Camus on Trump

Comey was the boss, the special agents did the investigation.

When he fucked up we got stuck with Trump. There is no doubt his October Surprise cost her the victory.

There is no evidence to lock HRC up; one cannot say that about Tramp.

(smile) This gives your life purpose.
Truth is an important thing to fight for, you GOP dupes ought to try it sometime... Garbage propaganda is not the truth d u h...

You can't handle the truth little man.
The TRUTH is that both sides work for the same people. Your half negro works for the same Bankers Rump works for.
Democrats are capitalists not communist duh but it is the GOP who are in bed with the corruption and always have been. Let's say they believe corporations are good things naturally or something like that, but every time Republicans get in for 8 years there is a corrupt bubble and bust that the middle class pay for..
1929 1958 1989 2008 and don't be surprised when Trump causes it again. Already the stock market is overpricedthe rich are totally bloated everyone else is on hard Times and he is screwing around with tariffs and trade Wars... We haven't recovered from 2008 yet, and parts of the world are fragile.

The same Bankers kid.
The community organizer? You have no idea what you're talking about. He regulated the banking Industry as much as he could, now they have been cut and don't be surprised, super duper. The GOP MO every time. And we regular people will pay for it all when it busts again.
my facts are correct so says everyone in the world and law enforcement except you' bogus propaganda machine.

Yeah but you just can't wish away Comey's news conference. The real facts are all there along with the bias shown by Comey and the DOJ.

The news conference was a joke that he never should have done, totally against the rules and protocol and common Sense.Everyone was extremely careless with emails until they found out the Russians were hacking. And her server appears to be one of the most secure, no evidence it was ever hacked.and our media was pathetic and using those DNC PS emails as a major theme during the whole campaign. Powerless staffers in a basically powerless organization bullshiting about things they wanted to happen should have been a joke all along... There was no rigging worth the name.

Yeah, you just keep feeding yourself that, I ain't buying. LMAO

Of course not, you are brainwashed. The fact that only a tiny percentage of the media agrees with you doesn't matter, facts don't matter... And the media that does agree with you is 100% owned by about five greedy idiot billionaires and reported by High School grad bought off ex Coke head DJs. Pathetic, super duper.

Unlike pathetic little people like you, I don't look to the media for my opinions.

Just your facts, which by the way are alternate facts fake news garbage propaganda and total idiocy which conservatives call commonsense.
(smile) This gives your life purpose.
Truth is an important thing to fight for, you GOP dupes ought to try it sometime... Garbage propaganda is not the truth d u h...

You can't handle the truth little man.
The TRUTH is that both sides work for the same people. Your half negro works for the same Bankers Rump works for.
Democrats are capitalists not communist duh but it is the GOP who are in bed with the corruption and always have been. Let's say they believe corporations are good things naturally or something like that, but every time Republicans get in for 8 years there is a corrupt bubble and bust that the middle class pay for..
1929 1958 1989 2008 and don't be surprised when Trump causes it again. Already the stock market is overpricedthe rich are totally bloated everyone else is on hard Times and he is screwing around with tariffs and trade Wars... We haven't recovered from 2008 yet, and parts of the world are fragile.

The same Bankers kid.
The community organizer? You have no idea what you're talking about. He regulated the banking Industry as much as he could, now they have been cut and don't be surprised, super duper. The GOP MO every time. And we regular people will pay for it all when it busts again.

LOL. you're more stupid than I ever realized.
Truth is an important thing to fight for, you GOP dupes ought to try it sometime... Garbage propaganda is not the truth d u h...

You can't handle the truth little man.
The TRUTH is that both sides work for the same people. Your half negro works for the same Bankers Rump works for.
b*******. Democrats try and regulate those jokers, the Republican regulators are cronies and Pals with them duh. The GOP is the giveaway to the rich ridiculous propaganda party, super duper. Now all run by three or four greedy idiot billionaires. Luckily they are dying off...

Yeah, Frand and Dodd regulated the economy into collapse, and you defended them. You're getting more pathetic by the day.

Thanks thanks for the brainwashed GOP version, super duper. Actually Fannie and Freddie share of the market went from 75 to 25% in 2003-4 and private institutions run by Pals of bush started giving toxic mortgages to anyone who was breathing. Your version of events is pathetic and totally imaginary. Just look at the amount of the bailouts to each institution. Fannie and Freddie got in late and their problems were caused by the collapse of the private institutions.

Tell us kid.....who took the bailout money and who got to keep the foreclosed houses....
All the institutions involved. But it was the private institutions that caused it along with the GOP Regulators who are now working for them, super duper.
You can't handle the truth little man.
The TRUTH is that both sides work for the same people. Your half negro works for the same Bankers Rump works for.
b*******. Democrats try and regulate those jokers, the Republican regulators are cronies and Pals with them duh. The GOP is the giveaway to the rich ridiculous propaganda party, super duper. Now all run by three or four greedy idiot billionaires. Luckily they are dying off...

Yeah, Frand and Dodd regulated the economy into collapse, and you defended them. You're getting more pathetic by the day.

Thanks thanks for the brainwashed GOP version, super duper. Actually Fannie and Freddie share of the market went from 75 to 25% in 2003-4 and private institutions run by Pals of bush started giving toxic mortgages to anyone who was breathing. Your version of events is pathetic and totally imaginary. Just look at the amount of the bailouts to each institution. Fannie and Freddie got in late and their problems were caused by the collapse of the private institutions.

Tell us kid.....who took the bailout money and who got to keep the foreclosed houses....
All the institutions involved. But it was the private institutions that caused it along with the GOP Regulators who are now working for them, super duper.

Sorry kid. Your negro quadrupled the bailouts....they ALL work for the same bakers or they don't get there. Hence Syria and Libya
"The more we ask government to do for us, the less we ask of ourselves, our families, our churches, our charities, and our communities."
Yeah, too bad he didn't investigate the bitch and her crew. Comey didn't have the balls to do it.


Comey was the boss, the special agents did the investigation.

When he fucked up we got stuck with Trump. There is no doubt his October Surprise cost her the victory.

There is no evidence to lock HRC up; one cannot say that about Tramp.

(smile) This gives your life purpose.
Truth is an important thing to fight for, you GOP dupes ought to try it sometime... Garbage propaganda is not the truth d u h...

You can't handle the truth little man.
The TRUTH is that both sides work for the same people. Your half negro works for the same Bankers Rump works for.
Democrats are capitalists not communist duh but it is the GOP who are in bed with the corruption and always have been. Let's say they believe corporations are good things naturally or something like that, but every time Republicans get in for 8 years there is a corrupt bubble and bust that the middle class pay for..
1929 1958 1989 2008 and don't be surprised when Trump causes it again. Already the stock market is overpricedthe rich are totally bloated everyone else is on hard Times and he is screwing around with tariffs and trade Wars... We haven't recovered from 2008 yet, and parts of the world are fragile.

Damn, your too funny, I'm neither bloated rich or on hard times. Being jealous of others money is really childish.

Comey was the boss, the special agents did the investigation.

When he fucked up we got stuck with Trump. There is no doubt his October Surprise cost her the victory.

There is no evidence to lock HRC up; one cannot say that about Tramp.

(smile) This gives your life purpose.
Truth is an important thing to fight for, you GOP dupes ought to try it sometime... Garbage propaganda is not the truth d u h...

You can't handle the truth little man.
The TRUTH is that both sides work for the same people. Your half negro works for the same Bankers Rump works for.
Democrats are capitalists not communist duh but it is the GOP who are in bed with the corruption and always have been. Let's say they believe corporations are good things naturally or something like that, but every time Republicans get in for 8 years there is a corrupt bubble and bust that the middle class pay for..
1929 1958 1989 2008 and don't be surprised when Trump causes it again. Already the stock market is overpricedthe rich are totally bloated everyone else is on hard Times and he is screwing around with tariffs and trade Wars... We haven't recovered from 2008 yet, and parts of the world are fragile.

Damn, your too funny, I'm neither bloated rich or on hard times. Being jealous of others money is really childish.

I'm not jealous and I'm not talking about you I'm talking about statistics. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and tax hike for us, silly duper.
"The more we ask government to do for us, the less we ask of ourselves, our families, our churches, our charities, and our communities."
Charities suck and dry up in bad times. They're great for guilty conservatives.

At any rate our welfare system seems about right. The problem is the GOP give away to the rich and cuts in services to the middle and working classes. 35 years of that. Only their propaganda machine makes it possible along with Chumps like you.
Yeah but you just can't wish away Comey's news conference. The real facts are all there along with the bias shown by Comey and the DOJ.

The news conference was a joke that he never should have done, totally against the rules and protocol and common Sense.Everyone was extremely careless with emails until they found out the Russians were hacking. And her server appears to be one of the most secure, no evidence it was ever hacked.and our media was pathetic and using those DNC PS emails as a major theme during the whole campaign. Powerless staffers in a basically powerless organization bullshiting about things they wanted to happen should have been a joke all along... There was no rigging worth the name.

Yeah, you just keep feeding yourself that, I ain't buying. LMAO

Of course not, you are brainwashed. The fact that only a tiny percentage of the media agrees with you doesn't matter, facts don't matter... And the media that does agree with you is 100% owned by about five greedy idiot billionaires and reported by High School grad bought off ex Coke head DJs. Pathetic, super duper.

Unlike pathetic little people like you, I don't look to the media for my opinions.

Just your facts, which by the way are alternate facts fake news garbage propaganda and total idiocy which conservatives call commonsense.

There ya go projecting again. Run along child, your BS is wearing thin.

(smile) This gives your life purpose.
Truth is an important thing to fight for, you GOP dupes ought to try it sometime... Garbage propaganda is not the truth d u h...

You can't handle the truth little man.
The TRUTH is that both sides work for the same people. Your half negro works for the same Bankers Rump works for.
Democrats are capitalists not communist duh but it is the GOP who are in bed with the corruption and always have been. Let's say they believe corporations are good things naturally or something like that, but every time Republicans get in for 8 years there is a corrupt bubble and bust that the middle class pay for..
1929 1958 1989 2008 and don't be surprised when Trump causes it again. Already the stock market is overpricedthe rich are totally bloated everyone else is on hard Times and he is screwing around with tariffs and trade Wars... We haven't recovered from 2008 yet, and parts of the world are fragile.

Damn, your too funny, I'm neither bloated rich or on hard times. Being jealous of others money is really childish.

I'm not jealous and I'm not talking about you I'm talking about statistics. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and tax hike for us, silly duper.

Yeah, the man is holding everyone down, no one has any opportunity to advance themselves and provide a better life for their family.

US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017

Just don't try to tell these people that. LMAO

"On the whole men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. … the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."

Albert Camus - Wikiquote

A clear, concise and accurate evaluation of Donald J. Trump!

Your ignorant opinion is not a political topic, and the frenchman you quote died in 1960 and most likely never knew of Trumps existence.

BTW it was your dear leader maobama that actually droned US Citizens.


It very much is a political topic, and your ignorance is palpable. Camus was French, but born and raised in Algeria and died when his Chauffeur crashed the car in which Camus was a passenger.

By the way, President Obama did not drone on and on, and Trump's use of our language is sophomoric, and I mean by that no better than the average or below average 9th grader.

You're being kind about Trump's vocabulary level:

Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ...
Mar 18, 2016 - Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ... Vocabulary and Grammatical Comparison (Carnegie Mellon University).

'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis ...
Jan 11, 2018 - 'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis finds ... said it based its analysis on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level metric, ...
He does that for his listeners, I'm pretty sure, because whenever he uses a big grownup word, he always stops to define it.
President Trump may be ivy league educated but being an accomplished multi-billionaire businessman does not mean shit when it comes to foreign affairs or foreign policy.

Ahahahaha I love it when the left tie themselves into knots. Okay, so now education and experience don't matter? Lets ask a former Dem president what he thinks about Obama shall we, Bill Clinton tell us what you think of Obama.

Bill Clinton: A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would have been getting us coffee.
Bill Clinton: The only reason you are endorsing him (Obama) is because he's black. Let's just be clear.
Bill Clinton: Obama is incompetent.
Bill Clinton: Obama is an amateur who has no clue about how the world operates.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how to be president.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how the world works.
Quit chattering rubbish. For once, address the topic. Which is Trump's lack of knowledge of the job he now holds and his supreme overconfidence in his abilities and his opinions.

Trump backs up his boasts, THAT'S what drives you Dems mad. :auiqs.jpg:

He does not back up his boasts. He promised dozens of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, remember?
He does not back up his boasts. He promised dozens of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, remember?

And Mexico paid for the wall and then some during Trump's trade negotiations with them, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Can't really prove that. Trade negotiations can have long term unforseen consequences where this country may lose out in the long run. Remember, we have a bankruptcy king at the helm of this ship of state now.
He does not back up his boasts. He promised dozens of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, remember?

And Mexico paid for the wall and then some during Trump's trade negotiations with them, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Can't really prove that. Trade negotiations can have long term unforseen consequences where this country may lose out in the long run. Remember, we have a bankruptcy king at the helm of this ship of state now.

Oh noes I blew up your anti Trump talking point :boo_hoo14:
He does not back up his boasts. He promised dozens of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, remember?

And Mexico paid for the wall and then some during Trump's trade negotiations with them, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Can't really prove that. Trade negotiations can have long term unforseen consequences where this country may lose out in the long run. Remember, we have a bankruptcy king at the helm of this ship of state now.

Oh noes I blew up your anti Trump talking point :boo_hoo14:

Blow this up nitwit

Truth is an important thing to fight for, you GOP dupes ought to try it sometime... Garbage propaganda is not the truth d u h...

You can't handle the truth little man.
The TRUTH is that both sides work for the same people. Your half negro works for the same Bankers Rump works for.
Democrats are capitalists not communist duh but it is the GOP who are in bed with the corruption and always have been. Let's say they believe corporations are good things naturally or something like that, but every time Republicans get in for 8 years there is a corrupt bubble and bust that the middle class pay for..
1929 1958 1989 2008 and don't be surprised when Trump causes it again. Already the stock market is overpricedthe rich are totally bloated everyone else is on hard Times and he is screwing around with tariffs and trade Wars... We haven't recovered from 2008 yet, and parts of the world are fragile.

Damn, your too funny, I'm neither bloated rich or on hard times. Being jealous of others money is really childish.

I'm not jealous and I'm not talking about you I'm talking about statistics. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and tax hike for us, silly duper.

Yeah, the man is holding everyone down, no one has any opportunity to advance themselves and provide a better life for their family.

US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017

Just don't try to tell these people that. LMAO

Yeah a Giant tax cut for the rich fantastic, super duper. LOL worst inequality and upward mobility in our history! And it will just get worse. It is a giveaway to the rich and no they are not starting new companies or anything else... Sabres in first place! And 10 wins in a row. Last year they didn't win this many until February LOL oops sorry...
He does not back up his boasts. He promised dozens of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, remember?

And Mexico paid for the wall and then some during Trump's trade negotiations with them, tissue? :auiqs.jpg:

Can't really prove that. Trade negotiations can have long term unforseen consequences where this country may lose out in the long run. Remember, we have a bankruptcy king at the helm of this ship of state now.

Oh noes I blew up your anti Trump talking point :boo_hoo14:
The wall is a joke that won't work, but all he has to do to get the undying devotion and adoration of the dupes is to repeat their garbage propaganda...
Your ignorant opinion is not a political topic, and the frenchman you quote died in 1960 and most likely never knew of Trumps existence.

BTW it was your dear leader maobama that actually droned US Citizens.


It very much is a political topic, and your ignorance is palpable. Camus was French, but born and raised in Algeria and died when his Chauffeur crashed the car in which Camus was a passenger.

By the way, President Obama did not drone on and on, and Trump's use of our language is sophomoric, and I mean by that no better than the average or below average 9th grader.

You're being kind about Trump's vocabulary level:

Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ...
Mar 18, 2016 - Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ... Vocabulary and Grammatical Comparison (Carnegie Mellon University).

'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis ...
Jan 11, 2018 - 'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis finds ... said it based its analysis on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level metric, ...
He does that for his listeners, I'm pretty sure, because whenever he uses a big grownup word, he always stops to define it.
President Trump may be ivy league educated but being an accomplished multi-billionaire businessman does not mean shit when it comes to foreign affairs or foreign policy.

Ahahahaha I love it when the left tie themselves into knots. Okay, so now education and experience don't matter? Lets ask a former Dem president what he thinks about Obama shall we, Bill Clinton tell us what you think of Obama.

Bill Clinton: A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would have been getting us coffee.
Bill Clinton: The only reason you are endorsing him (Obama) is because he's black. Let's just be clear.
Bill Clinton: Obama is incompetent.
Bill Clinton: Obama is an amateur who has no clue about how the world operates.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how to be president.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how the world works.
Quit chattering rubbish. For once, address the topic. Which is Trump's lack of knowledge of the job he now holds and his supreme overconfidence in his abilities and his opinions.

Trump backs up his boasts, THAT'S what drives you Dems mad. :auiqs.jpg:

He does not back up his boasts. He promised dozens of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, remember?

Mexico is paying right now, what does it cost to feed 13-15,000 people a day and provide medical care for them. The major of Tijuana is ready to make them go home.


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