality that given a choice between ending a pregnancy and screwing up their entire lives, most women WILL Have an abortion.
And yes, it's true...contraception isn't 100 percent effective.

So people choosing to have sex should consider the fact that not all contraceptive is 100 percent effective, before they actually have sex. There is no method of birth control, aside from abstinence, that is 100 percent effective.

That's a part of the "choice" you make.

abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

Sadly, your parents didn't go in that direction. :(

Gee, that joke was old when Dan Akryod said it to Jane Curtain. And he knew he was being obnoxious...
abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

So a child is a problem? Right then, keep the legs closed during a one night stand and that would help in getting rid of unwanted problems too. Oh well, guess self restraint isn't taught anymore these days.

Nope, a fetus isn't a "child".

Can we kind of get that straight?

Never heard a woman who was getting an abortion call it a "child" or a "baby". It was always, "that problem I need to take care of!"

And all the preaching and pictures of medical waste and screaming at people isn't going to change the reality that given a choice between ending a pregnancy and screwing up their entire lives, most women WILL Have an abortion.

I am so tired of baby killers jumping on the "it's not a baby, it's a FETUS" thing. As if that makes a difference.


Almost as boring as joe's eternal assertion that the many women he's talked to about their abortions did so with a smile and a skip and no worries about anything.

Cuz we all know...risky sex AND abortions are good for women!!
This might have the unintended consequence of forcing women back into back alleys. The one with the coat hanger will know more and have more experience whose last job was taco filler at Taco Bell.

This really doen't have a downside.
Here's where I changed my mind about abortion.

When I was just out of college and in active duty military service, one of my fellow NCOs had this girlfriend. Asian, Catholic, seemingly nice but really manipulative. College educated and smart enough to know better. And when he didn't make good on his promises to marry her, she stopped taking birth contol. She got knocked up, pulled the old, "Marry me or else" bit, and then did the Or Else. Because she didn't want her parents knowing she wasn't a virgin at 22.

They broke up, got back together, and right before I realized I needed a better class of friend, pretty much did the same shit again.

Now, besides instituting rule #7 (never get involved in other people's soap operas) the one thing I took away from that is you are never going to bully people into not having abortions. It just isn't going to happen. As long as people make bad choices, they are going to want an eraser.

I am so tired of baby killers jumping on the "it's not a baby, it's a FETUS" thing. As if that makes a difference.


Almost as boring as joe's eternal assertion that the many women he's talked to about their abortions did so with a smile and a skip and no worries about anything.

Cuz we all know...risky sex AND abortions are good for women!!

Okay, out here in the real world, women are having sex. Sometimes with committed partners, sometimes not...

Reality check. Sometimes now isn't the right time. Heck, 40% of abortions are sought by MARRIED women.
abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

So a child is a problem? Right then, keep the legs closed during a one night stand and that would help in getting rid of unwanted problems too. Oh well, guess self restraint isn't taught anymore these days.

Nope, a fetus isn't a "child".

Can we kind of get that straight?

Never heard a woman who was getting an abortion call it a "child" or a "baby". It was always, "that problem I need to take care of!"

And all the preaching and pictures of medical waste and screaming at people isn't going to change the reality that given a choice between ending a pregnancy and screwing up their entire lives, most women WILL Have an abortion.

When is a baby not a baby?

When it's inconvenient for liberals.
Nobody cares about the irrelevant "personal" stories you have, joe. You're a scumbag, whose premier function on this site is to promote abortion.

Yuck. You're so disgusting people have a hard time wrapping their heads around it. True story. You are not admired, you are shunned and avoided. You get your kicks from the support you receive from the most pathetic of our female posters...just as most abortionists make a living off the same pathetic crowd. Women who have been abused, who are desperate, who are vulnerable and confused.

The rest of us, we see you for what you are...and we're perfectly certain that you are just as repugnant in real life as you are on here. Probably more so. It's a little harder to hide who you are in the real world, and you are a disgusting misogynist, a fan of porn, who appears to fantasize 24/7 about abortion.

Beyond creepy. Certainly criminal.
Just so you know, women are not prevented from seeing a doctor...

The idea that government has the right to tell anyone ever who they are allowed to get medical care from is an abomination of liberty.

the abomination of liberty is lowering the standards of care in order to lower the costs.

All hail the great government God who is protecting us from making our own decisions about our own wallets and our own bodies.

do you equate a human being with a wallet? and a human body INSIDE mother's body IS NOT HER BODY.
abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

So a child is a problem? Right then, keep the legs closed during a one night stand and that would help in getting rid of unwanted problems too. Oh well, guess self restraint isn't taught anymore these days.

Nope, a fetus isn't a "child".

Can we kind of get that straight?

Never heard a woman who was getting an abortion call it a "child" or a "baby". It was always, "that problem I need to take care of!"

And all the preaching and pictures of medical waste and screaming at people isn't going to change the reality that given a choice between ending a pregnancy and screwing up their entire lives, most women WILL Have an abortion.

Yes, HE IS.

A fetus IS a child.
Even if you close your eyes and ears - it is still going to bug you - a fetus IS a child. A child which has not been born yet. But it is still a child, a human being, a man or a woman.
And you are advertizing the murder of those children.

and it is never a "problem". That "problem" haunts those who performed abortions for the rest of their lives. Always. Even if those women deny it.
Psychiatrists KNOW :D
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Look at all the the pro-life pervo control freaks. It really bugs that authoritarian crowd when people won't play along with their power fantasies. They're actually happy with abortion, provided it's degrading and dangerous. They don't give a shit about life, they just want to punish the dirty sluts who dared have sex.

Worse for them, most the NP's doing abortions will be women, and how can the pro-lifers call for the assassination of women? I mean, they'd love to, but they know how that would turn the entire nation against them, instead of just the current majority of the nation. So this will destroy their terrorist plans. They won't be able to get any more support for assassinations, and there will eventually be too many providers to assassinate. So another element of their master plan, gone.

And finally, this just ruins their plans for more Gosnells. He was the pro-life poster boy, their masterwork, their blueprint for the future. All gone now, after this anti-Gosnell bill spreads from California. No wonder they're having meltdowns.

.people can't talk about abortion or they get this condescending bs from you PRO CHOICE...You people are free free free to go abort your all offspring, nobody gives a crap
Here's where I changed my mind about abortion.

When I was just out of college and in active duty military service, one of my fellow NCOs had this girlfriend. Asian, Catholic, seemingly nice but really manipulative. College educated and smart enough to know better. And when he didn't make good on his promises to marry her, she stopped taking birth contol. She got knocked up, pulled the old, "Marry me or else" bit, and then did the Or Else. Because she didn't want her parents knowing she wasn't a virgin at 22.

They broke up, got back together, and right before I realized I needed a better class of friend, pretty much did the same shit again.

Now, besides instituting rule #7 (never get involved in other people's soap operas) the one thing I took away from that is you are never going to bully people into not having abortions. It just isn't going to happen. As long as people make bad choices, they are going to want an eraser.

oh, just stop repeating tht crap over and over again. a scumbag ( your friend) and even a bigger scumbag ( his girlfriend) have nothing to do with your stance on convenience about killing children in utero.
Nobody cares about the irrelevant "personal" stories you have, joe. You're a scumbag, whose premier function on this site is to promote abortion.

Yuck. You're so disgusting people have a hard time wrapping their heads around it. True story. You are not admired, you are shunned and avoided. You get your kicks from the support you receive from the most pathetic of our female posters...just as most abortionists make a living off the same pathetic crowd. Women who have been abused, who are desperate, who are vulnerable and confused.

The rest of us, we see you for what you are...and we're perfectly certain that you are just as repugnant in real life as you are on here. Probably more so. It's a little harder to hide who you are in the real world, and you are a disgusting misogynist, a fan of porn, who appears to fantasize 24/7 about abortion.

Beyond creepy. Certainly criminal.

Hey, don't put it off on me that a man talked you into something once...

True story. Womenmake their own decisions, and they live with them.

Which I'm fine with, as long as it shows religious idiots how completely irrelevent they and their magic friend in the sky really are.

Yes, HE IS.

A fetus IS a child.
Even if you close your eyes and ears - it is still going to bug you - a fetus IS a child. A child which has not been born yet. But it is still a child, a human being, a man or a woman.
And you are advertizing the murder of those children.

and it is never a "problem". That "problem" haunts those who performed abortions for the rest of their lives. Always. Even if those women deny it.
Psychiatrists KNOW :D

Nope. Sorry. A fetus isn't a child. Not in the eyes of the law, not in the eyes of science and not even in the Bible, where killing a fetus was serious as paying a fine.

(Meanwhile, the Bible did advocate the death penalty for picking up sticks on the sabbath and having the gay sex.)

You bible thumping types need to just mind your own business and leave other people to theirs.
Nobody cares about the irrelevant "personal" stories you have, joe. You're a scumbag, whose premier function on this site is to promote abortion.

Yuck. You're so disgusting people have a hard time wrapping their heads around it. True story. You are not admired, you are shunned and avoided. You get your kicks from the support you receive from the most pathetic of our female posters...just as most abortionists make a living off the same pathetic crowd. Women who have been abused, who are desperate, who are vulnerable and confused.

The rest of us, we see you for what you are...and we're perfectly certain that you are just as repugnant in real life as you are on here. Probably more so. It's a little harder to hide who you are in the real world, and you are a disgusting misogynist, a fan of porn, who appears to fantasize 24/7 about abortion.

Beyond creepy. Certainly criminal.

Hey, don't put it off on me that a man talked you into something once...

True story. Womenmake their own decisions, and they live with them.

Which I'm fine with, as long as it shows religious idiots how completely irrelevent they and their magic friend in the sky really are.

"Nobody cares" is a lie.

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