Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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And because it didn't happen.
Maybe. But you’d be hard pressed to find any courtroom adduced testimony or evidence in any of the cases.

So, the courts doing the dismissing weren’t basing their determinations on evidence. They were largely concerned with more procedural bars, like standing and alleged time limits.
So that we're clear, what precisely is a ''child groomer?''

Red font definition preferred, please.

Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.

A Paedophilia is defined as recurrent and intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children. I did read a psychology report somewhere that tis "recurrent and intense" part has to last for more than 6 weeks.
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But of course, we all know that isn't the one you have actually been promoting.

The one you have been promoting has illustrations of an underage boy performing fellatio.
Well you are lying again. It is not being promoted to "little kiddies".Why do you lie like this ?How can you debate with a crazy liar like you ?
In all my years on the internet in hunting, sports and political forum, this is the most shocking thread I have ever seen.
Well, I'm sure the mods know what they are doing.

When people view this site for the first time and see all the posts Tommy offers wanting gay porn available to children, I'm sure they will attract the sorts of new posters they seek.
Then why did the US government spend two years and 30 million dollars looking for them, finally arresting those they found?

But I notice you danced right around the PEDO accusations! :dance:
Thats the point. It would be limited under this rule.
being a pedophile is against the law ... being a gun hoarding rw nutter is not.


no mention of diddling. see the diff? of course not, because whiney snowflakes are immune to critical thinking just the same as buttercups.
Come disarm us, traitor.
It's a wonder that some learn how to breathe...
Well you are lying again. It is not being promoted to "little kiddies".Why do you lie like this ?How can you debate with a crazy liar like you ?
View attachment 754208
You have been promoting "Gender Queer" which has an illustration of an underaged boy performing fellatio.

Now, I can't say the name for describing the depictions of young boys engaged in oral sex or they might ban me again or something, but in my opinion encouraging impressionable children to view such material is double plus ungood.
I mean I know there are pedophiles out there, but I think very few. Is this like "Q" related and do you guys think everyone in any authority or money are pedophiles? Like Hillary and the pizza place?
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