Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?

Haven't killed any babies.

Liar. You are an accomplice with your vote and therefore just as guilty. And I'll bet a million dollars you HAVE helped procure an abortion

Haven't had any anal sex

You promote it. Just as bad you liar.

Have gotten more than a few blow jobs, but not sure if that counts anymore.

Not to Godless degenerates like you.

Since I own a business and am a landlord, I am probably not a socialist.

What you are is a lying sack of filth.
I have a better idea, get out of my thread you Godless POS

Sorry, man, you are going to walk around with one of these, expect to get kicked.


All five moral issues discussed — abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research, human cloning, and same-sex "marriage" — have been definitively declared by the Church to be objectively and absolutely immoral. Faithful Catholics are required to vote against all five.

Five Non-Negotiables, along with the Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics, will quickly bring you up to speed on Church teaching about these five crucial political and moral issues.

That's nice.

And when was the last time the church excommunicated someone over one of those issues?

The Church used to be against vaccinations, and for slavery. Eventually, they had to progress.
This guy is too much fun.


Liar. You are an accomplice with your vote and therefore just as guilty. And I'll bet a million dollars you HAVE helped procure an abortion

Nope. In fact, the one time an acquaintance wanted to get one, I tried to talk her out of it. Didn't do any good.

You promote it. Just as bad you liar.
Not my cup of tea, but there are whole lot of things that aren't my cup of tea. I don't like broccoli. I don't go out trying to ban broccoli. I don't try to claim broccoli is evil. I just don't like it.

Not to Godless degenerates like you.

99% of the adult population has engaged in fellatio or cunnilingus.

What you are is a lying sack of filth.

Again, really funny to watch you fume when you can't impose your superstitions on the rest of us.
Well, um, yeah, if you are going to make an assertation that I said something, then you should be able to back it up.
so you said you owned a company for 20 years huh?

[IMG alt="JoeB131"][/IMG]


Diamond Member​

JoinedJul 11, 2011Messages140,518Reaction score18,544Points2,220LocationChicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
martybegan said:
No, people who got into the wedding business decades ago had no idea they would be forced to perform services at a gay wedding. The concept of forcing people to work at something they don't want to is a sad progressive form of slavery.

YOU do not get to choose how someone practices their religion, and neither does government unless some overwhelming interest is concerned (like a religion involving another crime).
Six years ago, the company I work at was a pretty cool place to work, until they put children into the management positions. But guess what, I'm still going to go to work today and do the best job I can, and I won't consider it slavery. That was the job I signed up to do. At some point, I'll move on to a better one, but I'll do the job I agreed to do until then.

These folks established a business where they promised to provide services for weddings. They even advertised they offered these services. You can have all the religion you want. Your business doesn't have a religion.

Now, if you don't want to provide gay wedding cakes maybe one day a year, it's pretty simple.

Get out of the bakery business.
I think you have me confused with someone else.

I haven't had to drive a forklift in 25 years.

I've owned a business since 2010.

I have had a 20 year career in purchasing/procurement/inventory planning.
[IMG alt="JoeB131"][/IMG]


Diamond Member​

JoinedJul 11, 2011Messages140,519Reaction score18,544Points2,220LocationChicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
koshergrl said:
Sure you have, joe.

It must afford you a lot of pride to be unemployed and unable to get a job because of your reputation as a liar.
Wouldn't know. I've been working pretty steadily since 2002. Other than that two week break after they illegally fired me from a job for medical issues, I've been pretty consistant.

Here's my real problem right now. I work for a company that is not paying me what I should be making. (I make up the difference with a second and third job.) They got me on the cheap when the recession hit. I could probably get paid more, but if I quit, they'd need to hire three people to replace me. And I'd be screwing over my friends I've worked with for the last six years.

I'm going to have to eventually pull that trigger. I could if I want to. One of my side jobs is writing resumes, and my resume is so well written I get a response rate of 50%.

I'm just not there yet. The current job hasn't done something like fire my best friend for being gay or lie to us about closing down the plant or firing me for running up too many medical expenses. Their offenses have been banal at best.
so you said you owned a company for 20 years huh?

Um, no more like 12.

Now you can own a business and STILL work a straight job. I know this is a confusing concept for your. I started my resume writing business in 2010. I worked that job with the children in charge until 2015. (I worked other jobs since then before doing my business full time.)

Keep trying, man, you will find more stuff you won't understand.
The stupidity and ignorance of that post must be addressed.

Folks: Art is art, and artists create what they create according to their own eye. Michelangelo created a white Jesus because that is how he saw him. The creator of the famous Christo Negra located in San Felipe Catholic parish in Portobelo, Panama was created black because thats how his artist saw him

View attachment 603633

In Catholic churches around the world there are black Jesus, Asian Jesus, brown Jesus, all sorts of Jesus. Because artists portray their subjects the way they see them in their own eye.

Art is art, and art is not to be confused with church teachings.

As for you playtime , you are just another ignorant leftwing moron with his head firmly up his ass, ready to attack whitey every chance you get, even if it means making an ass out of yourself, as you always do.

somebody better tell fox news - since their darling, megyn kelly ( until she won her sex harrasment lawsuit ) said he was white.

& she should know. :heehee:
Wouldn't know. I've been working pretty steadily since 2002. Other than that two week break after they illegally fired me from a job for medical issues, I've been pretty consistant.

Here's my real problem right now. I work for a company that is not paying me what I should be making. (I make up the difference with a second and third job.) They got me on the cheap when the recession hit. I could probably get paid more, but if I quit, they'd need to hire three people to replace me. And I'd be screwing over my friends I've worked with for the last six years.

I'm going to have to eventually pull that trigger. I could if I want to. One of my side jobs is writing resumes, and my resume is so well written I get a response rate of 50%.

I'm just not there yet. The current job hasn't done something like fire my best friend for being gay or lie to us about closing down the plant or firing me for running up too many medical expenses. Their offenses have been banal at best.

Nothing there inconsistent with what I said, and again- even referenced my side business at the time. In fact, I pretty specifically said at that company I was doing the jobs of three people. That doesn't sound "lazy" to me.
Jesus was the product of unmarried jewish girl---all such bastard children were call the son of or daughter of God btw. Lazy himself--he would never attack other fellow mooches for being lazy. He demanded that others support him and his fellow (cousin who went by several names) mooches. They relied on simply cons to justify people giving them free shit as traveling religious fantics. The story of a messiah riding a donkey through a certain gate had been around centuries before Jesus, his cousin john and his multiple names in the group, and whatever others decided to prove that he was a messiah by riding the donkey and the other supposed signs of the messiah.

were you high when you posted ^^^ THAT ^^^ ?
We the People must feed and clothe them, while he the Pope sits behind a big wall, denying those same individuals from entering the Vatican?
I've wondered the same myself. I visited the Vatican a few years back. We were metered in from the street and ushered through ending at the Sistine Chapel. We were told not to tarry too long in one place and exit through the opposite end of the chapel. After exiting, I noticed an elderly indigent woman sitting on the steps of St. Peter's Square asking for donations. I was appalled when a nun unceremoniously evicted her from the area. This is how the wonderful, charitable Catholic church treats the least among us?
I've wondered the same myself. I visited the Vatican a few years back. We were metered in from the street and ushered through ending at the Sistine Chapel. We were told not to tarry too long in one place and exit through the opposite end of the chapel. After exiting, I noticed an elderly indigent woman sitting on the steps of St. Peter's Square asking for donations. I was appalled when a nun unceremoniously evicted her from the area. This is how the wonderful, charitable Catholic church treats the least among us?

You seem pretty smart, smart enough to now better than to judge a 2,000 year old global religion based on one anecdotal incident.

The mods should not have moved this thread here. I put it in the politics section for a reason. I hope it fades away now. It is too combative for the religion section.

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