Calling It a New Name Won't Make Socialism Work

So do laws and the police. Are you against those too?
Military, police and fire are an necessary... And progressives hate those obviously by the way they treat them.
The rest of big government is not necessary
You’re done. You can’t go on these platitude rants about freedom and Fucking the collective and then say well certain ones that I like are ok. That makes you a hypocrite. If your ok with military and law and order then then you believe that the contributions of the collective serve a purpose. So stop with your bullshit. You can argue about specific programs that you disagree with but right now you aren’t being intellectually honest.
Even a fool can see the federal government is far, far too large… And we are past the point of no return.
You do realize the nanny state is opposite of any sort of freedom?
Yeah, I agree that government is too big and needs to go on a serious diet... but I can be honest about the situation. I don’t need to lie and yell socialism when socialism isn’t here
That is the reason why this country is broke because a socialist entitlement programs. That’s where the vast majority of spending and debt have come from, It makes every other type of spending look like pocket change.
That’s why we are broke? The richest country in the world bar none?! Haha ok.

Well tell me where does all that money that the government is frivolous spending go? Where does it end up over time?
Military, police and fire are an necessary... And progressives hate those obviously by the way they treat them.
The rest of big government is not necessary
You’re done. You can’t go on these platitude rants about freedom and Fucking the collective and then say well certain ones that I like are ok. That makes you a hypocrite. If your ok with military and law and order then then you believe that the contributions of the collective serve a purpose. So stop with your bullshit. You can argue about specific programs that you disagree with but right now you aren’t being intellectually honest.
Even a fool can see the federal government is far, far too large… And we are past the point of no return.
You do realize the nanny state is opposite of any sort of freedom?
Yeah, I agree that government is too big and needs to go on a serious diet... but I can be honest about the situation. I don’t need to lie and yell socialism when socialism isn’t here
That is the reason why this country is broke because a socialist entitlement programs. That’s where the vast majority of spending and debt have come from, It makes every other type of spending look like pocket change.
That’s why we are broke? The richest country in the world bar none?! Haha ok.

Well tell me where does all that money that the government is frivolous spending go? Where does it end up over time?
Most of it doesn’t land where it is supposed to..
Sure and America First could be taken directly from the NAZI's political program if you switch countries, your point?

Well. If we're going to talk about American exceptionalism, we should be inspiring other countries instead of threatening them or attacking them. We, too, should be living within free market and liberty principles. Not threatening them or attacking them either.

We shouldn't have to have our balls fondled just to fly from point A to point B, also a product of that so-called America first horse pucky.

Every single time some politician wants to push his chest out in the name of American exceptionalism, Americans lose another liberty. And that list of loss is long.

Someone once said that every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. The Framers were the finest examples of this line of thinking. Their sacrifices are why we still have a small fighting chance to save ourselves from those terrorist cells in Washington DC known as the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches.

But, no. Not us. Not this generation. We love them for it. It's a travesty.
With socialism the goal is everyone lives in equal misery… And better love it

Jesus dude. Even the people on your side silently know that you're completely fucking useless in this conversation. Just go away.
These idiots like Rustic don’t know how to express a smart argument end up just making shit up trying to define the thoughts and motives of their opposers. I wonder if they think they are being effective.
No one’s going to change anybody else’s mind, I just don’t want to control other people like you progressives do...
You don’t want to control other people?! How are you paying for your police, fire and military?
There is no real freedom in the world today, obviously.
That is because we live in a capitalist world.

The world will know true freedom once we stop competing for resources. Which will be facilitated through a socialist economic system of production.
With socialism the goal is everyone lives in equal misery… And better love it

Jesus dude. Even the people on your side silently know that you're completely fucking useless in this conversation. Just go away.
These idiots like Rustic don’t know how to express a smart argument end up just making shit up trying to define the thoughts and motives of their opposers. I wonder if they think they are being effective.
No one’s going to change anybody else’s mind, I just don’t want to control other people like you progressives do...
You don’t want to control other people?! How are you paying for your police, fire and military?

I don't know about him specifically, but I'm very certain that the religious right would be just as brutal and controlling as radical Muslims in the Middle East is they could. If it were socially acceptable I could absolutely see some of the loons on this board being in favor of burning heathens at the stake.
But it’s never been implemented properly before – this time around. I’m sure top people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will succeed where Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, etc. have failed.


I happen to know a little something about the transfer of private industry to government control. My grandmother’s father had his bakery seized in the Soviet city of Gomel. He was sent to a gulag, where he then died.

Oh, that’s crazy, Democratic Socialists would respond. No one is planning to seize bakeries. And no one will be sent to prison for owning a business.

No? What if those who own companies in industries that “necessitate some form of state ownership” don’t want to give them up willingly? What happens when the state runs out of money from the industries seized and needs more?

It’s baffling how we can still be considering centralized control of industries when that has never worked anywhere. And how socialism lovers so easily dismiss the underlying foundation in countries that have veered toward some form of that system: capitalism. Countries such as Norway, for example, are helped by a large abundance of natural resources and an essentially capitalist system supporting the welfare state.

On the other hand, nations where socialism continues to wreak havoc and spur poverty, disease and crime, like Venezuela, don’t have much support from capitalism. Fact is, “socialism” only works when it’s paid for by capitalism.

* * * * * * * *

In the fall of 1959, Nikita Khrushchev gave a series of speeches here. In one, he said, “We are catching up with you in economic progress, and the time is not far distant when we will move into the lead.” In Russia, that prompted folks to joke: “When we finally catch up to America, can I get off?”
Do you understand the difference between democratic socialism and socialism or do you think they are the same thing?
They are the same thing.
And your ignorance is revealed! Thank you for making my point for me. Do some homework and come back when you are ready to play
A clear understanding that you can have a strong social safety net without becoming Communist. In my experience if you mention social or socialist, most Americans don't see a difference. The entire premise of the OP.

Nordic societies (and Japan) are ethnically homogeneous (until recently) and generations are raised with the importance of the individual contribution to the collective from birth. Their social safety net is not a hammock.
You might have a point, I don't know. We do have people abusing the system. But in general I've found not having to worry about basic necessities, makes you not less motivated to achieve the highest possible standard of living.
Military, police and fire are an necessary... And progressives hate those obviously by the way they treat them.
The rest of big government is not necessary
You’re done. You can’t go on these platitude rants about freedom and Fucking the collective and then say well certain ones that I like are ok. That makes you a hypocrite. If your ok with military and law and order then then you believe that the contributions of the collective serve a purpose. So stop with your bullshit. You can argue about specific programs that you disagree with but right now you aren’t being intellectually honest.
Even a fool can see the federal government is far, far too large… And we are past the point of no return.
You do realize the nanny state is opposite of any sort of freedom?
Yeah, I agree that government is too big and needs to go on a serious diet... but I can be honest about the situation. I don’t need to lie and yell socialism when socialism isn’t here
That is the reason why this country is broke because a socialist entitlement programs. That’s where the vast majority of spending and debt have come from, It makes every other type of spending look like pocket change.
That’s why we are broke? The richest country in the world bar none?! Haha ok.

Well tell me where does all that money that the government is frivolous spending go? Where does it end up over time?

If we don't spend more on military than the rest of the world combined we'll be invaded by the Chinese and the Russians!@!@!
With socialism the goal is everyone lives in equal misery… And better love it

Jesus dude. Even the people on your side silently know that you're completely fucking useless in this conversation. Just go away.
These idiots like Rustic don’t know how to express a smart argument end up just making shit up trying to define the thoughts and motives of their opposers. I wonder if they think they are being effective.
No one’s going to change anybody else’s mind, I just don’t want to control other people like you progressives do...
You don’t want to control other people?! How are you paying for your police, fire and military?

I don't know about him specifically, but I'm very certain that the religious right would be just as brutal and controlling as radical Muslims in the Middle East is they could. If it were socially acceptable I could absolutely see some of the loons on this board being in favor of burning heathens at the stake.
Well gay marriage, LGBT issues, and abortion rights are prime examples of them wanting to control others.
Jesus dude. Even the people on your side silently know that you're completely fucking useless in this conversation. Just go away.
These idiots like Rustic don’t know how to express a smart argument end up just making shit up trying to define the thoughts and motives of their opposers. I wonder if they think they are being effective.
No one’s going to change anybody else’s mind, I just don’t want to control other people like you progressives do...
You don’t want to control other people?! How are you paying for your police, fire and military?

I don't know about him specifically, but I'm very certain that the religious right would be just as brutal and controlling as radical Muslims in the Middle East is they could. If it were socially acceptable I could absolutely see some of the loons on this board being in favor of burning heathens at the stake.
Well gay marriage, LGBT issues, and abortion rights are prime examples of them wanting to control others.

"You're oppressing Christianity by not letting it control society!"
Jesus dude. Even the people on your side silently know that you're completely fucking useless in this conversation. Just go away.
These idiots like Rustic don’t know how to express a smart argument end up just making shit up trying to define the thoughts and motives of their opposers. I wonder if they think they are being effective.
No one’s going to change anybody else’s mind, I just don’t want to control other people like you progressives do...
You don’t want to control other people?! How are you paying for your police, fire and military?

I don't know about him specifically, but I'm very certain that the religious right would be just as brutal and controlling as radical Muslims in the Middle East is they could. If it were socially acceptable I could absolutely see some of the loons on this board being in favor of burning heathens at the stake.
Well gay marriage, LGBT issues, and abortion rights are prime examples of them wanting to control others.
Always found that ironic. "Stay out of my wallet, my bedroom though, you can regulate"
So we're still pretending the Democrats are pushing 100%, full-blown socialism, in which private property is eliminated and government owns all means of production and distribution.

Okay, sure, why not.
Have any evidence they're not?
Sure. The ACA.
That’s funny. The author already admitted it was a stepping stone to socialist national healthcare.

The horror of Americans paying less for healthcare.

Amother thing while I'm thinking about that good old American exceptionalism. All of this 'Hero' worship needs to end. Never in my wildest dreams did I think the time would come when killers and tyrants would be known as a hero.

The police exist to lock you up. Nothing else. Though, they are lately known to be sent to publicly execute you if the government thinks you're cutting in on their Marlboro tax or if you lack one of those permits that seem to be the modern craze.

And the last time our freedoms were fought for by a soldier was 1776. It is unfortunate that so many who have been sent on a tyrant's errand to die throughout history have been so foolish to think otherwise.

Hell, a lot of em would likely turn a machine gun on you if the government told em it was for our freedoms and that they'd be forever known as a hero.
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So we're still pretending the Democrats are pushing 100%, full-blown socialism, in which private property is eliminated and government owns all means of production and distribution.

Okay, sure, why not.
Have any evidence they're not?
Sure. The ACA.
That’s funny. The author already admitted it was a stepping stone to socialist national healthcare.

The horror of Americans paying less for healthcare.

I’m pretty sure more people would be starting businesses, but the high cost of healthcare makes it too risky except for the wealthy.
You can't just redefine a word because you don't want to argue the point. I live in an European country. What freedom you imagine you have that I don't?
You’re forced into a collective with socialism whether you want to or not… Fuck the collective
Sure that was an answer to something, just not what I asked. Name a freedom you have that I don't? I for sure can give a freedom I have that you don't. I can send my kid to any school I choose, we don't have any school districts. Your turn.
There is no real freedom in the world today, obviously.
So if you say that there is no freedom in the world, what's wrong with Socialism? It seems that was your argument for not linking it?
Socialism is the very opposite of freedom, there is no individuality in Socialism

The freedom to have Porn, an Abortion, listen to Gangster Rap music, to wear Che-Guevara T-Shirts.

The freedom to be Muslim Gay, Black, Jewish, an Illegal immigrant, etc. etc.

Yes, I understand freedom is akin to Liberal values.
But it’s never been implemented properly before – this time around. I’m sure top people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will succeed where Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, etc. have failed.


I happen to know a little something about the transfer of private industry to government control. My grandmother’s father had his bakery seized in the Soviet city of Gomel. He was sent to a gulag, where he then died.

Oh, that’s crazy, Democratic Socialists would respond. No one is planning to seize bakeries. And no one will be sent to prison for owning a business.

No? What if those who own companies in industries that “necessitate some form of state ownership” don’t want to give them up willingly? What happens when the state runs out of money from the industries seized and needs more?

It’s baffling how we can still be considering centralized control of industries when that has never worked anywhere. And how socialism lovers so easily dismiss the underlying foundation in countries that have veered toward some form of that system: capitalism. Countries such as Norway, for example, are helped by a large abundance of natural resources and an essentially capitalist system supporting the welfare state.

On the other hand, nations where socialism continues to wreak havoc and spur poverty, disease and crime, like Venezuela, don’t have much support from capitalism. Fact is, “socialism” only works when it’s paid for by capitalism.

* * * * * * * *

In the fall of 1959, Nikita Khrushchev gave a series of speeches here. In one, he said, “We are catching up with you in economic progress, and the time is not far distant when we will move into the lead.” In Russia, that prompted folks to joke: “When we finally catch up to America, can I get off?”
Do you understand the difference between democratic socialism and socialism or do you think they are the same thing?
They are the same thing.
And your ignorance is revealed! Thank you for making my point for me. Do some homework and come back when you are ready to play
If they aren't the same thing then democratic socialism is literally an oxymoron.

You realize this, right?
What do you righties call giving billions of tax payer dollars to a foreign corporation to build a plant here?

They're also confiscating a lot of private property and kicking people out of their homes to provide the land.
Kinda sounds like the community trying to control the means of production/ distribution... now what do we call that?

Real Right-WIngers are for regulating businesses, otherwise you wake up, and there's millions of illegals immigrants, millions of jobs outsourced, millions of abortions, millions of people watching Liberal Hollywood smut, millions watching the Liberal media, millions listening to Gangster Rap Music, millions watching Porn, millions smoking Pot in Colorado.

That would be a real nightmare, indeed.

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