Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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To AyeCantSeeYou and the staff:

I agree with staff with a rule that calling or insinuating that somebody is a groomer or pedophile is inappropriate and that should not be allowed. But those two crimes should not be singled out. Accusing ANY member of ANY bonafide crime should be against policy.

I can empathize with SweetSue92 that being a teacher should never be equated with being a groomer or pedophile any more than being a Catholic or member of the Boy Scouts or any other group in which these issues have been well publicized should automatically label a person a 'groomer' or 'pedophile'.

But neither should expressing the fact that groomers are found in education, curriculum, the Church, Boy Scouts, etc. etc. etc. be translated that those in those occupations/situations are 'groomers' etc. any more than being in government or legal profession or any other occupation/affiliation automatically makes a person some other kind of criminal/crook.

Expressing an opinion that a person's argument could be seen as supporting grooming or whatever should not be translated as calling the person a groomer or whatever.

I know that wasn't at all the intent, but a policy that disallows calling people groomers or pedophiles but allows accusing people of pretty much all other illegality does make it sort of look like groomers/pedophiles are singled out for protection while those promoting or committing all other crimes are fair game for personal attacks, smears, accusations. And that could make a reasonable person raise an eyebrow.

I say make the rule that no member may accuse another member of being ANY kind of criminal on open forum, and we're good to go.
First off, you are in no position to know if anyone on USMB is a pedo or not. The reason for the rule is from the abuse of the word being used falsely for the ever popular character assassination USMB is notorious for.
No, all you really have to say is "You are a bigot, homophobe poopoohead and I will show gay porn to any damn child I want!!"

That will earn their approval instead of scorn.
But then again being a bigot, homophobe poopoohead are not illegal offenses, just politically incorrect ones.
That's actually a good idea. Is there a lot of that occurring? I have not seen it, hence my query.
I'm accused of being an insurrectionist and such all the time. Insurrection is a federal crime. I shrug it off the same as I do all the other hateful names I am called, however silly they might be, as just silly stuff from people too immature or incapable of making a reasoned argument, but whatever the rules are, they should be consistent and evenhandedly applied to everybody.
Nothing about this LGBpbiWTF shit is appropriate material to be pushing on young chidlren.

Children do not need to be taught about depraved sexual perversions.

That you think that this is in any way appropriate or acceptable is deeply disturbing to normal people. Do you understand this?

Normal people do not think that it is OK to push sick sexual deviancy on little children.

In a sane society, those of you who would do this would be kept locked up, or better yet, put to death.
There we go. That's what this is about: DaGayz and DaTranz. Any acknowledgement that they exist is viewed as Grooming and anyone who is not set to make them unpersons or even go full Taliban on the is a Groomer.
But that hardcore sig line tho...

There we go. That's what this is about: DaGayz and DaTranz. Any acknowledgement that they exist is viewed as Grooming and anyone who is not set to make them unpersons or even go full Taliban on the is a Groomer.

It is truly, very disturbing to any decent human being, that you think that it is in any way acceptable to impose depraved sexual deviancies on young children.

Do what you will, in the privacy of your own home, with consenting adults, but leave children out of it.
It is truly, very disturbing to any decent human being, that you think that it is in any way acceptable to impose depraved sexual deviancies on young children.

Do what you will, in the privacy of your own home, with consenting adults, but leave children out of it.
You know Da Gayz is a thing throughout history right? Pretending they don't exist and calling anyone who doesn't agree with Talibanesque philosophy Groomers is the issue.
It is truly, very disturbing to any decent human being, that you think that it is in any way acceptable to impose depraved sexual deviancies on young children.

Do what you will, in the privacy of your own home, with consenting adults, but leave children out of it.
^^Perfect example of an asshole accusing someone of an act they would never perform.
You know Da Gayz is a thing throughout history right? Pretending they don't exist and calling anyone who doesn't agree with Talibanesque philosophy Groomers is the issue.

The thread isn't about "da gayz", but for some reason you keep referencing it.

Why? You've already posted minors viewing porn in public libraries is acceptable.... this is getting disturbing
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