Calls For Militant Escalation w/ Kavanaugh Confirmed - Conservatives should avoid, defend & laugh

You idiots are brainwashed and fear Mongered to the point of insanity.... The only spike in violence has been the one after Trump against Muslims gays Jews blacks Etc. The violent ones are always right wing. Antifa doesn't do anything except fight Nazis. Horrible. You have seen the clips of them in Berkeley and Charlottesville so many times you are nuts. Of course I wish they would stop but they are tiny number of Punk kids, not your brainwashed Thug middle-aged White supremacists and militia brainwashed nut jobs...

They're lefties, what can you say? Haters hate, it's what they do.
Good point Dschrute3. Just wondering, how many out there have tried to get a concealed carry permit (if required) but have been thwarted? How many just haven't bothered or don't see the point & why? And if you are inclined to share, how many do carry on occasion?
I carry 24/7 I renew my enhanced permit every 4 years. If you have a clean record you shouldn’t have a problem acquiring one. The FBI is pretty through when performing back ground checks.

I'm so sorry you are so afraid till you think you need to be armed 24/7 A coward's life must be hard for you.
I'm so sorry you are so afraid of guns you aren't armed 24/7. A coward's life must be hard for you. Do you leave your jack and spare tire at home too? AAA will take care of you...mechanical tools are scary as well.

I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Democrats screwed up by attacking Kavanaugh. Sure if he had been elected 2 weeks ago republicans would have viewed it as a win for TRUMP, it would have lasted a week or so and most likely faded. By attacking BK in such a vicious way and continuing to try and delegitimize his appointment they are only helping TRUMP to unit the never-TRUMPers,

Kavanaugh has done a fine job of de-legitimizing himself.

No, we checked. It was the unhinged hate that tried to do that.
Democrats screwed up by attacking Kavanaugh. Sure if he had been elected 2 weeks ago republicans would have viewed it as a win for TRUMP, it would have lasted a week or so and most likely faded. By attacking BK in such a vicious way and continuing to try and delegitimize his appointment they are only helping TRUMP to unit the never-TRUMPers,

Kavanaugh has done a fine job of de-legitimizing himself.
yep and you can't even state what that is.

Sure I can. Kavanaugh doesn't have the temperament required for a SC judge. The American Bar Association is even reevaluating their endorsement of him for that purpose. I'm not sure they would withdraw their endorsement at this point, but they did request a delay for them to decide. He will forever have a cloud of doubt over any decisions he might make.

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Well, no. I didn't say anything about a serial rapist. I said he doesn't have the temperament for the job. How many SC judges have you seen cry when asked a question, or answer with the attitude of a spoiled 5 year old?

He has over a decade on the bench and there's no problem with his temperament. If there was, we'd have heard by now.
Kavanaugh has done a fine job of de-legitimizing himself.
yep and you can't even state what that is.

Sure I can. Kavanaugh doesn't have the temperament required for a SC judge. The American Bar Association is even reevaluating their endorsement of him for that purpose. I'm not sure they would withdraw their endorsement at this point, but they did request a delay for them to decide. He will forever have a cloud of doubt over any decisions he might make.

View attachment 221285

Well, no. I didn't say anything about a serial rapist. I said he doesn't have the temperament for the job. How many SC judges have you seen cry when asked a question, or answer with the attitude of a spoiled 5 year old?

He has over a decade on the bench and there's no problem with his temperament. If there was, we'd have heard by now.
shhh, he thinks kavanaugh is still in high school. he didn't notice the 36 years experience in public life that didn't show anything at all.
Democrats screwed up by attacking Kavanaugh. Sure if he had been elected 2 weeks ago republicans would have viewed it as a win for TRUMP, it would have lasted a week or so and most likely faded. By attacking BK in such a vicious way and continuing to try and delegitimize his appointment they are only helping TRUMP to unit the never-TRUMPers,

Kavanaugh has done a fine job of de-legitimizing himself.
yep and you can't even state what that is.

Sure I can. Kavanaugh doesn't have the temperament required for a SC judge. The American Bar Association is even reevaluating their endorsement of him for that purpose. I'm not sure they would withdraw their endorsement at this point, but they did request a delay for them to decide. He will forever have a cloud of doubt over any decisions he might make.

Not by anyone sane.
Democrats screwed up by attacking Kavanaugh. Sure if he had been elected 2 weeks ago republicans would have viewed it as a win for TRUMP, it would have lasted a week or so and most likely faded. By attacking BK in such a vicious way and continuing to try and delegitimize his appointment they are only helping TRUMP to unit the never-TRUMPers,

Kavanaugh has done a fine job of de-legitimizing himself.
yep and you can't even state what that is.

He will forever have a cloud of doubt over any decisions he might make.
Which for one means absolutely nothing when it comes to decisions he renders. And for another; only by people who don’t even matter, and will be forgotten shortly after the mid terms.

I'm sure he hopes it will soon be forgotten. Hard to forget a SC nominee that cries when questioned, and insults the questioners.
I have no idea what this even means.
yep and you can't even state what that is.

Sure I can. Kavanaugh doesn't have the temperament required for a SC judge. The American Bar Association is even reevaluating their endorsement of him for that purpose. I'm not sure they would withdraw their endorsement at this point, but they did request a delay for them to decide. He will forever have a cloud of doubt over any decisions he might make.

View attachment 221285

Well, no. I didn't say anything about a serial rapist. I said he doesn't have the temperament for the job. How many SC judges have you seen cry when asked a question, or answer with the attitude of a spoiled 5 year old?

Wanna talk about people acting like spoiled children? How about the behavior of the protesters outside of the supreme court? Every time the left arranges one of their protest events they make complete fucking asses of themselves, but these are the people who's political ideology we should implement. Give me a break.

I'm not really sure that protesters much care about your opinion. What made you think they might?
I will take that as a ditto that kavanaugh or any of us care about your fking opinion. thanks for that.
We all have rights, but your right ends when it endangers me or my family.

70 million gun owners didn't harm anyone today.

Sent from my VS835 using Tapatalk

How do you know?
Are you friends with 70,000,000 people?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
how do you know. can my fellow conservatives believe this post? hly fk, there isn't any possible way to communicate with such ignorance as this. this is truly one post that is :cuckoo:
We all have rights, but your right ends when it endangers me or my family.

70 million gun owners didn't harm anyone today.

Sent from my VS835 using Tapatalk

How do you know?
Are you friends with 70,000,000 people?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
how do you know. can my fellow conservatives believe this post? hly fk, there isn't any possible way to communicate with such ignorance as this. this is truly one post that is :cuckoo:
Have some spinach.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
THE TROLL thinks that after the despicable effort to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh failed, Democrats should stop being 'civil' to Conservatives / Republicans....

She thinks Democratic Party Senators abusing their power by attempting to use lies and false allegations to destroy a US citizen and his family for party gain was 'civil'?

This is after this bitch was caught paying groups to go to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters....

This is after Democrats urged on with their violent rhetoric the attempted assassination of GOP politicians...

This is after Democrats urged the sane nut bag followers to criminally stalk and publicly harass Conservatives / Republicans...

This crazy, criminal, deranged bitch has become the threat to our democracy she warned us all about when she said, "Those who do not accept the results of elections are threats to our Democracy".

She's already got the blood of the Americans she paid to have beaten up in a failed attempt to win the WH on her hands...

She already has the blood of 4 dead American's she abandoned to needlessly die on her hands...

How much more American blood does she want spilled for personal and party gain / satisfaction / revenge?

Hillary Clinton: Democrats 'cannot be civil' with Republicans anymore

"Hillary Clinton, in a television interview Tuesday, rejected the idea that Democrats should be “civil” with Republicans in the age of Donald Trump, embracing a more confrontational and aggressive political approach."
I carry 24/7 I renew my enhanced permit every 4 years. If you have a clean record you shouldn’t have a problem acquiring one. The FBI is pretty through when performing back ground checks.

I'm so sorry you are so afraid till you think you need to be armed 24/7 A coward's life must be hard for you.
I'm so sorry you are so afraid of guns you aren't armed 24/7. A coward's life must be hard for you. Do you leave your jack and spare tire at home too? AAA will take care of you...mechanical tools are scary as well.

I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.
I'm so sorry you are so afraid till you think you need to be armed 24/7 A coward's life must be hard for you.
I'm so sorry you are so afraid of guns you aren't armed 24/7. A coward's life must be hard for you. Do you leave your jack and spare tire at home too? AAA will take care of you...mechanical tools are scary as well.

I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

So are defensive firearms, over a million times every year. But, like firearms, most people will never see either one in use. How many sneeze guards have you seen with evidence of their use?
I'm so sorry you are so afraid of guns you aren't armed 24/7. A coward's life must be hard for you. Do you leave your jack and spare tire at home too? AAA will take care of you...mechanical tools are scary as well.

I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

So are defensive firearms, over a million times every year. But, like firearms, most people will never see either one in use. How many sneeze guards have you seen with evidence of their use?

Sneeze guards are wiped regularly throughout the day. That still has nothing to do with a coward who wants to have a gun 24/7
I'm so sorry you are so afraid till you think you need to be armed 24/7 A coward's life must be hard for you.
I'm so sorry you are so afraid of guns you aren't armed 24/7. A coward's life must be hard for you. Do you leave your jack and spare tire at home too? AAA will take care of you...mechanical tools are scary as well.

I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

And you can prove that ?


You are a left wing asshole who argues from positions that only carry what you "know".

You lose again.
I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

So are defensive firearms, over a million times every year. But, like firearms, most people will never see either one in use. How many sneeze guards have you seen with evidence of their use?

Sneeze guards are wiped regularly throughout the day. That still has nothing to do with a coward who wants to have a gun 24/7

You are are saying that anyone who carries a gun is a coward ?

Really ?
I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

So are defensive firearms, over a million times every year. But, like firearms, most people will never see either one in use. How many sneeze guards have you seen with evidence of their use?

Sneeze guards are wiped regularly throughout the day. That still has nothing to do with a coward who wants to have a gun 24/7

They are insurance that you hope doesn't have to be used, like defensive firearms. And quite frankly, I find it amusing that you're so frightened of someone who protects himself and those around him.
I'm so sorry you are so afraid of guns you aren't armed 24/7. A coward's life must be hard for you. Do you leave your jack and spare tire at home too? AAA will take care of you...mechanical tools are scary as well.

I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

And you can prove that ?


You are a left wing asshole who argues from positions that only carry what you "know".

You lose again.

OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?
Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

So are defensive firearms, over a million times every year. But, like firearms, most people will never see either one in use. How many sneeze guards have you seen with evidence of their use?

Sneeze guards are wiped regularly throughout the day. That still has nothing to do with a coward who wants to have a gun 24/7

They are insurance that you hope doesn't have to be used, like defensive firearms. And quite frankly, I find it amusing that you're so frightened of someone who protects himself and those around him.

I've seen a gun nut "accidentally" shoot a person who just happened to be in the way when the gun went off. I've never seen anyone saved from harm by a gun nut with a gun. How many times have you needed to shoot someone?
I'm so sorry you are so afraid till you think you need to be armed 24/7 A coward's life must be hard for you.
I'm so sorry you are so afraid of guns you aren't armed 24/7. A coward's life must be hard for you. Do you leave your jack and spare tire at home too? AAA will take care of you...mechanical tools are scary as well.

I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

I find it humorous that you think I carry a firearm, much less look for chances to use one. You're a strange little one, aren't you?

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