Calling It a New Name Won't Make Socialism Work

Well the far left uses and abuses a name then they need to change it as it looses it's impact, just like "Global Warming", "Climate Change", and "Climate Disruption".
I've seen Obamacare called "socialism".

Clearly the word means nothing at this point.

The Left has trivialized the term "racism", the Right has trivialized the term "socialism".

Great job, folks. Opposite sides of the same goofy coin.
It was the Left who coined this laughable “Democratic” Socialism title that’s a cure all economic model for paradise BS, get your facts straight.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
You actually think repubs are less socialist than Dems. See Foxconn!
Figures you need to switch topics. Loser.
Sorry you don’t like the facts.
I've seen Obamacare called "socialism".

Clearly the word means nothing at this point.

The Left has trivialized the term "racism", the Right has trivialized the term "socialism".

Great job, folks. Opposite sides of the same goofy coin.
It was the Left who coined this laughable “Democratic” Socialism title that’s a cure all economic model for paradise BS, get your facts straight.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
Yes. You can choose to ignore that, but words do mean things.

Stay as binary as you want. Meanwhile, the word "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and you're helping.
That’s the Lefts wonderful f’d up education system that’s dumbed down an entire generation, not I. Get your facts straight before you start accusing.
My facts are quite straight. Socialism is the government-owned control of production and distribution, and the elimination of private property.

So show us the planks of the Democratic platform that advocate for socialism. I'll start you with one: Single Payer.
It was the Left who coined this laughable “Democratic” Socialism title that’s a cure all economic model for paradise BS, get your facts straight.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
Yes. You can choose to ignore that, but words do mean things.

Stay as binary as you want. Meanwhile, the word "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and you're helping.
That’s the Lefts wonderful f’d up education system that’s dumbed down an entire generation, not I. Get your facts straight before you start accusing.
My facts are quite straight. Socialism is the government-owned control of production and distribution, and the elimination of private property.

So show us the planks of the Democratic platform that advocate for socialism. I'll start you with one: Single Payer.
Sounds more like the Foxconn deal than anything Dems do...
A system that is doomed to failure can have many names, but only one end. Most socialist nations have elections, some even on regular schedule. So what?
You mention "most socialist nations".

Would you name a few?
Let’s pick the Lefts favorite, whether it is or not.
What do they produce? Don’t say IKEA they escaped.
What is their contribution to the world in the past century?
Why is their suicide rate the highest in the world?
Sure that was an answer to something, just not what I asked. Name a freedom you have that I don't? I for sure can give a freedom I have that you don't. I can send my kid to any school I choose, we don't have any school districts. Your turn.
There is no real freedom in the world today, obviously.
So if you say that there is no freedom in the world, what's wrong with Socialism? It seems that was your argument for not linking it?
Socialism is the very opposite of freedom, there is no individuality in Socialism
Yet you seem to be completely incapable of naming a single freedom you have that I don't, while I can immediately site a freedom that I have under my system that I have that you don't. Seems a bit odd doesn't it?
Well, we have the right to free speech over here Europe does not have that right, we have a right to bear arms over here Europe does not...
And you do realize that rural America and urban America are like night and day, All of our violent crime in this country is in urban America all of our debt in this country is because of urban America... etc.
I have a right to bear arms, just not an unrestricted right to bear arms. Here's a fact neither do you.
Free speech does have restrictions here and in the US. 6 Surprising Exceptions to Freedom of Speech | The Saturday Evening Post
Columbine was in Colorado if I'm not mistaking, Parkland is in Broward County. Not exactly urban sprawl I think. And even if that wasn't true, that still wouldn't explain why rural America has such low life expectancy. Lower income, increased ophiod problems do however. As for the rest.List of U.S. states and territories by GDP - Wikipedia
Guess what, most wealth is created in urban centers. Any other things you want to tell me?
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Why not be honest and call it what it is, or don't call it what it's not? Higher taxes and social programs is not socialism.
"Socialism" is just a concept of socializing resources. It can be applied to anything where there's more than one person involved. If you go out to lunch with 9 colleagues and just say "split the check evenly 10 ways" regardless of what was ordered by each person, then that's socialism of the cost of the lunch. To that end, i would agree that people on the right use the term like a boogeyman when it's convenient for them to. They're referring to economic socialism but calling it just "socialism."

At that point, i'd just refer you to the above. I don't trust people who call themselves "democratic socialists" when they say they don't want to socialize America's economy. They rarely have seen regulations they don't like and tend to think that every problem can be solved by taxing people more and creating a government program for it. As said above, that's further government control of the economy. The more powerful and intrusive government gets, the more powerful and intrusive the government will want to get.

The Nordic countries have no homelessness and they are the happiest nations on Earth. Their people are healthy, educated and have a very long average life span. It seems to be working great for them.
Good for them. However, that's all due to culture, not socialism. Their average lifespan has moreso stagnated than lengthened since they embraced a welfare state compared to other countries. And i don't think their food marketplace has become as saturated with sugary processed foods like ours has, but that could possible be attributed to their education as well. Healthier lifestyle = less burden on the healthcare system.

Of course, all that ignores how small and homogeneous their populations are. The advent of such systems to a much larger, diverse and distributed population is a different animal entirely.
We've had a welfare state since pre-World War 1. I'm pretty sure our life expectancy has increased since then. I don't see how a homogeneous population gives a longer life expectancy? Food you do have a point. I've found that fresh fruit and vetch are prohibitively expensive in the US, at least for the lower incomes.Although I imagine it varies from state to state. We also have a very much cheaper healthcare system. The healthcare cost difference can be directly be connected by the for profit health care system you guys have. Not exactly a pro unrestricted Capitalism argument.
Anyone who would defend the U.S. healthcare system at this point is a moron. It's frankenstein's monster when it comes to the fusion of private enterprise and government weaving together to make a complete shit storm. On top of that, America pays for like, 60% of the world's healthcare innovation which helps a lot of other countries afford what they otherwise couldn't. We'd be better off either completely privatizing or completely socializing the system compared to what we have now.

Healthcare is very tricky because it starts off with a unique set of conditions not true in any other market, and that's the fact that people are rendered services before they can consent to them and/or prove they can pay for said services. Add into that how no one would really advocate for letting someone die in the waiting room cause they don't have some cash on them and your starting point is inherently some form of socialized system where some will be paying for others no matter what. That's why when it comes to healthcare, i'm not vehemently opposed to the government being a payor of expenses but i am vehemently opposed to the government being a provider of services.
A system that is doomed to failure can have many names, but only one end. Most socialist nations have elections, some even on regular schedule. So what?
You mention "most socialist nations".

Would you name a few?
Let’s pick the Lefts favorite, whether it is or not.
What do they produce? Don’t say IKEA they escaped.
What is their contribution to the world in the past century?
Why is their suicide rate the highest in the world?
They're actually #32.

You consider Sweden to be socialist. Okay, any others?
A system that is doomed to failure can have many names, but only one end. Most socialist nations have elections, some even on regular schedule. So what?
You mention "most socialist nations".

Would you name a few?

I thought you which ones they were? Try Google.
I'd like to know what you think socialism is.

You said "most". Just name a few. Four or five. Easy peasy.

I already gave you a definition yesterday. A very good one. Try to keep up otherwise I feel no obligation to post replies to the deliberately uninformed.
A system that is doomed to failure can have many names, but only one end. Most socialist nations have elections, some even on regular schedule. So what?
You mention "most socialist nations".

Would you name a few?
Let’s pick the Lefts favorite, whether it is or not.
What do they produce? Don’t say IKEA they escaped.
What is their contribution to the world in the past century?
Why is their suicide rate the highest in the world?
10 world-shaping Swedish companies
It was the Left who coined this laughable “Democratic” Socialism title that’s a cure all economic model for paradise BS, get your facts straight.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
Yes. You can choose to ignore that, but words do mean things.

Stay as binary as you want. Meanwhile, the word "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and you're helping.
That’s the Lefts wonderful f’d up education system that’s dumbed down an entire generation, not I. Get your facts straight before you start accusing.
My facts are quite straight. Socialism is the government-owned control of production and distribution, and the elimination of private property.

So show us the planks of the Democratic platform that advocate for socialism. I'll start you with one: Single Payer.
Every aspect of the Left is a push towards Socialism. Be easier to name one platform that is not pushing in that direction, but I can’t think of even one.
But it’s never been implemented properly before – this time around. I’m sure top people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will succeed where Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, etc. have failed.


I happen to know a little something about the transfer of private industry to government control. My grandmother’s father had his bakery seized in the Soviet city of Gomel. He was sent to a gulag, where he then died.

Oh, that’s crazy, Democratic Socialists would respond. No one is planning to seize bakeries. And no one will be sent to prison for owning a business.

No? What if those who own companies in industries that “necessitate some form of state ownership” don’t want to give them up willingly? What happens when the state runs out of money from the industries seized and needs more?

It’s baffling how we can still be considering centralized control of industries when that has never worked anywhere. And how socialism lovers so easily dismiss the underlying foundation in countries that have veered toward some form of that system: capitalism. Countries such as Norway, for example, are helped by a large abundance of natural resources and an essentially capitalist system supporting the welfare state.

On the other hand, nations where socialism continues to wreak havoc and spur poverty, disease and crime, like Venezuela, don’t have much support from capitalism. Fact is, “socialism” only works when it’s paid for by capitalism.

* * * * * * * *

In the fall of 1959, Nikita Khrushchev gave a series of speeches here. In one, he said, “We are catching up with you in economic progress, and the time is not far distant when we will move into the lead.” In Russia, that prompted folks to joke: “When we finally catch up to America, can I get off?”

The Dems stole "Democrat Socialist" from the Europeans
A system that is doomed to failure can have many names, but only one end. Most socialist nations have elections, some even on regular schedule. So what?
You mention "most socialist nations".

Would you name a few?

I thought you which ones they were? Try Google.
I'd like to know what you think socialism is.

You said "most". Just name a few. Four or five. Easy peasy.

I already gave you a definition yesterday. A very good one. Try to keep up otherwise I feel no obligation to post replies to the deliberately uninformed.
Okay, I tried.

My point gets proven over and over.
I said "socialism", not "Democratic socialism".

It's right there on the screen. It couldn't be more clear.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
Yes. You can choose to ignore that, but words do mean things.

Stay as binary as you want. Meanwhile, the word "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and you're helping.
That’s the Lefts wonderful f’d up education system that’s dumbed down an entire generation, not I. Get your facts straight before you start accusing.
My facts are quite straight. Socialism is the government-owned control of production and distribution, and the elimination of private property.

So show us the planks of the Democratic platform that advocate for socialism. I'll start you with one: Single Payer.
Every aspect of the Left is a push towards Socialism. Be easier to name one platform that is not pushing in that direction, but I can’t think of even one.
The right is pushing hard, see Foxconn.
Lordy. You actually think adding a word redefines it
Yes. You can choose to ignore that, but words do mean things.

Stay as binary as you want. Meanwhile, the word "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people, and you're helping.
That’s the Lefts wonderful f’d up education system that’s dumbed down an entire generation, not I. Get your facts straight before you start accusing.
My facts are quite straight. Socialism is the government-owned control of production and distribution, and the elimination of private property.

So show us the planks of the Democratic platform that advocate for socialism. I'll start you with one: Single Payer.
Every aspect of the Left is a push towards Socialism. Be easier to name one platform that is not pushing in that direction, but I can’t think of even one.
The right is pushing hard, see Foxconn.
What is "Foxconn"?
A system that is doomed to failure can have many names, but only one end. Most socialist nations have elections, some even on regular schedule. So what?
You mention "most socialist nations".

Would you name a few?

I thought you which ones they were? Try Google.
I'd like to know what you think socialism is.

You said "most". Just name a few. Four or five. Easy peasy.

I already gave you a definition yesterday. A very good one. Try to keep up otherwise I feel no obligation to post replies to the deliberately uninformed.
Okay, I tried.

My point gets proven over and over.

What, that you are a repeating parrot? That you ignore posters who give you solid replies? Quite the point you prove over and over.
A system that is doomed to failure can have many names, but only one end. Most socialist nations have elections, some even on regular schedule. So what?
You mention "most socialist nations".

Would you name a few?
Let’s pick the Lefts favorite, whether it is or not.
What do they produce? Don’t say IKEA they escaped.
What is their contribution to the world in the past century?
Why is their suicide rate the highest in the world?
10 world-shaping Swedish companies
None of them impact civilization and the owners do not live in Sweden. Why? Socialism does not let them create.

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