California's Brown Signs Bill Permitting Non-Physician Abortions


.... or if people like you had any lick of sense, you'd make sure you'd use ANY appropriate measures to avoid finding yourself in that position in the first place. Seems to me, someone is not using some basic common sense. Instead you look to the "taxpayer" to bail you out of your personal misfortune, while still claiming they remain out of your bedroom. So why should I contribute my tax dollars to help get you out of a situation you yourself consider to be a private matter and personal decision?

I think it's more of a pay me now or pay me later.

If you are too poor to afford a child, the state's going to end up taking care of him.

So, yeah, a $300.00 abortion is a bargain compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars making that kid a ward of the state.
Hitler would love you.

.... or if people like you had any lick of sense, you'd make sure you'd use ANY appropriate measures to avoid finding yourself in that position in the first place. Seems to me, someone is not using some basic common sense. Instead you look to the "taxpayer" to bail you out of your personal misfortune, while still claiming they remain out of your bedroom. So why should I contribute my tax dollars to help get you out of a situation you yourself consider to be a private matter and personal decision?

I think it's more of a pay me now or pay me later.

If you are too poor to afford a child, the state's going to end up taking care of him.

So, yeah, a $300.00 abortion is a bargain compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars making that kid a ward of the state.
Hitler would love you.

Oh, HELL YEAH! Godwin whack bingo. I won!!
That's right. Because today's progressives are in NO WAY like the progressives of yesteryear. TOTALLY different.

.... or if people like you had any lick of sense, you'd make sure you'd use ANY appropriate measures to avoid finding yourself in that position in the first place. Seems to me, someone is not using some basic common sense. Instead you look to the "taxpayer" to bail you out of your personal misfortune, while still claiming they remain out of your bedroom. So why should I contribute my tax dollars to help get you out of a situation you yourself consider to be a private matter and personal decision?

I think it's more of a pay me now or pay me later.

If you are too poor to afford a child, the state's going to end up taking care of him.

So, yeah, a $300.00 abortion is a bargain compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars making that kid a ward of the state.

another thing you liberals screwed up. allowing the kid to even become a ward of the state. sure, have as many kids as you want, we'll just send you bigger welfare checks

.... or if people like you had any lick of sense, you'd make sure you'd use ANY appropriate measures to avoid finding yourself in that position in the first place. Seems to me, someone is not using some basic common sense. Instead you look to the "taxpayer" to bail you out of your personal misfortune, while still claiming they remain out of your bedroom. So why should I contribute my tax dollars to help get you out of a situation you yourself consider to be a private matter and personal decision?

I think it's more of a pay me now or pay me later.

If you are too poor to afford a child, the state's going to end up taking care of him.

So, yeah, a $300.00 abortion is a bargain compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars making that kid a ward of the state.

That only shows how the left really have no respect for life, other than allow these unwanted fetuses to be conveniently set aside and discarded after you've finally resolved in handling your inconvenient problem. Yet they are opposed to the death penalty of convicted felons, who have at the very least served their time defending their life in court before their accusers? This type of twisted logic, a compassion of convenience if you will, makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever.
This is the way democrats work. Then want abortion to reduce the number of poor the government needs to support. Then they import millions of really poor village people from the third world jungle for the government to support.

The last thing democrats want is more Americans who might, MIGHT, have a chance to grow up with some kind of enforced education. Better to bring in those too old to educate and inculcate in American life. It's called population replacement by design. Kill off American children, bring in immigrants and their children.

.... or if people like you had any lick of sense, you'd make sure you'd use ANY appropriate measures to avoid finding yourself in that position in the first place. Seems to me, someone is not using some basic common sense. Instead you look to the "taxpayer" to bail you out of your personal misfortune, while still claiming they remain out of your bedroom. So why should I contribute my tax dollars to help get you out of a situation you yourself consider to be a private matter and personal decision?

I think it's more of a pay me now or pay me later.

If you are too poor to afford a child, the state's going to end up taking care of him.

So, yeah, a $300.00 abortion is a bargain compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars making that kid a ward of the state.
Hitler would love you.

Why? Hitler banned abortion. Nazi Germany was the only country that ever executed people for performing them.

Marie-Louise Giraud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Marie-Louise Giraud, at the age of 39, was guillotined on the morning of July 30, 1943, in the courtyard of the prison de la Roquette in Paris by executioner Jules-Henri Desfourneaux for having performed 27 abortions in the region of Cherbourg. She was the only faiseuse d'anges (French slang: literally "maker of angels") to be executed for this reason. A man was also beheaded the same year for three abortions

That only shows how the left really have no respect for life, other than allow these unwanted fetuses to be conveniently set aside and discarded after you've finally resolved in handling your inconvenient problem. Yet they are opposed to the death penalty of convicted felons, who have at the very least served their time defending their life in court before their accusers? This type of twisted logic, a compassion of convenience if you will, makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever.

I'm opposed to the Death Penalty because the government you don't trust to run health care or teach kids about sex education actually doesn't do a very good job of determinig guilt.

In my State, we executed 13 people, and relased 20 from Death Row because they didn't do what they were accused of.
No, Hitler made abortion legal in the population he wanted to eradicate...

in Poland.

So shut up, liar. Katz nailed it.
"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Further, a Nazi decree of October 19, 1941 established abortion on demand as the official policy of Poland. Hitler, however, expressed dissatisfaction with this policy. Abortion, he believed, should NOT be limited to Poland. He therefore ordered that abortion be expanded to all populations under the control of the "Ministry of the Occupied Territories of the East."
On July 22, 1942, the Fuhrer exhibited a highly positive attitude towards abortion as an indispensable method of dealing with the non-German populations in countries under Nazi control. "In view of the large families of the native populations," he asserted, "it could only suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible." Hitler also personally announced that he "would personally shoot" any "such idiot" who "tried to put into practice such an order (forbidding abortion) in the occupied Eastern territories."

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]

Anyone is more credible than you, liar. I could quote Daffy Duck, and everyone here would give him more credence than they give you.

"As Germany conquered other European states, it took harsh measures to keep the conquered from reproducing, particularly in the Slavic east, most particularly Poland."
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Funny, Hitler also believed one of the most useful applications of legal abortion was in the interest of leaving women "open" and working. ("Open" is a term used by horsebreeders, btw. An "open" mare is not pregnant.)
Funny, Hitler also believed one of the most useful applications of legal abortion was in the interest of leaving women "open" and working. ("Open" is a term used by horsebreeders, btw. An "open" mare is not pregnant.)

I think you are mistaking Hilter for your gynocologist...

That only shows how the left really have no respect for life, other than allow these unwanted fetuses to be conveniently set aside and discarded after you've finally resolved in handling your inconvenient problem. Yet they are opposed to the death penalty of convicted felons, who have at the very least served their time defending their life in court before their accusers? This type of twisted logic, a compassion of convenience if you will, makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever.

I'm opposed to the Death Penalty because the government you don't trust to run health care or teach kids about sex education actually doesn't do a very good job of determinig guilt.

In my State, we executed 13 people, and relased 20 from Death Row because they didn't do what they were accused of.

However, with the use of DNA evidence as well as the other advancements we now have in forensics science, that adds more certainty to proving guilt. Add to that the fact we use a judicial system, where the prosecutor and defense each utilizes the same process of questioning potential jurors to determine a jury of your peers, places the case more in the hands of the people than the government. So based on these two issues, I'm not really buying your "government" excuse. In short, through both examples I had previously stated in my last post, there seems to be found a whole array of excuses for why we can no longer accept personal responsibility for the decisions we make.

In my State, we executed 13 people, and relased 20 from Death Row because they didn't do what they were accused of.

However, with the use of DNA evidence as well as the other advancements we now have in forensics science, that adds more certainty to proving guilt. Add to that the fact we use a judicial system, where the prosecutor and defense each utilizes the same process of questioning potential jurors to determine a jury of your peers, places the case more in the hands of the people than the government. So based on these two issues, I'm not really buying your "government" excuse. In short, through both examples I had previously stated in my last post, there seems to be found a whole array of excuses for why we can no longer accept personal responsibility for the decisions we make.

A lot of problems with this statement.

with the use of DNA evidence as well as the other advancements

Except most murder convictions are made without DNA evidence.

Add to that the fact we use a judicial system, where the prosecutor and defense each utilizes the same process of questioning potential jurors to determine a jury of your peers, places the case more in the hands of the people than the government.

Except most Public Defenders have nowhere near the budget of the prosecutors and police to investigate crimes. this is why a rich person has never been executed, even ones who are as guilty as a cat in a canary cage.

Again, the example of Rolando Cruz. Guy was put on trial THREE TIMES for a murder that someone else copped to because prosecutors in MY county couldn't admit they made a mistake.

In short, through both examples I had previously stated in my last post, there seems to be found a whole array of excuses for why we can no longer accept personal responsibility for the decisions we make

I think you are failing to make a distinction between "personal responsibility" and "Making the choices I want".

I think a woman who gets pregnant but knows damned well she isn't ready to have a baby at this point in her life is taking responsibility when she chooses to end the pregnancy. Sorry, fetuses aren't people.
The Nazis went both ways. Abortion forbidden for Aryan women, but often mandated for "lesser" races.

The common factor, nobody got a choice. Hence the pro-choicers would be the polar opposite of Nazis.
Fetuses aren't people in the same way muslims don't think Jews are people. The same waty that slaves weren't people. By decree. Democrats aren't people either. Maybe it's time to eliminate and legalize the termination of democrats. It would certainly reduce the population of criminals.
The Constitution does not address abortion

True, but abortion was legal (until "quickening") and common when it was written. Plenty of abortifacients for sale. Give a woman enough mercury, and she'll get sick enough to miscarry. Might die too.

Anyways, the founders didn't seem to have any concern about that status quo. So the founders would seem to be on the pro-choice side.

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