Calls for restraint! My asss

That troubles me, they have been days away, for years, what is going on?

The truth is, through covert and overt actions of Israel, there program has been set back, delayed, and, in some cases, outright cancelled, for decades...



While they are settling with Hamas, Hizballah has threatened to enter the war. This proxy war was going to happen, sooner or later and it's time for Israel to get on with it. Their priority should be a decapitation strike on Iran while they are absorbing thousands of dead and wounded from these Iranian proxies. It's time to cut the head off the snake. They should use nuclear bunker busters to hit Iranian leadership in their bunkers and they should do the same for the Hizballah leader who has been in a bunker for over a decade. If the Hamas wants a blood bath, give them a blood bath.
So what this is ....most likely...a well planned provocation with some expected scenarios.
So let me get this straight... Biden funds the attack and then calls for Israel to show restraint????
Pretty much
You know?... if I give a guy who looks like he is dressed up to rob a store a gun or money to buy a gun and he takes that gun into a store and kills someone aren't I just as guilty as the guy who robbed the store?.... don't let the media white wash Biden's culpability here...
Or his intentions
I wasn't trying to diminish the importance and I wasn't kidding when I said that Israel should destroy Gaza, Hamas and the Palestinians in Gaza. They should reoccupy the strip and rebuild new settlements there without ANY of the previous occupants. They have proven they cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
I think that is the plan, based on what Bibi is saying.
While they are settling with Hamas, Hizballah has threatened to enter the war. This proxy war was going to happen, sooner or later and it's time for Israel to get on with it. Their priority should be a decapitation strike on Iran while they are absorbing thousands of dead and wounded from these Iranian proxies. It's time to cut the head off the snake. They should use nuclear bunker busters to hit Iranian leadership in their bunkers and they should do the same for the Hizballah leader who has been in a bunker for over a decade. If the Hamas wants a blood bath, give them a blood bath.
and they need to take out Irans nuke site's asap !
Who thinks Hamas would have done this shit if Trump was in office? There would be no restraint and they know it.

If Trump were in office:
  • No war in Ukraine.
  • No Nordstream II pipeline to Europe destroyed.
  • No war in Israel
  • No war in Taiwan
  • No border crisis.
  • No 10 million undocumented alien foreigners invading and destroying our U.S. cities.
Even the left know it is true even if they refuse to ever admit it.
I have a feeling in will step THE TALIBAN with 80 BILLION of US military weapons that biden left for the terrorists in afghanistan.

Ain't biden wonderful?

That means we will be smack dab in the middle of WW3.
The IDF is already anticipating that Lebanon will get involved in any ground action in Gaza. If you thought we looked like assholes in the Afghanistan pullout, wait until you see the cluster fk response we deliver in this mess.
So Hamas poked the bear....they had to know what was coming. It won't stop the treaty talks between Israel and won't get them any won't improve relations between Israel and Palestine. All in all the entire thing was remarkably stupid.....but some one somewhere gains from it. Not the Palestinians, not the Israelis, certainly not Hamas....Iran maybe? As expected Israel is going to come down hard and heavy.
This was a forgone conclusion.

As SA and Israel move closer and closer to forming a strong mutual bond Iran sees its regional Hegemony being sunsetted. Is this their attempt to slow that process?

Wrong forum, and read the thread creation rules.

40th thread on this today.

Israel is a brutal terror state engaged in ethnic cleansing.

You either support their antisemitic terrorism, or you're an educated, decent person.

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