Cambodia, Tunisia, Nicaragua, Georgia, Bolivia, Uganda, Ukraine, And Now The US

That poster seems to believe that the Jan 6th thugs are our nation's political leaders. :heehee:
Well, I think he was talking about all of the convicted felons from Trump's 2016 campaign.

As for the insurrectionists...I would like to hear the details on why it has taken 800 days. My guess (it's a guess--I don't know) is that the guy whose been incarcerated for so long has changed attorneys and asked for continuances. That is what usually happens when you've got nothing better to do and you can get some fame out of your stretch. He'll be the darling on Fox once he gets out and probably show up at the blob's rallies.
That poster seems to believe that the Jan 6th thugs are our nation's political leaders. :heehee:
Why do you limit it to political leaders only?

In Chile the their Deep State needed foosball stadiums to hold all the political prisoners they rounded up
Or they were guilty. Of course you can't bring yourself to admit that....even when the court finds them guilty.

Such is the life in your cult.
What the courts find means less and less every day. It is no longer justice it is persecution of the regimes detractors just like the Soviet and Chinese communists do.
Or they were guilty. Of course you can't bring yourself to admit that....even when the court finds them guilty.

Such is the life in your cult.
As Stalin’s fixer Beria said, “Show me the man and I will find the crime”
When your state and local DA’s campaign on “getting trump” it’s no surprise that travesties like this occur. Problem is the precedent it sets and how that undermines the entire system. Democrats are too stupid to get that because they’re retarded baboon sheep.
No, that is not the same thing. Please enlighten yourself on the United States judicial system. TIA.
Should we ask Pelosi? She believes a trial is where you prove your innocence not where the government proves your guilt. Is that the American justice system?
Why? She's part of the Legislative Branch....not the Executive or Judicial branches. May I suggest you also read up on the 3 branches of government?
Is what she said American justice? Afraid to answer troll?
Avenue Bourguiba, downtown Tunis: thousands of people are cheering, dancing; some are crying out in joy, stupefied at what has just happened. It is 14 January 2011 and moments earlier, at 6:45 pm local time, Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi announced he will take over the interim presidency— the first in a series of steps that will lead to the ousting of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, the dictator who has ruled the country with an iron fist for almost twenty five years

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