Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?

The Vatican, Il Duce and the Jews | Brandeis Magazine
In the 1920s and ’30s, Pope Pius XI and Benito Mussolini relied on and used each other in their quest to preserve and protect their respective institutions, the Catholic Church and Italy’s Fascist government.

The pope and President Biden have common goals — and common enemies
Pope Francis and President Joe Biden have both faced intense pushback from the political and religious right. But when the two men meet Friday, they won’t waste time comparing their wounds.
Instead, the global leaders will focus on shared goals, including combatting climate change and ending the COVID-19 pandemic, according to experts on U.S.-Vatican relations. Personal concerns will take a backseat to politics.
I wonder how much money the Vatican will give up to combat "climate change", or is it will the Vatican accept money so they can live like kings behind those very tall walls....That work.
You seem pretty smart, smart enough to now better than to judge a 2,000 year old global religion based on one anecdotal incident.

The mods should not have moved this thread here. I put it in the politics section for a reason. I hope it fades away now. It is too combative for the religion section.
Sorry to disappoint. I am not a proponent of ANY organized religion. This is not to say that I do not believe in a Supreme being, whatever you choose to call him/her. I see contradictions, hypocrisy and politics (of all things) in every organized religion. These organizations have been created and/or perpetuated by corrupt individuals with agendas that choose to use religion to control people. If I was to pick any religion to align with (and I am not) it would probably be Buddhism.
They thought we were on the wrong track when Trump was in charge. And we actually were, with concentration camps and riots in the streets.

No, they are now taking advantage of Trump not being in office. You have been fooled and continue to be fooled. Biden is making all the wrong moves. Russia was playing chess and Democrats are still playing checkers. Seriously, the Biden Administration could not do any worse.

The problem with you guys on the right that instead of having decisions made for people based on democratic rule, you want it based on how to grovel in front of your sky pixie. No gay marriage! God wouldn't want that. No abortions! God wouldn't want that either!

Has it ever occurred to you that many of God's laws just happen to coincide with laws that would lead to and orderly society? I guess that has never crossed your mind.

Now, frankly, I wouldn't want to live in a communist country, but those countries that picked communism did so because was preceded communism was infinitely WORSE for the vast majority of people. China underwent a century of humiliation before the Communists took over. Cuba was routinely exploited by the US.

This is a very ignorant statement. My wife's family would beg to differ. It is always people like you sipping latte's in Starbucks who act as if they have any idea about the suffering of other people around the world. Spoiled and ignorant. That is exactly how we ultimately fall and people like you may finally come to the realization that you were bamboozled.

I'd like to avoid Republican government because they tend to fuck up the economy, which is a bit of a pain in the ass. Seven of the eight recessions that have happened in my lifetime was because Republicans were in charge, it ain't a bug, it's a design feature!!!

You are going to be in for a very rude awakening on the economy. The federal reserve doesn't have a clue how to deal with this inflation mess because we haven't seen this before. Where do you put your money as an investor? Put it in cash and lose 7%. Put it in a money market and lose 7%. Put it in the market and watch it crash. At least back in the 80's there were low-risk investments that would offset the inflation, albeit not making money. Couple this with Biden continues to make every single wrong move economically speaking, particularly when it comes to energy. Only idiots can't see where we are headed. Biden has done more damage in 1 year than anyone with a brain could have imagined.
Sorry to disappoint. I am not a proponent of ANY organized religion. This is not to say that I do not believe in a Supreme being, whatever you choose to call him/her. I see contradictions, hypocrisy and politics (of all things) in every organized religion. These organizations have been created and/or perpetuated by corrupt individuals with agendas that choose to use religion to control people. If I was to pick any religion to align with (and I am not) it would probably be Buddhism.

So if there was a real true religion the humans adhering to it would be perfect?

Is that your assertion?
Some of us believe in freedom and don't want to live with your religious crazy.
Some of us believe in freedom and dont want to live with you religious crazy pushing a god or socialists pushing the needle and taxation.
If that is what you want to believe, so be it. My statement is clear.

Yes, you said "organized religion" has contradiction, hypocrisy and politics. So does every other single organization of human beings. Because we are flawed. You would expect organizations of religious people to be flawless then?

I'm asking for your expectations, and I believe you were the poster who saw one incident at the Vatican and then judged the whole lot. Maybe a little judgmental. Yes?

ETA: follow up question. Does us being flawed, and being unable to transcend our contradictions, hypocrisy and politics negate God's existence, or even our professed love of God? Does it mean "organized religion" is worthless?

Second follow up question: Married couples take a vow upon marriage to love each other "until death do us part", often "in sickness and in death, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer...." and then often abuse each other in varying ways and/or break those vows. Does that make marriage unworthy? On what basis? Because people can't behave?
No, they are now taking advantage of Trump not being in office. You have been fooled and continue to be fooled. Biden is making all the wrong moves. Russia was playing chess and Democrats are still playing checkers. Seriously, the Biden Administration could not do any worse.


Yawn, really? Because all that's happened so far is Russia is doing what they've been doing for the last decade, slapping the Ukraine around like a little bitch.

Has it ever occurred to you that many of God's laws just happen to coincide with laws that would lead to and orderly society? I guess that has never crossed your mind.

Nope. It never occurred to me that I should listen to the bible and murder a teenager because he talks back, or murder my neighbor because she believes in a different sky pixie than I do. Because that would be stupid.

This is a very ignorant statement. My wife's family would beg to differ. It is always people like you sipping latte's in Starbucks who act as if they have any idea about the suffering of other people around the world. Spoiled and ignorant. That is exactly how we ultimately fall and people like you may finally come to the realization that you were bamboozled.

I try to avoid talking about families, but it would really depend on what country she was from.

If it was Russia, VASTLY worse under the Tsars.
Cuba - vastly worse under Batista, even with the 60 year economic war we've been waging on them.
China - Vastly worse under the Chaos of the warlords that ran the country.

For the countries that threw in with Hitler and found themselves under the Soviet Boot? - Fuck 'em.

The fact is capitalism can be just as bad... that's why you guys want to lock off the border with Mexico, all those people "escaping" a country where the Capitalists were allowed to do whatever they want.

You are going to be in for a very rude awakening on the economy.
Funny, I heard you guys say the same thing during Clinton and the same thing under Obama.

Only idiots can't see where we are headed. Biden has done more damage in 1 year than anyone with a brain could have imagined.

7% inflation isn't that bad.. It really isn't.

Here's the real problem we have. We have a labor shortage. Mostly because we have baby boomers retiring faster than they can be replaced. That means - GASP - the One Percent have to actually offer living wages now! I mean, I know, this horrifies you.

Now, in the past, the Fed has run up interest rates to try to control inflation by encouraging unemployment. I don't think that would fly now, and I doubt it would work as well as it did in the 1980's when the baby boomers were entering the workforce.

The obvious solution would be to allow more immigration of talented foreigners, but those aren't white people, so this is non-starter with Republicans.
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Scandinavians have a high standard of living, a healthy workforce, highly skilled labor.. I don't think the Catholic church is opposed to that.
Scandinavia relies heavily on OIL to fund their socialist programs.
Except Jesus never talked about homosexuality, and abortion is mentioned NOWHERE in the bible. (In fact, the bible doesn't seem to consider even newborns to be people, much less fetuses.)

The teachings of Jesus are downright socialistic. The rich are going to hell, if a man asks for your coat, give him your shirt as well, render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.
Jesus never stole people's resources, then gave them to cronies while claiming credit for being generous. That's what socialists do. Not Jesus.
Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modern times with ‘communism’ or ‘socialism’” (2425). This does not mean, however, that Catholics can embrace a kinder, “Christian” socialism in its place. Pope Pius XI famously declared, “Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist” (Quadragesimo Anno, 120).

OP comment: Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion). Those are plain facts. No Christian, be they Catholic or otherwise, can be a democrat.
I’m not a Roman Catholic. I oppose socialism. So, I can’t address the topic too closely. I’d simply suggest that the present Pope might not agree with former Pope Pius XI.
Yawn, really? Because all that's happened so far is Russia is doing what they've been doing for the last decade, slapping the Ukraine around like a little bitch.

You are lost. Russia is clearly more aggressive under both Obama and now Biden. Seriously, do some homework.

Nope. It never occurred to me that I should listen to the bible and murder a teenager because he talks back, or murder my neighbor because she believes in a different sky pixie than I do. Because that would be stupid.

I don't know Christian's that do that either. If they do, they aren't real Christians. I would be willing to be however that the vast majority of murderers and thieves in prison are not Christians or were not prior to being convicted. You see, they have no moral compass. In their holier than thou mind, they know it all and there is no need to answer to anyone, except government of course. They believe that when they die, that's it, so the reality is, they will do whatever suits their fancy at the time. They live for the day. They will do whatever is best for them. They will support certain policies that give them a warm fuzzy feeling as long as it doesn't negatively affect them. They are not alone. This is the face of the Democratic Party. Amoral and immoral folks. Sorry, but the truth hurts.

The fact is capitalism can be just as bad... that's why you guys want to lock off the border with Mexico, all those people "escaping" a country where the Capitalists were allowed to do whatever they want.

No, it can't. You are letting your Commie side show again.

7% inflation isn't that bad.. It really isn't.

Here's the real problem we have. We have a labor shortage. Mostly because we have baby boomers retiring faster than they can be replaced. That means - GASP - the One Percent have to actually offer living wages now! I mean, I know, this horrifies you.

Now, in the past, the Fed has run up interest rates to try to control inflation by encouraging unemployment. I don't think that would fly now, and I doubt it would work as well as it did in the 1980's when the baby boomers were entering the workforce.

The obvious solution would be to allow more immigration of talented foreigners, but those aren't white people, so this is non-starter with Republicans.

We have a labor shortage in large part due to able bodied people not working. They were spoiled by extra unemployment and stimulus. They want more and they expect to be paid more for menial jobs meant for high school kids. Not allowing illegals into the country has nothing to do with race you imbecile.
You should move to a 'free' atheist country like China or North Korea.

JoeB is a typical spoiled lefty who has no idea what he is talking about. He has been fed information from left-wing nut sites that have convinced him that the US sucks and even China is better. In short, he is no stronger willed that a school-aged kid who falls for the same indoctrination.
The Vatican, Il Duce and the Jews | Brandeis Magazine

The pope and President Biden have common goals — and common enemies I wonder how much money the Vatican will give up to combat "climate change", or is it will the Vatican accept money so they can live like kings behind those very tall walls....That work.
Cortez tries that. She appears on camera with ashes on her head, as if she came from an Ash Wednesday service, implying she attends mass and is this devout Catholic. Meanwhile she cohabits with a guy and pushes abortion on demand.

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