Camus on Trump

Also a clear, concise and accurate evaluation of the previous squatter at 1600 Pennsylvania.

But somehow it was (D)ifferent when that ignoramus who fancied himself a know-it-all ran the show.

Are you a racist? Methinks you are. Are you a historian? Methinks you are a member of the echo chamber committee on the Ministry of Truth.

Cogito, ergo sum,

Q. What do you believe you are?

A. A Curmudgeon, Cogito.

Of course, if one claims (correctly) that your OP describes Obambi one is racist.
Also a clear, concise and accurate evaluation of the previous squatter at 1600 Pennsylvania.

But somehow it was (D)ifferent when that ignoramus who fancied himself a know-it-all ran the show.

I've never in my life seen a world leader as humbled facing the vast expanse of things out there to learn as President Obama. That's why he surrounded himself with a set of eminently qualified advisors to fill him in, for him to make decisions not on that which he knew beforehand, but based on the best information there was to gather.

Conversely, the current know-nothing know-it-all surrounded himself with crackpots and grifters, almost none qualified for the job they hold, yes men all.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried, but the know-it-all buffoonery is still cute, oddball.
"On the whole men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. … the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."

Albert Camus - Wikiquote

A clear, concise and accurate evaluation of Donald J. Trump!

Holy shit but that describes Obama. Go ahead list his resume before becoming POTUS its damn near a blank page.

College, law school, community work and teaching, serving in the Illinois senate, the US Senate and then President.

What have you done in your life of note? And BTW, you are so ignorant about President Obama & so far wrong it can only be because you lack curiosity and echo the bullshit spewed by AM Radio and Fox News.

LOL you skipped over 20 plus years after he graduated, I think we all know why. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What 20 years, idiot?

Obama was born in 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii, two years after the territory was admitted to the Union as the 50th state. After graduating from Columbia University in 1983, he worked as a community organizer in Chicago. In 1988, he enrolled in Harvard Law School, where he was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. After graduating, he became a civil rights attorney and a professor, teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. He represented the 13th district for three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004, when he ran for the U.S. Senate. He received national attention in 2004 with his March primary win, his well-received July Democratic National Convention keynote address, and his landslide November election to the Senate. In 2008, he was nominated for president a year after his campaign began and after a close primary campaign against Hillary Clinton.

Boy you libs are awfully touchy when I point out how pathetic Obama's resume is. Bill Clinton and I agree on one thing, Obama is an incompetent amateur.
Your ignorant opinion is not a political topic, and the frenchman you quote died in 1960 and most likely never knew of Trumps existence.

BTW it was your dear leader maobama that actually droned US Citizens.


It very much is a political topic, and your ignorance is palpable. Camus was French, but born and raised in Algeria and died when his Chauffeur crashed the car in which Camus was a passenger.

By the way, President Obama did not drone on and on, and Trump's use of our language is sophomoric, and I mean by that no better than the average or below average 9th grader.

You're being kind about Trump's vocabulary level:

Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ...
Mar 18, 2016 - Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ... Vocabulary and Grammatical Comparison (Carnegie Mellon University).

'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis ...
Jan 11, 2018 - 'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis finds ... said it based its analysis on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level metric, ...
He does that for his listeners, I'm pretty sure, because whenever he uses a big grownup word, he always stops to define it.
President Trump may be ivy league educated but being an accomplished multi-billionaire businessman does not mean shit when it comes to foreign affairs or foreign policy.

Ahahahaha I love it when the left tie themselves into knots. Okay, so now education and experience don't matter? Lets ask a former Dem president what he thinks about Obama shall we, Bill Clinton tell us what you think of Obama.

Bill Clinton: A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would have been getting us coffee.
Bill Clinton: The only reason you are endorsing him (Obama) is because he's black. Let's just be clear.
Bill Clinton: Obama is incompetent.
Bill Clinton: Obama is an amateur who has no clue about how the world operates.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how to be president.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how the world works.
Quit chattering rubbish. For once, address the topic. Which is Trump's lack of knowledge of the job he now holds and his supreme overconfidence in his abilities and his opinions.

Trump backs up his boasts, THAT'S what drives you Dems mad. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, he backs up his boasts with totally fabricated "facts" that don't hold water. It's pathetic. You never can believe anything he says until you fact check it.

He backs up his boasts, indeeed.

Do you own your own jet, helicopter, and golf resort? :itsok: and :auiqs.jpg:
sure--Trump is a bad guy
sure --a rich white man/men is evil
whites are evil/etc etc
just like the RACIST/white hater/America hater/etc Rev Wright said
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Rich white men
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright

wikiquote...????!!! etc?
what's your point?
specifics please

So you're trying to switch the topic from Trump to Obama's Chicago pastor of ten years ago?
Just how fucking desperate are you for attention?
no--the topic is ambiguous
there's all kinds of crap in the link
sure--Trump is a bad guy
sure --a rich white man/men is evil
whites are evil/etc etc
just like the RACIST/white hater/America hater/etc Rev Wright said
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Rich white men
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright

wikiquote...????!!! etc?
what's your point?
specifics please

When did Rev. Wright win a noble prize?
what is your point on the OP?
specifics please
Also a clear, concise and accurate evaluation of the previous squatter at 1600 Pennsylvania.

But somehow it was (D)ifferent when that ignoramus who fancied himself a know-it-all ran the show.

I've never in my life seen a world leader as humbled facing the vast expanse of things out there to learn as President Obama. That's why he surrounded himself with a set of eminently qualified advisors to fill him in, for him to make decisions not on that which he knew beforehand, but based on the best information there was to gather.

Conversely, the current know-nothing know-it-all surrounded himself with crackpots and grifters, almost none qualified for the job they hold, yes men all.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried, but the know-it-all buffoonery is still cute, oddball.

Jarret was EMINENTLY qualified to advise a President eh?
"On the whole men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. … the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."

Albert Camus - Wikiquote

A clear, concise and accurate evaluation of Donald J. Trump!
Can't you fuckers take a day off from trashing Trump??

Don't you have families?

Because I have families I have a duty to try and inform people who have been and remain supporters of Trump.
And make shit up along the way.
Seems you like high unemployment, massive government spending, and millions of people from other countries taking all of the money out of the Social Security fund.

a. No, I don't like high unemployment, which began in '07 and became wholesale in the first two months of 2009.


b. No, I don't like massive government spending on wars of choice and expensive redecoration of offices by members of the Cabinet, or using government planes to travel for personal travel, or building a private phone booth, etc. I do support taxes updating and rebuilding our infrastructure, modernizing our rail systems (light and heavy, intra and inter metropolises), and cutting the costs of higher education, both college and poly-technological, protecting our air, water and soil, etc.

c. Social security is an earned entitlement. Those (like me) who have solid retirement income and don't need that monthly check, out to receive only that amount put into the system plus the legal rate of interest at the retirement age they choose, and there should be no cap on the contribution of payroll taxes no matter what the size of the income they are receiving.
"On the whole men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. … the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."

Albert Camus - Wikiquote

A clear, concise and accurate evaluation of Donald J. Trump!

Your ignorant opinion is not a political topic, and the frenchman you quote died in 1960 and most likely never knew of Trumps existence.

BTW it was your dear leader maobama that actually droned US Citizens.


It very much is a political topic, and your ignorance is palpable. Camus was French, but born and raised in Algeria and died when his Chauffeur crashed the car in which Camus was a passenger.

By the way, President Obama did not drone on and on, and Trump's use of our language is sophomoric, and I mean by that no better than the average or below average 9th grader.

So you're still going to pretend this dead dude knew Trump? And as far as I know your dear leader killed more people with drones than any other president, including American citizens.


Camus' philosophy holds true through generations past, present and future.
Megalomaniacal demagogues like Trump are not unique to this time and place.

So you're confirming the OP lied in his title. Camus never said a damn thing on Trump. It just an ignorant regressive trying to project shit on the president that was never said about him. It's a shame all you regressives have is your lies and fairy tales.

Also a clear, concise and accurate evaluation of the previous squatter at 1600 Pennsylvania.

But somehow it was (D)ifferent when that ignoramus who fancied himself a know-it-all ran the show.
He actually did know it all, too bad you brainwashed racist assholes had to obstruct him mindlessly 4 8 years. I know it's politically incorrect, but I think you only have one chance to have the magic negro...
"On the whole men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. … the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."

Albert Camus - Wikiquote

A clear, concise and accurate evaluation of Donald J. Trump!

Your ignorant opinion is not a political topic, and the frenchman you quote died in 1960 and most likely never knew of Trumps existence.

BTW it was your dear leader maobama that actually droned US Citizens.


It very much is a political topic, and your ignorance is palpable. Camus was French, but born and raised in Algeria and died when his Chauffeur crashed the car in which Camus was a passenger.

By the way, President Obama did not drone on and on, and Trump's use of our language is sophomoric, and I mean by that no better than the average or below average 9th grader.

So you're still going to pretend this dead dude knew Trump? And as far as I know your dear leader killed more people with drones than any other president, including American citizens.


Camus' philosophy holds true through generations past, present and future.
Megalomaniacal demagogues like Trump are not unique to this time and place.

So you're confirming the OP lied in his title. Camus never said a damn thing on Trump. It just an ignorant regressive trying to project shit on the president that was never said about him. It's a shame all you regressives have is your lies and fairy tales.

Hilariously ironic, since everything you GOP dupes believe is garbage misinformation and hateful phony scandals, none of which have ever gotten anywhere in the real world of courtrooms and respected media....
I've never in my life seen a world leader as humbled facing the vast expanse of things out there to learn as President Obama. That's why he surrounded himself with a set of eminently qualified advisors to fill him in, for him to make decisions not on that which he knew beforehand, but based on the best information there was to gather.

Conversely, the current know-nothing know-it-all surrounded himself with crackpots and grifters, almost none qualified for the job they hold, yes men all.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried, but the know-it-all buffoonery is still cute, oddball.
Being a crackpot and/or grifter was a prerequisite to being in King Putt's cabal of Marxist kleptocrats.....Speaking of not being able to be more wrong if you tried, along with being a know-it-all buffoon.
"On the whole men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. … the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."

Albert Camus - Wikiquote

A clear, concise and accurate evaluation of Donald J. Trump!

Your ignorant opinion is not a political topic, and the frenchman you quote died in 1960 and most likely never knew of Trumps existence.

BTW it was your dear leader maobama that actually droned US Citizens.


It very much is a political topic, and your ignorance is palpable. Camus was French, but born and raised in Algeria and died when his Chauffeur crashed the car in which Camus was a passenger.

By the way, President Obama did not drone on and on, and Trump's use of our language is sophomoric, and I mean by that no better than the average or below average 9th grader.
Facel Vega to be concise. LOL.

Tell you the truth I would love a businessman as president despite sort of babbling, the problem is he appears to believe all the garbage GOP propaganda and to be ridiculously selfish...
"On the whole men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. … the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."

Albert Camus - Wikiquote

A clear, concise and accurate evaluation of Donald J. Trump!

Your ignorant opinion is not a political topic, and the frenchman you quote died in 1960 and most likely never knew of Trumps existence.

BTW it was your dear leader maobama that actually droned US Citizens.


It very much is a political topic, and your ignorance is palpable. Camus was French, but born and raised in Algeria and died when his Chauffeur crashed the car in which Camus was a passenger.

By the way, President Obama did not drone on and on, and Trump's use of our language is sophomoric, and I mean by that no better than the average or below average 9th grader.

So you're still going to pretend this dead dude knew Trump? And as far as I know your dear leader killed more people with drones than any other president, including American citizens.


Your first sentence is foolish, and a damn lie.

As far as you know? LOL, that isn't very far, and to make this allegation those with integrity would do the research.

However, I too can guess, and what I think is that Obama saved more troops from an early death or life- long disabilities by using drones, than lives of American's if he had left boots on the ground.

Wrong, the first sentence is totally accurate. Your title reads "Camus On Trump". Camus never knew Trump and never made a comment about him as your lying title indicates. You can try to project your dishonest opinions all you want, it doesn't alter the fact that you're a lying POS.

I've never in my life seen a world leader as humbled facing the vast expanse of things out there to learn as President Obama. That's why he surrounded himself with a set of eminently qualified advisors to fill him in, for him to make decisions not on that which he knew beforehand, but based on the best information there was to gather.

Conversely, the current know-nothing know-it-all surrounded himself with crackpots and grifters, almost none qualified for the job they hold, yes men all.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried, but the know-it-all buffoonery is still cute, oddball.
Being a crackpot and/or grifter was a prerequisite to being in King Putt's cabal of Marxist kleptocrats.....Speaking of not being able to be more wrong if you tried, along with being a know-it-all buffoon.
Like Lysander Spooner and all you idiots on the far far right... Socialism has had three definitions over the last hundred and fifty years... First Marxist theory, which appears to be where you are stuck. Second, the USSR and communism, and since World War II and starting in the 30s when it became obvious under Stalin that that was a terrible dictatorship, socialism now means always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, except in GOP dupe world. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed... Wake up and smell the coffee, super duper.
Your ignorant opinion is not a political topic, and the frenchman you quote died in 1960 and most likely never knew of Trumps existence.

BTW it was your dear leader maobama that actually droned US Citizens.


It very much is a political topic, and your ignorance is palpable. Camus was French, but born and raised in Algeria and died when his Chauffeur crashed the car in which Camus was a passenger.

By the way, President Obama did not drone on and on, and Trump's use of our language is sophomoric, and I mean by that no better than the average or below average 9th grader.

So you're still going to pretend this dead dude knew Trump? And as far as I know your dear leader killed more people with drones than any other president, including American citizens.


Camus' philosophy holds true through generations past, present and future.
Megalomaniacal demagogues like Trump are not unique to this time and place.

So you're confirming the OP lied in his title. Camus never said a damn thing on Trump. It just an ignorant regressive trying to project shit on the president that was never said about him. It's a shame all you regressives have is your lies and fairy tales.

Hilariously ironic, since everything you GOP dupes believe is garbage misinformation and hateful phony scandals, none of which have ever gotten anywhere in the real world of courtrooms and respected media....

Yep, fake investigations tend to go no where. It was agreed that there would be no 1001 charges in the bitches investigation, they never intended to prosecute form the get.

"On the whole men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. … the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."

Albert Camus - Wikiquote

A clear, concise and accurate evaluation of Donald J. Trump!
Can't you fuckers take a day off from trashing Trump??

Don't you have families?

Because I have families I have a duty to try and inform people who have been and remain supporters of Trump.

The German, French and Polish Jews made the mistake of thinking Hitler was a passing phase.
They didn't have access to information like we do today.
Otherwise if they had, they wouldn't have taken a day off from trashing Adolf.
Yep....first thing Hitler did was send out Antifa-like Brown Shirters to harass and murder people.
Then he took over the media.
Then he became Chancellor.

The Democrats have done all of the above except take over the WH.
Once they do that you'll find out what fascism is first hand.

Odd, I've read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and I'm currently reading an historical novel In the Garden of the Beasts by Erick Larson (who also wrote and I read "Dead Wake" on the sinking of the Lusitania). Nothing in any book compared the Brown Shirts to the left (which you and others seem to have taken the bait and continue to post BIG LIES).

See: SA | Definition, History, & Facts
Maybe you should use your own mind and just take in what is out there.
The fact is most writers tend to lean to the why would they want to trash leftists?
Last edited:
"On the whole men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. … the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill."

Albert Camus - Wikiquote

A clear, concise and accurate evaluation of Donald J. Trump!
Can't you fuckers take a day off from trashing Trump??

Don't you have families?

Because I have families I have a duty to try and inform people who have been and remain supporters of Trump.

Mudwhistle wants us to turn into a flock of sheep, like his fellow conservabots.

That's rich.....especially since you fuckers can't seem to use your own brains.


LOL, odd you would make this comment, and post an alleged quote from HRC by Dick Morris, a known reprobate.
So Hillary doesn't like people....neither does Obama.
Hillary thinks Democrats are stupid and Republicans are Deplorable.
I say fuck her.
Anyone who hates people has no place serving them.

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