Calls For Militant Escalation w/ Kavanaugh Confirmed - Conservatives should avoid, defend & laugh

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

So are defensive firearms, over a million times every year. But, like firearms, most people will never see either one in use. How many sneeze guards have you seen with evidence of their use?

Sneeze guards are wiped regularly throughout the day. That still has nothing to do with a coward who wants to have a gun 24/7

They are insurance that you hope doesn't have to be used, like defensive firearms. And quite frankly, I find it amusing that you're so frightened of someone who protects himself and those around him.

I've seen a gun nut "accidentally" shoot a person who just happened to be in the way when the gun went off. I've never seen anyone saved from harm by a gun nut with a gun. How many times have you needed to shoot someone?

Never. I don't carry a firearm. I don't want a potential assailant to be sure of that, however, so keep it legal.
I'm so sorry you are so afraid of guns you aren't armed 24/7. A coward's life must be hard for you. Do you leave your jack and spare tire at home too? AAA will take care of you...mechanical tools are scary as well.

I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

I find it humorous that you think I carry a firearm, much less look for chances to use one. You're a strange little one, aren't you?

Perhaps I am mistaken in your case. You seem to be trying to justify being armed 24/7. If that doesn't include you, then please forgive my mistake.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.[/QUOTE]

Sneeze guards are wiped regularly throughout the day. That still has nothing to do with a coward who wants to have a gun 24/7[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that even the most ardent and paranoid CC or open carry individuals don't carry 24/7. It's largely situation dependent for most of us. When living up in the mountains of CA I carried when I went jogging, biking out on the trails; as you may have heard in the early 2000's a couple of joggers were killed by large cats on the very same trails that I used. I carried a .40 in that rural remote setting as it was a good compromise of stopping power & weight in a small package. I actually had a coyote chase me on my bike for about 60 yards a little past dusk (never heard of such a thing) probably thinking I was wounded deer or something cus I was flat out spent from a hill climb, lol. Screaming at it likely saved me from it taking a chunk out of my calf. In AK, I didn't have a permit to do so but, I had a .44mag strapped when in the back country (which is only slightly more efficacious than throwing a rock at a charging Grizzle bear), lol.

In my purse or when wearing more revealing outfits a tiny polymer .38 when in social situations where there are large groups of people (especially if it's a gun free zone). I try to carry a slim single stack 9mm for everyday type wear when I'm traveling in unfamiliar places especially or when I'm out past dusk in populated areas. In New England I don't carry nearly to the extent that I did out west as there just isn't even an iota of the crime up here. The big thing in NE is home burglaries by strung out druggies desperate to find the means for their next fix. Home defense is more the issue.

I am always chastening myself for not being more diligent with always, at the very least, having a firearm in the car I am driving. U never know what perils can arise on the highways and byways where virtually anyone from our 'continental chunk of rock aka N & S America' could be the car passing you. Actually I've already had a number of instances of putting down mangled deer on the roadway (x 2 that I hit & a third that I came upon) that had no chance of 'walking it off' (VT only though, 25' off the side of the road, know your local stipulations) don't try that in CA!!!

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it's really just a cost benefit situation that is unique to each individual & their circumstances. The cost is inconvenience, and the benefit is ease of mind and a bit of self sacrifice on the part of the one carrying, as they likely also have the best interests of society at large factored into their choice to carry.

Without going into details, I was granted a CC permit without any issue due to personal circumstances, in the States I resided out west, not sure how hard it is now in places like CA but it can't be a walk in the park these days; it's the reason why I asked about others experiences. Just my musings, hope that helps explain a bit of gun culture to those to whom the notion is startling and unnerving...
I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

I find it humorous that you think I carry a firearm, much less look for chances to use one. You're a strange little one, aren't you?

Perhaps I am mistaken in your case. You seem to be trying to justify being armed 24/7. If that doesn't include you, then please forgive my mistake.

I see no problem if someone wishes to be armed at all times. They may have good reason to do so.
Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

Yep. It's a matter of mind set. Once you start down that fearful "the world is out to get me" path, it's easy to convince yourself that you need to do all kinds of crazy stuff. Conspiracy theory nuts start the same way. One day they think vaccines might not be good for everybody, and before you know it, they are keeping a database on how many big foot sightings are in their area.

I carry a leatherman wave with bits and bit-driver extention, and a flashlight everyday too. Let me guess, I live in fear of the dark and unexpected repairs. :rolleyes:

If you're going to carry a gun...carry it everyday. It just makes sense.

Makes sense if you are a coward. How often do you use that leatherman compared to how often you use your gun in every day life?

That's just silliness. If you don't like the idea, just say so. But calling people names is just immature. I want to protect myself and my family and you and your familiy too. Carrying an extra 19 ounces is a small price to pay for that ability.

How often have you had to use a gun to protect your family or mine?

Just once...vs wildlife. But even if it had been never...I've never used my life insurance or fire insurance or flood insurance and haven't had a need to use the car insurance for 20 years ... but that'd be a pretty stupid reason not to have it.

I don't have it because I want to use it. I have it as insurance, hoping like hell I never need it. BUT, if I need it, I sure as hell want to have it.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

Sneeze guards are wiped regularly throughout the day. That still has nothing to do with a coward who wants to have a gun 24/7[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that even the most ardent and paranoid CC or open carry individuals don't carry 24/7. It's largely situation dependent for most of us. When living up in the mountains of CA I carried when I went jogging, biking out on the trails; as you may have heard in the early 2000's a couple of joggers were killed by large cats on the very same trails that I used. I carried a .40 in that rural remote setting as it was a good compromise of stopping power & weight in a small package. I actually had a coyote chase me on my bike for about 60 yards a little past dusk (never heard of such a thing) probably thinking I was wounded deer or something cus I was flat out spent from a hill climb, lol. Screaming at it likely saved me from it taking a chunk out of my calf. In AK, I didn't have a permit to do so but, I had a .44mag strapped when in the back country (which is only slightly more efficacious than throwing a rock at a charging Grizzle bear), lol.

In my purse or when wearing more revealing outfits a tiny polymer .38 when in social situations where there are large groups of people (especially if it's a gun free zone). I try to carry a slim single stack 9mm for everyday type wear when I'm traveling in unfamiliar places especially or when I'm out past dusk in populated areas. In New England I don't carry nearly to the extent that I did out west as there just isn't even an iota of the crime up here. The big thing in NE is home burglaries by strung out druggies desperate to find the means for their next fix. Home defense is more the issue.

I am always chastening myself for not being more diligent with always, at the very least, having a firearm in the car I am driving. U never know what perils can arise on the highways and byways where virtually anyone from our 'continental chunk of rock aka N & S America' could be the car passing you. Actually I've already had a number of instances of putting down mangled deer on the roadway (x 2 that I hit & a third that I came upon) that had no chance of 'walking it off' (VT only though, 25' off the side of the road, know your local stipulations) don't try that in CA!!!

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it's really just a cost benefit situation that is unique to each individual & their circumstances. The cost is inconvenience, and the benefit is ease of mind and a bit of self sacrifice on the part of the one carrying, as they likely also have the best interests of society at large factored into their choice to carry.

Without going into details, I was granted a CC permit without any issue due to personal circumstances, in the States I resided out west, not sure how hard it is now in places like CA but it can't be a walk in the park these days; it's the reason why I asked about others experiences. Just my musings, hope that helps explain a bit of gun culture to those to whom the notion is startling and unnerving...[/QUOTE]

There are, and will always be reasonable times and places to carry a gun. Before retirement, I often had to travel to some pretty bad places, and I was armed when necessary. I'm talking about the idiots that think they need to be armed 24/7 just to face everyday life. What kind of idiot thinks he needs to strap on a gun for their 6 year old daughter's dance recital?
Yep. It's a matter of mind set. Once you start down that fearful "the world is out to get me" path, it's easy to convince yourself that you need to do all kinds of crazy stuff. Conspiracy theory nuts start the same way. One day they think vaccines might not be good for everybody, and before you know it, they are keeping a database on how many big foot sightings are in their area.

I carry a leatherman wave with bits and bit-driver extention, and a flashlight everyday too. Let me guess, I live in fear of the dark and unexpected repairs. :rolleyes:

If you're going to carry a gun...carry it everyday. It just makes sense.

Makes sense if you are a coward. How often do you use that leatherman compared to how often you use your gun in every day life?

That's just silliness. If you don't like the idea, just say so. But calling people names is just immature. I want to protect myself and my family and you and your familiy too. Carrying an extra 19 ounces is a small price to pay for that ability.

How often have you had to use a gun to protect your family or mine?

Just once...vs wildlife. But even if it had been never...I've never used my life insurance or fire insurance or flood insurance and haven't had a need to use the car insurance for 20 years ... but that'd be a pretty stupid reason not to have it.

I don't have it because I want to use it. I have it as insurance, hoping like hell I never need it. BUT, if I need it, I sure as hell want to have it.

Not much chance of wildlife harming you at Walmart.

Are bears a big problem in your town?

Sometimes. Point being, you have no idea what's coming your way. Having a firearm gives you options. A Ruger LCP 380 is tiny, but it might save your life one day. The more options you have, the better off you are, right?

If you and your family turned the corner at the local Walmart and found yourself facing a startled 200 lbs black bear, which would you rather have...a firearm, or an empty hand and a self righteous attitude.

Are bears a big problem in your town?

Sometimes. Point being, you have no idea what's coming your way. Having a firearm gives you options. A Ruger LCP 380 is tiny, but it might save your life one day. The more options you have, the better off you are, right?

If you and your family turned the corner at the local Walmart and found yourself facing a startled 200 lbs black bear, which would you rather have...a firearm, or an empty hand and a self righteous attitude.

Sorry, but bears aren't a big problem in my little town, and I would have to be an idiot or a coward to think I needed to be prepared for one to materialized where there haven't been any bears for a hundred years. We don't have elephants either, so I don't need to carry peanuts all the time.

Are bears a big problem in your town?

Sometimes. Point being, you have no idea what's coming your way. Having a firearm gives you options. A Ruger LCP 380 is tiny, but it might save your life one day. The more options you have, the better off you are, right?

If you and your family turned the corner at the local Walmart and found yourself facing a startled 200 lbs black bear, which would you rather have...a firearm, or an empty hand and a self righteous attitude.

Sorry, but bears aren't a big problem in my little town, and I would have to be an idiot or a coward to think I needed to be prepared for one to materialized where there haven't been any bears for a hundred years. We don't have elephants either, so I don't need to carry peanuts all the time.
Glad you're confident you know the exact time the unexpected will occur. I sincerely hope...and this is absolutely sincere...that if you find yourself in a bind, someone who decided to have all options available is there to have your back.

Are bears a big problem in your town?

Sometimes. Point being, you have no idea what's coming your way. Having a firearm gives you options. A Ruger LCP 380 is tiny, but it might save your life one day. The more options you have, the better off you are, right?

If you and your family turned the corner at the local Walmart and found yourself facing a startled 200 lbs black bear, which would you rather have...a firearm, or an empty hand and a self righteous attitude.

Sorry, but bears aren't a big problem in my little town, and I would have to be an idiot or a coward to think I needed to be prepared for one to materialized where there haven't been any bears for a hundred years. We don't have elephants either, so I don't need to carry peanuts all the time.
Glad you're confident you know the exact time the unexpected will occur. I sincerely hope...and this is absolutely sincere...that if you find yourself in a bind, someone who decided to have all options available is there to have your back.

I really do appreciate your concern, but I don't think most gun nuts can honestly use the fear of bears as an excuse for being armed 24/7.
I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

And you can prove that ?


You are a left wing asshole who argues from positions that only carry what you "know".

You lose again.

OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.
Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

And you can prove that ?


You are a left wing asshole who argues from positions that only carry what you "know".

You lose again.

OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
A side arm is like a sneeze guard at a salad bar. It can be an inconvenience and you REALLY hope it's never needed, but you're glad it's there if it is.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

And you can prove that ?


You are a left wing asshole who argues from positions that only carry what you "know".

You lose again.

OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.

These are bullshit claims on your part, maufactured from whole cloth with no proof.

You add to it again, with no proof at all.

Keep up the good work.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

And you can prove that ?


You are a left wing asshole who argues from positions that only carry what you "know".

You lose again.

OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.

These are bullshit claims on your part, maufactured from whole cloth with no proof.

You add to it again, with no proof at all.

Keep up the good work.

Right. What specific "reasonable" fear do you think causes a person to think they need to be armed 24/7? You afraid of bears like the previous poster?
Prissy liberals don't want to get into a militant war with the right, the few who survived would flee for their lives to other countries.

does that make you smile?
do you enjoy the thought of slaughtering liberals?
do you get a hard-on?
would you rape a female liberal BEFORE you slaughtered her or AFTER?
does that make you smile?
do you enjoy the thought of slaughtering liberals?
do you get a hard-on?
would you rape a female liberal BEFORE you slaughtered her or AFTER?

Do you need a new keyboard?


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