Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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" Disagreeing With Character Assassination Restraints "

* Legitimizing Standards Of Understood Meaning *

Then why are they being instructed by educators to choose their pronouns?
A categorical distinction in terminology exists between a child and an adolescent , where the former is without an ability to provide informed consent , and where the latter is responsible for exercising some degree of autonomy to make adult decisions .

The statutory laws for age of consent that distinguish between a child , an adolescent and an adult , differ among cultures and locations , where adolescence is held to a lesser standard of accountability for mistakes in judgement than are adults .

Clearly , sex with a child by either an adolescent , or by an adult , violates principles of non violence and individualism , while consensual sex between adolescents is not punished any more than consensual sex between adults .

Assuming that the inferences are correct , the issue of contention is whether adolescents are capable of providing consent to have sex with adults .

Should society stipulate that adolescents are responsible for informed consent in whether to have sex with another adolescent or with an adult ?

Should society stipulate to adults that an adolescent is not capable of providing informed consent for sex with an adult ?

Should society stipulate a hybrid or graduated integration such as within a 3 year difference in age among adolescents or between adolescents and adults ?

Furthermore , what is the latitude of informed consent for adolescents , by way of public education or private education for self defense , as apparently us government has resigned itself to fund abstinence only programs world wide ?

Ramming shit into ones bladder , or the consequences of sexually transmitted disease would seem highly relevant , considering that human papilloma causes warts , infertility , colon cancer and throat cancer .

* Reiteration Of Individualism Rubric *

The principles of individualism include an entitlement to self ownership , as free roam , as free association and progeny , and also include an entitlement to self determination , as private ownership of property and as willful intents through contract , which is made valid with informed consent .

The principles of non violence define violence as illegitimate aggression , while self defense against violence is legitimate aggression , while individualism stipulates aggression against an individual that is illegitimate .

* Anonymous Personas Taking It All Too Serious *

Personally identifiable accounts on social media for the purpose of engaging in hostility , subterfuge and diminution are about as dumb as it gets ; and , thus a legitimate suit for libel is about as remote as it gets for forum owners , considering a different anonymous sock puppet is simply another registration away .

The disclosure personal identifying information about patrons of the site without a warrant , or to estoppel valid threats to commit violence , are about the only things that should be censored , otherwise your mother sucks cocks in hell and the general plan is to figuratively skull fuck idiocy in the mouth , nose , ears and eye holes in the worst and best way possible with the sophistry of words .

The wanna be dictators cannot contend with displeasing opinions and block accounts rather than competently addressing the challenges of discretion or indiscretion , or simply folding to find a new anonymous identity , such is cowardice .

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If we had a poster here promoting a book written for children that depicted a 12 year old GIRL performing fellatio, we would not be having this conversation.

For starters, everybody would recognize it as grooming. EVERYBODY would denounce it and most importantly, this website would not be targeting posters that opposed it. It is only because it involves a BOY that people do not see this for what it is and this website is taking such an active role in enabling it.

I swear, the need to virtue signal outweighs common sense for too many people. That is the only reason people are supporting this shit and the only reason this website is trying to make pariahs out of those who oppose it.

If it were a book training a 12 year old girl to give a blow job, we would have none of this nonsense because people WOULD be allowed to call it what it is.
Its offensive. and can have consequences.If you think someone is a paedo then you have a duty to report tham [sic]and help protect kids.
If you dont [sic] report them you are a part of the problem.

Advocating that minors should be exposed to homosexual pornography is offensive.

For that matter, so is your abject illiteracy.

And by the way…

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living? From what grand profession do you look down on mine?
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Buttercup has not participated in this thread, and does not appear to be in any way relevant to it. Why are you addressing her, in a reply to someone else?

suck it up, buttercup​

slang Used to exhort someone to endure some difficulty, hardship, or stress, especially without complaining.
A: "I can't believe the other kids would make fun of me like that."
B: "Oh, suck it up, buttercup. They'll only tease you more if you throw a tantrum about it.
"A: "They're increasing taxes again? Ugh, that's such nonsense!"
B: "If you want to have things like roads and schools, then suck it up, buttercup."

suck it up, buttercup!

I had Coyote tell me I was projecting when I referenced a known pedophile…

Assuming I correctly understand, that would amount to accusing you of being a pedophile; a blatant violation of the written rule against such accusations.

You should have reported her for that. Not that anything would be done about it, but it at least ought to be on record somewhere when the moderators themselves go farther over the line than what they punish us “little people” for doing.
Exactly. It's not about pedophilia. It's about any reference to LGBTQ under the guise of pedophilia.

Nothing about this LGBpbiWTF shit is appropriate material to be pushing on young chidlren.

Children do not need to be taught about depraved sexual perversions.

That you think that this is in any way appropriate or acceptable is deeply disturbing to normal people. Do you understand this?

Normal people do not think that it is OK to push sick sexual deviancy on little children.

In a sane society, those of you who would do this would be kept locked up, or better yet, put to death.
Assuming I correctly understand, that would amount to accusing you of being a pedophile; a blatant violation of the written rule against such accusations.

You should have reported her for that. Not that anything would be done about it, but it at least ought to be on record somewhere when the moderators themselves go farther over the line than what they punish us “little people” for doing.
I think I did report it. I'm not sure. She would probably just delete it from the mod board,anyway.

Nothing came of it. Her power only increased. Aye told me she was going to do one thing by bringing a little balance into the discussion and then did an absolute complete about face.
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Lolita is still in many school libraries. Is that ok? If not why aren't you rallying about it?

I've never read it, and have no idea how explicit it is. From what little I think I know of the story, I would have to say that it is almost certainly not appropriate material for minors, and should not be in school libraries.

Depending on how sympathetic it is toward the relationship depicted therein, it might very well be prime grooming material to make young girls more receptive to inappropriate advances from older men.
Horrid comment. Horrid

Is he meaning that when it's a guy raping a girl nobody is supposed to care? That pedophiles only apply to the LGBT crowd because I think I'm just now understanding what this comment was about and if that's true then that's disgusting.
" Conundrum Of Entreating The Extremes "

* Agreed *

There is nothing you can say to convince me that Coyote intends to support grooming or any other sex crime or what should be sex crime. I just don't think she is that kind of person.
Coyote is one my favorite monikers on the forum .

* Hell No *
It should be illegal to accuse ANYBODY of committing ANY crime in an open forum here.
Nah , let the readers decided what to believe .

With any good sense , the account owners remain anonymous .
" Disagreeing With Character Assassination Restraints "

* Legitimizing Standards Of Understood Meaning *

A categorical distinction in terminology exists between a child and an adolescent , where the former is without an ability to provide informed consent , and where the latter is responsible for exercising some degree of autonomy to make adult decisions .

The statutory laws for age of consent that distinguish between a child , an adolescent and an adult , differ among cultures and locations , where adolescence is held to a lesser standard of accountability for mistakes in judgement than are adults .

Clearly , sex with a child by either an adolescent , or by an adult , violates principles of non violence and individualism , while consensual sex between adolescents is not punished any more than consensual sex between adults .

Assuming that the inferences are correct , the issue of contention is whether adolescents are capable of providing consent to have sex with adults .

Should society stipulate that adolescents are responsible for informed consent in whether to have sex with another adolescent or with an adult ?

Should society stipulate to adults that an adolescent is not capable of providing informed consent for sex with an adult ?

Should society stipulate a hybrid or graduated integration such as within a 3 year difference in age among adolescents or between adolescents and adults ?

Furthermore , what is the latitude of informed consent for adolescents , by way of public education or private education for self defense , as apparently us government has resigned itself to fund abstinence only programs world wide ?

Ramming shit into ones bladder , or the consequences of sexually transmitted disease would seem highly relevant , considering that human papilloma causes warts , infertility , colon cancer and throat cancer .

* Reiteration Of Individualism Rubric *

The principles of individualism include an entitlement to self ownership , as free roam , as free association and progeny , and also include an entitlement to self determination , as private ownership of property and as willful intents through contract , which is made valid with informed consent .

The principles of non violence define violence as illegitimate aggression , while self defense against violence is legitimate aggression , while individualism stipulates aggression against an individual that is illegitimate .

* Anonymous Personas Taking It All Too Serious *

Personally identifiable accounts on social media for the purpose of engaging in hostility , subterfuge and diminution are about as dumb as it gets ; and , thus a legitimate suit for libel is about as remote as it gets for forum owners , considering a different anonymous sock puppet is simply another registration away .

The disclosure personal identifying information about patrons of the site without a warrant , or to estoppel valid threats to commit violence , are about the only things that should be censored , otherwise your mother sucks cocks in hell and the general plan is to figuratively skull fuck idiocy in the mouth , nose , ears and eye holes in the worst and best way possible with the sophistry of words .

The wanna be dictators cannot contend with displeasing opinions and block accounts rather than competently addressing the challenges of discretion or indiscretion , or simply folding to find a new anonymous identity , such is cowardice .


That photo is totally uncalled for
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