Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?

I'm asking for your expectations
I have NO expectations of man. As you say, man is flawed. Organized religion is therefore flawed. For this reason, I do not practice any organized religion. All of them have tenants that I believe are not consistent with my beliefs. Chief among them are the fact that more people have been and continue to be murdered as a direct result of organized religion than for any other single cause known to man in spite of the fact that most, if not all, organized religions hold that murder is contrary to their prime tenant.
one incident at the Vatican and then judged the whole lot. Maybe a little judgmental. Yes?
Absolutely. I had just walked through one of the most opulent structures in existence, owned by one of the richest religions and one of the representatives of this religion had nothing to offer "the least among us" than GET OUT. The donations of that religion's followers have certainly been used to advance the lots of the leaders of that religion which is contrary and hypocritical to the teachings of Jesus. This is from the top of that religion. Who would be better to be judged.
Does us being flawed, and being unable to transcend our contradictions, hypocrisy and politics negate God's existence
You apparently didn't read my post. I said, "This is not to say that I do not believe in a Supreme being whatever you choose to call him/her." That doesn't suggest negating the existence of God.
Does it mean "organized religion" is worthless?
IMHO, yes.
Does that make marriage unworthy?
No, I believe in the institution of marriage--a bond between a man and woman and their God--no one else. People sign contracts daily and break them. Does that make contracts unworthy? Of course not. The problem lies in the trust worthiness of the participants--not the institution. The bond is not necessarily a religion-based bond. Two people can commit to each other with the blessing of whatever entity they hold in highest regard. Churches and religion leaders really have nothing to do with it.
I have NO expectations of man. As you say, man is flawed. Organized religion is therefore flawed. For this reason, I do not practice any organized religion. All of them have tenants that I believe are not consistent with my beliefs. Chief among them are the fact that more people have been and continue to be murdered as a direct result of organized religion than for any other single cause known to man in spite of the fact that most, if not all, organized religions hold that murder is contrary to their prime tenant.

Well if you consider racism and eugenics "religion", then yeah maybe.
IMHO, yes.

No, I believe in the institution of marriage--a bond between a man and woman and their God--no one else. People sign contracts daily and break them. Does that make contracts unworthy? Of course not. The problem lies in the trust worthiness of the participants--not the institution. The bond is not necessarily a religion-based bond. Two people can commit to each other with the blessing of whatever entity they hold in highest regard. Churches and religion leaders really have nothing to do with it.

This is logically inconsistent. The contract is held in high value *even though* up to half (at one time) of people stomped all over it. But those who adhere to "organized religion" and also stomp on its tenets cause you to hold organized religion in low value.

I hope you see how irrational this is. You have a right to think what you want, but it's logically inconsistent.
I hope you see how irrational this is. You have a right to think what you want, but it's logically inconsistent.
Not at all. I have said consistently that I have no expectations of man nor organized religion. I also said that marriage is a contract between two people and their God--no one else. I couldn't care less about what other people do re: a religion that I don't hold in any regard nor a contract that they make with people other than me. I have my beliefs--I don't expect you to believe them nor do I feel any obligation to justify them to you--that would be the job of organized religion. I think you are looking for validation and I am not the one to turn to--that can only come from within.
Not at all. I have said consistently that I have no expectations of man nor organized religion. I also said that marriage is a contract between two people and their God--no one else. I couldn't care less about what other people do re: a religion that I don't hold in any regard nor a contract that they make with people other than me. I have my beliefs--I don't expect you to believe them nor do I feel any obligation to justify them to you--that would be the job of organized religion. I think you are looking for validation and I am not the one to turn to--that can only come from within.

I don't need validation from you. I just find it peculiar that your full-throated assertion is "organized religion is bad because people don't behave correctly" but "marriage is good IN SPITE of the fact that people don't behave correctly".

Here's my statement. NO ONE behaves correctly. No one, not one. That's why Jesus had to come.
full-throated assertion is "organized religion is bad because people don't behave correctly"
I haven't asserted anything of the sort. I don't believe in it. I haven't condemned or excommunicated ANYONE. I simply said I have my beliefs. I have not tried to justify them to you beyond what you questioned. Whatever floats your boat, I don't have to live with it. If you think my stating that I don't believe in organized religion is saying it is "bad" then the problem seems to be with you. I believe I said that I have NO expectations of man nor organized religion. I also stated that a marriage is between a man, a woman and whatever Supreme Being they choose. Marriage could just as easily be only between a man and a woman--but it is a contract and it should be treated as such. I don't default on financial contracts nor have I defaulted on my marriage of 49 years.
You are lost. Russia is clearly more aggressive under both Obama and now Biden. Seriously, do some homework.

I have. Putin got away with whatever he wanted under his cockholster, Trump. Now he can't. He'll scoop up those two provinces, but he'll pay an economic cost for them that will probably bring him down, eventually.

I don't know Christian's that do that either. If they do, they aren't real Christians. I would be willing to be however that the vast majority of murderers and thieves in prison are not Christians or were not prior to being convicted. You see, they have no moral compass. In their holier than thou mind, they know it all and there is no need to answer to anyone, except government of course. They believe that when they die, that's it, so the reality is, they will do whatever suits their fancy at the time. They live for the day. They will do whatever is best for them. They will support certain policies that give them a warm fuzzy feeling as long as it doesn't negatively affect them. They are not alone. This is the face of the Democratic Party. Amoral and immoral folks. Sorry, but the truth hurts.

A couple of points- Yes, we don't burn witches or execute our teenagers or stone our daughters for being sluts. But the bible says we should. But you ignore this. You still want to follow the rules that say that you should hate on gay and trans people for no good reason, though.

Second, most people in prison made bad decisions because they were brought up poor in a racist society that gave them no opportunities. This doesn't excuse their behavior, but it does explain it. It isn't because someone screamed "Jesus" at them enough, it's because when you are starving or desperate, you do stupid things.

No, it can't. You are letting your Commie side show again.

Yes, it can.... This country was built on slavery and genocide, but you don't want to bring that up, but you will whine incessantly about some famine in China 40 years ago.

We have a labor shortage in large part due to able bodied people not working. They were spoiled by extra unemployment and stimulus. They want more and they expect to be paid more for menial jobs meant for high school kids. Not allowing illegals into the country has nothing to do with race you imbecile.
It has everything to do with race.

We have a labor shortage becuase a lot of people aren't willing to risk their lives and health on a minimum wage job to make some asshole richer. So in that way, Covid has been a godsend. (That and it got rid of Trump).

JoeB is a typical spoiled lefty who has no idea what he is talking about. He has been fed information from left-wing nut sites that have convinced him that the US sucks and even China is better. In short, he is no stronger willed that a school-aged kid who falls for the same indoctrination.

Yawn, as I said, used to be more right wing than you, before my Romney-loving boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas. Most people who vote Republican don't make enough money to do so, and that would include you, Cleetus, in your double wide.
Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modern times with ‘communism’ or ‘socialism’” (2425). This does not mean, however, that Catholics can embrace a kinder, “Christian” socialism in its place. Pope Pius XI famously declared, “Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist” (Quadragesimo Anno, 120).

OP comment: Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion). Those are plain facts. No Christian, be they Catholic or otherwise, can be a democrat.
Judging from history, Catholics can even be National Socialists.


But whether they can be "good" Catholics or Catholics God will accept is another thing altogether.
The Catholic Organization - a socialist system that embeds itself into governments around the world and it does do a lot of good things to help millions of people, however being a social services organization is not the same as giving your own money to help anyone - and then returning back to Your job and suffering a loss by the donations and giving's that You have given freely. The Vatican gets their money back - and keeps growing as they continue to grow in wealth and riches and have been running the same system for hundreds of years.


The Article 13 of the Reichskonkordat between Nazi Germany ( Hitler ) and the Vatican, Hitler guaranteed in His contract with the Vatican - that the right of the Catholic Church to levy taxes would be guaranteed in Germany - And Hitler also guaranteed that the Catholic Church would not be held responsible for debts to German businesses. ( Concerning
Vatican Properties and accounts. )

They wanted to be treated like
German Government Officials on the payroll of the taxpayers. No debts, No Fees, and no reimbursements for failed and collapsed businesses would be allowed to seize Catholic / Vatican Socialist Government Properties to be reimbursed.

An eternal Socialist state and condition Catholic debt - that can only be collected and - only - be
Re - Paid by the taxpayers - to continually flow to repay / reimbursements - to the hands of other taxpayers - of whom who the Vatican may owe to. This is THE ONLY Socialism that the VATICAN WILL EVER SUPPORT - and Hitler gave the Vatican the only Socialism that it considers Holy, Sacred, Godly and Devine, and the only Socialism that it will ever find acceptable.

All other forms of Socialism and Communism are to be De-Throned, Vilified, Manipulated, Cheated and Forced to repay the Catholic Church for any Aid, any Help any Services any Supplies and any Charities that the Catholic Church dispenses to the masses. Their only ultimate goal is to embed themselves into every government on earth and EXIST as a SOCIALIST - Government Funded Agency that is legally guaranteed that the Catholic Church would not be held responsible for debts to any Non - Catholic businesses. ( Concerning Vatican Properties and accounts. ) and that - the right of the Catholic Church to receive tax credits for their social services and properties in SOCIALIST SOCIAL SERVICE - SISPENSATIONS // DISPENSATIONS.

Hitler gave Pope Pius everything He wanted to place every single Catholic Bishop and Priest into the Socialist Service and to be treated like a government worker / AGENT .

And Pope Pius placed the keys of the Church into His evil hand. Pope Pius wrote in His Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, that The Reichskonkordat was a triumph for the Code of Canon Law....

The Vatican looks for every opportunity to worm its way into every Socialist Government System that is looking for a political and spiritual Socialist shrew to be embedded into their Socialist Government system.

The Catholic Church is simply holding its position and its place in the US government in such a way to make certain that it will remain as dominant as it possibly can. Attacking Donald Trump was a Catholic political move by the Pope to ensure that his human trafficking operation remains financially profitable.

Catholic organizations across the planet are invested in re - cropping, re - settlement and re - locating darker unwanted Canaanite males out of South America and the Middle East into other countries where Catholic organizations get paid to take care of them.

Catholic Charities Refugee Services works through the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the U.S. State Department.

These are refugees who the Catholic Church considers victims because they failed to exterminate the Jewish people - they simply build themselves a concentration camp and check themselves in.

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The Catholic Organization - a socialist system that embeds itself into governments around the world and it does do a lot of good things to help millions of people, however being a social services organization is not the same as giving your own money to help anyone - and then returning back to Your job and suffering a loss by the donations and giving's that You have given freely. The Vatican gets their money back - and keeps growing as they continue to grow in wealth and riches and have been running the same system for hundreds of years.

Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modern times with ‘communism’ or ‘socialism’” (2425). This does not mean, however, that Catholics can embrace a kinder, “Christian” socialism in its place. Pope Pius XI famously declared, “Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist” (Quadragesimo Anno, 120).

OP comment: Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion). Those are plain facts. No Christian, be they Catholic or otherwise, can be a democrat.
I think the teachings of Jesus make it almost MANDATORY that any good catholic be a democratic socialist. There is no better option for exercising care and compassion for your fellow human beings.
I think the teachings of Jesus make it almost MANDATORY that any good catholic be a democratic socialist. There is no better option for exercising care and compassion for your fellow human beings.
That sounds exactly like something an atheist would say.
I think the teachings of Jesus make it almost MANDATORY that any good catholic be a democratic socialist. There is no better option for exercising care and compassion for your fellow human beings.
One is better able to care and be compassionate towards others without the socialism. "Let's set up a bureaucracy to take care of the problem for us," means we, the individual, are off the hook while mistakenly and falsely virtue signaling just how good we are. "I don't want to do it, let's get someone else to do it--and pay them to do it--" is neither caring nor compassionate. It's ducking responsibility.
Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modern times with ‘communism’ or ‘socialism’” (2425). This does not mean, however, that Catholics can embrace a kinder, “Christian” socialism in its place. Pope Pius XI famously declared, “Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist” (Quadragesimo Anno, 120).

OP comment: Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion). Those are plain facts. No Christian, be they Catholic or otherwise, can be a democrat.

Read all the Old Testament prophets and convince me that God Almighty isn’t a huge socialist. Read the book of Acts and convince me Early Christians weren’t hard core socialists. Read 1 Timothy 6:17 and tell me that wasn’t written by someone further left than Karl Marx. There is only one Bible verse that conservatives quote. That verse is 2 Thessalonians 3:10. That verse is part of a story about people goofing off, eating food provided by the church, laughing, joking, and interrupting people that were actually doing work for the church.

Tons of Bible verses promoting left wing political ideology. One misquoted Bible verse to promote right wing political ideology. Tons and tons of Ancient European Pagan teachings that promotes a right wing political ideology. I don’t know why it pissed me off so bad that people want to claim the name Christian when they are Pagan AF.
Read all the Old Testament prophets and convince me that God Almighty isn’t a huge socialist. Read the book of Acts and convince me Early Christians weren’t hard core socialists. Read 1 Timothy 6:17 and tell me that wasn’t written by someone further left than Karl Marx. There is only one Bible verse that conservatives quote. That verse is 2 Thessalonians 3:10. That verse is part of a story about people goofing off, eating food provided by the church, laughing, joking, and interrupting people that were actually doing work for the church.

Tons of Bible verses promoting left wing political ideology. One misquoted Bible verse to promote right wing political ideology. Tons and tons of Ancient European Pagan teachings that promotes a right wing political ideology. I don’t know why it pissed me off so bad that people want to claim the name Christian when they are Pagan AF.
Are you talking about the bible as it was originally written or after the Catholic church condensed it and removed 26 chapters because they were unholy in their opinion?

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