Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?

As opposed to what? Given that 63% of people think this country is on the wrong track at any given time no matter who is president, I don't think that we do much better.

The fact is most of those European Countries are run by people like Putin who used to be Communists, so what is your point, exactly?

They think we are on the wrong track because of Biden and left-wing indoctrination.

Communism sucks. People like you have this ridiculous notion that Communism wouldn’t be so bad. That’s is likely because Democrats WANT to be told what to do and do not want any personal responsibility. They mistakenly believe that they can have the government take away all their personal responsibilities but still have the freedom and the money to do all the fun stuff.

GROW UP and stop your whining. You have the mindset of a spoiled 16-year old.
Jesus was the product of unmarried jewish girl---all such bastard children were call the son of or daughter of God btw. Lazy himself--he would never attack other fellow mooches for being lazy. He demanded that others support him and his fellow (cousin who went by several names) mooches. They relied on simply cons to justify people giving them free shit as traveling religious fantics. The story of a messiah riding a donkey through a certain gate had been around centuries before Jesus, his cousin john and his multiple names in the group, and whatever others decided to prove that he was a messiah by riding the donkey and the other supposed signs of the messiah.

Jesus worked at a carpenter until age 30, as cited many times in the Bible.
They think we are on the wrong track because of Biden and left-wing indoctrination.

Communism sucks. People like you have this ridiculous notion that Communism wouldn’t be so bad. That’s is likely because Democrats WANT to be told what to do and do not want any personal responsibility. They mistakenly believe that they can have the government take away all their personal responsibilities but still have the freedom and the money to do all the fun stuff.

GROW UP and stop your whining. You have the mindset of a spoiled 16-year old.
Nope, Catholics don't feel the need to grovel in front of an invisible sky pixie every day

What you mean they aren’t really religious at all, but they believe that somehow because they went to a Catholic school, just because it was private, or that their parents were Catholic, that makes them Catholic. Like I said, many see Catholicism as almost a race or ethic origin. BTW, I am speaking about primarily white Catholics in the US who vote against their own religion and in fact against all Christianity.

I had a friend at work years ago who was from the NE and would argue for atheism and claimed to be Catholic, and yes, an ardent Democrat. Mind boggling.
Repeat: ". . . . socialism is evil in principle because it deprives people of their natural rights and treats them as products of the state to be sculpted and used instead of creations of God to be dignified and respected. Furthermore, socialism is unworkable because it doesn’t “see the world as it really is” and, as a result, leads to physical evils such as food shortages and the neglect of natural resources and environments. The physical and moral evils of socialism become clear once one examines the history of both socialism and the Catholic Church’s response to it.

Meh, I'd say religion is evil because it tries to mold people into the form that an imaginary sky pixie wants them to be in.

Socialism doesn't work because it ignores human nature. Capitalism doesn't work because it indulges the worst of human nature.

Maybe it's time to stop acting like those are the only two choices on the menu.
They think we are on the wrong track because of Biden and left-wing indoctrination.

Communism sucks. People like you have this ridiculous notion that Communism wouldn’t be so bad. That’s is likely because Democrats WANT to be told what to do and do not want any personal responsibility. They mistakenly believe that they can have the government take away all their personal responsibilities but still have the freedom and the money to do all the fun stuff.

GROW UP and stop your whining. You have the mindset of a spoiled 16-year old.
They have sayings and speak from a stage that is now a bully pulpit. They promoted themselves as the adults. and I say they are toddlers now. But dangerous. Biden has the Russians on Nuclear alert.
What you mean they aren’t really religious at all, but they believe that somehow because they went to a Catholic school, just because it was private, or that their parents were Catholic, that makes them Catholic. Like I said, many see Catholicism as almost a race or ethic origin. BTW, I am speaking about primarily white Catholics in the US who vote against their own religion and in fact against all Christianity.

I had a friend at work years ago who was from the NE and would argue for atheism and claimed to be Catholic, and yes, an ardent Democrat. Mind boggling.

Well, it depends on how you define Catholic.

I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years, was brought up in a Catholic neighborhood. And frankly, I was done with the church right after some old bat of a nun said that God had to have a reason for my mom to suffer at her wake. The old bat was lucky I didn't punch her in her face.

All that said, I really do have a Catholic value system. Or as one of my friends once observed, I was an Atheist with Catholic morals.

The thing is, I have no real problem with Catholic or Christian teachings on morality. You should treat people decently, you should learn to forgive those who have wronged you, you should try to make the world a better place. I really have no problem with Jesus' philosophy.

But if youtry to tell me he rose from the dead or walked on water or his mom was a virgin, I'm going to look at you funny.

The question is, why do you need Jesus to be "supernatural" for his teachings to have meaning?
Meh, I'd say religion is evil because it tries to mold people into the form that an imaginary sky pixie wants them to be in.

Socialism doesn't work because it ignores human nature. Capitalism doesn't work because it indulges the worst of human nature.

Maybe it's time to stop acting like those are the only two choices on the menu.

You are a Godless freak, a baby-killer, a sodomy-promoter and a socialist. The best ting you could do right now is shut your fat stupid ignorant mouth

Catholics don't feel the need to grovel in front of an invisible sky pixie every day.

I repeat: Ladies and gentlemen, it is quite possible that this quote is the dumbest, stupidest, most ignorant post ever posted in a forum.
Meh, I'd say religion is evil because it tries to mold people into the form that an imaginary sky pixie wants them to be in.

Socialism doesn't work because it ignores human nature. Capitalism doesn't work because it indulges the worst of human nature.

Maybe it's time to stop acting like those are the only two choices on the menu.
So youre against good? ( you already told us that a 100 times but I like to hear it again)
They think we are on the wrong track because of Biden and left-wing indoctrination.
They thought we were on the wrong track when Trump was in charge. And we actually were, with concentration camps and riots in the streets.

Communism sucks. People like you have this ridiculous notion that Communism wouldn’t be so bad. That’s is likely because Democrats WANT to be told what to do and do not want any personal responsibility. They mistakenly believe that they can have the government take away all their personal responsibilities but still have the freedom and the money to do all the fun stuff.

All forms of government suck.

The problem with you guys on the right that instead of having decisions made for people based on democratic rule, you want it based on how to grovel in front of your sky pixie. No gay marriage! God wouldn't want that. No abortions! God wouldn't want that either!

Now, frankly, I wouldn't want to live in a communist country, but those countries that picked communism did so because was preceded communism was infinitely WORSE for the vast majority of people. China underwent a century of humiliation before the Communists took over. Cuba was routinely exploited by the US.

GROW UP and stop your whining. You have the mindset of a spoiled 16-year old.

Yawn, man, I ain't whining. I'll be fine no matter what form of government we have.

I'd like to avoid Republican government because they tend to fuck up the economy, which is a bit of a pain in the ass. Seven of the eight recessions that have happened in my lifetime was because Republicans were in charge, it ain't a bug, it's a design feature!!!
You are a Godless freak, a baby-killer, a sodomy-promoter and a socialist. The best ting you could do right now is shut your fat stupid ignorant mouth

Wait, let me check.

Haven't killed any babies.
Haven't had any anal sex. Have gotten more than a few blow jobs, but not sure if that counts anymore.
Since I own a business and am a landlord, I am probably not a socialist.
Wait, let me check.

Haven't killed any babies.
Haven't had any anal sex. Have gotten more than a few blow jobs, but not sure if that counts anymore.
Since I own a business and am a landlord, I am probably not a socialist.
Uhm meth head Joe when da fuck did you start owning a business , seems like just yesterday you were bragging at how little work you do driving a forklift in a warehouse ?
hm meth head Joe when da fuck did you start owning a business , seems like just yesterday you were bragging at how little work you do driving a forklift in a warehouse ?

I think you have me confused with someone else.

I haven't had to drive a forklift in 25 years.

I've owned a business since 2010.

I have had a 20 year career in purchasing/procurement/inventory planning.

Fr. Altman: You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period. (Part I)​

Fr. Altman: Liberal Catholics are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (Part II)​

Tim Staples- Five Non-Negotiables

All five moral issues discussed — abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research, human cloning, and same-sex "marriage" — have been definitively declared by the Church to be objectively and absolutely immoral. Faithful Catholics are required to vote against all five.

Five Non-Negotiables, along with the Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics, will quickly bring you up to speed on Church teaching about these five crucial political and moral issues.

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