Can ANY man stand up to the new #MeToo standard?

So what's your problem, then? No one is policing your thoughts. It's about your actions. If you can keep that straight, there is no problem.

The problem is that sooner or later things like this do devolve into trying to prosecute thought crimes.

You assumed my thoughts vis a vis sex objects, what's to stop HR from doing the same thing "just to be safe"?
I assumed it because you said you needed to snip your balls off when you get to work. What am I supposed to think with a comment like that?

No, your statement about "think of women as Sex Objects" doesn't condemn action, it condemns thought.

It tries to vilify the very normal mental actions to find a member of the opposite sex arbitrarily "attractive" based on viewing or appearance.

Guys are going to think "nice rack, nice ass, nice legs" as a part of nature. The idea is to control that, and most men (especially Betas) do.
Okay, that was a fair point.
Since you've just told us several times that you don't do anything wrong, I guess I still don't know what you're complaining about then. The MeToo movement has/had a true purpose. I don't understand why men who know appropriate from inappropriate are so determined to undermine it.

because for some people coming after all men is the next step.

Just because I am not a cad doesn't mean I want people dictating to me how I am supposed to think, or to make interaction between the sexes so regimented that we screw up the normal processes of courtship.
because for some people coming after all men is the next step.
Don't worry about them--they've been around a long time and you're all still here.

I think you stole that argument from the 2nd A crowd, and you need to give it back to the NRA.
It's actually very easy. Depends on what you call a mistake, though. If you came on to an employee and she said no and you threatened her job, that's not a mistake--that's sexual harassment. If you continually ogle a coworker and tell her off color jokes and she doesn't grab your ass, laugh or swap even dirtier jokes back, that's creating a hostile environment.
Just don't think of women at work as sex objects. Think of them as coworkers or employees, instead, and you'll be absolutely fine.

So we just need to snip our balls off when we get to work, then re-attach when we leave?

Sex Objects denotes use for sex only. Sorry but glancing at an attractive co-worker does not prelude you from treating her as an equal.
I look at my co workers all the time, and the notion of having sex with them doesn't come up in my mind. If it does with you, you're looking at them as sex objects.

A fleeting thought crossing ones mind is not treating them as sex objects. Acting on that fleeting thought is a different matter entirely.

We are sexual beings, to deny that is to basically want a neutered society.
So what's your problem, then? No one is policing your thoughts. It's about your actions. If you can keep that straight, there is no problem.

The problem is that sooner or later things like this do devolve into trying to prosecute thought crimes.

You assumed my thoughts vis a vis sex objects, what's to stop HR from doing the same thing "just to be safe"?
what's to stop HR from doing the same thing "just to be safe"?
They can't read your mind?
I look at my co workers all the time, and the notion of having sex with them doesn't come up in my mind. If it does with you, you're looking at them as sex objects.

A fleeting thought crossing ones mind is not treating them as sex objects. Acting on that fleeting thought is a different matter entirely.

We are sexual beings, to deny that is to basically want a neutered society.
So what's your problem, then? No one is policing your thoughts. It's about your actions. If you can keep that straight, there is no problem.

The problem is that sooner or later things like this do devolve into trying to prosecute thought crimes.

You assumed my thoughts vis a vis sex objects, what's to stop HR from doing the same thing "just to be safe"?
How does one prosecute thought crimes if they cannot read your mind?

they go after behavior outside of work to start.
Such as?
There doesn't seem to be Due Process anymore, and I did not like this guy. But no one should be forced to resign over an accusation.
The NY attorney general, I think he was engaging in B&D with consenting women, and now they're lying about it.

Could be; there' a lot of phoniness being perpetrated.

Liberals, what are you going to do about the Clintons if you're truly committed to the sanctity of #MeToo?
Never voted for B. Clinton again. That's what I did.

Yea, but are you still gonna invite him to all your big parties and conventions as a speaker? Undoubtedly. And this is why #MeToo is something of a scam.
I think that there isn't a man alive who could stand up to the new #MeToo standard, which is that you NEVER EVER made a mistake in your life when it comes to a woman.

THERE I said it.

We need to end this witch hunt now.
What do you define as a “mistake” that a woman should forget happened?
I remember being a kid in a movie theater doing the ol' reach around for shoulder and moving on to a breast. oopsie.
:laugh: "witch hunt" is their favorite buzzword projection

no, women aren't hunting for any witches, they're hunting for mutual respect.

naturally all the typical deplorables are offended :eusa_clap:

They seem to be catching mostly Democrats. lmao

Good, but let the evidence fall where it may....EVIDENCE...tested in Court.

I think that there isn't a man alive who could stand up to the new #MeToo standard, which is that you NEVER EVER made a mistake in your life when it comes to a woman.

THERE I said it.

We need to end this witch hunt now.

Yep, in the case of men, the act of even looking at an women or asking for their phone number is probably enough to make some of these women come after you. What's occurring with this metoo movement is the reality that one "group of people" doesn't need to provide evidence to destroy another "class" making that class second class citizens. That second class is any man that dares to do anything even the least bit sexual no matter how innocent...And besides, you think some women won't use this shit to advance their careers? I've seen plenty that would do exactly that. Simple human nature. Its sick but it is reality..

We must demand evidence or one group will abuse such unchallenged power. We can't have this or we won't be free very long.

Innocent till proven guilty, that’s how it’s supposed to work, but not today, liberals need no proof just an accusation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Liberals, huh? How weird it is that Roy Moore never quit, but Al Franken did.

How weird is it that rich white democrats keep having to resign because they are rapos and creepers, yet republicans hate woman?
The problem is that sooner or later things like this do devolve into trying to prosecute thought crimes.

You assumed my thoughts vis a vis sex objects, what's to stop HR from doing the same thing "just to be safe"?
I assumed it because you said you needed to snip your balls off when you get to work. What am I supposed to think with a comment like that?

No, your statement about "think of women as Sex Objects" doesn't condemn action, it condemns thought.

It tries to vilify the very normal mental actions to find a member of the opposite sex arbitrarily "attractive" based on viewing or appearance.

Guys are going to think "nice rack, nice ass, nice legs" as a part of nature. The idea is to control that, and most men (especially Betas) do.
Okay, that was a fair point.
Since you've just told us several times that you don't do anything wrong, I guess I still don't know what you're complaining about then. The MeToo movement has/had a true purpose. I don't understand why men who know appropriate from inappropriate are so determined to undermine it.

because for some people coming after all men is the next step.

Just because I am not a cad doesn't mean I want people dictating to me how I am supposed to think, or to make interaction between the sexes so regimented that we screw up the normal processes of courtship.
because for some people coming after all men is the next step.
Don't worry about them--they've been around a long time and you're all still here.

I think you stole that argument from the 2nd A crowd, and you need to give it back to the NRA.

I am part of the 2nd amendment crowd, and the same here applies.

The difference between now and then is the ability of even fringe groups to get a message across while seeming to be a much larger group.

That, and the ability to find judges that agree with them.
I think that there isn't a man alive who could stand up to the new #MeToo standard, which is that you NEVER EVER made a mistake in your life when it comes to a woman.

THERE I said it.

We need to end this witch hunt now.

Yep, in the case of men, the act of even looking at an women or asking for their phone number is probably enough to make some of these women come after you. What's occurring with this metoo movement is the reality that one "group of people" doesn't need to provide evidence to destroy another "class" making that class second class citizens. That second class is any man that dares to do anything even the least bit sexual no matter how innocent...And besides, you think some women won't use this shit to advance their careers? I've seen plenty that would do exactly that. Simple human nature. Its sick but it is reality..

We must demand evidence or one group will abuse such unchallenged power. We can't have this or we won't be free very long.

Innocent till proven guilty, that’s how it’s supposed to work, but not today, liberals need no proof just an accusation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Liberals, huh? How weird it is that Roy Moore never quit, but Al Franken did.

How weird is it that rich white democrats keep having to resign because they are rapos and creepers, yet republicans hate woman?

The democratic party started it with their sexual revolution and free sex shit. A party that created tens of millions of pervs is currently colliding with the other half of the party that promotes female supremacy at the same level as the KKK promotes white supremacy. It is interesting to watch.

It is going to be quite the turkey shoot!
So we just need to snip our balls off when we get to work, then re-attach when we leave?

Sex Objects denotes use for sex only. Sorry but glancing at an attractive co-worker does not prelude you from treating her as an equal.
I look at my co workers all the time, and the notion of having sex with them doesn't come up in my mind. If it does with you, you're looking at them as sex objects.

A fleeting thought crossing ones mind is not treating them as sex objects. Acting on that fleeting thought is a different matter entirely.

We are sexual beings, to deny that is to basically want a neutered society.
So what's your problem, then? No one is policing your thoughts. It's about your actions. If you can keep that straight, there is no problem.

The problem is that sooner or later things like this do devolve into trying to prosecute thought crimes.

You assumed my thoughts vis a vis sex objects, what's to stop HR from doing the same thing "just to be safe"?
what's to stop HR from doing the same thing "just to be safe"?
They can't read your mind?

They don't have to be able to. Remember getting fired is a lot easier than getting prosecuted for a crime.
A fleeting thought crossing ones mind is not treating them as sex objects. Acting on that fleeting thought is a different matter entirely.

We are sexual beings, to deny that is to basically want a neutered society.
So what's your problem, then? No one is policing your thoughts. It's about your actions. If you can keep that straight, there is no problem.

The problem is that sooner or later things like this do devolve into trying to prosecute thought crimes.

You assumed my thoughts vis a vis sex objects, what's to stop HR from doing the same thing "just to be safe"?
How does one prosecute thought crimes if they cannot read your mind?

they go after behavior outside of work to start.
Such as?

Interactions at bars after work, social groups you belong to, events you attend.

Remember its easier to fire a person to make something go away than to prosecute someone for something.
I think that there isn't a man alive who could stand up to the new #MeToo standard, which is that you NEVER EVER made a mistake in your life when it comes to a woman.

THERE I said it.

We need to end this witch hunt now.

Yep, in the case of men, the act of even looking at an women or asking for their phone number is probably enough to make some of these women come after you. What's occurring with this metoo movement is the reality that one "group of people" doesn't need to provide evidence to destroy another "class" making that class second class citizens. That second class is any man that dares to do anything even the least bit sexual no matter how innocent...And besides, you think some women won't use this shit to advance their careers? I've seen plenty that would do exactly that. Simple human nature. Its sick but it is reality..

We must demand evidence or one group will abuse such unchallenged power. We can't have this or we won't be free very long.

Innocent till proven guilty, that’s how it’s supposed to work, but not today, liberals need no proof just an accusation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Liberals, huh? How weird it is that Roy Moore never quit, but Al Franken did.

How weird is it that rich white democrats keep having to resign because they are rapos and creepers, yet republicans hate woman?

You don't have to hate to war against something. Oh, and it's it's seemingly men in positions of power that are the problem. It's simply time for women to start taking some of that power away.
I think that there isn't a man alive who could stand up to the new #MeToo standard, which is that you NEVER EVER made a mistake in your life when it comes to a woman.

THERE I said it.

We need to end this witch hunt now.

Yep, in the case of men, the act of even looking at an women or asking for their phone number is probably enough to make some of these women come after you. What's occurring with this metoo movement is the reality that one "group of people" doesn't need to provide evidence to destroy another "class" making that class second class citizens. That second class is any man that dares to do anything even the least bit sexual no matter how innocent...And besides, you think some women won't use this shit to advance their careers? I've seen plenty that would do exactly that. Simple human nature. Its sick but it is reality..

We must demand evidence or one group will abuse such unchallenged power. We can't have this or we won't be free very long.

Innocent till proven guilty, that’s how it’s supposed to work, but not today, liberals need no proof just an accusation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Liberals, huh? How weird it is that Roy Moore never quit, but Al Franken did.

How weird is it that rich white democrats keep having to resign because they are rapos and creepers, yet republicans hate woman?

You don't have to hate to war against something. Oh, and it's it's seemingly men in positions of power that are the problem. It's simply time for women to start taking some of that power away.

Agreed. Who said it, absolute power corrupts absolutely ? In reality I know this is t a republican democrat thing, it’s a powerful people thing. It’s not even a man woman thing. It’s a power thing. A cliq forms around and in power, they get away with shit all the time, then they go crazy with it and end up in prision for illegals money transactions or shit like the NY AG and Weinstein thing. Had the scandal not been sex, it would have been something else.
Yep, in the case of men, the act of even looking at an women or asking for their phone number is probably enough to make some of these women come after you. What's occurring with this metoo movement is the reality that one "group of people" doesn't need to provide evidence to destroy another "class" making that class second class citizens. That second class is any man that dares to do anything even the least bit sexual no matter how innocent...And besides, you think some women won't use this shit to advance their careers? I've seen plenty that would do exactly that. Simple human nature. Its sick but it is reality..

We must demand evidence or one group will abuse such unchallenged power. We can't have this or we won't be free very long.

Innocent till proven guilty, that’s how it’s supposed to work, but not today, liberals need no proof just an accusation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Liberals, huh? How weird it is that Roy Moore never quit, but Al Franken did.

How weird is it that rich white democrats keep having to resign because they are rapos and creepers, yet republicans hate woman?

You don't have to hate to war against something. Oh, and it's it's seemingly men in positions of power that are the problem. It's simply time for women to start taking some of that power away.

Agreed. Who said it, absolute power corrupts absolutely ? In reality I know this is t a republican democrat thing, it’s a powerful people thing. It’s not even a man woman thing. It’s a power thing. A cliq forms around and in power, they get away with shit all the time, then they go crazy with it and end up in prision for illegals money transactions or shit like the NY AG and Weinstein thing. Had the scandal not been sex, it would have been something else.
Or the governor of Alabama thing or the Rob Portman thing, or the Missouri governor thing...
Innocent till proven guilty, that’s how it’s supposed to work, but not today, liberals need no proof just an accusation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Liberals, huh? How weird it is that Roy Moore never quit, but Al Franken did.

How weird is it that rich white democrats keep having to resign because they are rapos and creepers, yet republicans hate woman?

You don't have to hate to war against something. Oh, and it's it's seemingly men in positions of power that are the problem. It's simply time for women to start taking some of that power away.

Agreed. Who said it, absolute power corrupts absolutely ? In reality I know this is t a republican democrat thing, it’s a powerful people thing. It’s not even a man woman thing. It’s a power thing. A cliq forms around and in power, they get away with shit all the time, then they go crazy with it and end up in prision for illegals money transactions or shit like the NY AG and Weinstein thing. Had the scandal not been sex, it would have been something else.
Or the governor of Alabama thing or the Rob Portman thing, or the Missouri governor thing...

All of it. It’s a power thing. Any conservative you point to one can point out a democrat. Not a political party thing, it’s an old power thing.
Liberals, huh? How weird it is that Roy Moore never quit, but Al Franken did.

How weird is it that rich white democrats keep having to resign because they are rapos and creepers, yet republicans hate woman?

You don't have to hate to war against something. Oh, and it's it's seemingly men in positions of power that are the problem. It's simply time for women to start taking some of that power away.

Agreed. Who said it, absolute power corrupts absolutely ? In reality I know this is t a republican democrat thing, it’s a powerful people thing. It’s not even a man woman thing. It’s a power thing. A cliq forms around and in power, they get away with shit all the time, then they go crazy with it and end up in prision for illegals money transactions or shit like the NY AG and Weinstein thing. Had the scandal not been sex, it would have been something else.
Or the governor of Alabama thing or the Rob Portman thing, or the Missouri governor thing...

All of it. It’s a power thing. Any conservative you point to one can point out a democrat. Not a political party thing, it’s an old power thing.
Right...and yet you ONLY keep mentioning Democrats. You had me at "it's not a partisan thing", but had to spoil it...
How weird is it that rich white democrats keep having to resign because they are rapos and creepers, yet republicans hate woman?

You don't have to hate to war against something. Oh, and it's it's seemingly men in positions of power that are the problem. It's simply time for women to start taking some of that power away.

Agreed. Who said it, absolute power corrupts absolutely ? In reality I know this is t a republican democrat thing, it’s a powerful people thing. It’s not even a man woman thing. It’s a power thing. A cliq forms around and in power, they get away with shit all the time, then they go crazy with it and end up in prision for illegals money transactions or shit like the NY AG and Weinstein thing. Had the scandal not been sex, it would have been something else.
Or the governor of Alabama thing or the Rob Portman thing, or the Missouri governor thing...

All of it. It’s a power thing. Any conservative you point to one can point out a democrat. Not a political party thing, it’s an old power thing.
Right...and yet you ONLY keep mentioning Democrats. You had me at "it's not a partisan thing", but had to spoil it...

Mm, that’s what you see, and why powerful people continue to get away with doing bad things. Dude smacks a chick, calls her his brown slave or whatever and because he is a democrat and a major part in the anti trump club it has to be pointed out that Donald Trump said he grabbed pussys! Both sides get riled up and instead of getting rid of the offender, voters have a google match on who can find which guy from whatever political party who molested chicks. It’s a power thing. Not a political thing.

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