Calling all conservatives. We have a problem


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
Hello comrades,

I've called this meeting to discuss a potential problem.

As you know, people are starting to sign up for ObamaCare. And they're noticing that the premiums are coming in lower than projected. Hard working families are saving money because children aren't being kicked off their health plans. There are even reports that Republican voters in red states are signing up for coverage. Some of them have pre-existing conditions.

I don't have to tell you what will happen if the Democrats launch another successful program like Social Security or Medicare. I also don't have to remind you that we can't win Florida without promising to protect these very popular programs.

If ObamaCare successfully covers millions of struggling American families who have gone without basic health care for a long time, this could really hurt the Republican Party. The last thing we need is another piece of legislation offered by the democrats that helps our citizens.

Please recall when Reagan in his famous 1964 speech told that country that the passage of Medicare would lead to pure Socialism across many industries. Please also recall that he was wrong, and that medical profits skyrocketed along side Medicare, which gave life saving coverage to our hard working seniors for generations. I don't want you to focus on the fact that Reagan's prediction was wrong. I want you to focus on his noble attempt to kill a program which saved more Americans than any bullet fired in Iraq. I want you to continue the proud Republican tradition of lying about government programs, even as you, like
Ayn Rand, quietly accept the benefits. For if you fail, and ObamaCare gets fully implemented, our party will be stuck on the sideline again, watching the democrats improve the lives of Americans ... (again).

We can't sit and watch as the Democrats form another generational bond with the middle class. We must kill ObamaCare before it reached the people.
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The insurance industry has pulled the greatest scam in the history of this nation.
Exactly comrade. We must keep repeating that premiums are skyrocketing, and that the implementation of ObamaCare is destroying the nation. Even if you don't believe it, there are enough stupid people out there who will.

Remember Iraq. Remember how we morphed Bin Laden into Hussein and shifted the blame for 9/11 on to Saddam? There are still Republicans who believe this because they get 100% of their information from us.

Or what about the fact that Reagan nearly tripled Carter's spending? Do you realize that nobody on our side knows this, even though the truth is easily researched?

Again: Keep in mind that people get all their information from us, and that we just have to keep lying or selectively focusing on only the data that serves our agenda. Either way, we have to kill ObamaCare BEFORE Americans start receiving the benefits. So please don't stop talking about how it is destroying America.

Remember. We launched the exact same propaganda campaign against Social Security and Medicare, and it almost worked. Remember, we have media colonialization over our voters. They've been conditioned not to trust anyone else. This means that we can convince them of anything. We just have to keep repeating the same lies until eventually there is a critical mass of stupid people who treat it as fact.

Good work comrade.

And get your government hands off my ObamaCare
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This must be a joke. Premiums going down? Lol. They're going up.

The OP is a lying POS troll that pretends money grows on trees, while he personally benefits from the theft of his neighbor's income.

We're gonna have to bring back public hangings of politicians caught with their hands in our pockets.
Hello comrades,

I've called this meeting to discuss a potential problem.

As you know, people are starting to sign up for ObamaCare. And they're noticing that the premiums are coming in lower than projected. Hard working families are saving money because children aren't being kicked off their health plans. There are even reports that Republican voters in red states are signing up for coverage. Some of them have pre-existing conditions.

I don't have to tell you what will happen if the Democrats launch another successful program like Social Security or Medicare. I also don't have to remind you that we can't win Florida without promising to protect these very popular programs.

If ObamaCare successfully covers millions of struggling American families who have gone without basic health care for a long time, this could really hurt the Republican Party. The last thing we need is another piece of legislation offered by the democrats that helps our citizens.

Please recall when Reagan in his famous 1964 speech told that country that the passage of Medicare would lead to pure Socialism across many industries. Please also recall that he was wrong, and that medical profits skyrocketed along side Medicare, which gave life saving coverage to our hard working seniors for generations. I don't want you to focus on the fact that Reagan's prediction was wrong. I want you to focus on his noble attempt to kill a program which saved more Americans than any bullet fired in Iraq. I want you to continue the proud Republican tradition of lying about government programs, even as you, like
Ayn Rand, quietly accept the benefits. For if you fail, and ObamaCare gets fully implemented, our party will be stuck on the sideline again, watching the democrats improve the lives of Americans ... (again).

We can't sit and watch as the Democrats form another generational bond with the middle class. We must kill ObamaCare before it reached the people.

Republicans didn't originally make an argument about the cost of Obamacare. They made an argument on moral hazard.

The change in tactics happened because the people didn't get it. Maybe that's because the Democrats who have been in charge of public education for generations dumbed them down.
The insurance industry has pulled the greatest scam in the history of this nation.


They have to do more and make less.

They really got us with this one.


All they have to do now to make a profit is lobby government, something they're obviously very good at. They sure as fuck don't have to satisfy their captive customers. Democrats sold us to them. Fuck them, and fuck you.
Even IF it did lower premiums, it's a huge drag on the economy, will ruin the healthcare system, and bankrupt this country.

Fucking idiot liberals think money just drops down from the sky.
The insurance industry has pulled the greatest scam in the history of this nation.

Correction: Big Insurance, Big Pharma, and Big Government have colluded to pull off the biggest scam in the history of the nation.
Unfortunately, the costs are exceeding even the wildest expectations. Some men are seeing an increase of almost 200%.

Tennessee: Obamacare will triple men's premiums, double women's |
The White House on Wednesday released a report on the costs of Obamacare for most Americans, heralding its interpretation that 95 percent of the nation will be able to buy health insurance premiums below “earlier projections.”

But note the words “earlier projections.” That doesn’t mean that the insurance Americans will have to buy, or be fined, under Obamacare will be cheaper than what they pay today, before Obamacare kicks in.

We know this because at the same time the White House was releasing its broad study, Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander released his analysis of the report's portion on his state. He found that Obamacare will cost far more than what many of his constituents are paying today, some by as much as 190 percent.

In CA insurance premiums have only gone up 160%, so we might be lucky its not higher.
Hello comrades,

I've called this meeting to discuss a potential problem.

As you know, people are starting to sign up for ObamaCare. And they're noticing that the premiums are coming in lower than projected. Hard working families are saving money because children aren't being kicked off their health plans. There are even reports that Republican voters in red states are signing up for coverage. Some of them have pre-existing conditions.

I don't have to tell you what will happen if the Democrats launch another successful program like Social Security or Medicare. I also don't have to remind you that we can't win Florida without promising to protect these very popular programs.

If ObamaCare successfully covers millions of struggling American families who have gone without basic health care for a long time, this could really hurt the Republican Party. The last thing we need is another piece of legislation offered by the democrats that helps our citizens.

Please recall when Reagan in his famous 1964 speech told that country that the passage of Medicare would lead to pure Socialism across many industries. Please also recall that he was wrong, and that medical profits skyrocketed along side Medicare, which gave life saving coverage to our hard working seniors for generations. I don't want you to focus on the fact that Reagan's prediction was wrong. I want you to focus on his noble attempt to kill a program which saved more Americans than any bullet fired in Iraq. I want you to continue the proud Republican tradition of lying about government programs, even as you, like
Ayn Rand, quietly accept the benefits. For if you fail, and ObamaCare gets fully implemented, our party will be stuck on the sideline again, watching the democrats improve the lives of Americans ... (again).

We can't sit and watch as the Democrats form another generational bond with the middle class. We must kill ObamaCare before it reached the people.

Where's my $2,500 savings?

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The insurance industry has pulled the greatest scam in the history of this nation.

they had help bro..obama promised them fresh customers, that they would drain...and for what?

President Obama wants you to buy health insurance. Like, a lot.

The president has undertaken a months-long effort to convince people, particularly the Millennials who populate his political base, to give their business to America’s largest insurance companies. This sounds odd for a guy who used a populist pitchforking of “big insurance” to goose his health law over the finish line in 2010.

But it’s not as odd as you might think. Obama built his law in private in conjunction with the same companies he was skewering in public. The same goes for the drug companies that were the preferred targets of Democrats for most of the pre-ObamaCare era. Why?

Unable to unite his party behind his vision for a government-run insurance program open to all Americans, Obama outsourced the sales job to insurance and drug companies to get the deal done. His pitchfork routine was in part about gaining an upper hand in negotiations with his insurance and PhRMA partners, but mostly about appeasing liberal lawmakers who were unhappy that Obama’s more liberal vision had vanished. They got Hillary Clinton’s health law even though they elected Obama. But it was insurance and drug lobbyists who did the hard work of squeezing moderates into the already unpopular plan. They sold what Obama could not.

Now, it’s his turn.

Polifact’s latest scorecard found that Obama has kept 45 percent of his campaign promises. But one promise on which he absolutely needs to deliver is the one to insurance and drug companies to send millions of young, healthy customers through their doors. Even with lots of free stuff to give away, it’s proving difficult.

more at-

Barack Obama, Insurance Salesman | Fox News

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