Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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Her actions (and those of the other mods) speak more loudly than any words.

There is no rational basis to deny their willful intent to protect child abusers. They've made it as obvious as they possibly can.
Or is it something called even application of the law? Feeling anger and offense at what somebody posts is fine. But accusing the poster of being a criminal is not until he has had his day in court and judged guilty. There are few people on the planet I disrespect as much as Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, for instance, but I've been in the position of defending both when they were wrongly labeled/accused. Does that mean I condone or would even allow what they say and do if I could prevent it? That I am protecting them? No. But it is consistent application of what I consider right and wrong.
You know Da Gayz is a thing throughout history right? Pretending they don't exist and calling anyone who doesn't agree with Talibanesque philosophy Groomers is the issue.

So is pedophilia. They even established it as a social institution in ancient Rome. And even to this day, the bacha bāzī tradition is still a thing in Afghanistan.

The mingling, here, of faggotry with pedophilia with transsexualism is nothing more or less than an effort to create a new and improved version of the bacha bāzī—gender-indeterminate children (feminized boys and masculinized girls), confused, conditioned to be compliant with modern-day pedofaggots, and preserved for an extended time in a child-like state with hormones and puberty-blockers.

The motive behind those who defend this shit is not at all difficult to see.

One thing that the Taliban definitely got right was how they treated faggots, especially when they were in power in Afghanistan, how they treated the faggots that abused young boy in accordance with bacha bāzīism. Our society would be much, much healthier, if we followed their example on this.
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um .... neither critical thinking or reading comp seem to be yer forte. whatever accusatory thing you wrote re: oakland school districts is most certainly a false equivalency - given the exact quote by q-anon veronica AND the revolting 'christmas' pic she & her spawn posed for in my signature.

suck it up buttercup.
Do you and Coyote have a thing going? Can't think of any other reason you are given preferential treatment. Calling a sitting congresswoman a groomer is no different than my calling the Oakland school district groomers--except for the simple fact that my assertion is 100% true and yours is a bald faced lie. But what else would anyone expect from a whining, lying democrat
People do not contact mods because it is your way of making something disappear. Nothing is done. No action is taken, and everything is swept under the rug.
….lotta bullshit there, and way more than the daily recommended dose of self-absorbed melodrama.

IF you contacted a Sr Mod, and you weren’t clear on that, it would have been looked at seriously. If it didn’t have merit, that would have been explained to you. I’m guessing the real reason you don’t contact a Sr Mod is because you want to be free to lob your pedo-grenades at those you dislike rather make a case.
The thread isn't about "da gayz", but for some reason you keep referencing it.

Why? You've already posted minors viewing porn in public libraries is acceptable.... this is getting disturbing
Now you want to censor public libraries for adults. Got it.
The thread isn't about "da gayz", but for some reason you keep referencing it.

Why? You've already posted minors viewing porn in public libraries is acceptable.... this is getting disturbing
No I said in the adult section. I have no interest in censoring public libraries for your Taliban fantasies.
Foxfyre must look pretty silly with all that boot polish smeared on her lips and her face.
Some people can participate in a reasoned discussion. Some are too immature or unskilled to do that and that's a pity.

So tell me, from the experience that you obviously have in abundance—What do you find more preferable to kiss, the moderators' boots, or their asses?
" Conundrum Of Entreating The Extremes "

* Agreed *

Coyote is one my favorite monikers on the forum .

* Hell No *

Nah , let the readers decided what to believe .

With any good sense , the account owners remain anonymous .
Many account holders are not anonymous though. There are a lot of people on USMB and elsewhere on the internet that know who I am in real life, have even met me in real life. Some I'm related to. I know who some others are in real life too.

To accuse somebody of an actual crime punishable via the law should not be allowed just because we believe that person to be guilty. Calling somebody an idiot, stupid, boot licker, liar, etc. may be immature or the only way some people know how to express themselves which is unfortunate, but it is not accusing them of crimes. Accusing someone of being a groomer or pedophile or terrorist or insurrectionist etc., i.e. real crimes, is defamatory and can fall into the category of libel/slander. It should not be allowed.
Who here on USMB fits that description?
Like I said in the thread this asinine rule was discussed.
'Groomer" a year ago even, I would have agreed the word is basically the same as calling someone a pedophile, since that is the only time anyone ever used it.
But here we are today. No one would have ever DREAMED people would place their OWN CHILDREN in highly sexualized environments to enhance their narcissistic virtue signaling.
No one could have ever thought this would happen.
Obviously those parents are not pedophiles. But the closest word in the English language to describe this abhorrent behavior is grooming. So the usage of the word changed to include people, WHO ARE NOT PEDOPHILES, but place young children in highly sexualized situations.

Asinine. Absurd. Ridiculous and stupid.

And to note.. I don't believe I have actually used the word here specifically to a member.
Probably just said you are out of your narcissistic mind.
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