Calls For Militant Escalation w/ Kavanaugh Confirmed - Conservatives should avoid, defend & laugh

I carry 24/7 I renew my enhanced permit every 4 years. If you have a clean record you shouldn’t have a problem acquiring one. The FBI is pretty through when performing back ground checks.

I'm so sorry you are so afraid till you think you need to be armed 24/7 A coward's life must be hard for you.
I'm so sorry you are so afraid of guns you aren't armed 24/7. A coward's life must be hard for you. Do you leave your jack and spare tire at home too? AAA will take care of you...mechanical tools are scary as well.

I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.
Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, and certainly none of the federal government business

Own all the guns you want. I do. I just get concerned when some inbred Rambo wannabe goes strutting through Walmart with a gun strapped to him and hoping TODAY will finally be the day they get to be a hero. I'm still wondering about the number of times a gun nut has had to use a gun to protect his family or mine.
It’s none of your business
I carry 24/7 I renew my enhanced permit every 4 years. If you have a clean record you shouldn’t have a problem acquiring one. The FBI is pretty through when performing back ground checks.

I'm so sorry you are so afraid till you think you need to be armed 24/7 A coward's life must be hard for you.
Kavanaugh, the man, the Supreme Court Justice. we won.

BTW, to your post, that isn't his right by you? tell us how you wish to destroy his life. come now, we're all waiting for your genius.

I have no desire to destroy anyone's life. You can be a coward if that is your choice.
You’re a progressive, that is your goal in life is to control other people

Did you get that info from the voices in your head, or did you just pull it out of your butt?
Progressives live to control people they disagree with
I'm so sorry you are so afraid of guns you aren't armed 24/7. A coward's life must be hard for you. Do you leave your jack and spare tire at home too? AAA will take care of you...mechanical tools are scary as well.

I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

Yep. It's a matter of mind set. Once you start down that fearful "the world is out to get me" path, it's easy to convince yourself that you need to do all kinds of crazy stuff. Conspiracy theory nuts start the same way. One day they think vaccines might not be good for everybody, and before you know it, they are keeping a database on how many big foot sightings are in their area.
Vaccines are just another way of control

Then I suggest you don't take any. Flue season is coming. Enjoy.
Vaccines don’t work on me...
Just like millions of other people
I carry a leatherman wave with bits and bit-driver extention, and a flashlight everyday too. Let me guess, I live in fear of the dark and unexpected repairs. :rolleyes:

If you're going to carry a gun...carry it everyday. It just makes sense.

Makes sense if you are a coward. How often do you use that leatherman compared to how often you use your gun in every day life?

That's just silliness. If you don't like the idea, just say so. But calling people names is just immature. I want to protect myself and my family and you and your familiy too. Carrying an extra 19 ounces is a small price to pay for that ability.

How often have you had to use a gun to protect your family or mine?
It’s not needed until it’s... needed

So we'll mark that one down as another NEVER.HAD TO USE IT. I JUST LIKE TO LOOK TOUGH, AND IT HELPS MY EGO.
Why do you care whether someone is carrying concealed or not, it’s none of your fucking business
Democrats screwed up by attacking Kavanaugh. Sure if he had been elected 2 weeks ago republicans would have viewed it as a win for TRUMP, it would have lasted a week or so and most likely faded. By attacking BK in such a vicious way and continuing to try and delegitimize his appointment they are only helping TRUMP to unit the never-TRUMPers,

Kavanaugh has done a fine job of de-legitimizing himself.
yep and you can't even state what that is.

Sure I can. Kavanaugh doesn't have the temperament required for a SC judge. The American Bar Association is even reevaluating their endorsement of him for that purpose. I'm not sure they would withdraw their endorsement at this point, but they did request a delay for them to decide. He will forever have a cloud of doubt over any decisions he might make.
You do realize it’s a lifetime appointment

Yep. Still doesn't justify an alcoholic SC judge.
Still that’s the way it works, live with it
Makes sense if you are a coward. How often do you use that leatherman compared to how often you use your gun in every day life?

That's just silliness. If you don't like the idea, just say so. But calling people names is just immature. I want to protect myself and my family and you and your familiy too. Carrying an extra 19 ounces is a small price to pay for that ability.

How often have you had to use a gun to protect your family or mine?
It’s not needed until it’s... needed

So we'll mark that one down as another NEVER.HAD TO USE IT. I JUST LIKE TO LOOK TOUGH, AND IT HELPS MY EGO.
Why do you care whether someone is carrying concealed or not, it’s none of your fucking business
sure it is his business, ask him. He is a get in your face leftist who believes that only he is allowed a right.
How often have you had to use a gun to protect your family or mine?

It is
It’s not needed until it’s... needed

So we'll mark that one down as another NEVER.HAD TO USE IT. I JUST LIKE TO LOOK TOUGH, AND IT HELPS MY EGO.
and? :dunno:

Undeniable sign of a coward.
It is? So you call all cops cowards do you? See a cop thank a cop. Do you know that the majority of cops have never shot their weapon? what a wanker idiot you are.

Cops and Military are the reasonable exceptions. They have a reason to carry guns. Since cops rarely have a valid reason to use a gun, imagine how many gun nuts will never have a reason to use one. You being a coward doesn't justify putting me or my family in danger.
It is
It’s not needed until it’s... needed

So we'll mark that one down as another NEVER.HAD TO USE IT. I JUST LIKE TO LOOK TOUGH, AND IT HELPS MY EGO.
and? :dunno:

Undeniable sign of a coward.
It is? So you call all cops cowards do you? See a cop thank a cop. Do you know that the majority of cops have never shot their weapon? what a wanker idiot you are.

Cops and Military are the reasonable exceptions. They have a reason to carry guns. Since cops rarely have a valid reason to use a gun, imagine how many gun nuts will never have a reason to use one. You being a coward doesn't justify putting me or my family in danger.
so you think a cop or a military operative is always walking next to people? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It is
It’s not needed until it’s... needed

So we'll mark that one down as another NEVER.HAD TO USE IT. I JUST LIKE TO LOOK TOUGH, AND IT HELPS MY EGO.
and? :dunno:

Undeniable sign of a coward.
It is? So you call all cops cowards do you? See a cop thank a cop. Do you know that the majority of cops have never shot their weapon? what a wanker idiot you are.

Cops and Military are the reasonable exceptions. They have a reason to carry guns. Since cops rarely have a valid reason to use a gun, imagine how many gun nuts will never have a reason to use one. You being a coward doesn't justify putting me or my family in danger.
It comes down to the fact that someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, and certainly none of the federal government’s business
Nothing new about that word. Perhaps Fox forgot to mention it, but neither Trump or his entire group have the temperament to fill the positions they are in.
who are you to say what temperament is correct? please explain it to me. is that more of your morally better than me or us? LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Until you stop killing babies, you are the least moral person on the planet. so grab that temperament and shove up your proverbial hole.

You bet Rambo.
well you're not. you're just a wanker wanking leftist out to ruin human beings and kill them if possible. we're happy for you.

Kill people? A coward with a gun is more likely to kill someone than I am.
yep, it's called abortion i believe, and you are all for it. killing people. YES!!!!!

Again, the majority of cops have never used their weapon. and you call them cowards.

See a cop thank a cop.

Cops, Guns, Abortion? Are you sure you don't want to add something about Obama's birth certificate or Chem Trails? Hannity has done you a great disservice. You think bouncing around among several different subjects to keep the discussion confused is a valid tactic. It's not, and only an idiot would fall for that stunt.
I keep my jack and spare tire in the car where they belong. No need to carry them around 24/7. I keep my guns at home unless I'm hunting or at the range. Only a coward would think they need to carry a gun 24/7. Armed 24/7 is either a fashion statement or something you really need to discuss with your therapist.

Not at all. Here's how it happens. You get your CCW, and you start carrying your firearm on and off. Then, on one of those days you're not carrying it, you're listening to the radio and they've arrested a guy in the next town over, crazy as a fucking loon, who was planning on shooting up the Walmart. And you think to yourself "Why the fuck don't I have my guy today? You know how karma works...the time you really need it, you won't have it." Since you're already used to carrying it, it's no big deal to make it part of your routine...wallet, comb, keys, firearm.

Yep. It's a matter of mind set. Once you start down that fearful "the world is out to get me" path, it's easy to convince yourself that you need to do all kinds of crazy stuff. Conspiracy theory nuts start the same way. One day they think vaccines might not be good for everybody, and before you know it, they are keeping a database on how many big foot sightings are in their area.
Vaccines are just another way of control

Then I suggest you don't take any. Flue season is coming. Enjoy.
Vaccines don’t work on me...
Just like millions of other people

Common sense doesn't seem to work on you either.
Kavanaugh has done a fine job of de-legitimizing himself.
yep and you can't even state what that is.

Sure I can. Kavanaugh doesn't have the temperament required for a SC judge. The American Bar Association is even reevaluating their endorsement of him for that purpose. I'm not sure they would withdraw their endorsement at this point, but they did request a delay for them to decide. He will forever have a cloud of doubt over any decisions he might make.
You do realize it’s a lifetime appointment

Yep. Still doesn't justify an alcoholic SC judge.
Still that’s the way it works, live with it

Got it. Dumb right wingers are fine with an alcoholic on the SC.

I realize that for all of us conservative nationalists, but especially for testosterone driven, red blooded American men, ANTIFA in an anathema to all that you hold dear & U want to to enter the fray fists first. There is far more to gain politically & ideologically at the ballot box by sitting back and letting the progressive swine showcase their insurrectionism! (please do be careful and prepared though)

If U really want to flip the proverbial 'bird' at them, don't engage them, let the authorities handle their wrath. They want nothing more than to drag U down to their depraved anarchistic level of mobocracy & there is a National constituency watching with MSM vultures waiting to pounce & fabricate lies. Aren't you really damn proud of the 'Proud Boys', their stalwart toughness and restraint in the face of the evil scum!!!

You mean the violent rhetoric from elected Democrats resulting in the attempted assassinations of GOP representatives while they practiced softball was not enough evidence of the alarming, growing, violent intolerance threatening our democracy?

yep and you can't even state what that is.

Sure I can. Kavanaugh doesn't have the temperament required for a SC judge. The American Bar Association is even reevaluating their endorsement of him for that purpose. I'm not sure they would withdraw their endorsement at this point, but they did request a delay for them to decide. He will forever have a cloud of doubt over any decisions he might make.
You do realize it’s a lifetime appointment

Yep. Still doesn't justify an alcoholic SC judge.
Still that’s the way it works, live with it

Got it. Dumb right wingers are fine with an alcoholic on the SC.
That's just silliness. If you don't like the idea, just say so. But calling people names is just immature. I want to protect myself and my family and you and your familiy too. Carrying an extra 19 ounces is a small price to pay for that ability.

How often have you had to use a gun to protect your family or mine?
It’s not needed until it’s... needed

So we'll mark that one down as another NEVER.HAD TO USE IT. I JUST LIKE TO LOOK TOUGH, AND IT HELPS MY EGO.
Why do you care whether someone is carrying concealed or not, it’s none of your fucking business
sure it is his business, ask him. He is a get in your face leftist who believes that only he is allowed a right.

We all have rights, but your right ends when it endangers me or my family.
So we'll mark that one down as another NEVER.HAD TO USE IT. I JUST LIKE TO LOOK TOUGH, AND IT HELPS MY EGO.
and? :dunno:

Undeniable sign of a coward.
It is? So you call all cops cowards do you? See a cop thank a cop. Do you know that the majority of cops have never shot their weapon? what a wanker idiot you are.

Cops and Military are the reasonable exceptions. They have a reason to carry guns. Since cops rarely have a valid reason to use a gun, imagine how many gun nuts will never have a reason to use one. You being a coward doesn't justify putting me or my family in danger.
so you think a cop or a military operative is always walking next to people? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Got it. Dumb right wingers are fine with an alcoholic on the SC.
You were ok with a career/life-long sexual predator as President, a sexual harasser/assaulter and rapist Enabler as 1st Lady, an admitted Sexual assaulter as Senator (Spartacus), and an assaulter / abuser as Deputy Chairman of the DNC....
who are you to say what temperament is correct? please explain it to me. is that more of your morally better than me or us? LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Until you stop killing babies, you are the least moral person on the planet. so grab that temperament and shove up your proverbial hole.

You bet Rambo.
well you're not. you're just a wanker wanking leftist out to ruin human beings and kill them if possible. we're happy for you.

Kill people? A coward with a gun is more likely to kill someone than I am.
yep, it's called abortion i believe, and you are all for it. killing people. YES!!!!!

Again, the majority of cops have never used their weapon. and you call them cowards.

See a cop thank a cop.

Cops, Guns, Abortion? Are you sure you don't want to add something about Obama's birth certificate or Chem Trails? Hannity has done you a great disservice. You think bouncing around among several different subjects to keep the discussion confused is a valid tactic. It's not, and only an idiot would fall for that stunt.
well sure, obammy wasn't born in the US. we know this. Kenya, his own brother said so. And since kenya baby obammy can't supply us with a birth certificate from the US, we'll have to take his kenya brothers say so as evidence. And we have his own statement of birth in a book and university enrollment.

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