Callous Conservatives, Time to wake up!

How will you vote in Nov. 2016

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Look up every mass shooter and when you get to their core beliefs and websites they frequented they have overwhelmingly been progressives. Don't believe a word I say, just go look up it for yourself.


:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Sure thing silly little twerp.

Grow up and learn something some time instead of spewing your half assed propaganda crap.

So you'll make a posit AND not be able to back it up AND can't refute MY links. Thanks Bubba

The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

I never said they were registered Democrats dumbshit. I said they were PROGRESSIVES! Huuuuge dif. I'm a registered Democrat. I am not, and will never be, a fucking progressive.

Either way, you can't back it up, weird Bubba? lol

Sure I can, you won't read it though, so why waste my time.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Sure thing silly little twerp.

Grow up and learn something some time instead of spewing your half assed propaganda crap.

So you'll make a posit AND not be able to back it up AND can't refute MY links. Thanks Bubba

The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

I never said they were registered Democrats dumbshit. I said they were PROGRESSIVES! Huuuuge dif. I'm a registered Democrat. I am not, and will never be, a fucking progressive.

Either way, you can't back it up, weird Bubba? lol

Sure I can, you won't read it though, so why waste my time.

Bubba, UNLIKE CONservatives I don't do ad homs, got something, present it AND I'LL FUKKN DESTROY IT WITH BACKED UP CREDIBLE LINKS!!!
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.


ONE policy CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? Just one PLEASE?

Unions and taxation. That's why all our jobs left the country. Of course it's been going on for many years, but conservatives warned how businesses would move for those reasons.

We were correct on bussing as well. If you force people to send their children across town, the people who live in that town that have money will leave, and those who are left will be the people with little or no money. That's exactly what happened. In cities like mine, we are still feeling the effects of that today.

If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't. Today we have 94 million people of working age not working in this country, and that number may even rise. The worst it's been in the last 30 plus years.

Pubic Education. We spend the most per capita on our children for education, and only fall in the middle when it comes to accomplishments. In fact some of our businesses hire foreigners because they have the education we don't provide our children. Because our union controlled public education is not up to standards, these kids can't get into upper-scale colleges because they haven't learned enough.


Yes Gop's war on unions and defunding Gov't HURT US , but that isn't a policy, is it Bubba?

EVERYTHING else is just MORE of a mishmash of right wing garbage without going beyond the bumper sticker "thinking": the right usually does!

The liberal Democrat politicians backing unions is policy. They gave unions way too much strength and allowed them to call the shots. They priced us right out of the world market and for the last several years, there was no way to compete with them.

Now liberal politicians will once again make strides to buy votes by pricing us further from competition with minimum wage increases.
Once single issue voters understand the GOP is all hat and no cattle, as the have given the cattle to the wealthy elite, they will realize the wedge issues have never been fixed by the GOP.
They've cut the growth in spending. Obviously that pisses you off so your threw your dirty diaper around the room in protest. Too bad. The Dims don't have shit for a candidate and the Republicans own congress. The rich get richer in the Democrat's corrupt big government industrial system.

No pile of dirty diapers and shit slinging can change it. Get a whiff of fresh air, your brain is decaying.

Another stupid post ^^^. Begins with an accusation not supported by evidence, degrades into vulgar rhetoric, and finally offers an opinion based on biases and ignorance.
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.


ONE policy CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? Just one PLEASE?

Unions and taxation. That's why all our jobs left the country. Of course it's been going on for many years, but conservatives warned how businesses would move for those reasons.

We were correct on bussing as well. If you force people to send their children across town, the people who live in that town that have money will leave, and those who are left will be the people with little or no money. That's exactly what happened. In cities like mine, we are still feeling the effects of that today.

If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't. Today we have 94 million people of working age not working in this country, and that number may even rise. The worst it's been in the last 30 plus years.

Pubic Education. We spend the most per capita on our children for education, and only fall in the middle when it comes to accomplishments. In fact some of our businesses hire foreigners because they have the education we don't provide our children. Because our union controlled public education is not up to standards, these kids can't get into upper-scale colleges because they haven't learned enough.


Yes Gop's war on unions and defunding Gov't HURT US , but that isn't a policy, is it Bubba?

EVERYTHING else is just MORE of a mishmash of right wing garbage without going beyond the bumper sticker "thinking": the right usually does!

The liberal Democrat politicians backing unions is policy. They gave unions way too much strength and allowed them to call the shots. They priced us right out of the world market and for the last several years, there was no way to compete with them.

Now liberal politicians will once again make strides to buy votes by pricing us further from competition with minimum wage increases.

Don't understand WHAT a policy is huh Bubs? It's like CUT TAXES AND GROW THE ECONOMY (OR NOT) WHILE "growing revenues" lol

Min wage increasing? LOL

Yeah, it was UNIONS:



This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.


ONE policy CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? Just one PLEASE?

Unions and taxation. That's why all our jobs left the country. Of course it's been going on for many years, but conservatives warned how businesses would move for those reasons.

We were correct on bussing as well. If you force people to send their children across town, the people who live in that town that have money will leave, and those who are left will be the people with little or no money. That's exactly what happened. In cities like mine, we are still feeling the effects of that today.

If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't. Today we have 94 million people of working age not working in this country, and that number may even rise. The worst it's been in the last 30 plus years.

Pubic Education. We spend the most per capita on our children for education, and only fall in the middle when it comes to accomplishments. In fact some of our businesses hire foreigners because they have the education we don't provide our children. Because our union controlled public education is not up to standards, these kids can't get into upper-scale colleges because they haven't learned enough.


Yes Gop's war on unions and defunding Gov't HURT US , but that isn't a policy, is it Bubba?

EVERYTHING else is just MORE of a mishmash of right wing garbage without going beyond the bumper sticker "thinking": the right usually does!

The liberal Democrat politicians backing unions is policy. They gave unions way too much strength and allowed them to call the shots. They priced us right out of the world market and for the last several years, there was no way to compete with them.

Now liberal politicians will once again make strides to buy votes by pricing us further from competition with minimum wage increases.

Yes, let's not let "min wage increases" price US out of the competition *shaking head*

60% of Min wage work for a comp with 500+ employees, let's make sure they pay peanuts TO US right Bubba, the US economy ONLY is 2/3rd driven by the US spending

Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Him being a billionaire does not make him at all qualified to be president

I am not a particular fan of Trump, but tell me: What precisely qualified Barack Obama to be president? It would seem to me that a year in the Senate voting absentee would add little experience to a "community organizer", whatever ever the fuck that actually is.

Say what you want about Bernie and Clinton, but at least we actually know what they would do as president.

No you don't, and neither do they.

The Justice Department has stated what Clinton did was legal.

The Supreme Court once said that black Americans were not eligible to be citizens. Of course, that decision was based in malevolent ignorance, not malevolent intent born of misplaced loyalty.

Even if you could make the argument her behavior was shady, there is no way in hell this one scandal will doom her hopes of being president.

Indeed. Those hopes are already doomed.

Ben Carson is so obviously a fraud. There is no way a retired neurosurgeon could have such ridiculous socially conservative views. He simply can't be that dumb.

Oh dear. I see you feel he's not subservient to the Democrats enough. Not REALLY a black guy at all.

Too funny.

Jeb Bush is the ONLY candidate that could possibly win over key voters like Mexicans, women, independents and Democrats in a general election and he is doing horribly in the polls right now.

That's because the Democrats are among his primary supporters. The Republican base doesn't want him, and Democrats would never vote for him. Again, amusing.
In actuality, it is the modern American "liberals" (actually, a bunch of slovenly thinking socialists) who are the callous ones, because they are absolutely indifferent to the misery their desired policies inflict on everyone.

In their zeal to create random utopias, they ignore human nature, economic realities and almost all consequences of their perverse policies.

LIEablity always chooses the low road, attacking the intelligence of millions of American citizens as if he has some metric to prove the ideology of neglect benefits the aged, the sick and those suffering. There is nothing benign about callous conservatives, or perverse oin those who offer the needy a helping hand.

It's odd that Conservatives preach the bible and attack the Pope and American citizens, liberals, progressives and RINO's, who see problems and hope to fix them.
You asked a question. This was my response:

"I will vote to prevent you people from airing out the pockets of the creative and productive in order to purchase your voting bloc of those who produce nothing but urine, feces, crime and terrorism."

Now, tell me how my point of view proceeds from a false assumption. Be specific.

That's thought provoking?

Not to the unthinking, apparently.

I see you live in San Francisco, where constituents shit in the street. Your attitude is no longer a mystery.

Your ignorance is amazing, or maybe you are like most of your kind. A liar.
My thread was not intended to attract trolls and partisans.

Well from the very first letter you typed, your thread failed on both counts. Not only are you a troll, you are a die hard partisan. The type of "change" you want is destructive.

I coined the phrase Callous Conservative, how does that make me a partisan? It is an apt description of the set that goes by this slogan, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Him being a billionaire does not make him at all qualified to be president

I am not a particular fan of Trump, but tell me: What precisely qualified Barack Obama to be president? It would seem to me that a year in the Senate voting absentee would add little experience to a "community organizer", whatever ever the fuck that actually is.

Say what you want about Bernie and Clinton, but at least we actually know what they would do as president.

No you don't, and neither do they.

The Justice Department has stated what Clinton did was legal.

The Supreme Court once said that black Americans were not eligible to be citizens. Of course, that decision was based in malevolent ignorance, not malevolent intent born of misplaced loyalty.

Even if you could make the argument her behavior was shady, there is no way in hell this one scandal will doom her hopes of being president.

Indeed. Those hopes are already doomed.

Ben Carson is so obviously a fraud. There is no way a retired neurosurgeon could have such ridiculous socially conservative views. He simply can't be that dumb.

Oh dear. I see you feel he's not subservient to the Democrats enough. Not REALLY a black guy at all.

Too funny.

Jeb Bush is the ONLY candidate that could possibly win over key voters like Mexicans, women, independents and Democrats in a general election and he is doing horribly in the polls right now.

That's because the Democrats are among his primary supporters. The Republican base doesn't want him, and Democrats would never vote for him. Again, amusing.
Obama, while I agree was inexperienced, was still a constitutional law professor. How much do you think Trump knows about the constitution? He sure as hell has proven he knows nothing about foreign policy. His campaign will completely unravel as time goes on. It's easy to win over the knuckle dragging republican base with flowery speeches and bigotry, but when it comes to the national election, people want candidates who actually know what they are saying.

2) Yeah we know exactly. Just compare Trump's campaign website to theirs. Night and day. Bernie especially has a wide variety of policy ideas.

3) Sure the Fox News propaganda machine is succeeding in bringing down her numbers, but there's no way this will last based on this scandal alone.

4) You brought up his race, not me. I don't give a shit if he's black or white.

5) So you agree then that he is the only GOP candidate capable of winning the election?
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Sure thing silly little twerp.

Grow up and learn something some time instead of spewing your half assed propaganda crap.

So you'll make a posit AND not be able to back it up AND can't refute MY links. Thanks Bubba

The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

I never said they were registered Democrats dumbshit. I said they were PROGRESSIVES! Huuuuge dif. I'm a registered Democrat. I am not, and will never be, a fucking progressive.

Either way, you can't back it up, weird Bubba? lol

Sure I can, you won't read it though, so why waste my time.

Bubba, UNLIKE CONservatives I don't do ad homs, got something, present it AND I'LL FUKKN DESTROY IT WITH BACKED UP CREDIBLE LINKS!!!

Bullcrap. Your whole schtick is adhoms and basic doucheieness. You're a full fledged asshole who can't make a single comment unless you have a insult within.

James Holmes. Occupy Wall Street supporter, Obama supporter, and asshole. In other words a proud progressive. Go ahead silly boy. Destroy those facts.
You asked a question. This was my response:

"I will vote to prevent you people from airing out the pockets of the creative and productive in order to purchase your voting bloc of those who produce nothing but urine, feces, crime and terrorism."

Now, tell me how my point of view proceeds from a false assumption. Be specific.

That's thought provoking?

Not to the unthinking, apparently.

I see you live in San Francisco, where constituents shit in the street. Your attitude is no longer a mystery.

Your ignorance is amazing, or maybe you are like most of your kind. A liar.

Which is why you offer such carefully-wrought, erudite refutations.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Sure thing silly little twerp.

Grow up and learn something some time instead of spewing your half assed propaganda crap.

So you'll make a posit AND not be able to back it up AND can't refute MY links. Thanks Bubba

The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

I never said they were registered Democrats dumbshit. I said they were PROGRESSIVES! Huuuuge dif. I'm a registered Democrat. I am not, and will never be, a fucking progressive.

Either way, you can't back it up, weird Bubba? lol

Sure I can, you won't read it though, so why waste my time.

YOOHOO, STILL WAITING BUBS, only have tonight though? Come on let me see what you got? lol
This is great! I'm looking forward to watching the UK fall into ruins.


ONE policy CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history? Just one PLEASE?

Unions and taxation. That's why all our jobs left the country. Of course it's been going on for many years, but conservatives warned how businesses would move for those reasons.

We were correct on bussing as well. If you force people to send their children across town, the people who live in that town that have money will leave, and those who are left will be the people with little or no money. That's exactly what happened. In cities like mine, we are still feeling the effects of that today.

If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't. Today we have 94 million people of working age not working in this country, and that number may even rise. The worst it's been in the last 30 plus years.

Pubic Education. We spend the most per capita on our children for education, and only fall in the middle when it comes to accomplishments. In fact some of our businesses hire foreigners because they have the education we don't provide our children. Because our union controlled public education is not up to standards, these kids can't get into upper-scale colleges because they haven't learned enough.

Sorry about the non sequitur, but, what is the name of the river which caught fire in Ohio?
Obama, while I agree was inexperienced, was still a constitutional law professor.

Of course he is. He and three other guys even say so. I've yet to see any of his writings on the subject.

So you agree then that [BUSH] is the only GOP candidate capable of winning the election?

No, I believe the Democrats defend him because they know he's going nowhere.
So you'll make a posit AND not be able to back it up AND can't refute MY links. Thanks Bubba

The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

I never said they were registered Democrats dumbshit. I said they were PROGRESSIVES! Huuuuge dif. I'm a registered Democrat. I am not, and will never be, a fucking progressive.

Either way, you can't back it up, weird Bubba? lol

Sure I can, you won't read it though, so why waste my time.

Bubba, UNLIKE CONservatives I don't do ad homs, got something, present it AND I'LL FUKKN DESTROY IT WITH BACKED UP CREDIBLE LINKS!!!

Bullcrap. Your whole schtick is adhoms and basic doucheieness. You're a full fledged asshole who can't make a single comment unless you have a insult within.

James Holmes. Occupy Wall Street supporter, Obama supporter, and asshole. In other words a proud progressive. Go ahead silly boy. Destroy those facts.

"James Holmes."

No, James Holmes Wasn’t An Occupy Member

This rumor that’s going around seems to have two sources. The first is speculation from a private detective somewhere who noted that the villain of “The Dark Knight Rises” is modeled after OWS (which is false, as Nolan conceived the film before OWS), and therefore Holmes is an OWS anarchist who wanted to “stick it to the man.” Don’t ask me to explain the logic of that; I can’t. But that’s what he said, and right wingers are running with it.

The second source is a guy on Twitter who found a video praising OWS with accompanying music by one “James Willie Holmes.” A bit of research showed that this James Holmes wrote his first song 13 years before the Aurora shooter was born.

By all accounts Holmes appears to be apolitical, and nothing about his actions smacks of any political motive. The explanation about the explosives we offered the other day makes far more sense, and it matches up much better with newer details about his booby-trapped apartment.

No, James Holmes Wasn’t An Occupy Member | Wizbang


Obama, while I agree was inexperienced, was still a constitutional law professor.

Of course he is. He and three other guys even say so. I've yet to see any of his writings on the subject.

So you agree then that he is the only GOP candidate capable of winning the election?

No, I believe the Democrats defend him because they know he's going nowhere.
And neither will any other GOP candidate in the general election. Face it: republicans are fucked. You have a false sense of security with Trump. He will unravel and the nation will learn just how dumb and ignorant he is about government administration.
Obama, while I agree was inexperienced, was still a constitutional law professor.

Of course he is. He and three other guys even say so. I've yet to see any of his writings on the subject.

So you agree then that he is the only GOP candidate capable of winning the election?

No, I believe the Democrats defend him because they know he's going nowhere.
And neither will any other GOP candidate in the general election. Face it: republicans are fucked. You have a false sense of security with Trump. He will unravel and the nation will learn just how dumb and ignorant he is about government administration.

Then you have nothing to worry about. :laugh2:
Obama, while I agree was inexperienced, was still a constitutional law professor.

Of course he is. He and three other guys even say so. I've yet to see any of his writings on the subject.

So you agree then that he is the only GOP candidate capable of winning the election?

No, I believe the Democrats defend him because they know he's going nowhere.
And neither will any other GOP candidate in the general election. Face it: republicans are fucked. You have a false sense of security with Trump. He will unravel and the nation will learn just how dumb and ignorant he is about government administration.

Then you have nothing to worry about. :laugh2:
Finally you say something correct.

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