Camus on Trump

Actually I do. You can search "mea culpa" and see how many times I admitted to be wrong.

Claiming I'm brainwashed and don't consider I might be wrong is not correct, however on the issue of Trump I know I'm correct: Trump is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and can't learn from his many many mistakes. He is the pathetic grown up who acts like a 2-year old.

Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.

You're such a pussy. Trump is doing great things and all you can do is whine.

Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.
Their leader Trump isn't called a pathological liar for more BIG lie he wasn't getting money from Saudis NOW they make deals for 100's of millions The thief of the century
Actually I do. You can search "mea culpa" and see how many times I admitted to be wrong.

Claiming I'm brainwashed and don't consider I might be wrong is not correct, however on the issue of Trump I know I'm correct: Trump is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and can't learn from his many many mistakes. He is the pathetic grown up who acts like a 2-year old.

Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.

You're such a pussy. Trump is doing great things and all you can do is whine.

Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.
No, Hildabeast is not a bitch... she’s a loopy kunt

Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.

You're such a pussy. Trump is doing great things and all you can do is whine.

Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.
No, Hildabeast is not a bitch... she’s a loopy kunt
If you call Hill loopy what words can you use for Trump and family ?? Suggestions ...Vile, hypocritical ,liar ,tax cheat ,pussy grabber ,racist,,,,,,
You're such a pussy. Trump is doing great things and all you can do is whine.

Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.
No, Hildabeast is not a bitch... she’s a loopy kunt
If you call Hill loopy what words can you use for Trump and family ?? Suggestions ...Vile, hypocritical ,liar ,tax cheat ,pussy grabber ,racist,,,,,,
While trump is far from a saint, he does look somewhat saintly compared to the Clinton’s... fact
Actually I do. You can search "mea culpa" and see how many times I admitted to be wrong.

Claiming I'm brainwashed and don't consider I might be wrong is not correct, however on the issue of Trump I know I'm correct: Trump is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and can't learn from his many many mistakes. He is the pathetic grown up who acts like a 2-year old.

Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.

You're such a pussy. Trump is doing great things and all you can do is whine.

Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.

That's what the people who know her best call her. A title she earned and maintained since she was the first bitch of AK. And you fucking regressives demonstrate your hate for this country and fellow Americans every day. So you can stop with the projection and just accept what you are, that's the first step in changing.

My take is anything which is not privatized and thus profit motivated is an example of socialism to the ignorant.

I understand that that's your take. But when the means of production is "not privatized", ie when it's controlled by the state, well - that's socialism. You can split hairs, cling to obscure, ambiguous definitions etc, but it doesn't really change the basic dynamic. Some of us want the state controlling more and more of society, some of us don't.

I suggest you do some research, and consider how the private sector was controlled by the state in Germany and Italy, circa the decades of the 30's and 40's. I know some want us to believe fascism and socialism are the same; yet the state is valued more than it's citizens by both Hitler and Mussolini (and BTW, Trump). That is a distinction with a difference between them and us.

The absurd (lack of pragmatism) of the Federalist Society sees the world in an 18th century reality. I'd not be surprised if they went all the way and repealed and replaced the Constitution with an article of confederation, removing all amendments including the first ten so as to give Governors and state legislators the power to restore Jim Crow laws, and only allow property owning white men the right to vote.

Of course you wouldn't.

It explains a lot, it really does.
I suggest you do some research, and consider how the private sector was controlled by the state in Germany and Italy, circa the decades of the 30's and 40's. I know some want us to believe fascism and socialism are the same; yet the state is valued more than it's citizens by both Hitler and Mussolini (and BTW, Trump). That is a distinction with a difference between them and us.
While I appreciate the suggestion, it's irrelevant in my view. I'm opposed to any and all state control over the economy. The various forms it might take (fascism, communism, socialism, "democratic" socialism) might be of interest from an academic point of view, but it's all the same mistake. Government shouldn't be granted the power to dictate our economic decisions.
Actually, your view is off topic.

The thread topic isn’t about the fact that libertarian dogma is naïve, failed, and devoid of merit.

The thread topic is about the fact that the Trump failure is also a failure of the wrongheaded notion that just anybody can be president.

Trump has failed the consequence of his ignorance, stupidity, lack of political acumen, and contempt for our most fundamental democratic institutions and Constitutional principles.

And Trump is rendered blind and oblivious to his ignorance and incompetence by his arrogance – Trump thinks he knows what he’s doing, where it is clear by any objective standard that he does not.
Actually I do. You can search "mea culpa" and see how many times I admitted to be wrong.

Claiming I'm brainwashed and don't consider I might be wrong is not correct, however on the issue of Trump I know I'm correct: Trump is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and can't learn from his many many mistakes. He is the pathetic grown up who acts like a 2-year old.


Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.

I dunno. Democrats seemed pretty determined to lose.

How so? I can see an overreach on the wedge issues will impact the single issue voters and jeopardize the Democratic agenda.

It seems to me if they follow up on the issues they won with this month, and ignore the lies that the single issue voters will hear from the far right propaganda mill (on guns, abortion and immigration) and seek to welcome the rational and moderate Republicans to the table, pragmatism will win over ideology, bigotry and extremism.

I think that the way our elections are currently run is what drives the dysfunction. The incentive for the major parties is always to push for as much radical change as they possibly can, rather than seeking consensus. So the Dems are now all-in on socialism. That will appeal to their base, but it will also be a big boost to Trump.

We'll see. Even if they do win the election, there's simply not enough support generally for what they want to do (a slim majority won't cut it). So it will just swing back the other way next time around. Wash, rinse, repeat.

What is it "they" want to do?

Socialize more and more shit.

Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.

You're such a pussy. Trump is doing great things and all you can do is whine.

Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.
Their leader Trump isn't called a pathological liar for more BIG lie he wasn't getting money from Saudis NOW they make deals for 100's of millions The thief of the century



Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.

I dunno. Democrats seemed pretty determined to lose.

How so? I can see an overreach on the wedge issues will impact the single issue voters and jeopardize the Democratic agenda.

It seems to me if they follow up on the issues they won with this month, and ignore the lies that the single issue voters will hear from the far right propaganda mill (on guns, abortion and immigration) and seek to welcome the rational and moderate Republicans to the table, pragmatism will win over ideology, bigotry and extremism.

I think that the way our elections are currently run is what drives the dysfunction. The incentive for the major parties is always to push for as much radical change as they possibly can, rather than seeking consensus. So the Dems are now all-in on socialism. That will appeal to their base, but it will also be a big boost to Trump.

We'll see. Even if they do win the election, there's simply not enough support generally for what they want to do (a slim majority won't cut it). So it will just swing back the other way next time around. Wash, rinse, repeat.

What is it "they" want to do?

Socialize more and more shit.

Anarchist? Nihilist? Curmudgeon?

“If we believe in nothing, if nothing has any meaning and if we can affirm no values whatsoever, then everything is possible and nothing has any importance.”
Camus, The Rebel
You're such a pussy. Trump is doing great things and all you can do is whine.

Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.
Their leader Trump isn't called a pathological liar for more BIG lie he wasn't getting money from Saudis NOW they make deals for 100's of millions The thief of the century


Saw the clip on TV One in 2015 saying he makes no money from the Saudis and just a while ago he's saying saudis are his friends makes 100's of millions dealing with them Investigate yourself and find another lie in this lying pos's repertoire
You're such a pussy. Trump is doing great things and all you can do is whine.

Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.
Their leader Trump isn't called a pathological liar for more BIG lie he wasn't getting money from Saudis NOW they make deals for 100's of millions The thief of the century



Consider two things:

a. Trump Touts His $110 Billion Saudi Arabian Arms Deal, But Even Switzerland Buys More Goods From the U.S. Each Year

b. Stocks rise benefiting the Military Industrial Complex.

Who benefits economically, and who benefits from an arms race?
You're such a pussy. Trump is doing great things and all you can do is whine.

Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.
Their leader Trump isn't called a pathological liar for more BIG lie he wasn't getting money from Saudis NOW they make deals for 100's of millions The thief of the century


Trump said he has 'no financial interests in Saudi ... - Business Insider

4 days ago - But his businesses have made millions from the Saudigovernment, and the ... President Donald Trump holds a sword and sways with traditional dancers ... have accepted large amounts of money from theSaudi government.
You're such a pussy. Trump is doing great things and all you can do is whine.

Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.
Their leader Trump isn't called a pathological liar for more BIG lie he wasn't getting money from Saudis NOW they make deals for 100's of millions The thief of the century



Trump claims he has 'no financial interests in Saudi Arabia' — but he makes lots of money from it

You really are ill informed.
Trump has done shit ,,,, exception is helping americans to hate even more and he has the nerve to pat himself on the back??

Only haters I'm seeing are you regressives, but that's nothing that arrived with Trump. You folks have been hating on the country for the last 10 years, and went ballistic when the bitch lost.

Oh the irony, calling HRC a "bitch" is clearly hateful and claiming "You folks" hate the United States goes beyond a damn lie. It is insane as well as pathological hate.
Their leader Trump isn't called a pathological liar for more BIG lie he wasn't getting money from Saudis NOW they make deals for 100's of millions The thief of the century


Saw the clip on TV One in 2015 saying he makes no money from the Saudis and just a while ago he's saying saudis are his friends makes 100's of millions dealing with them Investigate yourself and find another lie in this lying pos's repertoire

Thought so, just more ass speak from a worthless regressive.


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