Calling It a New Name Won't Make Socialism Work

I've seen Obamacare called "socialism".

Clearly the word means nothing at this point.

The Left has trivialized the term "racism", the Right has trivialized the term "socialism".

Great job, folks. Opposite sides of the same goofy coin.
You need to brush up on current events.
What I'm seeing currently is the Right absolutely refusing to see the difference between true socialism and the democratic socialism of many countries, such as Norway, Canada, Australia and Germany.

Or maybe they're incapable of seeing it, I'm not quite sure on that yet.
Deals like Foxconn are as much socialism as anything democrats have ever done. Stop kidding yourselves righties! Hell you guys hang with putin now.
I've seen Obamacare called "socialism".

Clearly the word means nothing at this point.

The Left has trivialized the term "racism", the Right has trivialized the term "socialism".

Great job, folks. Opposite sides of the same goofy coin.
It was the Left who coined this laughable “Democratic” Socialism title that’s a cure all economic model for paradise BS, get your facts straight.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
What do you righties call giving billions of tax payer dollars to a foreign corporation to build a plant here?

How about the shrink down the government to the point where they can’t do such things?

You think Republicans are going to shrink the government?
When Are you going to realize that both sides of the aisle are the same? career politicians no matter what side of the aisle they pick are the same.
Conservatives/libertarians are the only ones that will shrink the government…
True. But...

Are they proposing more regulation of various industries and markets rather than less? Yes.
Are they proposing higher corporate taxes? Yes.

Regulations influence or dictate how businesses run and taxes obviously take operating expenses away from them. They are very transparent about wanting more influence on how commerce is done in the U.S., not less. Pair that with their transparent desire for giant government funded programs at extremely high costs and it's very hard to take them at their word.

Why not be honest and call it what it is, or don't call it what it's not? Higher taxes and social programs is not socialism.
"Socialism" is just a concept of socializing resources. It can be applied to anything where there's more than one person involved. If you go out to lunch with 9 colleagues and just say "split the check evenly 10 ways" regardless of what was ordered by each person, then that's socialism of the cost of the lunch. To that end, i would agree that people on the right use the term like a boogeyman when it's convenient for them to. They're referring to economic socialism but calling it just "socialism."

At that point, i'd just refer you to the above. I don't trust people who call themselves "democratic socialists" when they say they don't want to socialize America's economy. They rarely have seen regulations they don't like and tend to think that every problem can be solved by taxing people more and creating a government program for it. As said above, that's further government control of the economy. The more powerful and intrusive government gets, the more powerful and intrusive the government will want to get.

The Nordic countries have no homelessness and they are the happiest nations on Earth. Their people are healthy, educated and have a very long average life span. It seems to be working great for them.
Good for them. However, that's all due to culture, not socialism. Their average lifespan has moreso stagnated than lengthened since they embraced a welfare state compared to other countries. And i don't think their food marketplace has become as saturated with sugary processed foods like ours has, but that could possible be attributed to their education as well. Healthier lifestyle = less burden on the healthcare system.

Of course, all that ignores how small and homogeneous their populations are. The advent of such systems to a much larger, diverse and distributed population is a different animal entirely.
We've had a welfare state since pre-World War 1. I'm pretty sure our life expectancy has increased since then. I don't see how a homogeneous population gives a longer life expectancy? Food you do have a point. I've found that fresh fruit and vetch are prohibitively expensive in the US, at least for the lower incomes.Although I imagine it varies from state to state. We also have a very much cheaper healthcare system. The healthcare cost difference can be directly be connected by the for profit health care system you guys have. Not exactly a pro unrestricted Capitalism argument.
Anyone who would defend the U.S. healthcare system at this point is a moron. It's frankenstein's monster when it comes to the fusion of private enterprise and government weaving together to make a complete shit storm. On top of that, America pays for like, 60% of the world's healthcare innovation which helps a lot of other countries afford what they otherwise couldn't. We'd be better off either completely privatizing or completely socializing the system compared to what we have now.

Healthcare is very tricky because it starts off with a unique set of conditions not true in any other market, and that's the fact that people are rendered services before they can consent to them and/or prove they can pay for said services. Add into that how no one would really advocate for letting someone die in the waiting room cause they don't have some cash on them and your starting point is inherently some form of socialized system where some will be paying for others no matter what. That's why when it comes to healthcare, i'm not vehemently opposed to the government being a payor of expenses but i am vehemently opposed to the government being a provider of services.
I've seen Obamacare called "socialism".

Clearly the word means nothing at this point.

The Left has trivialized the term "racism", the Right has trivialized the term "socialism".

Great job, folks. Opposite sides of the same goofy coin.
It was the Left who coined this laughable “Democratic” Socialism title that’s a cure all economic model for paradise BS, get your facts straight.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
What do you righties call giving billions of tax payer dollars to a foreign corporation to build a plant here?

How about the shrink down the government to the point where they can’t do such things?

You think Republicans are going to shrink the government?
When Are you going to realize that both sides of the aisle are the same? career politicians no matter what side of the aisle they pick are the same.
Conservatives/libertarians are the only ones that will shrink the government…
Where is the tea party now? Seems they only care about debt if they can blame a dem.
Or maybe they're incapable of seeing it, I'm not quite sure on that yet.
He's determined to not give your opinion any ground. Logic doesn't matter.
I swear, they have created this informational/factual/intellectual closed circuit that simply allows for zero light.

It's uncanny. It's been building and building over the last few years, but seriously, I think the circuit is fully closed.
I've seen Obamacare called "socialism".

Clearly the word means nothing at this point.

The Left has trivialized the term "racism", the Right has trivialized the term "socialism".

Great job, folks. Opposite sides of the same goofy coin.
It was the Left who coined this laughable “Democratic” Socialism title that’s a cure all economic model for paradise BS, get your facts straight.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
Yes. You can choose to ignore that, but words do mean things.

Stay as binary as you want. Meanwhile, the word "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and you're helping.
I've seen Obamacare called "socialism".

Clearly the word means nothing at this point.

The Left has trivialized the term "racism", the Right has trivialized the term "socialism".

Great job, folks. Opposite sides of the same goofy coin.
It was the Left who coined this laughable “Democratic” Socialism title that’s a cure all economic model for paradise BS, get your facts straight.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
You actually think repubs are less socialist than Dems. See Foxconn!
What I'm seeing currently is the Right absolutely refusing to see the difference between true socialism and the democratic socialism of many countries, such as Norway, Canada, Australia and Germany.

Or maybe they're incapable of seeing it, I'm not quite sure on that yet.

A system that is doomed to failure can have many names, but only one end. Most socialist nations have elections, some even on regular schedule. So what?
I've seen Obamacare called "socialism".

Clearly the word means nothing at this point.

The Left has trivialized the term "racism", the Right has trivialized the term "socialism".

Great job, folks. Opposite sides of the same goofy coin.
It was the Left who coined this laughable “Democratic” Socialism title that’s a cure all economic model for paradise BS, get your facts straight.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
You actually think repubs are less socialist than Dems. See Foxconn!
Figures you need to switch topics. Loser.
I've seen Obamacare called "socialism".

Clearly the word means nothing at this point.

The Left has trivialized the term "racism", the Right has trivialized the term "socialism".

Great job, folks. Opposite sides of the same goofy coin.
It was the Left who coined this laughable “Democratic” Socialism title that’s a cure all economic model for paradise BS, get your facts straight.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
Yes. You can choose to ignore that, but words do mean things.

Stay as binary as you want. Meanwhile, the word "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and you're helping.
That’s the Lefts wonderful f’d up education system that’s dumbed down an entire generation, not I. Get your facts straight before you start accusing.

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