CDZ {calling all honest polite opinions} : Zelenskyy urges UN to hold Russia accountable

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Zelenskyy urges UN to hold Russia accountable

Local : 2022-04-05(Tuesday) 21:21:43
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yo, Biden teams, Republican teams, i think you should take this request by mr Zelensky very darn seriously.

(i'll be emailing this to the site via their webform 'contact the President' and my mailinglist worth 60 to 70 international major news companies, political parties, governments and intel agencies, right after starting this new and interesting thread on *your* forum)

other updates about me as a person : i'll be trying not to such of a 'jackass' towards others while i hold discussions on this forum starting *right the f... now*.
those hints of swearwords in this paragraph are my official and only apology for mentioning me starting a war against the weirdos calling themselves American (expat) LGBTQ+ extreme liar members.
Not going to happen. The UN wants ww3.
The world court at the Hage will be involved as they did with PolPots government's crimes. It will take years to finally get Putin and others to answer for the Ukraine invasion.

They'll be incinerated before this ever happens.
Oh Boy?

Yep keep thinking that a Country fighting men are defending their country for its independence from a Dictator is really corrupt. Yep just keep thinking stupid cause that's what ya do. Guys like Putin were born to be known by history as Killers and tyrants, serpents of the Devils Childs hatchery. Sure just keep on saying The countries he kills in are corrupt assholes. You may be very wrong there. As China blows up the worlds largest Chip maker keep saying it as your phone that you cannot do without even for an hour goes by by forever. Ha Ha, good riddance to your mouthpiece too.
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Cant keep bumping old threads in Clean Debate for Ukrainian war updates. THere are many other forums for news updates on that topic. It's not what Clean Debate forum is about.
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