Call it already...

Why is a Russian troll so over the top insane over election results? Is it possibly to gin up their continue talk that Democrats are cheating? Dividing Americans into thinking that their candidate was cheated by ballot box stuffing by Dems? These are the same people who are still whining that Americans are refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election.

The bald fact is that Americans DID accept the results of the last election, and they also recognized that by staying home and not going to the polls to vote because they didn't like either candidate, they got the worst of all possible results. A racist, xenophobic narcissist with authoritarian tendencies in the thrall of despots and dictators the world over, and an obsequious Republican Party which is giving him a free hand to destroy the nation's trade deaks and the military alliances that have kept the peace in Europe for 70 years, and made the USA the richest nation in the world.

While you idiots have been crowing "elections have consequences", Democrats went to work in the most gerrymandered election map in history, and they got top notch candidates in every district, and they got lots of educated white suburban women who are all part of the #MeToo movement, and the #TimesUp movement, to register voters, to run for office, and to campaign door to door on the real issues: health care and reproductive choice for women, better schools and health care for their families, infrastructure spending, and the toxic climate in Washington, and accountability.

Remember that thread about "Why should we care about women want?". That's why. Because while you were laughing about the Pussy Project Hats, and declaring that women should pay for their own birfth control, which is exactly what employer based health care is, while their own Viagara is always fully funded. Women, young women of child bearing age, have great need of having their birth control included in their health care coverage. This issue is HUGE for young women. Having healthy babies is in the best interests of your society in general and your families in particular.

Women want to be free to have their personal, private family decisions respected by the government and by their employers. No employer should be able to dictate a women's right to birth control or reproductive choice on the basis of their religion. Ultimately the employer is offering health care as part of the compensation package so it is, in essence, the employee's money that is paying for it, either in whole or in part. Since this is part of employee compensation, the employees' beliefs and religious freedoms are the ones who's rights are being violated by their employer imposing their religious beliefs on their health care choices.

I posted in the "Why should we care what women want" that you ignored the women at your peril. The House, 7 Governorships and counting, 6 State Houses - that's why!
Trump is in there to destroy the GOP establishment, it has been a good start.
This country would be sooooo. much better off without the GOP establishment.
We have had over 100 years of utter failure because of these progressive career politicians and their supporters.

Urban America is addicted to Socialist entitlement programs... it’s like meth.
We need to hit rock bottom to rebuild...

What makes you think we will be able to rebuild after hitting rock bottom?
When the country is hopped up on meth... That is the only solution.

Meth and socialism are the same thing... They fuck over everything they touch

Most meth addicts when they hit rock bottom never get back up.
Tough shit...

I am just saying be careful what you wish for, the US may end up like those that never get back up
Trump is in there to destroy the GOP establishment, it has been a good start.
This country would be sooooo. much better off without the GOP establishment.
We have had over 100 years of utter failure because of these progressive career politicians and their supporters.

Urban America is addicted to Socialist entitlement programs... it’s like meth.
We need to hit rock bottom to rebuild...

What makes you think we will be able to rebuild after hitting rock bottom?
When the country is hopped up on meth... That is the only solution.

Meth and socialism are the same thing... They fuck over everything they touch

Most meth addicts when they hit rock bottom never get back up.
Tough shit...

I am just saying be careful what you wish for, the US may end up like those that never get back up
The federal is fucking over the individual in this country… Karma is a bitch
Trump is in there to destroy the GOP establishment, it has been a good start.
This country would be sooooo. much better off without the GOP establishment.
We have had over 100 years of utter failure because of these progressive career politicians and their supporters.

Urban America is addicted to Socialist entitlement programs... it’s like meth.
We need to hit rock bottom to rebuild...

What makes you think we will be able to rebuild after hitting rock bottom?
When the country is hopped up on meth... That is the only solution.

Meth and socialism are the same thing... They fuck over everything they touch

Most meth addicts when they hit rock bottom never get back up.
Tough shit...

I am just saying be careful what you wish for, the US may end up like those that never get back up

Rustic and his Russian poster peers don't want the US to get back up. That's the whole point. Russia has had one goal since Stalin and Krushchev were in power: to see the USA brought to its knees and destroyed. Nikita promised America that Russia would take down the USA without firing a shot, and dumb Republicans played right into his hands.

Putin is pouring poison into Trump's ear during these late night phone calls, and Dumb Donald destroys NATO, and every strategic alliance and trade deal which has made the US the richest, most powerful nation in the world. Putin is clapping his hands with glee and bragging about his ability to control Trump.

And Easy65, Rustic, Correll, MindWars and the rest of the Russian bots are the biggest thread starters on this board and just look at their topics: Clinton is a criminal, The Dems are cheating elections, and the Caravan is coming, if Dems are elected, they'll turn the US into Venezeula. And racist shit by the truckload. All designed to frighten, divide and undermine your faith in government.

Fool me once, shame on you. The Russian propaganda machine caught American voters unawares in 2016. No one saw it coming and attempts to downplay the importance and the effect of their tactics weren't realized until too late. Blaming the policians for the hate and invective, voters on both sides refused to vote for either side and stayed home in droves. Only the true believers came out: The Birthers, the KKK, the white supremacists, the Nazis, all responded to the blatant dog whistles put out by the Trump campaign and came out from under their rocks and voted Republican right down the ticket.

Fool me twice, shame on me! But it's backfired. As polls show more and more Republicans support Donald Trump, fewer and fewer voters identify as Republicans. Millions of decent, moderate Republicans are voting Democrats just to get rid of Donald Trump and the Republican Party's politics of fear, hate and division. Millions more are not just voting for Democrats, but leaving the Republican Party and not coming back.

Donald Trump's dystopian vision of a violent and dysfunctional country where rampant racism and xenophobia combined with the politics of fear, have created a country at war with itself, is coming true, not in spite of Trump's policies, but directly BECAUSE of them.

Decent Americans from both parties are not prepared to stand by and watch Trump and his minions destroy everything the nation has spent 240 years building.
What makes you think we will be able to rebuild after hitting rock bottom?
When the country is hopped up on meth... That is the only solution.

Meth and socialism are the same thing... They fuck over everything they touch

Most meth addicts when they hit rock bottom never get back up.
Tough shit...

I am just saying be careful what you wish for, the US may end up like those that never get back up
The federal is fucking over the individual in this country… Karma is a bitch

They have done that since day 1. You of all people who claim to be part native American should know that.
What makes you think we will be able to rebuild after hitting rock bottom?
When the country is hopped up on meth... That is the only solution.

Meth and socialism are the same thing... They fuck over everything they touch

Most meth addicts when they hit rock bottom never get back up.
Tough shit...

I am just saying be careful what you wish for, the US may end up like those that never get back up

Rustic and his Russian poster peers don't want the US to get back up. That's the whole point. Russia has had one goal since Stalin and Krushchev were in power: to see the USA brought to its knees and destroyed. Nikita promised America that Russia would take down the USA without firing a shot, and dumb Republicans played right into his hands.

Putin is pouring poison into Trump's ear during these late night phone calls, and Dumb Donald destroys NATO, and every strategic alliance and trade deal which has made the US the richest, most powerful nation in the world. Putin is clapping his hands with glee and bragging about his ability to control Trump.

And Easy65, Rustic, Correll, MindWars and the rest of the Russian bots are the biggest thread starters on this board and just look at their topics: Clinton is a criminal, The Dems are cheating elections, and the Caravan is coming, if Dems are elected, they'll turn the US into Venezeula. And racist shit by the truckload. All designed to frighten, divide and undermine your faith in government.

Fool me once, shame on you. The Russian propaganda machine caught American voters unawares in 2016. No one saw it coming and attempts to downplay the importance and the effect of their tactics weren't realized until too late. Blaming the policians for the hate and invective, voters on both sides refused to vote for either side and stayed home in droves. Only the true believers came out: The Birthers, the KKK, the white supremacists, the Nazis, all responded to the blatant dog whistles put out by the Trump campaign and came out from under their rocks and voted Republican right down the ticket.

Fool me twice, shame on me! But it's backfired. As polls show more and more Republicans support Donald Trump, fewer and fewer voters identify as Republicans. Millions of decent, moderate Republicans are voting Democrats just to get rid of Donald Trump and the Republican Party's politics of fear, hate and division. Millions more are not just voting for Democrats, but leaving the Republican Party and not coming back.

Donald Trump's dystopian vision of a violent and dysfunctional country where rampant racism and xenophobia combined with the politics of fear, have created a country at war with itself, is coming true, not in spite of Trump's policies, but directly BECAUSE of them.

Decent Americans from both parties are not prepared to stand by and watch Trump and his minions destroy everything the nation has spent 240 years building.
You obviously have no understanding of this country, career politicians have been fucking over the citizens of this country for over 100 years. This country is been living on borrowed time for the last hundred plus years… Our greatest enemy is within… It’s called career politician/deep state. We have 100+ years of failure as proof
Still no significant gain... and they haven’t called it.
It’s been mathematically impossible for her to win since Tuesday... Definitely some corruption going on there

Ben McAdams holds a 1,357-vote lead over Rep. Mia Love after Salt Lake and Utah county election updates
Lol, nobody's interested in your thread so you keep replying to yourself?

Interesting technique.

Why is a Russian troll so over the top insane over election results? Is it possibly to gin up their continue talk that Democrats are cheating? Dividing Americans into thinking that their candidate was cheated by ballot box stuffing by Dems? These are the same people who are still whining that Americans are refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election.

The bald fact is that Americans DID accept the results of the last election, and they also recognized that by staying home and not going to the polls to vote because they didn't like either candidate, they got the worst of all possible results. A racist, xenophobic narcissist with authoritarian tendencies in the thrall of despots and dictators the world over, and an obsequious Republican Party which is giving him a free hand to destroy the nation's trade deaks and the military alliances that have kept the peace in Europe for 70 years, and made the USA the richest nation in the world.

While you idiots have been crowing "elections have consequences", Democrats went to work in the most gerrymandered election map in history, and they got top notch candidates in every district, and they got lots of educated white suburban women who are all part of the #MeToo movement, and the #TimesUp movement, to register voters, to run for office, and to campaign door to door on the real issues: health care and reproductive choice for women, better schools and health care for their families, infrastructure spending, and the toxic climate in Washington, and accountability.

Remember that thread about "Why should we care about women want?". That's why. Because while you were laughing about the Pussy Project Hats, and declaring that women should pay for their own birfth control, which is exactly what employer based health care is, while their own Viagara is always fully funded. Women, young women of child bearing age, have great need of having their birth control included in their health care coverage. This issue is HUGE for young women. Having healthy babies is in the best interests of your society in general and your families in particular.

Women want to be free to have their personal, private family decisions respected by the government and by their employers. No employer should be able to dictate a women's right to birth control or reproductive choice on the basis of their religion. Ultimately the employer is offering health care as part of the compensation package so it is, in essence, the employee's money that is paying for it, either in whole or in part. Since this is part of employee compensation, the employees' beliefs and religious freedoms are the ones who's rights are being violated by their employer imposing their religious beliefs on their health care choices.

I posted in the "Why should we care what women want" that you ignored the women at your peril. The House, 7 Governorships and counting, 6 State Houses - that's why!
Still no significant gain... and they haven’t called it.
It’s been mathematically impossible for her to win since Tuesday... Definitely some corruption going on there

Ben McAdams holds a 1,357-vote lead over Rep. Mia Love after Salt Lake and Utah county election updates
Lol, nobody's interested in your thread so you keep replying to yourself?

Interesting technique.

Why is a Russian troll so over the top insane over election results? Is it possibly to gin up their continue talk that Democrats are cheating? Dividing Americans into thinking that their candidate was cheated by ballot box stuffing by Dems? These are the same people who are still whining that Americans are refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election.

The bald fact is that Americans DID accept the results of the last election, and they also recognized that by staying home and not going to the polls to vote because they didn't like either candidate, they got the worst of all possible results. A racist, xenophobic narcissist with authoritarian tendencies in the thrall of despots and dictators the world over, and an obsequious Republican Party which is giving him a free hand to destroy the nation's trade deaks and the military alliances that have kept the peace in Europe for 70 years, and made the USA the richest nation in the world.

While you idiots have been crowing "elections have consequences", Democrats went to work in the most gerrymandered election map in history, and they got top notch candidates in every district, and they got lots of educated white suburban women who are all part of the #MeToo movement, and the #TimesUp movement, to register voters, to run for office, and to campaign door to door on the real issues: health care and reproductive choice for women, better schools and health care for their families, infrastructure spending, and the toxic climate in Washington, and accountability.

Remember that thread about "Why should we care about women want?". That's why. Because while you were laughing about the Pussy Project Hats, and declaring that women should pay for their own birfth control, which is exactly what employer based health care is, while their own Viagara is always fully funded. Women, young women of child bearing age, have great need of having their birth control included in their health care coverage. This issue is HUGE for young women. Having healthy babies is in the best interests of your society in general and your families in particular.

Women want to be free to have their personal, private family decisions respected by the government and by their employers. No employer should be able to dictate a women's right to birth control or reproductive choice on the basis of their religion. Ultimately the employer is offering health care as part of the compensation package so it is, in essence, the employee's money that is paying for it, either in whole or in part. Since this is part of employee compensation, the employees' beliefs and religious freedoms are the ones who's rights are being violated by their employer imposing their religious beliefs on their health care choices.

I posted in the "Why should we care what women want" that you ignored the women at your peril. The House, 7 Governorships and counting, 6 State Houses - that's why!
View attachment 228787
The Clinton news network talking points
Still no significant gain... and they haven’t called it.
It’s been mathematically impossible for her to win since Tuesday... Definitely some corruption going on there

Ben McAdams holds a 1,357-vote lead over Rep. Mia Love after Salt Lake and Utah county election updates
Lol, nobody's interested in your thread so you keep replying to yourself?

Interesting technique.

Why is a Russian troll so over the top insane over election results? Is it possibly to gin up their continue talk that Democrats are cheating? Dividing Americans into thinking that their candidate was cheated by ballot box stuffing by Dems? These are the same people who are still whining that Americans are refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election.

The bald fact is that Americans DID accept the results of the last election, and they also recognized that by staying home and not going to the polls to vote because they didn't like either candidate, they got the worst of all possible results. A racist, xenophobic narcissist with authoritarian tendencies in the thrall of despots and dictators the world over, and an obsequious Republican Party which is giving him a free hand to destroy the nation's trade deaks and the military alliances that have kept the peace in Europe for 70 years, and made the USA the richest nation in the world.

While you idiots have been crowing "elections have consequences", Democrats went to work in the most gerrymandered election map in history, and they got top notch candidates in every district, and they got lots of educated white suburban women who are all part of the #MeToo movement, and the #TimesUp movement, to register voters, to run for office, and to campaign door to door on the real issues: health care and reproductive choice for women, better schools and health care for their families, infrastructure spending, and the toxic climate in Washington, and accountability.

Remember that thread about "Why should we care about women want?". That's why. Because while you were laughing about the Pussy Project Hats, and declaring that women should pay for their own birfth control, which is exactly what employer based health care is, while their own Viagara is always fully funded. Women, young women of child bearing age, have great need of having their birth control included in their health care coverage. This issue is HUGE for young women. Having healthy babies is in the best interests of your society in general and your families in particular.

Women want to be free to have their personal, private family decisions respected by the government and by their employers. No employer should be able to dictate a women's right to birth control or reproductive choice on the basis of their religion. Ultimately the employer is offering health care as part of the compensation package so it is, in essence, the employee's money that is paying for it, either in whole or in part. Since this is part of employee compensation, the employees' beliefs and religious freedoms are the ones who's rights are being violated by their employer imposing their religious beliefs on their health care choices.

I posted in the "Why should we care what women want" that you ignored the women at your peril. The House, 7 Governorships and counting, 6 State Houses - that's why!
View attachment 228787
The Clinton news network talking points

At least CNN is owned and operated by Americans. It isn't being run to benefit Australians and Saudis, it's publically owned, not owned by an oligarch with an agenda. It's not under the control of Russia, like you..
Trump is in there to destroy the GOP establishment, it has been a good start.
This country would be sooooo. much better off without the GOP establishment.
We have had over 100 years of utter failure because of these progressive career politicians and their supporters.

Urban America is addicted to Socialist entitlement programs... it’s like meth.
We need to hit rock bottom to rebuild...

What makes you think we will be able to rebuild after hitting rock bottom?
When the country is hopped up on meth... That is the only solution.

Meth and socialism are the same thing... They fuck over everything they touch

Most meth addicts when they hit rock bottom never get back up.
Tough shit...

I am just saying be careful what you wish for, the US may end up like those that never get back up

It will if you Progressives get your way.
Still no significant gain... and they haven’t called it.
It’s been mathematically impossible for her to win since Tuesday... Definitely some corruption going on there

Ben McAdams holds a 1,357-vote lead over Rep. Mia Love after Salt Lake and Utah county election updates
Lol, nobody's interested in your thread so you keep replying to yourself?

Interesting technique.

Why is a Russian troll so over the top insane over election results? Is it possibly to gin up their continue talk that Democrats are cheating? Dividing Americans into thinking that their candidate was cheated by ballot box stuffing by Dems? These are the same people who are still whining that Americans are refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election.

The bald fact is that Americans DID accept the results of the last election, and they also recognized that by staying home and not going to the polls to vote because they didn't like either candidate, they got the worst of all possible results. A racist, xenophobic narcissist with authoritarian tendencies in the thrall of despots and dictators the world over, and an obsequious Republican Party which is giving him a free hand to destroy the nation's trade deaks and the military alliances that have kept the peace in Europe for 70 years, and made the USA the richest nation in the world.

While you idiots have been crowing "elections have consequences", Democrats went to work in the most gerrymandered election map in history, and they got top notch candidates in every district, and they got lots of educated white suburban women who are all part of the #MeToo movement, and the #TimesUp movement, to register voters, to run for office, and to campaign door to door on the real issues: health care and reproductive choice for women, better schools and health care for their families, infrastructure spending, and the toxic climate in Washington, and accountability.

Remember that thread about "Why should we care about women want?". That's why. Because while you were laughing about the Pussy Project Hats, and declaring that women should pay for their own birfth control, which is exactly what employer based health care is, while their own Viagara is always fully funded. Women, young women of child bearing age, have great need of having their birth control included in their health care coverage. This issue is HUGE for young women. Having healthy babies is in the best interests of your society in general and your families in particular.

Women want to be free to have their personal, private family decisions respected by the government and by their employers. No employer should be able to dictate a women's right to birth control or reproductive choice on the basis of their religion. Ultimately the employer is offering health care as part of the compensation package so it is, in essence, the employee's money that is paying for it, either in whole or in part. Since this is part of employee compensation, the employees' beliefs and religious freedoms are the ones who's rights are being violated by their employer imposing their religious beliefs on their health care choices.

I posted in the "Why should we care what women want" that you ignored the women at your peril. The House, 7 Governorships and counting, 6 State Houses - that's why!
View attachment 228787
The Clinton news network talking points

At least CNN is owned and operated by Americans. It isn't being run to benefit Australians and Saudis, it's publically owned, not owned by an oligarch with an agenda. It's not under the control of Russia, like you..
There is nothing American about Clinton news network, They are in bed with the deep state
I'm sorry she sued to halt the vote. I thought she was a civil and principled conservative. Better to lose an election than a soul.
She is a rino... she never had a chance.

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