Calling It a New Name Won't Make Socialism Work

small and homogeneous their populations are. The advent of such systems to a much larger, diverse and distributed population is a different animal entirely.

It's different but absolutely not impossible. America is a much bigger and wealthier nation. Suggesting it won't work because we have more people is ludicrous.
So we're still pretending the Democrats are pushing 100%, full-blown socialism, in which private property is eliminated and government owns all means of production and distribution.

Okay, sure, why not.
Have any evidence they're not?
Yes, just read their agenda. They have one out called a better deal. It is no where close to full blown socialism. Do you ya e evidence that they are pushing for full socialism?
With socialism the goal is everyone lives in equal misery… And better love it

Jesus dude. Even the people on your side silently know that you're completely fucking useless in this conversation. Just go away.
I wish Republicans could get their shit straight.

Just for the record, are the Nordic countries socialist in your opinion, or no?

Don't ask mem ask them.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
So your answer is not just no, but hell no.

Oh good, so Bernie and his people are not socialist either. Republicans call people communist for wanting universal healthcare. You guys are the ones fucking the labels up and muddying the water.
You're not very versed in current events I see.

bernie says he is socialist - Bing video

Name one single policy or position of Bernie Sanders that is not in line with what Nordic countries do. Just one, EVER. You can't. Bernie calls himself a democratic socialist. He supports Nordic capitalism. You people are the ones perverting the labels. If you think Bernie wants to destroy capitalism and emulate Venezuela you are completely misinformed.
Then why did the president of Denmark issue a statement directed almost squarely at Bernie saying "don't call us socialist." And why did Bernie say that people are more likely to realize the "American dream" in Venezuela less than a decade ago?

Bernie can say whatever he wants but that doesn't make him right or truthful. He's never worked a day in his life and he's grown rich off selling false hope to stupid people. Good gig if you can get it.
The collective controls the individual… That is the definition of socialism
Wrong again. Socialism is when the community owns or regulates the means of production, distribution, and exchange
I’ll simplify it for you then... the collective tells you what to do and you better do it…
So do laws and the police. Are you against those too?
Military, police and fire are an necessary... And progressives hate those obviously by the way they treat them.
The rest of big government is not necessary
You’re done. You can’t go on these platitude rants about freedom and Fucking the collective and then say well certain ones that I like are ok. That makes you a hypocrite. If your ok with military and law and order then then you believe that the contributions of the collective serve a purpose. So stop with your bullshit. You can argue about specific programs that you disagree with but right now you aren’t being intellectually honest.
Even a fool can see the federal government is far, far too large… And we are past the point of no return.
You do realize the nanny state is opposite of any sort of freedom?
Know anything about the start of the industrial revolution? The argument you just made is the same reaction the church had when workers demanded more rights. They said that the answer to the tremendous inequality between the classes of people could only be solved by charity. And by no means should those workers get any political rights. Those workers organizing was the birth of Socialism and universal suffrage. It's insane that this is were America has regressed to. The arguments of the elite in the late 19th century.

Are you implying that charity alone can't solve the problems society faces?! COMMUNIST!
I'm arguing nothing of the sort. I was saying that an argument giving by Rustic was reminiscent of the arguments used by the Industrialist during the early Industrial Revolution. A little history lesson that was meant to give perspective.
I wish Republicans could get their shit straight.

Just for the record, are the Nordic countries socialist in your opinion, or no?

Don't ask mem ask them.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist
So your answer is not just no, but hell no.

Oh good, so Bernie and his people are not socialist either. Republicans call people communist for wanting universal healthcare. You guys are the ones fucking the labels up and muddying the water.
You're not very versed in current events I see.

bernie says he is socialist - Bing video

Name one single policy or position of Bernie Sanders that is not in line with what Nordic countries do. Just one, EVER. You can't. Bernie calls himself a democratic socialist. He supports Nordic capitalism. You people are the ones perverting the labels. If you think Bernie wants to destroy capitalism and emulate Venezuela you are completely misinformed.
America is not a Nordic country. It is an American country far more like Venezuela and numerous other countries where socialism has failed miserably.
With socialism the goal is everyone lives in equal misery… And better love it

Jesus dude. Even the people on your side silently know that you're completely fucking useless in this conversation. Just go away.
Hit a nerve?
You’re a fool if you think that we have any sort of freedom in this country, socialism is the enemy of freedom.
With socialism the goal is everyone lives in equal misery… And better love it

Jesus dude. Even the people on your side silently know that you're completely fucking useless in this conversation. Just go away.
These idiots like Rustic don’t know how to express a smart argument end up just making shit up trying to define the thoughts and motives of their opposers. I wonder if they think they are being effective.
So is that a yes to taxation? You think that is socialism?
The collective controls the individual… That is the definition of socialism
You can't just redefine a word because you don't want to argue the point. I live in an European country. What freedom you imagine you have that I don't?
You’re forced into a collective with socialism whether you want to or not… Fuck the collective
Sure that was an answer to something, just not what I asked. Name a freedom you have that I don't? I for sure can give a freedom I have that you don't. I can send my kid to any school I choose, we don't have any school districts. Your turn.
There is no real freedom in the world today, obviously.
So if you say that there is no freedom in the world, what's wrong with Socialism? It seems that was your argument for not linking it?
With socialism the goal is everyone lives in equal misery… And better love it

Jesus dude. Even the people on your side silently know that you're completely fucking useless in this conversation. Just go away.
These idiots like Rustic don’t know how to express a smart argument end up just making shit up trying to define the thoughts and motives of their opposers. I wonder if they think they are being effective.
No one’s going to change anybody else’s mind, I just don’t want to control other people like you progressives do...
Wrong again. Socialism is when the community owns or regulates the means of production, distribution, and exchange
I’ll simplify it for you then... the collective tells you what to do and you better do it…
So do laws and the police. Are you against those too?
Military, police and fire are an necessary... And progressives hate those obviously by the way they treat them.
The rest of big government is not necessary
You’re done. You can’t go on these platitude rants about freedom and Fucking the collective and then say well certain ones that I like are ok. That makes you a hypocrite. If your ok with military and law and order then then you believe that the contributions of the collective serve a purpose. So stop with your bullshit. You can argue about specific programs that you disagree with but right now you aren’t being intellectually honest.
Even a fool can see the federal government is far, far too large… And we are past the point of no return.
You do realize the nanny state is opposite of any sort of freedom?
Yeah, I agree that government is too big and needs to go on a serious diet... but I can be honest about the situation. I don’t need to lie and yell socialism when socialism isn’t here
The collective controls the individual… That is the definition of socialism
You can't just redefine a word because you don't want to argue the point. I live in an European country. What freedom you imagine you have that I don't?
You’re forced into a collective with socialism whether you want to or not… Fuck the collective
Sure that was an answer to something, just not what I asked. Name a freedom you have that I don't? I for sure can give a freedom I have that you don't. I can send my kid to any school I choose, we don't have any school districts. Your turn.
There is no real freedom in the world today, obviously.
So if you say that there is no freedom in the world, what's wrong with Socialism? It seems that was your argument for not linking it?
Socialism is the very opposite of freedom, there is no individuality in Socialism
Then why did the president of Denmark issue a statement directed almost squarely at Bernie saying "don't call us socialist."

It's just label confusion. If you understood Bernie's position you would know that he wants to emulate their Nordic capitalism. Suggesting otherwise just isn't true. It comes from a place of ignorance. I'm sure in all his time as a politician he has said something off here or there, but the fact of the matter remains that he advocates for emulating their countries. Go do some research dude. Compare his policies to their government. You won't find any difference.
I’ll simplify it for you then... the collective tells you what to do and you better do it…
So do laws and the police. Are you against those too?
Military, police and fire are an necessary... And progressives hate those obviously by the way they treat them.
The rest of big government is not necessary
You’re done. You can’t go on these platitude rants about freedom and Fucking the collective and then say well certain ones that I like are ok. That makes you a hypocrite. If your ok with military and law and order then then you believe that the contributions of the collective serve a purpose. So stop with your bullshit. You can argue about specific programs that you disagree with but right now you aren’t being intellectually honest.
Even a fool can see the federal government is far, far too large… And we are past the point of no return.
You do realize the nanny state is opposite of any sort of freedom?
Yeah, I agree that government is too big and needs to go on a serious diet... but I can be honest about the situation. I don’t need to lie and yell socialism when socialism isn’t here
That is the reason why this country is broke because a socialist entitlement programs. That’s where the vast majority of spending and debt have come from, It makes every other type of spending look like pocket change.
Democratic Socialists. Heh. Now there's a non sequitur.

It's almost as laughable as the frequent popularity of calling the Republic 'our Democracy'
....and we'll call it democratic Socialism because the firing squads come later after everybody is unarmed.
Democratic Socialists. Heh. Now there's a non sequitur.

It's almost as laughable as the frequent popularity of calling the Republic 'our Democracy'
Democratic socialists sound so similar to national Socialists... lol
What do you righties call giving billions of tax payer dollars to a foreign corporation to build a plant here?

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