Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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Come disarm us, traitor.

drama queen.jpg
It was implied ropey has a groomer so can we imply tommy has a groomer?
I should be able to imply that by supporting the adult sexual education of prepubescent children, they are supporting the MAP agenda.

For example. When Moonglow said that there was no law against showing your private parts to children... he was opening the door for me to say the above statement... since 'indecent exposure'...
You have been promoting "Gender Queer" which has an illustration of an underaged boy performing fellatio.

Now, I can't say the name for describing the depictions of young boys engaged in oral sex or they might ban me again or something, but in my opinion encouraging impressionable children to view such material is double plus ungood.
Lolita is still in many school libraries. Is that ok? If not why aren't you rallying about it?
No big deal folks.
Just call it priming a child for trans etc.
Perfectly within the rules.
The book Tommy is promoting is all illustrations , but if those were real boys instead of drawings, an adult would be ARRESTED for owning that material.

I'm amazed how far we have fallen in such a short time.

I would think a website like this wouldn't want any part of that shit, but it's what they want, so it's what they get. .
I should be able to imply that by supporting the adult sexual education of prepubescent children, they are supporting the MAP agenda.

For example. When Moonglow said that there was no law against showing your private parts to children... he was opening the door for me to say the above statement.
Well they posted a picture and stated that it was your "groomer" can we do that to tommy? Just want to know.
Lolita is still in many school libraries. Is that ok? If not why aren't you rallying about it?
Lolita is not marketed to children, does not have explicit depictions of girls performing Fellatio nor does the book describe such activity in lurid detail.
Well they posted a picture and stated that it was your "groomer" can we do that to tommy? Just want to know.
Probably not. They can just interpret what we do to tommy as different from what was done to me. It's not a two way street. One side of the divide is being protected by the staff.

This is a known, known.
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But you aren't an authoritarian leftist so it's o.k.
I could be maybe, for the right money. Let me throw some paint splotches on some canvas and see if I get any half-million dollar offers! :smoke:

I had Coyote tell me I was projecting when I referenced a known pedophile, but that is perfectly fine and dandy because of who she is and who I am.
Is Coyote court-qualified to diagnose projection? I seriously doubt it.

Sure -- it was a FAR more direct insinuation than anything I have ever come close to saying, but everything here is about identity.
I can understand your feeling that way. I was accused of violating the Pedo rule for commenting on a thread claiming all MAGA people were Pedos (which probably casts aspersions on at least 30-50% of the members here) for asking the OP why this thread reminded me of him (leaving open whether I was talking about the MAGA aspect or the Pedo aspect, really, jokingly trying to tell him in a nice way to avoid the Pedo topic, and was accused (not the OP) of violating it when I never even said the word nor was it anything that I meant! Last time I dealt with such convoluted numbskullery was dealing with a government agency, not thinking, reasonable people!

Different rules for different identities.
That is the new deal now in the good ol' USA. Basically, the only time the Left respect the Rule of Law is when the laws work in their favor. Still, it is THEIR site and we are just members here, so just accept that BS is everywhere and deal with it. You won't get very far fighting with people.
Honestly, Candycorn, is that the best you can come up with?
It isn't just Candycorn. None of the people whose whining is no doubt the impetus for this policy are here defending it. At least not so far on page 3, which is as far as I have read. I could be wrong.

I can think of at least two posters off the top of my head who are at risk for groomer shaming, and would report it if it happened. Haven't seen them here to even thank the moderators for this. Gratitude is an emotion that Democrat rarely if ever feel.
She was a minor.
And he was a hebophile... in this novel.

You make no point tho... with regard to the hypersexualizing of prepubescent children. You're just adding a red herring but imo, that's not from malevolence as much as it is from not being able to catch the drift.
You have been promoting "Gender Queer" which has an illustration of an underaged boy performing fellatio.

Now, I can't say the name for describing the depictions of young boys engaged in oral sex or they might ban me again or something, but in my opinion encouraging impressionable children to view such material is double plus ungood.
I havent been promoting it. I have said that it might be a useful tool in age appropriate settings.
Its aimed at teenagers and young adults. That seems fine to me.
You see this is where your witch burning persona takes over. You lack basic integrity and twist anything that is said to fit your diseased mind.
You accused me of supporting rape gangs but have never provided any evidence. you are just low grade trash.
I mean I know there are pedophiles out there, but I think very few. Is this like "Q" related and do you guys think everyone in any authority or money are pedophiles? Like Hillary and the pizza place?
careful or you will be labelled by the crazies.
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