California's Brown Signs Bill Permitting Non-Physician Abortions

And yes, it's true...contraception isn't 100 percent effective.

So people choosing to have sex should consider the fact that not all contraceptive is 100 percent effective, before they actually have sex. There is no method of birth control, aside from abstinence, that is 100 percent effective.

That's a part of the "choice" you make.
Don't tell me how to argue, you sanctimonious twit. A woman's *right to her body* doesn't extend to destroying the life that is dependent upon her body for protection and sustenance.

This whole thing is simply about protecting the *choice* of people to have sex when they shouldn't be having sex. Sex is not a necessity of life. You don't HAVE to have sex. You CHOOSE to have sex. And at the time you CHOOSE to have sex, you also CHOOSE whether or not you are prepared to deal with the chance that you may create another life. THAT is the choice you need to be looking at. Not the CHOICE to kill another life, when you made a stupid choice earlier.

Who are you to decide when people shouldn't be having sex? Or telling them what to do with their bodies?

Hey, here's a whacky idea. If you don't like abortions, don't have one.

There's that.

And the fact that humans are as driven to have they are to eat.

It's a hard wired thing..and if it wasn't?

There'd be no more humans.

Without sex, democrats become emaciated, pine away and die.
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Good ol' Moonbeam is creating jobs, folks.

California has opened the floodgates for Illegal immigrants, so they can't have them adding more people to the for them it's OPEN UP who can preform ABORTION and KILL THE helpless and innocent for Population control

He's not doing this because he cares, he has an ulterior motive and if anyone knows about the old hippy commie moonbeam, they would know this
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Joe is scum. I told you, men who support abortion are the lowest of the low. They hate women, and generally speaking they are racist as well...because in this country, the percentage of minority women getting abortions is vastly disproportionate to the entire population. It's almost always a race thing with abortion...race, and/or power over women, and abject sexual depravity.

joeb is the trifecta.

The reason why women of color get more abortions is because they have less access to other forms of birth control.

And that's all abortion is. a form of birth control.

Deal with it.

Women walk into abortion clinics under their own power. They pay with their own money, and they make their own choices.

Again, stop putting off your bad decisions on me because I refuse to get involved. You're like the person who threatens to jump off a building seeing if anyone cares.

I don't.

Genocide is just a form of population control, right?
I know. They know it too. You can't be unaware that you're scum, when every waking thought is all about convincing the world that the most heinous practices are actually "good" for them.
Look at all the the pro-life pervo control freaks. It really bugs that authoritarian crowd when people won't play along with their power fantasies. They're actually happy with abortion, provided it's degrading and dangerous. They don't give a shit about life, they just want to punish the dirty sluts who dared have sex.

Worse for them, most the NP's doing abortions will be women, and how can the pro-lifers call for the assassination of women? I mean, they'd love to, but they know how that would turn the entire nation against them, instead of just the current majority of the nation. So this will destroy their terrorist plans. They won't be able to get any more support for assassinations, and there will eventually be too many providers to assassinate. So another element of their master plan, gone.

And finally, this just ruins their plans for more Gosnells. He was the pro-life poster boy, their masterwork, their blueprint for the future. All gone now, after this anti-Gosnell bill spreads from California. No wonder they're having meltdowns.
All persons are guaranteed the right to privacy by the 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments

Actually the working one here is the 10th amendment. I know liberals don't like to use that one since you consider it road kill. That is why Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. Even though I'm clearly pro-choice, unlike Republicans and Democrats, I have intellectual integrity. And the Feds overstepping their authority is a far greater threat to our liberty than any freedom they support. That which they can give, they can take away. The Feds have no say on abortion either to enable or ban it.

States cannot pass laws that violate the Constitution. The Constitution protects the right of privacy.

States can thus not pass laws that violate the right of privacy.


Read my post and provide a lucid response if you'd like a response from me.
Narcissism rules American- nay Western culture.

Fucking self absorbed narcissists claim killing an unborn baby is a right. Let them have their right to kill- perhaps they will succeed in killing off their perverted wicked kind of thinking while doing so.

Let's keep birth for the responsible; sane and less selfish among us.
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Actually the working one here is the 10th amendment. I know liberals don't like to use that one since you consider it road kill. That is why Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. Even though I'm clearly pro-choice, unlike Republicans and Democrats, I have intellectual integrity. And the Feds overstepping their authority is a far greater threat to our liberty than any freedom they support. That which they can give, they can take away. The Feds have no say on abortion either to enable or ban it.

States cannot pass laws that violate the Constitution. The Constitution protects the right of privacy.

States can thus not pass laws that violate the right of privacy.


Read my post and provide a lucid response if you'd like a response from me.

I proved you were wrong to say that the federal government has no say on abortion, unless you can prove that the federal government has no say on issues of privacy rights.

Oh, and btw, you are not pro-choice on abortion if you believe that any government, state government included,

has the right to ban it.
States cannot pass laws that violate the Constitution. The Constitution protects the right of privacy.

States can thus not pass laws that violate the right of privacy.


Read my post and provide a lucid response if you'd like a response from me.

I proved you were wrong to say that the federal government has no say on abortion, unless you can prove that the federal government has no say on issues of privacy rights.
You proved nothing, you didn't even understand what I said.

Oh, and btw, you are not pro-choice on abortion if you believe that any government, state government included,

has the right to ban it.


You're declaring me not pro-choice? Crap, I'm going to cry now.


Sorry, I was trying to cry, I really was. When you say "right" I'm not sure what basis you are using. The Constitution does not address abortion, I did a word search. And since it's an enumerated document, sorry Charlie, but only good tasting tuna get to be Star Kist.

I also oppose government prohibiting abortion at the State, local and International collective levels as well. But that doesn't put in the Constitution what's not there.

I'd be good with your getting it in the Constitution, that would require 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4. Good luck with that.
And yes, it's true...contraception isn't 100 percent effective.

So people choosing to have sex should consider the fact that not all contraceptive is 100 percent effective, before they actually have sex. There is no method of birth control, aside from abstinence, that is 100 percent effective.

That's a part of the "choice" you make.

abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.
And yes, it's true...contraception isn't 100 percent effective.

So people choosing to have sex should consider the fact that not all contraceptive is 100 percent effective, before they actually have sex. There is no method of birth control, aside from abstinence, that is 100 percent effective.

That's a part of the "choice" you make.

abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

So a child is a problem? Right then, keep the legs closed during a one night stand and that would help in getting rid of unwanted problems too. Oh well, guess self restraint isn't taught anymore these days.
And yes, it's true...contraception isn't 100 percent effective.

So people choosing to have sex should consider the fact that not all contraceptive is 100 percent effective, before they actually have sex. There is no method of birth control, aside from abstinence, that is 100 percent effective.

That's a part of the "choice" you make.

abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

It sounds like nothing so much in here as "AND IF I'M NOT GETTING ANY, THEN BY GOD NOBODY IS GETTING ANY!"
And yes, it's true...contraception isn't 100 percent effective.

So people choosing to have sex should consider the fact that not all contraceptive is 100 percent effective, before they actually have sex. There is no method of birth control, aside from abstinence, that is 100 percent effective.

That's a part of the "choice" you make.

abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

Sadly, your parents didn't go in that direction. :(
And yes, it's true...contraception isn't 100 percent effective.

So people choosing to have sex should consider the fact that not all contraceptive is 100 percent effective, before they actually have sex. There is no method of birth control, aside from abstinence, that is 100 percent effective.

That's a part of the "choice" you make.

abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

It sounds like nothing so much in here as "AND IF I'M NOT GETTING ANY, THEN BY GOD NOBODY IS GETTING ANY!"

And yes, it's true...contraception isn't 100 percent effective.

So people choosing to have sex should consider the fact that not all contraceptive is 100 percent effective, before they actually have sex. There is no method of birth control, aside from abstinence, that is 100 percent effective.

That's a part of the "choice" you make.

abortion is also 100% effective in getting rid of unwanted problems.

So there's that.

Sadly, your parents didn't go in that direction. :(

Hey, I didn't know you were pro-choice! Sweet!

Welcome aboard.

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