Camus on Trump

You can't handle the truth little man.
The TRUTH is that both sides work for the same people. Your half negro works for the same Bankers Rump works for.
Democrats are capitalists not communist duh but it is the GOP who are in bed with the corruption and always have been. Let's say they believe corporations are good things naturally or something like that, but every time Republicans get in for 8 years there is a corrupt bubble and bust that the middle class pay for..
1929 1958 1989 2008 and don't be surprised when Trump causes it again. Already the stock market is overpricedthe rich are totally bloated everyone else is on hard Times and he is screwing around with tariffs and trade Wars... We haven't recovered from 2008 yet, and parts of the world are fragile.

Damn, your too funny, I'm neither bloated rich or on hard times. Being jealous of others money is really childish.

I'm not jealous and I'm not talking about you I'm talking about statistics. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and tax hike for us, silly duper.

Yeah, the man is holding everyone down, no one has any opportunity to advance themselves and provide a better life for their family.

US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017

Just don't try to tell these people that. LMAO

Yeah a Giant tax cut for the rich fantastic, super duper. LOL worst inequality and upward mobility in our history! And it will just get worse. It is a giveaway to the rich and no they are not starting new companies or anything else... Sabres in first place! And 10 wins in a row. Last year they didn't win this many until February LOL oops sorry...

LMAO, do you have this crap saved so all you have to do is copy and paste it? You're a worse broken record than Matthew was. I'm looking forward to my 100% tax refund for this year.

It very much is a political topic, and your ignorance is palpable. Camus was French, but born and raised in Algeria and died when his Chauffeur crashed the car in which Camus was a passenger.

By the way, President Obama did not drone on and on, and Trump's use of our language is sophomoric, and I mean by that no better than the average or below average 9th grader.

You're being kind about Trump's vocabulary level:

Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ...
Mar 18, 2016 - Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ... Vocabulary and Grammatical Comparison (Carnegie Mellon University).

'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis ...
Jan 11, 2018 - 'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis finds ... said it based its analysis on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level metric, ...
He does that for his listeners, I'm pretty sure, because whenever he uses a big grownup word, he always stops to define it.
President Trump may be ivy league educated but being an accomplished multi-billionaire businessman does not mean shit when it comes to foreign affairs or foreign policy.

Ahahahaha I love it when the left tie themselves into knots. Okay, so now education and experience don't matter? Lets ask a former Dem president what he thinks about Obama shall we, Bill Clinton tell us what you think of Obama.

Bill Clinton: A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would have been getting us coffee.
Bill Clinton: The only reason you are endorsing him (Obama) is because he's black. Let's just be clear.
Bill Clinton: Obama is incompetent.
Bill Clinton: Obama is an amateur who has no clue about how the world operates.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how to be president.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how the world works.
Quit chattering rubbish. For once, address the topic. Which is Trump's lack of knowledge of the job he now holds and his supreme overconfidence in his abilities and his opinions.

Trump backs up his boasts, THAT'S what drives you Dems mad. :auiqs.jpg:

He does not back up his boasts. He promised dozens of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, remember?

Mexico is paying right now, what does it cost to feed 13-15,000 people a day and provide medical care for them. The major of Tijuana is ready to make them go home.

Quite a mess the GOP has made of their countries with the war on drugs and the world depression of 2008... Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes. Legalize pot and extend the NAFTA, scumbags.
He does not back up his boasts. He promised dozens of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, remember?

And Mexico paid for the wall and then some during Trump's trade negotiations with them, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Can't really prove that. Trade negotiations can have long term unforseen consequences where this country may lose out in the long run. Remember, we have a bankruptcy king at the helm of this ship of state now.

Oh noes I blew up your anti Trump talking point :boo_hoo14:
The wall is a joke that won't work, but all he has to do to get the undying devotion and adoration of the dupes is to repeat their garbage propaganda...

Does the front door of your house have a lock? :itsok:
Democrats are capitalists not communist duh but it is the GOP who are in bed with the corruption and always have been. Let's say they believe corporations are good things naturally or something like that, but every time Republicans get in for 8 years there is a corrupt bubble and bust that the middle class pay for..
1929 1958 1989 2008 and don't be surprised when Trump causes it again. Already the stock market is overpricedthe rich are totally bloated everyone else is on hard Times and he is screwing around with tariffs and trade Wars... We haven't recovered from 2008 yet, and parts of the world are fragile.

Damn, your too funny, I'm neither bloated rich or on hard times. Being jealous of others money is really childish.

I'm not jealous and I'm not talking about you I'm talking about statistics. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and tax hike for us, silly duper.

Yeah, the man is holding everyone down, no one has any opportunity to advance themselves and provide a better life for their family.

US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017

Just don't try to tell these people that. LMAO

Yeah a Giant tax cut for the rich fantastic, super duper. LOL worst inequality and upward mobility in our history! And it will just get worse. It is a giveaway to the rich and no they are not starting new companies or anything else... Sabres in first place! And 10 wins in a row. Last year they didn't win this many until February LOL oops sorry...

LMAO, do you have this crap saved so all you have to do is copy and paste it? You're a worse broken record than Matthew was. I'm looking forward to my 100% tax refund for this year.

The truth is like that it doesn't change, unlike your imaginary propaganda. Sorry about fact and the Injustice of the United States these days. And you bozos love it. we are the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare cheap college and training good vacations and infrastructure, ID card to end it illegal immigration.thanks jackasses. And yet you know every detail of totally imaginary phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Lerner the FBI the CIA. Brainwashed functional morons.
He does not back up his boasts. He promised dozens of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, remember?

And Mexico paid for the wall and then some during Trump's trade negotiations with them, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Can't really prove that. Trade negotiations can have long term unforseen consequences where this country may lose out in the long run. Remember, we have a bankruptcy king at the helm of this ship of state now.

Oh noes I blew up your anti Trump talking point :boo_hoo14:
The wall is a joke that won't work, but all he has to do to get the undying devotion and adoration of the dupes is to repeat their garbage propaganda...

Does the front door of your house have a lock? :itsok:
Not that we use...the wall is a joke that won't work. Half just overstay their visas. Plus it won't work LOL. Pass a God damn ID card.
You're being kind about Trump's vocabulary level:

Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ...
Mar 18, 2016 - Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ... Vocabulary and Grammatical Comparison (Carnegie Mellon University).

'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis ...
Jan 11, 2018 - 'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis finds ... said it based its analysis on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level metric, ...
He does that for his listeners, I'm pretty sure, because whenever he uses a big grownup word, he always stops to define it.
Ahahahaha I love it when the left tie themselves into knots. Okay, so now education and experience don't matter? Lets ask a former Dem president what he thinks about Obama shall we, Bill Clinton tell us what you think of Obama.

Bill Clinton: A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would have been getting us coffee.
Bill Clinton: The only reason you are endorsing him (Obama) is because he's black. Let's just be clear.
Bill Clinton: Obama is incompetent.
Bill Clinton: Obama is an amateur who has no clue about how the world operates.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how to be president.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how the world works.
Quit chattering rubbish. For once, address the topic. Which is Trump's lack of knowledge of the job he now holds and his supreme overconfidence in his abilities and his opinions.

Trump backs up his boasts, THAT'S what drives you Dems mad. :auiqs.jpg:

He does not back up his boasts. He promised dozens of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, remember?

Mexico is paying right now, what does it cost to feed 13-15,000 people a day and provide medical care for them. The major of Tijuana is ready to make them go home.

Quite a mess the GOP has made of their countries with the war on drugs and the world depression of 2008... Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes. Legalize pot and extend the NAFTA, scumbags.

GFY, we've been building schools, daycare centers, farm to market roads, drilling water wells and more in Honduras for a couple of decades now.

Damn, your too funny, I'm neither bloated rich or on hard times. Being jealous of others money is really childish.

I'm not jealous and I'm not talking about you I'm talking about statistics. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and tax hike for us, silly duper.

Yeah, the man is holding everyone down, no one has any opportunity to advance themselves and provide a better life for their family.

US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017

Just don't try to tell these people that. LMAO

Yeah a Giant tax cut for the rich fantastic, super duper. LOL worst inequality and upward mobility in our history! And it will just get worse. It is a giveaway to the rich and no they are not starting new companies or anything else... Sabres in first place! And 10 wins in a row. Last year they didn't win this many until February LOL oops sorry...

LMAO, do you have this crap saved so all you have to do is copy and paste it? You're a worse broken record than Matthew was. I'm looking forward to my 100% tax refund for this year.

The truth is like that it doesn't change, unlike your imaginary propaganda. Sorry about fact and the Injustice of the United States these days. And you bozos love it. we are the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare cheap college and training good vacations and infrastructure, ID card to end it illegal immigration.thanks jackasses. And yet you know every detail of totally imaginary phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Lerner the FBI the CIA. Brainwashed functional morons.

Yeah, that damn Constitution, says none of that crap is the feds job.

I'm not jealous and I'm not talking about you I'm talking about statistics. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and tax hike for us, silly duper.

Yeah, the man is holding everyone down, no one has any opportunity to advance themselves and provide a better life for their family.

US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017

Just don't try to tell these people that. LMAO

Yeah a Giant tax cut for the rich fantastic, super duper. LOL worst inequality and upward mobility in our history! And it will just get worse. It is a giveaway to the rich and no they are not starting new companies or anything else... Sabres in first place! And 10 wins in a row. Last year they didn't win this many until February LOL oops sorry...

LMAO, do you have this crap saved so all you have to do is copy and paste it? You're a worse broken record than Matthew was. I'm looking forward to my 100% tax refund for this year.

The truth is like that it doesn't change, unlike your imaginary propaganda. Sorry about fact and the Injustice of the United States these days. And you bozos love it. we are the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare cheap college and training good vacations and infrastructure, ID card to end it illegal immigration.thanks jackasses. And yet you know every detail of totally imaginary phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Lerner the FBI the CIA. Brainwashed functional morons.

Yeah, that damn Constitution, says none of that crap is the feds job.

I'd like a link to that... They've been saying what a work day is what a work week is ETC Medicare Medicaid I'll go with the supreme court on that one, super duper for 170 years or something... Very silly argument.
Yeah, the man is holding everyone down, no one has any opportunity to advance themselves and provide a better life for their family.

US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017

Just don't try to tell these people that. LMAO

Yeah a Giant tax cut for the rich fantastic, super duper. LOL worst inequality and upward mobility in our history! And it will just get worse. It is a giveaway to the rich and no they are not starting new companies or anything else... Sabres in first place! And 10 wins in a row. Last year they didn't win this many until February LOL oops sorry...

LMAO, do you have this crap saved so all you have to do is copy and paste it? You're a worse broken record than Matthew was. I'm looking forward to my 100% tax refund for this year.

The truth is like that it doesn't change, unlike your imaginary propaganda. Sorry about fact and the Injustice of the United States these days. And you bozos love it. we are the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare cheap college and training good vacations and infrastructure, ID card to end it illegal immigration.thanks jackasses. And yet you know every detail of totally imaginary phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Lerner the FBI the CIA. Brainwashed functional morons.

Yeah, that damn Constitution, says none of that crap is the feds job.

I'd like a link to that... They've been saying what a work day is what a work week is ETC Medicare Medicaid I'll go with the supreme court on that one, super duper for 170 years or something... Very silly argument.

No the court hasn't been off its fucking rocker that long, it's only been about 90 years. FDR replaced 8 supremes in a 6 year period and the court hasn't been the same since.

What New Deal legislation did the US Supreme Court declare unconstitutional

Yeah a Giant tax cut for the rich fantastic, super duper. LOL worst inequality and upward mobility in our history! And it will just get worse. It is a giveaway to the rich and no they are not starting new companies or anything else... Sabres in first place! And 10 wins in a row. Last year they didn't win this many until February LOL oops sorry...

LMAO, do you have this crap saved so all you have to do is copy and paste it? You're a worse broken record than Matthew was. I'm looking forward to my 100% tax refund for this year.

The truth is like that it doesn't change, unlike your imaginary propaganda. Sorry about fact and the Injustice of the United States these days. And you bozos love it. we are the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare cheap college and training good vacations and infrastructure, ID card to end it illegal immigration.thanks jackasses. And yet you know every detail of totally imaginary phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Lerner the FBI the CIA. Brainwashed functional morons.

Yeah, that damn Constitution, says none of that crap is the feds job.

I'd like a link to that... They've been saying what a work day is what a work week is ETC Medicare Medicaid I'll go with the supreme court on that one, super duper for 170 years or something... Very silly argument.

No the court hasn't been off its fucking rocker that long, it's only been about 90 years. FDR replaced 8 supremes in a 6 year period and the court hasn't been the same since.

What New Deal legislation did the US Supreme Court declare unconstitutional

They still allowed plenty of Regulation. Good for them LOL your defense of crappy bosses is touching, super duper.
LMAO, do you have this crap saved so all you have to do is copy and paste it? You're a worse broken record than Matthew was. I'm looking forward to my 100% tax refund for this year.

The truth is like that it doesn't change, unlike your imaginary propaganda. Sorry about fact and the Injustice of the United States these days. And you bozos love it. we are the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare cheap college and training good vacations and infrastructure, ID card to end it illegal immigration.thanks jackasses. And yet you know every detail of totally imaginary phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Lerner the FBI the CIA. Brainwashed functional morons.

Yeah, that damn Constitution, says none of that crap is the feds job.

I'd like a link to that... They've been saying what a work day is what a work week is ETC Medicare Medicaid I'll go with the supreme court on that one, super duper for 170 years or something... Very silly argument.

No the court hasn't been off its fucking rocker that long, it's only been about 90 years. FDR replaced 8 supremes in a 6 year period and the court hasn't been the same since.

What New Deal legislation did the US Supreme Court declare unconstitutional

They still allowed plenty of Regulation. Good for them LOL your defense of crappy bosses is touching, super duper.

Ya know who tends to have crappy bosses, crappy workers. Can't say I ever had a crappy boss, I bet you've had many.

The truth is like that it doesn't change, unlike your imaginary propaganda. Sorry about fact and the Injustice of the United States these days. And you bozos love it. we are the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare cheap college and training good vacations and infrastructure, ID card to end it illegal immigration.thanks jackasses. And yet you know every detail of totally imaginary phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Lerner the FBI the CIA. Brainwashed functional morons.

Yeah, that damn Constitution, says none of that crap is the feds job.

I'd like a link to that... They've been saying what a work day is what a work week is ETC Medicare Medicaid I'll go with the supreme court on that one, super duper for 170 years or something... Very silly argument.

No the court hasn't been off its fucking rocker that long, it's only been about 90 years. FDR replaced 8 supremes in a 6 year period and the court hasn't been the same since.

What New Deal legislation did the US Supreme Court declare unconstitutional

They still allowed plenty of Regulation. Good for them LOL your defense of crappy bosses is touching, super duper.

Ya know who tends to have crappy bosses, crappy workers. Can't say I ever had a crappy boss, I bet you've had many.

Let's say crappy benefits as compared with the rest of the modern world as i anumerated.
Yeah, that damn Constitution, says none of that crap is the feds job.

I'd like a link to that... They've been saying what a work day is what a work week is ETC Medicare Medicaid I'll go with the supreme court on that one, super duper for 170 years or something... Very silly argument.

No the court hasn't been off its fucking rocker that long, it's only been about 90 years. FDR replaced 8 supremes in a 6 year period and the court hasn't been the same since.

What New Deal legislation did the US Supreme Court declare unconstitutional

They still allowed plenty of Regulation. Good for them LOL your defense of crappy bosses is touching, super duper.

Ya know who tends to have crappy bosses, crappy workers. Can't say I ever had a crappy boss, I bet you've had many.

Let's say crappy benefits as compared with the rest of the modern world as i anumerated.

The great thing, you're pretty much free to move to any country that would make you feel more comfortable. BTW it's "enumerated", or are you creating new words to go with the ridiculous new benefits you want. I can't believe you don't think people can survive without your all encompassing nanny state. Personally I think I can spend my money better than any bureaucrat.

I'd like a link to that... They've been saying what a work day is what a work week is ETC Medicare Medicaid I'll go with the supreme court on that one, super duper for 170 years or something... Very silly argument.

No the court hasn't been off its fucking rocker that long, it's only been about 90 years. FDR replaced 8 supremes in a 6 year period and the court hasn't been the same since.

What New Deal legislation did the US Supreme Court declare unconstitutional

They still allowed plenty of Regulation. Good for them LOL your defense of crappy bosses is touching, super duper.

Ya know who tends to have crappy bosses, crappy workers. Can't say I ever had a crappy boss, I bet you've had many.

Let's say crappy benefits as compared with the rest of the modern world as i anumerated.

The great thing, you're pretty much free to move to any country that would make you feel more comfortable. BTW it's "enumerated", or are you creating new words to go with the ridiculous new benefits you want. I can't believe you don't think people can survive without your all encompassing nanny state. Personally I think I can spend my money better than any bureaucrat.

How about a paid 6 week vacation like in France or at least a month everywhere else? Republicans amazing people...
No the court hasn't been off its fucking rocker that long, it's only been about 90 years. FDR replaced 8 supremes in a 6 year period and the court hasn't been the same since.

What New Deal legislation did the US Supreme Court declare unconstitutional

They still allowed plenty of Regulation. Good for them LOL your defense of crappy bosses is touching, super duper.

Ya know who tends to have crappy bosses, crappy workers. Can't say I ever had a crappy boss, I bet you've had many.

Let's say crappy benefits as compared with the rest of the modern world as i anumerated.

The great thing, you're pretty much free to move to any country that would make you feel more comfortable. BTW it's "enumerated", or are you creating new words to go with the ridiculous new benefits you want. I can't believe you don't think people can survive without your all encompassing nanny state. Personally I think I can spend my money better than any bureaucrat.

How about a paid 6 week vacation like in France or at least a month everywhere else? Republicans amazing people...
Just love getting screwed over by the rich... And being conspiracy theorists... Well at least you're white and super Patriots oh boy....
I'd like a link to that... They've been saying what a work day is what a work week is ETC Medicare Medicaid I'll go with the supreme court on that one, super duper for 170 years or something... Very silly argument.

No the court hasn't been off its fucking rocker that long, it's only been about 90 years. FDR replaced 8 supremes in a 6 year period and the court hasn't been the same since.

What New Deal legislation did the US Supreme Court declare unconstitutional

They still allowed plenty of Regulation. Good for them LOL your defense of crappy bosses is touching, super duper.

Ya know who tends to have crappy bosses, crappy workers. Can't say I ever had a crappy boss, I bet you've had many.

Let's say crappy benefits as compared with the rest of the modern world as i anumerated.

The great thing, you're pretty much free to move to any country that would make you feel more comfortable. BTW it's "enumerated", or are you creating new words to go with the ridiculous new benefits you want. I can't believe you don't think people can survive without your all encompassing nanny state. Personally I think I can spend my money better than any bureaucrat.

Actually can't move to other countries unless you're a multi-millionaire retiree. You can't work there that's for sure, unless you are married to one. I have I know.
Yeah, too bad he didn't investigate the bitch and her crew. Comey didn't have the balls to do it.


Huber is still operating under the radar.

Yep, I doubt the commies are going to pleased when his report comes out.

We'll see... Of course you are totally brainwashed...

No child, the brainwashed are like you, the ones who won't even consider the possibly you might be wrong. It's simply pathetic grown people would act the way you do.


Actually I do. You can search "mea culpa" and see how many times I admitted to be wrong.

Claiming I'm brainwashed and don't consider I might be wrong is not correct, however on the issue of Trump I know I'm correct: Trump is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and can't learn from his many many mistakes. He is the pathetic grown up who acts like a 2-year old.

Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.
Huber is still operating under the radar.

Yep, I doubt the commies are going to pleased when his report comes out.

We'll see... Of course you are totally brainwashed...

No child, the brainwashed are like you, the ones who won't even consider the possibly you might be wrong. It's simply pathetic grown people would act the way you do.


Actually I do. You can search "mea culpa" and see how many times I admitted to be wrong.

Claiming I'm brainwashed and don't consider I might be wrong is not correct, however on the issue of Trump I know I'm correct: Trump is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and can't learn from his many many mistakes. He is the pathetic grown up who acts like a 2-year old.

Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.
'Never Trump' Republicans went Democrat in 2018. Are they gone for good?

Nov 25th 2018 9:21AM
WASHINGTON — Kristin Olsen, who until 2016 led the Republican caucus in California's state assembly, surveyed the wreckage of the recent midterms in her state and came to a bitter conclusion: "The Grand Old Party is dead," she wrote in an op-ed.

Olsen, 44, told NBC News that Republicans had already struggled to adapt to a changing state, but the "division, hostility, vindictiveness, and lies" coming from President Donald Trump's White House was a knockout punch.

"It was the straw that broke the camel's back for many, many, many Republican voters," she said.

In the Central Valley, where Olsen is a county official, a surge in Latino turnout overwhelmed four-term Congressman Jeff Denham. But the most jarring losses came in suburban Orange County, an iconic GOP enclave where Richard Nixon was born and buried and where anti-tax activists helped lead the Reagan Revolution. Democrats won all four GOP-held seats.

Figures like Olsen, who identified as Republican but opposed Trump in 2016, were often mocked as irrelevant after his victory. Polls showed Republican voters united behind his presidency, despite nagging opposition from retiring GOP politicians and a handful of conservative pundits.

But the midterm wave, where Democrats won close to 40 seats and romped in the suburbs, seems to have included a lot of voters who look like Olsen.

Huber is still operating under the radar.

Yep, I doubt the commies are going to pleased when his report comes out.

We'll see... Of course you are totally brainwashed...

No child, the brainwashed are like you, the ones who won't even consider the possibly you might be wrong. It's simply pathetic grown people would act the way you do.


Actually I do. You can search "mea culpa" and see how many times I admitted to be wrong.

Claiming I'm brainwashed and don't consider I might be wrong is not correct, however on the issue of Trump I know I'm correct: Trump is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and can't learn from his many many mistakes. He is the pathetic grown up who acts like a 2-year old.

Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.

I dunno. Democrats seemed pretty determined to lose.
Yep, I doubt the commies are going to pleased when his report comes out.

We'll see... Of course you are totally brainwashed...

No child, the brainwashed are like you, the ones who won't even consider the possibly you might be wrong. It's simply pathetic grown people would act the way you do.


Actually I do. You can search "mea culpa" and see how many times I admitted to be wrong.

Claiming I'm brainwashed and don't consider I might be wrong is not correct, however on the issue of Trump I know I'm correct: Trump is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and can't learn from his many many mistakes. He is the pathetic grown up who acts like a 2-year old.


Of course, Trump’s failure should come as a surprise to no one.

That Trump is unfit to be president was clear to most Americans even before the election.

We can only hope that the voters learned a hard lesson the consequence of Trump’s failure: that a political neophyte devoid of any understanding of the law, sound public policy, and responsible governance has no business being president, and that Trump in particular lacks the temperament to be president.

Thankfully the voters will correct their mistake made in 2016 by voting Trump out of office in 2020.

I dunno. Democrats seemed pretty determined to lose.

How so? I can see an overreach on the wedge issues will impact the single issue voters and jeopardize the Democratic agenda.

It seems to me if they follow up on the issues they won with this month, and ignore the lies that the single issue voters will hear from the far right propaganda mill (on guns, abortion and immigration) and seek to welcome the rational and moderate Republicans to the table, pragmatism will win over ideology, bigotry and extremism.

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